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How To Use Approximation In A Sentence

  • Shaping provides a way to reinforce approximations of the final desired behavior or result of behavior.
  • He pulls out the original drum track, throws in a turgid approximation of the live drums with a drum machine and a stiff boom-kick, adds some bloops, bleeps, and squiggles (because, hey, it's a remix), and cashes his paycheck.
  • The recent calculations reviewed in the article go beyond the valence approximation and attempt to improve the approach to continuum by a logarithmic factor relative to previous simulations.
  • As a first approximation, then, moral anti-realism can be identified as the disjunction of three theses: moral noncognivitism moral error theory moral subjectivism Moral Anti-Realism
  • It is only an approximation of the swing eighth notes.
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  • We don't know the exact figures, but about 10,000 might be a close approximation .
  • Detail time: above time to do according to your comments, all training time approximation need two hours, I'll inform that before the training.
  • As with the others, it was complicated by numerous irregularities, approximations, and ornate embellishments in the park.
  • Omar Khayyam, known chiefly in Europe as a poet, combined trigonometry and approximation theory to solve algebraic equations using geometry.
  • To compare behavioral responses among regions, we used Kruskal-Wallis tests, which use chisquare approximations.
  • The effects of bending are neglected to first approximation, and the dominant resistance to indentation is taken as the isotropic tension.
  • The original equations that Ed Lorenz derived were an extremely simplified version of the interaction of several spectral modes of the inviscid equations of motion and could hardly be called an accurate approximation of the full system of equations. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • Analyzes the principle errors in measuring small dimensions by Fraunhofer diffraction , including Fraunhofer approximation error and the place detecting error of extreme value characteristic aspect.
  • There still remain unproven conjectures such as the finiteness and consistency of any superstring theory, past the first three terms of a certain approximation scheme.
  • Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.
  • Here's a nice little political survey which gives you an approximation of where you are on the political spectrum.
  • In addition, the ray effect in the spherical harmonics approximation mitigates with increasing optical thickness within gray medium.
  • Vallée Poussin also worked on approximation to functions by algebraic and trigonometric polynomials from 1908 to 1918.
  • The resistance offered by the Sierra Nevada to the propagation of the earth-waves is shown in the former map by the approximation of the first and second isoseismals at the east end, and in the latter by the great bay in the third isoseismal line. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • These are not his actual words but they are a pretty close approximation from memory.
  • I did an approximation of the focus/genre of the novels from what I could glean from the brief blurbs, and came up with this: Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Mendocino Conference fires up my interest in YA
  • Most people in the history of humanity -- the overwhelming majority, really -- have not independently formulated theories of electromagnetics, or even practical approximations of same, so "nobody came up with that" is a lot easier to defend than "the basic forces all happen to work in exactly the same way except when I didn't want them to. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • The Montessori environment, though wonderful in many ways, often is just an approximation of what we already have in our homes.
  • Although this looks strange today, it was a common practice in the transcription of Hebrew words among Italian and Spanish-Portuguese Jews of the period, and it indicates that the guttural Semitic consonant ayin, which is pronounced with a pharyngeal contraction in Arabic and Middle Eastern Hebrew, was still being given this value, or an approximation of it, in southern Europe long after it was lost to Ashkenazic Jews. Undefined
  • Another weakness was that the assumed values for portion sizes, distributions of fish species in meals, and food contents of nutrients are only approximations to the true values.
  • As a first approximation of winter range, I plotted museum specimen records by month on maps of the Western Hemisphere.
  • Whichever mathematician or computer buff chooses to examine the set, approximations to the same fundamental mathematical structure will be found.
  • It is also of interest to examine the importance of correcting for anharmonicity with mode scanning by recomputing the binding free energies with the pure harmonic approximation.
  • By the way over the small range that you have plotted over a quadratic is a good approximation to an exponential which is exactly what would be expected from the radiative forcing of CO2. Rabett Run
  • Could you give us a rough approximation of the likely cost?
  • These magnitudes are approximations and should in no way be considered as standard magnitude values.
  • The frequency response of radiation pattern a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation.
