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How To Use Approved In A Sentence

  • They claim the vermin-annoyers show no consistent success or, sometimes, no success at all. They're not approved for use by commercial pest-control companies because not enough is known about potential side effects.
  • The maximum duration of residence, approved on each occasion, shall not exceed 3 years.
  • The proposed acquisition, which must be approved by shareholders, values the two networks at about $ 16 a share.
  • The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  • By this standard, serious and committed people of faith will be less likely to be approved for judgeships.
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  • But the real problem with citing thorough court review as a standard for denying clemency is that none of the 152 executions Bush approved would have landed on his desk had the cases not already passed through all the courts. The Texas Clemency Memos
  • Prosecutors said the committee had approved applicants who presented forged honours that carried dates pre-dating the actual creation of the vaunted title.
  • The Grand Forks City Council approved a transfer of the cable franchise recently to the partnership, which remains unnamed.
  • No drug is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in mesotherapy.
  • Then as now, a majority of the electorate disapproved of the incumbent's performance.
  • Because this list is also archived on the Web, members can view for themselves the difference between what was sent to the list and what was approved by the moderators.
  • There is no mark, " the old man said in a clear but forceless voice, -or mention that this Contract has been approved by the Oriolis Cavernus. The Coelura
  • Council also approved in principle the text for a booklet Guidance on professional conduct incorporating a code of professional practice.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • The amendments allow the next parliament to make changes after the document is approved.
  • Michael Plouffe , 31, of Old Lyme, Conn., had been trying for four years to get a claim approved based on sclerosing mesenteritis, a disease that causes inflammation of the small intestine. Two Lawyers Strike Gold In U.S. Disability System
  • The resolution was approved by 12 of the 21 Arab League countries.
  • Another tradition, more religiously approved, is the artistic development of calligraphy.
  • GARDASIL is also approved in the U.S. for use in boys and men ages 9 through 26 years of age for the prevention of genital warts (condylomata acuminata) caused by HPV types 6 and 11. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Caring about the consequences of events of which you disapproved does not imply support for those events.
  • Iron sucrose is a hematinic agent that was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis who are receiving concomitant erythropoietin therapy.
  • An account must now be given of the eustyle, which is the most approved class, and is arranged on principles developed with a view to convenience, beauty, and strength. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Most of you probably know that "formularies" are lists of drugs approved by health insurance companies for partial or full payment "under the terms and conditions of the coverage. Formulary Time: Parody of Auld Lang Syne and Invitation
  • The complaints also seek to remove references to Lipitor in advertising materials and to eliminate computer links that misdirect patients to an illegal, unapproved product.
  • It approved a constitutional reform to make the members of the executive council direct representatives of their governments.
  • In the Spanish procedure a ratification of such an agreement has to be approved by both chambers of parliament before it is put to the signature of the King.
  • He had a troubled childhood, being frequently beaten by his father and uncles who disapproved of his artistic interests.
  • The first Order under this paragraph shall not be made unless a draft of the Order has been laid before and approved by resolution of each House of Parliament.
  • Antiandrogen treatment with drugs such as spironolactone and flutamide is effective in some patients, but is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
  • Where necessary to render harmless and carry away noxious or flammable gases, line brattice or other approved methods of ventilation shall be used so as to properly ventilate the face.
  • Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: MDT), today announced the U.S. launch of the X-STOP PEEK IPD System, the first interspinous process decompression (IPD) device approved by the U.S. Health News from Medical News Today
  • While potassium bromate has not been banned in the U.S., the FDA discourages bakers from using it -- and at least one state, California, has approved a warning-label requirement that has led many bread makers to abandon the additive. Five Controversial Food Additives
  • It's the only regional conservatorium that is a registered training provider and offers full-time courses which are Austudy approved and VETAB accredited in both Music and Dance.
  • Despite this presidential warning shot, the Senate narrowly approved both amendments.
  • They were conscious that he disapproved.
  • The majority of his appointees have been approved, and they have been approved with no public rancor or bitter political warfare.
