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How To Use Appease In A Sentence

  • And like past challenges to civilization, such barbarism thrives on Western appeasement and considers enlightened deference as weakness, if not decadence.
  • His performance did little to appease the government 's critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will not appease all critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, the tension is in the past and the sexual curiosity was appeased.
  • In case a dish fails to appease a customer, Steve Carrasco can always make a flying getaway.
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  • This was coupled with a political imperative to appease employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • God is satisfied: his wrath is appeased; justice has been done.
  • Today we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of appeasement.
  • She wants to move on to the short story, but I see her father's ghost is still unappeased.
  • The captain appeased the coolies 'fears by stating that they should go off in the pilot's boat. Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
  • This policy of appeasement goes wider than religious minorities. The Sun
  • Studio executives agreed to re-edit the movie to appease censors, who are now happy with the final edit.
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • After some research, I see that one can sacrifice goats in order to gain riches or appease the gods.
  • Complex pay mechanisms, often brought into appease shareholders by linking pay to various performance measures, can have unexpected results. Times, Sunday Times
  • All we do as a society is to appease our anger by putting people in jail. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Mall of America … on a Saturday … in the middle of winter when all of the state of Minnesota is looking for indoor fun to appease the stir-crazy munchkins? Weekend Report « Biodork
  • Like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, most Taiwanese politicians favor tax cuts to appease their constituencies.
  • Ye have known the deeds that have raised this war between me and you, sons of Adnan; and if I do not appease myself among you, never may I be called ennobled in my parents! Antar :
  • There are some cases in which the efforts of conservatives to appease racism in the electorate have deprived fascists of support, but other cases in which this has legitimated fascism.
  • So it was that the scholar began his researches at the abbey, continuously aware of the three novices who toiled at the drive-mill and the fourth novice who invited glare-blindness atop the ladder to keep the lamp burning and adjusted-a situation which caused the Poet to versify mercilessly concerning the demon Embarrassment and the outrages he perpetrated in the name of penitence or appeasement. A Canticle for Leibowitz
  • But the insistence has not appeased local residents, who are now planning a series of meetings to call for a public inquiry.
  • And why did the conservative Chamberlain appease Hitler so much? Matthew Yglesias » No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
  • The added revenue can be invested in new schools or health-care clinics in areas where education and medicine are scarce; it can subsidize short-term make-work projects to appease the angry unemployed or patronage networks that control dissent at the local level; it can finance the construction of better roads and bridges to open internal trade; it can bankroll the imposition of martial law. The J Curve
  • If one victim appeased his nervous fervor the trial was over but if his wrought-up feelings desired more his screechings continued until a second victim was secured. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, Part 1
  • It precluded the possibility of appeasement or consolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Appeasement and compromise will turn enemies into friends, if groveling and self-abasement do not first drive friends into the enemy camp. Farewell to America's China Station
  • This has shown future generations that when entering a game or following established rules they may be changed to appease those that are losing when the loser is a powerful individual, corporation or group. Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
  • The draft bill, to be published shortly, will appease most critics who feared that human rights protections would be removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore I do not doubt that he feignedly reproved his son, from a desire to appease contention. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • So the question today is not whether to appease Iran or not -- but whether Iran is appeasable. Tony Blankley: Wishful Thinking on Iran
  • Not even the privilege of parliamentary participation is enough to appease those who wanted the presidency at whatever cost.
  • You say, "Whereupon they will view the present coolist campaign as badly as the 1930s appeasement of German power. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Of a burning hunger that only she could appease.
  • I just thought you might get a kick out of that, and--perhaps--feel a bit more "appeased" as well. I think I'm going to have to stop watching "American Idol."
  • That may help to appease shareholders, 12 per cent of whom voted against the remuneration report earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this context, the phrase 'more judicious' is really code for 'let's appease Pakistani sensitivities,' " said a U.S. official. Drone Attacks Split U.S. Officials
  • Ideologically, the Clinton administration was committed to the idea that most terrorists were misunderstood, had legitimate grievances, and could be appeased, which is why such military action as the administration authorized was so halfhearted, and ineffective, and designed more for 'show' than for honestly eliminating a threat. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Enlightenment values are in peril not because these mad beliefs are really growing but because too many rational people seek to appease and understand unreason.
  • Complex pay mechanisms, often brought into appease shareholders by linking pay to various performance measures, can have unexpected results. Times, Sunday Times
  • They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.
  • But these concerns seem to have been appeased because only unenclosed and uncultivated land, aside from a small strip of improved farmland near Crymych, has been opened up.
  • I was thinking of putting in another willy story just to appease the constant requests I get.