  • Whichever mathematician or computer buff chooses to examine the set, approximations to the same fundamental mathematical structure will be found.
  • Here many of his latter-day adherents do him a disservice, using unsubtle approximations of his logic to produce crude statements about power and language.
  • What he is talking about is not an approximation to the Golden Mean.
  • Most pocket cameras have a separate viewfinder: what you see is an approximation of what the lens is seeing.
  • Unfortunately, such breezy approximation rules his writing, bolstered by a polemical gesture (supposedly in tune with the films) against any spurious scientificity, abstract theorising or dry, unfeeling rationalism.
  • Until this is done, however, it will be necessary for the Internal Revenue Bureau to adopt, provisionally, one of the best existing forms of polariscope, and by carefully defining the scale of this instrument, establish a basis for its polarimetric work which will be a close approximation to an absolute standard, and upon which it can rely in case of any dispute arising as to the results obtained by the officers of the bureau. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Well, they sorta do, but "torte" is only a weak approximation. Plum Sour Cream Kuchen
  • They're our best approximation by a hundred miles of what an indoor playhouse was. Times, Sunday Times
  • I used a black body approximation to the earth’s emissivity, that is, an emissivity of 1. USCCSP: Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere « Climate Audit
  • We theoretically investigate the non-resonant interaction between ultrashort pulse laser and para-nitroaniline molecule medium by solving the full Maxwell-Bloch equations without approximation.
  • The most convincing response: Because the assumption is a very close approximation to the truth, so the marginal benefits of increased accuracy are less than the marginal costs of increased complexity. Can You Save Egalitarianism By Making It "Analytical"?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This is a close approximation, a cheat recipe but tasty and extremely filling. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with the others, it was complicated by numerous irregularities, approximations, and ornate embellishments in the park.
  • The Wisconsin experiment proved one could cobble together a fair approximation of a prairie.
  • We've got computer projections of drift according to the weather and charts which give us an approximation of survival times.
  • In this paper, disjunction of the concepts is introduced to define multielement least upper bounds, and the approximation based on them is proved the least upper approximation of a concept.
  • As a first-order approximation, spin densities and covalencies can be considered as complementary data to each other.
  • So as a first approximation, a vegan world would need only two-thirds of the cropland used today.
  • It is only an approximation of the swing eighth notes.
  • So, a reasonable approximation is that oil prices should be expected to go up at the interest rate. A Glimmer of Hope on Oil, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Using this approximation in Maxwell's equations we see that light travels along null geodesics.
  • User's attitudes also had to be examined in order to assess whether the approximations in the animation were satisfactory.
  • Maintaining the ratio of working to retirement years is a reasonable first approximation to a guideline for determining the eligible age for retirement and health benefits.
  • Molecular mobility within preserved biological materials provides a first approximation of the rate of deteriorative reactions that ultimately affect shelf-life.
  • We can make this reasoning more precise with the Markov chain approximation.
  • Seigl had imagined it as the verbal approximation of memory, experienced in an undersea, undulating zone of sublunary consciousness. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • The ion velocity distribution of Maxwell molecule collision model can be obtained using the 16-moment approximation.
  • The main question is how close this approximation is to the actual quasistationary distribution.
  • Maintaining the ratio of working to retirement years is a reasonable first approximation to a guideline for determining the eligible age for retirement and health benefits.
  • Rhuddlan was the closest approximation to a town in pre-Norman Wales during its brief periods under Welsh rule.
  • The wakefield effects induced by the front particle, using impulse approximation, are equivalent to additional momentum increases of the tail particle at the midplane of achromatic system.
  • In some problems in quantum transition, time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude.
  • Provided the approximation is done with enough significant digits, the numerator of the Bernoulli number is a mere integer part of the product. Wolfram Blog : Today We Broke the Bernoulli Record: From the Analytical Engine to Mathematica
  • This unavoidable approximation is expected to provide good results, since a through-bond coupling between the vicinal protons at a fixed conformation mainly reflects the electronic state.