  • Here Black brings the black warlord into play, unpins the g-pawn, and keeps the rook active - you can't expect more from one Fritz-unapproved move!
  • The bill does not require the outcomes of the operations of approved surgical facilities to be reported.
  • The session approved a draft Constitution which would be circulated for nationwide discussion.
  • The company's Queen's Award was approved by Her Majesty in April last year in acknowledgement of export excellence.
  • No project approved under the new system is yet finished, and the process is still being tweaked.
  • _ -- Is the practice of _dimidiation_ approved of by modern heralds, and are examples of it common? Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The Senate approved a different version of the bill without the amendment.
  • He also says a city inspector approved the building with the changes and never said anything about them.
  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • Kromek , based in Sedgefield, Co Durham, the company has developed a smart scanner, approved for use in airports, which can identify liquids in bottles without the need to open them. The Guardian World News
  • Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.
  • It looked like the project was going to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.
  • However, the error rate in a genetically modified or cloned conceptus is potentially so high that such applications should never be approved by any science ethics committee.
  • Recently, the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) approved of the following changes to the ThM program (formerly known as the MTh program) at St. Vladimir's: News from SVOTS.Edu
  • He said that if the plans for the multi-storey were approved temporary car parking space would be required while construction is under way.
  • Parliament has approved a bill, proposed by Mr. Chen, that permits referendums on critical issues.
  • Rayosan, patented by Pailthorpe, is made from commercially available chemicals approved by international regulatory bodies.
  • In the Watergate scandal, obstruction of justice was number one in the articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
  • The annual budget for the secretariat is approved by the board of governors in which the refurbishment was included. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congressional districts are redrawn through a bill approved in the Legislature.
  • The Administration proposed and the Senate approved a similar understanding in its resolution of ratification of the Convention against Torture.
  • A new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum on Dec. 23, 1990.
  • Haul paper containers to a sanitary landfill or burn them in an approved manner.
  • It also approved a relaxation of some of the conditions attached to its initial approval and this again favoured the developer.
  • Meanwhile, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved as-yet-unnumbered legislation to revamp health care, that also includes some parity protections.
  • Congress has approved the new publication laws.
  • In fact, the safety and effectiveness of Avandia is well characterised in the label approved by the FDA". Analysis
  • Alexander, disliking harsh measures, in 1863 approved a new set of university statutes.
  • [A fumigant called MIDAS] was approved by EPA during the Bush administration despite the protests of many independent scientists, who sent a petition citing significant health concerns. ... Nancy Chuda: As TSCA Collapses, Toxic Baby Fights Back (VIDEO)
  • The scheme was approved by the Ministry of Housing.
  • IEEE standard for MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks). Formerly known as QPSX (Queued Packet and Synchronous Exchange), now known as DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus). It was approved in 1990.
  • If approved by the House, the punishment would allow Gingrich to continue as speaker.
  • The Prime Minister approved the request on 9 February 1962.
  • [Sidenote: Abuses to be prohibited.] (b) Communities like those of Central Africa, to be administered by the mandatary under conditions generally approved by the members of the World's War Events $v Volume 3 Beginning with the departure of the first American destroyers for service abroad in April, 1917, and closing with the treaties of peace in 1919.
  • New drugs have been approved by the regulatory authority.
  • In Europe right now, they have two--four devices--actually, two were approved this week--for intervening on the aortic valve, minimally invasively, basically going through an artery in the leg and threading the replacement valve up through a catheter, into the heart. Class War Stories
  • For instance, the approved rates forsay Andheri (a suburb of Mumbai) is between Rs 7,000 - Analysis
  • Sometimes that means having company desktops locked down and administrative rights to laptops restricted so people cannot install unapproved software on the network.
  • She slightly disapproved of the way people go to funerals to be sociable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The written response was that the railings were not approved, and their immediate removal was required.
  • We regard this as a very serious breach of the standards of behaviour expected of approved persons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Assembly approved the bill, AB 1542, on a 64-11 vote.
  • Tax relief is provided by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of expenditure incurred on the repair, maintenance or restoration of the approved building or garden.