  • To appease unions, he reneged on promised labor-market reforms.
  • The first tack, known as Plan A, is the latest version of Ottawa's appeasement strategy.
  • Matisse said he was possessed at this point by a love of line and of the arabesque - ‘those givers of life’ - which stirred his senses and appeased his spirit.
  • At the rear of the house a tiny babe piped up a thin blatting wail that the quickly thrust breast could not appease. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Christina analogized the sensation to the phantom limb phenomenon - she still has that nagging sense that something about school needs appeasement.
  • Shell uses cap to appease investors timesonline. Times, Sunday Times
  • His comments failed to appease critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • My curiosity was appeased when I got to enter four of those studios on Saturday.
  • [Sidenote: Discord in an armie the hinderer of all profitable enterprises.] if the two kings had not doone their best to appease the fraie begun. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • Don't just come up with names that are floating around or will appease fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • He attempted to appease the nasty wing of his own party by being tough on immigrants, while pretending that his proposals were liberal and sensible.
  • You're a taxpayer-funded bludger, coward, tyrant-appeaser and liar.
  • I think that pacifism and appeasement are the politics of the naive and foolish.
  • ‘Don't worry about it,’ said Anthony, reaching for his own credit card, but I was unappeased.
  • Yet scarcely a hint of this hugely important story is contained in the Oxburgh report, which simply glosses it over, hoping to appease critics by throwing in a few vaguely critical comments about how Jones and his team were a trifle "disorganised" in archiving their data. British Blogs
  • Media pundits have suggested it was a sop to appease the right wing in the cabinet.
  • Last week it unveiled a 60m share buyback scheme in an attempt to appease investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far, a policy of appeasement has prevailed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • Why oh why oh why are voters always appeased by learning that their government is supposedly tackling a problem by throwing more money at it?
  • Further, the US never "appeased" Iraq, so the Chamberlain/Churchill reference is irrelevant. "President Bush got the world's attention this fall when he warned that a nuclear-armed Iran might lead to World War III."
  • Chacon maintains that lawmen and prosecutors, desperate to appease the public amid growing hysteria, pinned the murders on Sharif.
  • May 15th, 2008 9: 13 am ET. .but didn't the US government draft many an notorious and unappeased NAZI into our intelligence service after the war? Bush suggests Obama wants 'appeasement' of terrorists
  • But they could also help to appease Conservative backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suspicions abount that, to appease Ken Clarke, Patten, Heseltine and Hurd, adeal has been done whereby no real challenge to the EU will be made by the Tories in opposition or in power. Tory Wriggling On Europe (again)
  • To be, to execute the simple and original guardianship; to kill, to appease the unpeaceful miss and guilt inside.
  • She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.
  • This is not a time for political accommodation or popular appeasement.
  • In the series, the southerners are portrayed as wussy appeasers and the South Carolina representative, Edward Rutledge, is especially played as a priss which is somehow gratifying after campaigns in which the South is portrayed as the home of martial and American values. Matt Cooper: John Adams: Good for McCain -- and Kerry, Dukakis
  • The gravity of the economic situation meant that the appeasement of sectarianism was not sufficient to deal with the threat of working-class disaffection.
  • Appeasement does not work and those who endorse it are doing an enormous disservice to their people.
  • The current uneasy state is one in which, largely speaking, the conservatives are being appeased from a reluctance to risk that break. The Heirs of Job
  • Don't just come up with names that are floating around or will appease fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The creation of the ephori was a sort of compromise measure, a concession to appease the people of Sparta, and, as an extension of the elective franchise, was most deplorable in its results. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • Did he think he could appease her with flatteries, by calling her graceful and beautiful, which she was not, and by putting eloquent lies in her mouth? Wildfire
  • I make not any doubt, but almes-deedes and prayers, are very mighty; and prevailing meanes, to appease heavens anger for some sinnes committed; but if such as bestow them, did either see or know, to whom they give them: they would more warily keepe them, or else cast them before Swine, in regard they are altogether so unworthy of them. The Decameron
  • I believing in appease the Corporate Power and the bourgeoisie. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • It seems to me more likely, that this is a genuine act of repentance by the Pope of behalf of his Church; in light of their recent buffoonery, manic secularists will probably remain unappeased. 2010 April « Anglican Samizdat
  • Not withstanding his attempts to appease conservative critics, Mr Frohnmayer's aversion to placing any restrictions on artistic freedom was increasingly apparent.