  • QCD tells you explicitly how to evolve these non perturbative functions, but that has to be done with an approximation. How low is low? « Imaginary Potential
  • To avoid dependence on a numeraire, Berndt (1978, 1990) proposed a discrete approximation to the Divisia index to aggregate energy. Energy quality
  • This is a good first approximation of the concept of the transnational capitalist class that I want to develop.
  • I have my theological beefs with Mormonism, of course, but my experience is that people with some approximation of traditional religious faith have discovered that we have much more in common with one another than we do with the militant secularists, which is why evangelicals, Catholics, religious Jews, and the last of the remaining old-line Protestants have found so many opportunities for cooperation. LOSING OUR RELIGION
  • This may be a fair approximation in periods of price stability such as the 1960s. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • This is the nearest approximation of cost that they can give us.
  • Finally, the optimal approximation in quadratic norm method is made to obtain the value of the slope reliability.
  • A sixth test result - loop length approximation - is a natural outgrowth of the previous five tests.
  • With the equivalent cylindrical approximation, we have obtained the asymptotic solution for the problem.
  • In the Appendix, we use small v approximations to derive simple analytic approximations for the quantitative results from the models.
  • Father Brown & remorse beforehand continuous approximation to a perpetual peace a science fiction story about mnemic causation perhaps Borges-like Archive 2005-08-01
  • The thick line shows the correlation within a moving window, while the thin lines show 95% confidence intervals (using Fisher's tanh approximation).
  • The electrostatic potential was computed using a hexahedral mesh with a grid space of 0.25 Å and the Debye-Hückel approximation to estimate the boundary conditions in the direction normal to the model membrane surface and periodic boundary conditions the membrane plane. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Duration is a linear approximation to the present-value profile.
  • Furthermore, science proceeds as if each successive theory is true, or an approximation to the truth.
  • Moreover, such observations as the precession of the equinoxes and the moon's evection are as yet unexplained, and measurements of the earth's size, and of the sun's size and distance, are so crude and imperfect as to be in one case only an approximation, and in the other an absurdly inadequate suggestion. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
  • This ratio implies, to a first approximation, that each population tried every typical one-step mutation many times. Assessing Fault
  • In this paper the optimal design problem of the diffusion-fission cross section for a dynamical reactor is considered on the basis of the simple energy static diffusion approximation equation.
  • To a good approximation, the geoid is an oblate spheroid whose major axis is about 0.3 per cent longer than the minor one.
  • Last night we went to the boondocks (or as close an approximation as we could get to the boondocks, living in L.A.) to watch the Perseid meteor shower.
  • This formula is accompanied by another which makes it possible to deduce the refractive index of a chemical compound from its composition, admittedly only in rough approximation as was possible earlier with the aid of certain empirical formulae. Hendrik A. Lorentz - Nobel Lecture
  • The approximation is obtained by partitioning the x-axis, thus slicing the region into narrow strips, then approximating each strip with a rectangle and summing all the resulting approximations to produce a Riemann sum. Wolfram Blog : Visualizing Integrals
  • That there is only one of Him is not just a first approximation, it is also the last word on the subject, and it makes the concept of Godhead a notably tense one.
  • The self-consistent approximation is a crude one, since in the case of the genetic switch, the state of a given gene is often determined by the number of protein products of the other gene.
  • If we chop off an infinite cfe after a finite number of steps then we will create a rational approximation to the original irrational.
  • Now this approximation to commonplace is the great horror of shallow writers; and the way to avoid it appears to be this: -- Proclaim your thought at once, in all its crude candescence, before it has had time to cool and shape itself; then, in order to save your credit with the more captions and scrutinizing, give, at some convenient interval, such an explanation or modification as will show that, after all, you were as wise as your reader. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • In order to accomplish the signal integrity analysis in the time-domain, it is necessary to construct a rational approximation based on these sampled data.
  • Thus, model fluorescence data was blurred by convolving it with the triple Gaussian approximation of the PSF of the objective.
  • Note the form of the exhortation, 'exercise thyself _towards_ godliness,' which involves the same thought as is expressed in Paul's other utterance of irrepressible aspiration and effort, 'Not as if I had already attained, either were already perfect, but I follow after,' or as he had just said, 'press towards the mark,' in continual approximation to the ideal. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Mistakes of approximation underlie many of the objections once aimed at new fangled ideas like heavier-than-air flying machines and practically every other aspect of modern life that we now take for granted.