  • The discovery that unapproved genetically modified seeds had been planted in a trial site in the UK should not really cause much surprise.
  • That way one can avoid the sick-making moment when the desire to protect starts to destroy: the smooth lawn that you're not allowed to play on; the window locked shut in case of burglars; the child prevented from learning from any adult who isn't government approved. Children don't require protection. They need to learn to trust intuition
  • Only graduates majoring in movie directing have a chance of being assigned a directing job in one of the approved studios.
  • A budget for the memorial was approved by the City of Kaohsiung, a contractor was obtained and the construction of the memorial is scheduled to begin shortly. Never Forgotten Newsletter
  • In October Parliament approved a revision of the budget.
  • Legislative leaders, who approved modest increases in college funding in the last few years, could not be reached Friday.
  • Well, you know your father has never much approved of gambling, beyond what he calls a mild flutter; so when he found she was throwing away several thousands a year ---- Juggernaut
  • Software Approval Modules can only be approved via a package, not individually.
  • Congress approved most of the new powers.
  • There is almost certainly widespread illegal use as well as approved uses.
  • When the executor or administrator prepares accounts to be approved by the beneficiaries, heirs-at-law or the court, an application for compensation should be included.
  • On 8 April 1962, when ninety percent of metropolitan voters approved the Evian Accords, that overriding objective was finally achieved.
  • The tentative order divvies up the right to take off and land once per day on flights between the approved cities. DOT awards new Tokyo routes to Delta, American, Hawaiian
  • Until now, Goldman's Level 3 assets -- or illiquid, write-down-prone securities -- weren't increasing as much as at rivals such as o buy back the nonbank, aed commercial-paper holdings of most of its retail clients likely will mean an overall restructuring of the frozen 33 billion Canadian dollars (US$32. 5 billion) nonbank ABCP market will be approved at an April 25 investor vote. Worry Returns, Boosting Treasurys
  • Sushi platters are served by the dashing staff and music is an eclectic mix of ambient sounds that have probably been pre-approved by the owners.
  • This unapproved, reckless deviation from the study protocol endangered lives, Kusel charges.
  • What you hear elsewhere regarding mantras, tantras, sadhana, spiritual advice and scriptures, report to him and accept only what is approved by your guru, and reject what is not.
  • At its most recent meeting, the City Council approved $30,000 for a system to "impound" groundwater in a 524-acre parcel near Pheasant Ridge. rss feed
  • In this article, we'll go over the preliminary steps of getting pre-qualified and/or pre-approved for a mortgage, and then we examine the different types of lenders.
  • When she turned to face him, he got the distinct impression she approved of his stagecraft. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • Hutchinson is constrained by an Arkansas ballot initiative in his state to vote only for the term-limit measure voters there approved.
  • It's his masterwork, a testament to his love affair and a journey into moral territories that his late wife could only have approved of.
  • To parse that statement - or at least understand "bioequivalence" - it is worth taking a step back to consider what a generic drug is and how it gets approved. NYT > Home Page
  • But when Tabu-Tabu put up his hands after the most approved method of self-defense and dropped into a "crouch, Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
  • In childhood photographs, while physically resembling Daisy, he had looked anxious, striving, as if already faintly disapproved of. THE GOLDEN LION
  • In one instance outraged neighbours fought back against plans approved by their council for a hideous burger bar on the town 's seafront. Times, Sunday Times
  • The criminal charge arose out of the fact that Vioxx had also been promoted as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis before being officially approved.
  • At Johns Hopkins, Gregory Hager, a computer science professor who researches medical devices, is using the da Vinci Surgical System -- the only robot approved by the FDA to help perform minimally invasive surgery -- to deconstruct surgical procedures into measurable components and imitable parts. Playing doctor: Learning about slips of the knife better on 'patients' than patients
  • As if this were not sinister enough, the letter goes on to threaten that if the sub-postmaster is deemed not to have lied to his or her customers in the appropriate and approved manner their compensation package would be at risk. Archive 2007-07-29
  • Making a difference Students can suggest ideas for change and generally they are approved by the university. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone knows butterbeer was approved by J.K. Rowling, so people want to taste it and see if their tastebuds match up," said Travers. Butterbeer Is Wildly Popular At 'Harry Potter' Themepark
  • To be disapproved, that is, when the word condemns them, either as touching the faith or the holiness of the gospel; the which they must needs be, that are void of spiritual and heavenly judgment in the mysteries of the kingdom; Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • He strongly disapproved of the way his daughter was behaving.
