How To Use Appropriate In A Sentence

  • Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
  • To make such a rectangular and austere space appropriate for music, walls are treated with acoustic plaster and ceilings are absorbent too.
  • The difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • We the Muslims unequivocally condemn abuse of the phrase Allahu Akbar and call on the imams and the scholars to recondition appropriate use of the phrase. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • All of them, appropriately for a bank, contributed their pennyworth.
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  • Hawaii's golf-perfect weather is an appropriate location for the invitational Eat It 2001 Golf Tournament at the scenic Ko Olina course.
  • Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
  • Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
  • Despite having all the appropriate authorisations in their possession, they were unable to produce the program for which they had travelled to the country.
  • Part B (to be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser - where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.) name of appraiser: position: time managing appraisee: B1 Describe the purpose of the appraisee's job. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Appropriately, he spends most of his days on tramp steamers, skiffs and barges.
  • INA recently won a grievance to place all nurses misplaced on the salary schedule in their appropriate slot.
  • Indeed, some civil libertarians have already argued that this is the appropriate line.
  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • The appropriate specimens to submit for testing include food (in the original container if it is available) or environmental specimens, stool, serum, gastric contents, or vomitus.
  • This includes advice, guidance and initial financial assistance where appropriate up to a limit of £5,000 per person.
  • Appropriately, seborrhea by itself is a condition whereby the skin produces to much oiliness. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Scalp Psoriasis Vs. Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • They may feel that mechanized trail use is inappropriate and are angered by the inefficient two-cycle engine noise and exhaust.
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • And they want Captain Largo to get us out checking the appropriate chapter houses to see if he's been doing any placer mining. THE WAILING WIND
  • The first miles took us along the side of a dried out creek bed and then along the appropriately named Crags Road, so called due its "cragginess", basically a it's a dry river b ... Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • The overriding principle is not to offend the sensitive by immoderate cachinnation at an inappropriate joke. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a grotesquely inappropriate choice of speaker.
  • For a time, the revolt chilled the atmosphere in which they had to operate and stimulated a vigorous debate within their fracturing movement about the appropriate means to effect the desired end of emancipation.
  • He was accused of submitting claims for ‘inappropriate’ items, including metal fruit baskets, plastic holders for bathroom utensils, and even jars of piccalilli.
  • Use illustrations where appropriate but don't overdo it.
  • Beer is appropriate, but if you decided to offer up tequila, be very codo about doing so. Day of the Holy Cross?
  • The balance of the population and land and environmental disruption question that population growth cause facilitate the formulation of appropriate thoughts of people.
  • If the ventral curvature of tail is real, then that, in concert with its extremely narrow scaupulae, suggests that a more appropriate functional analog would be found in arboreal chameleons.
  • Appropriately, the movements are accompanied by live electronic and acoustic music.
  • Such a child will rapidly thrive once an appropriate nutritional diet is provided.
  • The inequity of allowing windfall profits to be appropriated by private landholders can thus be demonstrated more clearly than in George's day.
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • Success is also particularly appropriate this year, as the band is celebrating its golden anniversary.
  • Here's a prize for what must be the most inappropriate gong ever awarded.
  • Certain Scotvec modules are acceptable at appropriate levels as an alternative to O/S or Higher qualifications.
  • A corollary to Godwin's Law, and as much of a thread quasher, must be hyperbolic reference to Mandela, Apartheid or the effectiveness / appropriateness of the anti-apartheid movement. - Comments
  • He used the term appropriately (though his broader point is very much open for debate). Hillary Supporter Andrew Cuomo On Her NH Win: "You Can't Shuck And Jive" w/Press Corps
  • When you have been academically admitted to the institution or accepted as a participant in an exchange program, the academic institution will provide you with the appropriate form required by SEVIS.
  • But in the context of the American culture wars in the political arena, it's an entirely apt and appropriate choice.
  • Eventually, we expect to become citizens of Mexico, so "immigrant" is more appropriate. Expat or Immigrant?
  • The model spews out implications that are demonstrably falsifiable given an appropriate dataset; i.e., if one can lay one's hand on a dataset, then the model's predictions can be verified as either true or false.