  • In a perfect vigesimal system of numeration, the third term should be 400 but the Maya took 18 X 20 because 360 was a closer approximation to the length of the solar calendar.
  • This is an approximation, the original was even more toe-curling, if you can believe it.
  • At least when the spacetime background is time-translation invariant, which is a very good approximation here in the Solar System. Energy Doesn’t Grow on Trees
  • Or he can go for an approximation, adopting a kind of Brooklynese, for example, but this would not evoke Döblin's louche Berlin milieu so much as Damon Runyon's New York. [ The Genius of Berlin
  • What Kallatra did with Deuce's crystalloid resonators was a pallid approximation. The Dragon Lensman
  • As a first approximation we might say that imperial sovereignty is defined by a constant collaboration between monarchical and aristocratic forces in the world.
  • The bride bared her teeth in a rough approximation of a smile; fear radiated from her eyes.
  • The coefficients of these block approximations are then quantized and stored in the output file.
  • For a long time, this was sufficient justification for Friedmann's assumption - as a rough approximation to the real universe.
  • Why else would Robert Lowell, for example, spend the best part of his last ten years on earth stuffing everything into a fourteen-line loose approximation of a sonnet, lines whose randomness save him from dullness?
  • Although this method had been used by earlier Arabic mathematicians to find approximations for the nth root of an integer, al-Tusi is the first that we know who applied the method to solve general equations of this type.
  • The matrix , referred to as the hydrostatic matrix, represents the discrete approximation to the hydrostatic integral and is left unspecified for now. Solar Proxies « Climate Audit
  • They're our best approximation by a hundred miles of what an indoor playhouse was. Times, Sunday Times
  • For him, translation requires an act of engagement that goes much deeper than a word-for-word approximation.
  • newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events
  • These examples, though based on the simplified local approximation for the persistence length, illustrate well how the basic elastic properties of various biopolymers can be influenced by their finite thickness.
  • The tests, after all, are intended as an approximation for when an informed analyst is not available, not as a data source in lieu of informed analysis. Oh, good, this again « Motivated Grammar
  • These data add to previous evidence that numerical approximation is a basic competence, independent of language, and available even to preverbal infants and many animal species.
  • That is a fair approximation of the way in which the next boss is being chosen.
  • The second one, well, we know the approximation formula already, so I don't need to justify it for you.
  • Successive approximation method is directed to solve the peak modulation problems.
  • The data flow for each approximation mode is also shown.
  • Next, formal approximations of initial value problem was constructed by perturbation method and the asymptotic validity of the formal approximation is got.
  • Archimedes also gave an accurate approximation to p and showed that he could approximate square roots accurately.
  • They learned of each other's discoveries because each of them communicated his work to James Stirling, whose approximation for the factorial is a special case of the Euler-Maclaurin summation.
  • This approximation was adopted in the model because of the mathematical difficulties in solving non-linear systems of equations.
  • Omar Khayyam combined the use of trigonometry and approximation theory to provide methods of solving algebraic equations by geometrical means.
  • The Musée d' Orsay has sent The Snake Charmer, my favourite Rousseau, in which a pitch-black silhouette of an Indian pipe-player, who is hung with snakes, tempts closer a pink approximation of a roseate spoonbill.
  • Of course no intelligent person supposes the psychological maps and busts of the organs to be representations of the brain, or anything more than approximations to the true interior organology, which, however, do not lead to any great error, as adjacent portions of convolutions have very analogous functions. Buchanan's Journal of Man, April 1887 Volume 1, Number 3
  • Previously published methods for deriving Q have used eigen-decomposition of an approximation to P (t).
  • A closer approximation to the state of the case will be reached if the student will imagine the maxilla raised up so as to overlie and hide the palatine and presphenoid, the squamosal similarly overlying the periotic bone, and the jugal reaching between them. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • He lay with his legs on his king-sized bed and his body folded forward off the edge, toward the floor, in what looked suspiciously like a cockamamy approximation of a Downward-Facing Dog. The Ex Games
  • Some of the errors introduced will cancel one another out and the answer we get will still be a reasonable approximation.