  • This medicinal product is for diagnostic use only and the approved indication is scintigraphic imaging, in conjunction with other appropriate imaging modalities, for determining the location of inflammation/infection in peripheral bone in adults with suspected osteomyelitis. Undefined
  • Traders had thought the Food and Drug Administration, which is testing imports for a fungicide not approved for use on oranges domestically, might prohibit shipments. FDA Says No Ban on Orange-Juice Imports
  • In fact, children of the famous are more likely to be critically pasted rather than approved, and the more successful the parent, the tougher it will be on their offspring.
  • To those who will miss honey, follow this recipe: one glass of corn syrup, stir in 10 mL of FDA approved E160b food colorant, then go refill your squeezy bear. Ned Goldreyer: Requiem for a Bee
  • A similar plan offered by a shareholder rights group was approved by shareholders last year, but rejected by the board.
  • The US Senate last month approved language that would ban downer animals from being used in the human food supply, but the measure was dropped from a final bill because of House opposition.
  • Most other people would be pretty well-advised to stay away, unless you're desperately seeking an indie-approved gateway into the world of lite FM.
  • Planners have approved the building of 27 new homes to replace four detached houses in an exclusive leafy enclave.
  • I posted a link to teh start, but it is being approved hay cheezes! itz a link to ur own site. prolly oks, kthx Invisible volleyball serve - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But then, in the late 1980s, credit reports went automated, allowing card companies to send out their first deluge of "preapproved" card offers. rss feed
  • There was, in short, an "aggiornamento," and this term explains the event well, with the combination of "nova et vetera," of fidelity and openness, as demonstrated moreover by the texts approved at the Council - all the texts. A Timely Re-Read on a Critique of a Particular, and Popular, Hermeneutic of Vatican II
  • _ -- Chrysocolla, which appears to have been green carbonate of copper, or malachite (green verditer), was the green most approved of by the ancients; there was also an artificial kind which was made from clay impregnated with sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) rendered green by a yellow dye. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • The marriage was finally approved, but the bride was married with neither of her parents at her side.
  • She thought for a moment and then approved.
  • If approved, they would be piloted through Parliament by finance minister Tom McCabe, although he will face opposition from Labour's Liberal Democrat coalition partners, who favour a local income tax.
  • A former CIA director has exclusively told ITV News that torture is condoned and even approved by HIS government.
  • This assessment, however, was disputed in the airline's board approved strategic plan, which valued the duty-free operations at less than US $3 million.
  • The House panel's resolution, approved on a 23-22 vote, faces an uncertain future in Congress. But it nonetheless could damage U.
  • The Ministry of Personnel turned it down, but the emperor himself approved it. 113 Ningzhou (department) was initially under direct administration, however, a native chieftain bribed Liu Jin, the influential eunuch, and a native subprefect was resumed that eventually would be abolished in 1522.114 Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Approved headings are listed in bold type, such as Art, Children as artists.
  • Accordingly he repaired to the Hotel de Ville, and gave to the Municipal Council so distinct an account of his measures, and of his reason for taking them, that, though Danton and some of his more factious colleagues reproached him for exhibiting what they called a needless distrust of the people, the majority of the Council approved of his conduct, and dismissed him to return to his duties. The Life of Marie Antoinette
  • The website has greened it up with some approved carbon offsets, but it's still a band G car and, at 269g/km, it's not even a very clean band G.
  • Yet the House has just approved it, on a virtual party line vote, ending the recent spirit of bipartisan cooperation in Congress.