  • There have been endless attempts to relabel and reappropriate. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are more appropriate methods - namely incineration - but they'd cost more and necessitate a grown-up debate. - Home Page
  • Such an adhoc approach is not conducive to efficient use of present resources nor is it appropriate for long-term planning.
  • Inappropriate use of the available data could result in prescription of incorrect dosages.
  • The second point is that in situations where it is needed there is no unappropriated land available.
  • The appropriate drug in whatever form should be legal and available on prescription.
  • I thought it would be a totally appropriate way of starting off the city's celebration, as a way of showing the 'rootedness' of churches within the history of Hattiesburg," she said. -
  • She complained of her boss's inappropriate behavior towards her.
  • However, for our purposes, we have used a working definition anchored on Haramiyavia, assuming that the unknown intersection between multituberculates and modern mammals is the appropriate break point.
  • These projects are extremely important, and they raise profound questions regarding appropriate intellectual property policies.
  • She pulled her sling out of her pack and gathered three or four appropriately sized stones and set out to find her dinner.
  • Although it is often used in a religious context, it is entirely appropriate to apply it to secular experiences.
  • Details of the problem will be logged by the Help Desk staff who will then contact the appropriate agency.
  • Send the form, together with the appropriate fee, to the Land Registry.
  • We see here clearly how Thomas has appropriated Plato's thought for his own ‘existential’ (in the sense of esse) purposes.
  • The rest of the disc isn't as sonically edgy, but the sounds and settings that Bowie & Ronson worked up for each are strikingly appropriate.
  • Inspection and the autonomy oversee appropriate union only when with the government, ability ensures that foreign currency caution money trading market health, stability develop.
  • Molly: Then I suggest you set up a buffet with appropriate finger food and draft beer.
  • It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
  • As such, and as dealing with questions of household consumption, it was a form of activity doubly appropriate for women.
  • One means of correcting this mistake is to graft a limb of an appropriate pollenizer (generally a variety of crabapple) every six trees or so. Pollination
  • It is appropriate, for instance, to think about human-computer interactions as theater.
  • My students became really interested in what all these idioms meant, so I developed an art/language unit on the usage of idioms, that would be appropriate for nearly any grade level.
  • The crucial point is this: Just because an astronomer is an expert at using the telescope does NOT mean the astronomer is an expert when it comes to appropriate policies. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • Bluchers are more appropriate than balmorals with jeans and business-casual, but balmorals are more appropriate with suits.
  • But the unpalatable fact is that we do live in a different world and we have to take appropriate steps.
  • The most common reasons given by airlines for delayed flights were engine malfunction and inappropriate on-board service facilities.
  • A suitable ‘expectation’ of Aristophanes is raised by the ludicrous circumstance of his having the hiccough, which is appropriately cured by his substitute, the physician The Symposium
  • Archibald is moved by the inappropriateness of the gift; he is known as the most abstemious man around.
  • Bravery also requires recognizing when standing up to these threats is reasonable and appropriate, and it requires acting on one's recognition.
  • The validity issue raises questions about whether we are measuring the appropriate things in the final examination.
  • The word, as in Spanish, means cross, appropriate for the son of one of the best wingers in the sport.
  • Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad. Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • It is appropriate therefore to see the state and its actors as facing strategic choices within constraints.
  • The statistical analyses and their detailed explication will be most appropriate for researchers who share this particular academic niche.
  • Moksh have a fine selection of wine and trained staff guide guests to appropriate selection of the right wine for the right food.
  • He encouraged farmers to try new crops, like peanuts, cowpeas and sweet potatoes, and to try new rotations, better cultural practices and more appropriate machinery.
  • It focuses on short-term dislocations and uncontrollable cyclical changes, producing constant disappointment and encouraging inappropriate transactional responses. American Chronicle
  • The furniture strikes a traditional note which is appropriate to its Edwardian setting.
  • The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Social capital is also appropriate because it can be measured and quantified.
  • To this annual cost a multiplier appropriate to other forms of continuing future expense should be applied.
  • The term asymmetric warfare is bandied about, another few words, 'hands tied behind backs', would be more appropriate. logdon On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • ‘When politics appropriates art, it is transformed into an object that is emptied of its meaning,’ he said.