  • The translog form provides a second-order approximation of the true cost function at a point.
  • By using a series-based approximation approach, we transform the solution of a LQR problem into an iterative solution of a linear two-point-boundary-value problem without time-delay.
  • While the conditional distributions are not computationally tractable for models of interest, they are amenable to approximation, as we describe below.
  • That's just an approximation, you understand.
  • This recipe is a good approximation and a whole lot easier to accomplish.
  • Since the algebraic expressions for the roots z are rather complicated, we use numerical approximations from here on.
  • We commence with the idealized freely jointed chain, which may be described exactly and also by several very useful approximations.
  • First, the asymptotic results provide a very reasonable approximation for the velocity even for a much lower level of cooperativity.
  • I think the closest approximation is probably consciousness, though certain aspects of consciousness are also considered by some to be part of the animal retinue of nature. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • Secondly, use the rational approximation to fit input admittance curve.
  • The phenomena which are produced in both methods of tempering may be interpreted in different ways, but it seems likely that there is a molecular approximation, an amorphism from which results the homogeneity that is due to the absence of crystallization. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • One definite kind of contiguity, consisting of mutual approximation of the mucous membranes of the lips in the form of a kiss, has received among the most civilized nations a sexual value, though the parts of the body concerned do not belong to the sexual apparatus but form the entrance to the digestive tract. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • His main work was on the constructive theory of functions and approximation theory.
  • He also stomped and slapped his bare feet with a wicked approximation of a flamenco performance.
  • Life, she felt, was too short to be sentence to a rough approximation of happiness, a greyscale of domestic life. The Temperature of Porridge
  • A useful first approximation, absent a dyno, is a 0-60mph (or 60-0) acceleration time. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Conflict of Interest?
  • After the derivation of the hydrostatic equations, approximations of the turbulent boundary layer, eddy viscosity (much larger than the true atmospheric viscosity and sometimes even of a different type, e.g. hyperviscosity), and all kinds of approximations to various atmospheric phenomena (parameterizations) are added onto the hydrostatic equations. Gerry Browning: Numerical Climate Models « Climate Audit
  • The nearest approximation is a black hole, a physicality so intense that nothing escapes from it. Hegel on Buddhism
  • But when the rotary inertia of the hub is close to that of the beam, the zeroth-order approximation model may lead to wrong result.
  • Once Fido performs even a close approximation of the trick a reward follows.
  • Now Stirling's formula is a classical approximation for the factorial function, and factorials are one way to evaluate binomial coefficients.
  • The first book studies generating functions and also approximations to various expressions occurring in probability theory.
  • Of necessity there will be a certain amount of overlapping, because many of the same arguments, or approximations thereof, have been employed by more than one critic.
  • The global and local fairing for the NURBS curve were implemented through approximation.
  • An approximation of the numbers expected to attend would be 350.
  • There are real photos of the real thing, too - not some approximation from a newpaper's photo bank. Repetoire
  • Also, I do want to be careful to note that computations being what they are, sometimes, some approximations — including unphysical artificial diffusivity– may be ok. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • Indeed, during the same period, inconsistencies and difficulties of using standard, "cantilever" approximations were realised and a true elastic solution was obviously needed to settle the controversy. IMechanica - Comments
  • London's usual approximation of village life is a cutesy pastiche with expensive artisan bakeries and manicured parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the first shape is a series of rough-hewed approximations, the second is a shiny patchwork of beautifully stitched leather cut-outs.
  • In this program , we focus on nonlinear approximation based on nonlinearity variation analysis.
  • It is shown that the approximation method with sufficient accuracy costs less computation time than the direct integration method.
  • The system contains no official definition for motor coach, so statisticians must rely on a crude approximation for these buses known as "Cross Country/Intercity Bus. Federal bus fatality count 'just doesn't add up'
  • Omar Khayyam, known chiefly in Europe as a poet, combined trigonometry and approximation theory to solve algebraic equations using geometry.