  • The Board results are normally made public officially in January once approved by the Chief of the Military Intelligence Corps and the Corps has completed notification of the selectees.
  • Six thrombolytic agents are either approved for clinical use or under clinical investigation in some patients with acute myocardial infarction.
  • Vicks VapoRub also contains camphor, in low, government-approved doses, although the label advises against use in children younger than 2. Salon
  • The FDA has approved Crinone for progesterone therapy.
  • At the November 2007 OPEC summit meeting in Vienna when Ecuador came back to this organization, OPEC approved in principle a resolution in support of the Yasuni-ITT proposal (to leave oil in the ground in a territory with uncontacted indigenous people and of great biodiversity value), and it also voiced interest in the so-called Daly-Correa ecotax. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.
  • The import of 500 tons of toxic waste - "poisonous cupric arsenide" - exported by Finland has reportedly been approved. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The House of Representatives approved a new budget plan.
  • The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday approved the first drug test available without a prescription.
  • Buyers of sites in unapproved layouts are the worst hit.
  • The current drug approval system doesn't yet acknowledge the superiority of human-focused, nonanimal research methods (such as microdosing) and all pharmaceutical companies must use animals to get their drugs approved. Simon Chaitowitz: Why I Take Animal-Tested Drugs
  • After a couple of stints at an approved school and a dose of borstal he had worked on building sites as a labourer and dumper truck driver. THE OPEN DOOR
  • A few approved highly of my conduct; while many not only blamed, but publicly derided me, for what they termed a ridiculous weakness. Narrative of Joanna; An Emancipated Slave, of Surinam.
  • "Facing critical shortage of musicians for military funerals, the Pentagon has approved the use of a push-button bugle that plays taps by itself as the player holds it to his lips."
  • If approved, I would favor its widespread use for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
  • The approved shoes were saddle shoes and white bucks, the evening gowns were strapless, if you could manage it; they had crinolined skirts that made you look like half a cabbage with a little radish head. Margaret atwood | waterstone’s poetry lecture « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • The agent accepted he did receive money but through an approved channel. The Sun
  • The Senate had already approved the treaty on Sept. 17 by 176 votes to 16 with one abstention.
  • For medicines classified as pharmaceuticals, the FDA created a system for allowing new drugs on the market if they were "bioequivalent" to a drug that had already been approved. James Love: Key Democrats Back BIO Industry Against Consumers to Delay Generic Medicines (Biosimilars)
  • Yesterday's meeting of the borough planning applications sub-committee approved plans for the 48 hectare golf course subject to certain legally binding conditions.
  • The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme.
  • What we chiefly learn from this writer as to the dyeing process is [823] -- first, that sometimes the liquid derived from the _murex_ only, sometimes that of the _purpura_ or _buccinum_ only, was applied to the material which it was wished to colour, while the most approved hue was produced by an application of both dyes separately. History of Phoenicia
  • Resolution 2009-06 for District we was approved upon a s! uit fini shed by James Whitmer, as well as seconded by Don Buxbaum. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The measures usually are approved by the boards of directors, most of whom are members of the same CEO club.
  • The obiter remarks of his Honour were disapproved in Groves.
  • This skepticism emerged after Arthur Schopenhauer enunciated his theory on truth and meaning, a concept that was immediately approved and enlarged upon by Nietzsche.
  • I take issue with the view that district ethics committees are superfluous once central committees have approved a multicentre project.
  • Former Broncos foundation coach Wayne Bennett, who had close ties with the Thoroughbreds through the late mining magnate Ken Talbot, has reportedly already been earmarked as a possible coach of the side if it's approved by the NRL, which is planning expansion in | Top Stories
  • The whole surrounded by white stars arranged in the form of an annulet with one point of each star outward on the imaginary radiating center lines, the number of stars conforming to the number of stars in the union of the Flag of the United States as established by the act of Congress approved April 4, 1818, 3 Stat. 415. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9646
  • He was greatly cheered to find so many young architects designing the new classical buildings of which he so much approved.