  • So when I need to know what the black rubbery thingummy on a windscreen wiper is called, I can look up windscreen wiper in the index, turn to the appropriate picture, and learn that it's a wiper blade rubber. The Naming of Parts
  • We believe that reciprocity is not an appropriate basis for trade between countries and regions at such different levels of development.
  • The laser is set to the appropriate settings and a single pass is made over the entire face, including the eyelids.
  • The power to apportion responsibility under the Law Reform Act 1945 afforded a far more appropriate tool for doing justice than the blunt instrument of turpitude.
  • If the article is inappropriate for an ecumenic discussion, the tag will be changed to open. Latest Articles
  • Let him go, with all appropriate felicitations and salutations. Morning Bits
  • Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint.
  • In a book appropriately entitled Konturen einer Geistesgeschichte der Mathematik (1946), Bense devoted a whole chapter (ch. 2) to articulating how the notion of style applies to mathematics. Mathematical Style
  • The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment.
  • Most of the 74 opinions are also lengthy and convoluted, larded with unnecessary detail and footnotes, and containing inappropriate swipes at the work of the other justices.
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • The judge left it to counsel to submit suggestions for appropriate relief for the limited infringement of copyright.
  • It would certainly not be appropriate to grant a stay in these circumstances.
  • When someone died, the kahuna aumakau (priest of the appropriate ancestral deity) of the dead person came and ritually sacrificed a pig or a chicken to ensure that the soul would live with its ancestors.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • He appropriated just enough of the rhetoric of each faction to keep them all enthralled and unalienated. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is widely recognized that agriculture, wherein crops can grow again and no serious effect is made on the soil or the land, is an appropriate usage of the right of usufruct.
  • It involves any process appropriate to the media item from storing and restoring through to verification.
  • Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and remember--if you must "wheelie," always use the appropriate bar. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • Her inquiries included evidence being laid before the judge at first instance of correspondence between herself and appropriate medical authorities in the prefecture that included Salonika and her village and areas.
  • It can be used routinely to select the appropriate cases to undergo MRCP, which could obviously reduce the hospitalization costs and shorten the hospitalization time.
  • I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.
  • Where appropriate, significance tests were one-tailed and were corrected by the sequential Bonferroni method to control the Type I error rate.
  • The appellant thus argued that the trial judge misapprehended the facts and/or misapplied the appropriate standard of care to the facts.
  • Cases of abuse have been acknowledged, and apologies and compensation have been paid appropriately.
  • Leading the way to operational safety and efficiency is the installation of appropriate floor matting, specific to the work station requirements.
  • The scent of this one is not really sweet, kind of musky and sexy, seems appropriate. White Tree Peony Identity Discovered « Fairegarden
  • Working with MSV, CUSEC will manage and approve talk group participation by federal, tribal, state, and local public safety agencies, and appropriate private sector users with public safety missions.
  • By choosing appropriate footwear and keeping feet free of blisters, calluses and corns, we increase the body's general well being.
  • Some decisions in tax court determined that the only retained earnings that could be subject to tax would be "those held for no reason" or the "unappropriated" retained earnings. Undefined
  • Newspapers should not roll over before a seven-year-old church as it appropriates titles from others that carry the weight of history.
  • Transformants were streaked on appropriate omission medium and single colonies were picked for further analysis.
  • A profile is a collection of information about the user, typically including a short biography and contextually appropriate facts.
  • At this point, it becomes difficult for the body to maintain nutritional homeostasis, utilize nutrients appropriately, synthesize plasma proteins, and detoxify noxious substances.
  • There is no doubt that the appropriately skilled addressee of the Patent would have known about degeneracy.
  • Different three-dimensional objects, oriented appropriately, have the same two-dimensional plane projection.
  • Anyone with a medical problem will then be provided with a referral for appropriate medical care and attention.
  • The city of Worcester may appropriate a sum not exceed - ing seventy-five hundred dollars for the purpose of providing a suitable gift for the U.S. S. "Worcester" to properly com - memorate the dedication and commissioning of the afore - said ship. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • He said he would wait for a more appropriate time to put the questions to the Government.
  • Italian turned out to be silly, while the Welshman recalled the gloomier imaginings of the BRONTËS, and in the event came by an appropriately violent end. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, April 5, 1916
  • It is well established that this may be awarded in appropriate cases but a proper causal connection must be demonstrated.