  • McAlmont is capable of real emotion, not Armstrong's ersatz approximation of feeling.
  • The electronic density of states (DOS) of the system as well as low temperature thermodynamic quantities are obtained under the saddle point approximation.
  • On the basis of the relation between truncation and rounding errors of difference approximation, the interval formula which can minimize the total error is founded.
  • People in an approximation of street dress (in other words, us) meet on the run and couple up for fleeting moments.
  • Since propinquity is a common source of tensions, most particular attention was paid to avoiding intercommunion with other Lutherans who professed a seductive approximation of doctrinal agreement.
  • Therefore, as a reasonable approximation, you can neglect the extra oxygen that plants consume at night.
  • And then suddenly I couldn't do that anymore, couldn't make those approximations that make something incredibly complex and contradictory more easily apprehensible. Won't make trouble. don't need no fuss. but i'm wounded, old, and i'm treacherous.
  • The frail form of a Woman, being liable to be shattered by such an approximation, must be preserved by the State; but since Women cannot be distinguished by the sense of sight from Men, the Law ordains universally that neither Man nor Woman shall be approached so closely as to destroy the interval between the approximator and the approximated. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
  • Certain reductions and approximations had to be made, but the notes sound out the essence of the score.
  • Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.
  • Note when the current yield is a good approximation of the yield to maturity. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • It can be seen that the approximation does not have a large effect on the results.
  • Again, these results are exact, not approximations.
  • Computer researcher Laurent Mathy from Lancaster University points out that " simulations only give you an approximation of reality.
  • In a rough approximation, it works the same way as lint, and lint's users will need very little time to understand how to use it.
  • The surgeon also strives for a functional repair of the muscles and an aesthetically pleasing approximation of the skin edges.
  • The current difficulties of the Ukrainian government in achieving approximation of the Law of Ukraine with the Law of the European Union.
  • Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.
  • So, only approximations to the classical model can be achieved.
  • The story, which is performed in an approximation of a Beijing Opera style, is simple.
  • Here, I supplement that approximation by a two time scale analysis allowing for modeling a system including slow buffers.
  • But as a very rough approximation, avoiding pain and courting pleasure is indeed the way we act.
  • ‘We only want to ensure that potential reviewers of our software have the most current version’ is an approximation of the cant prepared for the job.
  • The electrostatic interaction energies between the different sheets may be recalculated in the dipole approximation from simulation data.
  • Laws almost always involve approximation and idealization Sometimes the idealization is so great that a law is quite inaccurate over parts of the range of phenomena it is supposed to cover (as is the law for the simple pendulum or the general gas laws). A New Weapon Against Freedom and ID: Volksverhetzung
  • Interactions among supercoils can be taken into account in the second virial approximation, because at the present ionic strength electrostatic interactions are screened over a spatial extent less than the superhelical diameter.
  • This is acceptable only if it can be demonstrated that the method gives a reasonable approximation of the actual cost.
  • Most of the work in quantum mechanics was in the Galilean (or non-relativistic) approximation.
  • Verster then paints fields and loose approximations of subjects in rich swathes of highly saturated colour, sometimes removing paint to model his images.
  • Or at least not wanting all the sex they “should” be having — i.e., once or twice or even three times a week, depending on which sexpert is confidently throwing out the vague approximations. She’s Just Not That Into You
  • This approximation was adopted in the model because of the mathematical difficulties in solving non-linear systems of equations.
  • An approximation we make about the actual behaviour enables us to model this behaviour in a dynamic framework without complicating the estimation.
  • It is possible to include a first-order approximation of mass transport influence in the distribution analysis, based on compartment models.
  • Matheson's method does give a very close approximation to the situation in 1890.
  • Nida said: On the designative level of informative function on can only aim at the closest approximation and in general it is possible to obtain a functionally satisfactory correspondence.
  • It is a danger inhering in the dismal potential for electoral chaos within the European Union, under the inevitable near-term effects of any approximation of the present fiscal austerity rules.
  • However, by making some assumptions, a rough approximation of public expenditure saving can be reached.

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