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  1. place side by side or in close proximity

How To Use appose In A Sentence

  • Epithelioid cells were closely apposed with interdigitating cytoplasmic processes, occasional desmosome-like functional complexes, and uniform, narrow intercellular spaces.
  • It is truly amazing how in the lack of sound rational arguments, those who appose Christianity are so quick to resort to name calling, baseless accusations, and outright lies about a persons past. A new form of Christian evangelism: atheist conferences « Anglican Samizdat
  • Preferably enough who appose the horrendous healthcare bill that was recently signed, so it can be overturned before causing too much damage to our nation as a whole. Tea Party Express unveils 'heroes,' 'targets'
  • Call and email the lying bigmouth, he claims he loves the calls from those apposed to his message because it gives him the chance to change your mind. CNN Poll: Favorable view of Palin dipping
  • The bills of lading and carriage contract which proved by voyage charter party are apposed and can be adjusted by the same Maritime Code, therefore the inherent unification of both has legal basis.
  • En foi de quoi je l'ai signé et y ai fait apposer le sceau de l'État. Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 With Instructions for Collecting, Preparing, and Forwarding Objects of Natural History Written by The Professors Administrators of The Museum
  • Those who appose a public health insurance option are bought and paid for by the insurance lobby. dominican mama 4 Obama Obama criticizes political motives of health care reform opponents
  • In one case, the anaplastic carcinoma was closely apposed to malignant lymphoma, large cell type, of B-cell phenotype; this case was considered to represent a collision tumor.
  • C'est clair que les grandes marques ont tout intérêt d'y apposer leur présence, comme elle le ferait dans une ville de même taille. Déluge Second Life: ça recommence — Climb to the Stars
  • The bills of lading and carriage contract which proved by voyage charter party are apposed and can be adjusted by the same Maritime Code, therefore the inherent unification of both has legal basis.
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