  • However, this can be overcome by appropriate revenue-enhancing incentive conditions in the contract and the incurrence of monitoring and enforcement costs.
  • Of particular beauty here, of course, is the use of utterly inappropriate terms to maintain the rhyme, which saw ‘gloat’ used as a noun directly above this unlearned and unlovely deformed child of a verse.
  • The range is built by optimising combinations of various styles of inductors with the appropriate capacitors, varistors and other components to give a comprehensive range of suppression levels.
  • Management includes correction of fluid and electrolyte levels; avoidance of nephrotoxins; and kidney replacement therapy, when appropriate.
  • And thus the ideas of time and space have each its peculiar and exclusive relations; position and figure belonging only to space, while repetition and rhythm are appropriate to time.
  • We will debit your account as we find appropriate.
  • Even when creating complex applications that use things such as tabbed pages, it's helpful first to create each page as a separate form, copy those objects and then paste them into the appropriate blocks on your form.
  • He can not alter a departmental decision or award compensation but may suggest an appropriate remedy to the appropriate Minister.
  • Wallace always felt that ‘selection’ inappropriately imported anthropomorphic notions of Nature choosing purposefully between variants into natural history.
  • Therefore, increasing premiums for wealthier seniors is more likely to restrain overutilization than hiking their ... common sense Medicare reforms, like income-adjusted premiums ...will help ensure patients are seeking appropriate care. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Burr/Coburn Medicare Plan: 10 Deceptions - And A Free-Market "Death Panel"
  • Whatever the truth, this surely is a case where a gesture of goodwill would have been the appropriate course of action.
  • Where items need to be transported to and from the repository they should be in appropriate containers designed to limit exposure to environmental factors and handling damage (eg. folders, archive boxes, plan and art folios, phase and solander boxes).
  • The venue is purpose built for rituals and ceremonies, with appropriately fabulous acoustics, lavish trimmings and colourfully costumed officiants.
  • I pointed in both directions when appropriate, my lips curling slightly in a sneer.
  • Fungicides are tools that need to be used appropriately to achieve the desired result.
  • Forward-thinking landscape architects and designers are installing gardens that are appropriate to their regions and climates.
  • but since the "literature" of the hack is so perverse and disturbing in its "message," the term clownish is too light and good natured to be appropriate. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • If they have their own pet rabbit, make the bunny in an appropriate colour.
  • God without Being: "the Ungrund is contaminated from the start by the universe it subtends, making the impulse to misrecognize the groundless as the primal ground, and thereby firmly reappropriate it to ontotheology, quite irresistible"; Hegel on Buddhism
  • My tackle seemed entirely appropriate in the garage but proved cumbersome on the rocks.
  • Don't try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others 'heart through appropriate ways. 
  • That selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.
  • His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
  • An appropriately rarefied setting for the ethereal folkie. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would you like to put forward as the appropriate reasonable number of hours?
  • His characters were cads, letches, and leering louses, but they effectively tapped a bit of that inappropriate urge in us all.
  • Shaucha constitutes smooth and uninterrupted cascade of neural and neurohumoral events as Ill as appropriate events such as secretions of exocrine glands and muscular activity and metabolic activity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But again it would be inappropriate and unethical to use a placebo when the consequences of doing so would subject someone to the risk of serious or irreversible harm.
  • The answer lies in age-appropriate, respectful gestures. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think anyone, in principle, disapproves of revenge when the punishment imposed on the perpetrator is exactly the appropriate amount. What's Wrong with REVENGE?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • he was appropriately dressed
  • Alternatively, one may utilize the wave equation and appropriate boundary conditions to yield a specific solution.
  • The letters are by turns hilarious and tragic, highly inappropriate and oversharing.
  • The authors of the report appropriately place primary blame for the breakdown in professionalism on former attorney general Alberto R. Gonzales, who showed a breathtaking disengagement from the process of disposing of nine presidential appointees. Underplayed Stories of the Day - Swampland -
  • It is therefore seldom appropriate to treat disorders of language and communication by trying to influence presumed underlying causes.
  • And where appropriate, consider nonchemical ways to deter biting insects such as screens, netting, long-sleeves and slacks.