  • The cross-party committee of peers and MPs, chaired by Lord Armstrong and with Sir Menzies Campbell among its members, says that such an extension from the current 14 days limit would first have to be approved by a vote in parliament in each case and would jeopardise any chance of a fair trial. Plans to extend limit of detention without charge criticised
  • Reliable screening devices are being developed and it is hoped approved equipment will soon provide legally acceptable proof of drug-driving. Drug-driving law could be toughened
  • The founding meeting approved a statute and leadership of the organisation, banker Emil Hursev told journalists.
  • Opposition right wing parties will try to get their proposal for constitution changes approved.
  • Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
  • The preliminary draft of the agreement has been approved.
  • The source materials to be approved by the instructor before the paper is written.
  • He cheerfully approved the resumption of gold payments in 1879 and vetoed bills to expand the currency. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • And he immediately set off at a jog-trot down an unapproved road near Aughnacloy or Swanllinbar or Lifford.
  • I just submitted your comments to KKK, they say your membership is approved. Think Progress » Iraqi Speaker, Defended By White House, Claims America Invaded Iraq ‘With A Pure Zionist Agenda’
  • At the close of its session on May 11 the Great Hural approved legislation which legally entrenched the multiparty system.
  • West Yorkshire Fire Authority has already approved plans to scrap an aerial appliance at Stanningley fire station earlier this month.
  • Although the Romans abominated the memory of the later Etruscan kings of Rome, a long tradition approved of both Romulus, who was renowned for the arts of war, and Numa, renowned for the arts of peace.
  • The world's biggest diamond producer also put in place last year, a marketing channel, which sells uncut, diamonds only to selected and approved polishers.
  • On July 11, the composition of the Cabinet was approved by 226 votes to 124 with 28 abstentions.
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • In the United States, four artificial sweeteners are approved for use: saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame-K.
  • Some bills go through numerous legislative contortions before they are approved.
  • Like brand-name drugs, generics must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and have an excellent safety record.
  • On June 12 the Bank had approved a loan of US$29,200 million for an environmental protection and resource conservation project.
  • The Congress approved on the morning of April 4 an amended version of Yeltsin's March 29 report.
  • The Committee finally proposed and the cabinet approved the creation of a Secret Service Bureau to cover both these functions.
  • This results in a high degree of surface hardness - hard enough that the integral chokes are rated ‘steel approved’ by the factory - although I don't think the 1620 is designed for or is going to be used for waterfowling.
  • On July 23 he presented the new Cabinet which was approved by 70 votes to two with eight abstentions.
  • In May, planning chiefs ordered work to stop because the building bore little resemblance to the approved plans.
  • The merger already has been approved by shareholders and by the Justice Department.
  • For MRB approved and stocked OOS results, Warehouse Keeper should mark and isolate them to avoid misusage and confusion. Quality dep. should record and track OOS results.
  • Vivus, is a combination of two already approved drugs - a stimulant called phentermine and an anticonvulsant called topiramate - that seem to work together to quell appetite. NYT > Home Page
  • Only development version number allowed An approved version number has been entered at the new package version or new module version prompt.
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • But in Paris, where grumpiness is the socially approved mode, the smiles are shocking, as if someone had just put LSD in the wine supply.
  • The sale of wheeled suitcases should be restricted to people who have attended an approved safety course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also on Nov. 20, the Control Council approved the transfer of 6,500,000 Germans from Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the German region beyond the Oder-Neisse line, which had been handed to Poland at the Potsdam Conference, pending a peace settlement. H. Germany
  • And for those who still have their uterus, natural progesterone (often prescribed as Prometrium brand of micronized bioidentical FDA approved progesterone) or progesterone-like opposing progestin (such as Aygesten brand or Norethindrone generic) on a periodic basis, can be adjusted to each woman's life style and estrogen dose required to feel her best, keep the uterus healthy and avoid menopausal symptoms. Ricki Pollycove, M.D.: Estrogen During Menopause: To Take, Or Not To Take?
  • The policy must be in a form approved by the Revenue, in respect of annual premiums which are paid by the insured during his/her life.

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