  • What is the appropriate measure of scale difference between industrial activities?
  • We elaborate on these extensions by also considering, where appropriate, assessment and treatment implications for depressed individuals.
  • Because travellers to endemic areas are also at risk, healthcare providers should have an understanding of the spectrum of infection, how to diagnose it, and what the appropriate treatment is.
  • It seems like I'm constantly dressed inappropriately for the weather.
  • Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.
  • Consequently in Self v Self it was not lawful for a county court registrar to overrule an assisted party's choice of counsel where counsel had been selected by the assisted party from the appropriate panel.
  • In the first nocturn, the Church sings lessons from the Lamentations of Jeremiah, with a special melody famous for its solemnity and beauty, and entirely appropriate to the text. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • The appropriate ethics committee will need to consider the usual ethical issues with respect to purposes, reputability of researchers and other matters outlined in this document.
  • Expensive costumes were a vital part of the visual appeal of theatre, and characters of high social rank were represented by appropriately luxurious clothing.
  • Where that money went and why it was misappropriated remain mysteries.
  • Removal expenses and travelling expenses in connection with the move to Oxford of the successful candidate are generally paid in full in appropriate cases.
  • I explained to her that the column, although only three weeks old, was appropriate for the time.
  • Some new reactors that now use condensers have other design changes that make the condenser more appropriate, he said. Japan Ignored Warning of Nuclear Vulnerability
  • Bush may not have mentioned him by name, but everyone knew exactly who he was talking about - and it was so incredibly inappropriate to stand up in the Knesset and say that that I'm half-dazed from that, too. Obama To Respond Forcefully To Bush's Attacks Today
  • PG-13 — Special parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.
  • To what extent is it appropriate for judges to ‘borrow’ language from one side's brief?
  • As to the latter, Judge Berzon in her opinion said, “Here, however, Coalition has not proven except by assertion that the remaining detainees have no relationship with anyone who could appropriately serve to litigate the legality of the detention.” The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • This number is entered into the appropriate column.
  • It is also appropriate to investigate for metastatic infection or distant sources of hematogenous dissemination of infection such as infected aneurysm, skin lesions, septic phlebitis, and osteomyelitis.
  • Most of these flow from the streets and gutters, where they have been inappropriately disposed of, and into our waterways.
  • It's rather appropriate that the logo for Disney is a mouse, because The Walt Disney Company this week announced its intention to throw money down a rathole.
  • Elsewhere they would be called primrose, but the use of the Latin name is appropriate for this place. Archive 2008-03-01
  • He died on Christmas Day, 1946 — ironically appropriate for a disbeliever who once confessed to be studying the Bible “for loopholes.” Five People Born on January 29 | myFiveBest
  • The anchor was raised some years ago near Boatstrand and has now been mounted on the pier with an appropriate plaque as a memorial to its ill-fated captain and crew.
  • I think that it's probably not appropriate for the generality of 12 year olds, but that it would also depend on the twelve year old in question.
  • Obviously the studmuffin didn't share her problem with inappropriate levity. KISS AN ANGEL
  • By performing the personal in public, talk-show guests transgress the boundaries of behavior and decorum deemed appropriate by middle-class society.
  • I think it is inappropriate." — "I disagree.".
  • I have no idea what to do to celebrate, or even if celebration is appropriate.
  • Traditional MMOG tropes such as repeatable quests and mob-farming are totally inappropriate to the horror genre. MMOG Nation » The Setting is the Story II
  • IMS allows operators to charge multimedia session appropriately: If a user uses videoconference over the 3G cellular network, there is usually a large data transfer that consists of audio and video.
  • The most successful of Clarence Birdseye's inventions, aside from frozen food, was appropriately enough, an infra-red heating lamp for thawing it.
  • Nonetheless, colonials judged regulation of nuisances an appropriate arena for courts and local government, leading to lawsuits and regulations aimed at such objectionable trades as butchers and tanners.
  • In order to retain the one-to-one correspondence, it is appropriate initially to restrict the Bell-Szekeres coordinate x to the range.
  • The need to apply appropriate military capability prudently is paramount.
  • He is centrally concerned with how visions of national parks, aesthetic preferences, and views of appropriate nature-culture relations change over time.

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