  • How do you define Marxizm socialism, fascism, naziism, or appeasement? Wishing Limbaugh Dead except for the Sarah Factor
  • What if he was lying in wait for her, his blood-lust unappeased by his first victim? Red dust
  • To appease the tribal gods, Sipsu, the chief's daughter, is chosen to be sacrificed and while three of the four men chose not to interfere, one of them, named Hitchcock ( "there was a certain chivalric thrill of warm blood in him, despite his Yankee ancestry and New England upbringing"), determines that he will not to let Sipsu die. “Why this longing for life? It is a game which no man wins.”
  • It did little to appease shareholders' anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet it would be sad if he were driven to quit a valuable asset in America just to appease disgruntled shareholders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Appeasement of dictators, said the president, led to wide scale bloodshed.
  • Rising to the occasion of his last presidential visit to Israel, Bush attacked Obama for offering what he described as policies that would lead to the deaths of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel through the appeasement of terrorists. Michael Carmichael: Obama's Pivot
  • Inspections are a form of appeasement - they will buy a little time, but ultimately they mortgage our future to a dictator.
  • She knew it was only a nightmare, but somehow that didn't appease the terror she felt.
  • The co-op is not a compromise between supporters and opponents of a public option; it will effectively undermine the option, alienate progressives and fail to appease conservative opponents of reform. Wonk Room » Why Replacing The Public Option With A Co-op Is A Very Bad Idea
  • A conciliatory gesture, some argued, would appease the cardinal and Holy Trinity would live to fight another day.
  • Neither did much to appease his critics and at the final whistle the booing appeared to be a combined choir of disapproval. Times, Sunday Times
  • If that is not appeasement, I'd like to know what you call it.
  • History records that the road to international disunity is strewn with skeletons of appeasement. Canada—Whither?
  • The main thrust of the President's speech was an effort to appease the white right wing.
  • The signing will also help appease grumbling Gunners fans. The Sun
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • Like offering a hummus appetizer is indicative of the administration’s appeasement of the Middle East. Matthew Yglesias » Ideology at the Box Office
  • It precluded the possibility of appeasement or consolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better to bring the cyst of Islamofascism/terrorism/whatever to the surface through provocation where it can be lanced, no matter how painful that may be in the short term, than to palliate its symptoms through appeasement while letting it fester beneath the surface (with many things like not-torturing-people being appeasement). Matthew Yglesias » Torture and Stick-Beating
  • He wants the National Institute for Clinical Health and Excellence Nice to decide the cost benefit of tempting new drugs, except when he needs to appease the tabloids clamouring for dubious cancer cures that cost lots. Speed limit: Philip Hammond puts his foot on the accelerator | Michael White
  • It won't really appease either the die-hard mossbacks or the fanatic up-to-the-minutes.
  • Now, lets get busy raising consciousness about the need for a hefty tax increase to pay for the social services that are needed to stop outraged, unappeased, and unaccomodated N-people youth from shooting each other in the head. Mathematics for Activists
  • 'It is all settled; let us return,' said Amanda, appearing at last with an air of triumph, having appeased the old lady by eating green currants, and admiring an earwiggy arbour, commanding a fine view of a marsh where frogs were piping and cool mists rising as the sun set. Shawl-Straps A Second Series of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag
  • His comments failed to appease critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have met the appeasers and abettors of our enemies, and they are us!
  • The parents went on and on about how Daniel is usually so shy, but he really loved me, and my peaceful meal turned into me trying to appease some young chitterling at the next table with some kind of rictus plastered across my weary face. Saru-san Diary Entry
  • ‘Jean’ and his ilk are the ultimate yes-men and will do anything to appease a master.
  • They can appease some of these birds by bringing in a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are those," Graham said, "who have tried to reduce Christ to a genial and innocuous appeaser; but Jesus said 'You are wrong-I have come as a firesetter and sword-wielder. CounterPunch
  • Instead, almost a year has been wasted in futile attempts to appease the Republicans and the Mass. disaster has struck. Matthew Yglesias » Our Broken Institutions
  • In truth, we touch the essence of his reflexion on cinema - as though he had to resort to all the subtleties of reason in order to appease his lamentations.
  • To appease his uncles, cousins, and younger siblings, King Rham crafted five different duchies instead of the original three set by Phendarm (for Rham’s four brothers and a royal duchy around the capitol) and more than a score of earldoms among them. The Codex Continual » Kharndam Guide: The Phendarm Protectorates
  • All that airsickness, all those pills I had to ingest to force sleep so that I would be rested for the next leg of my and all those tiresome passengers I had to appease, had been worth enduring to give my mother this gift. Carole Mallory: A Reunion And A Flirtation In Sixties Hong Kong
  • God's displeasure can only be appeased, then, if a propitiatory sacrifice is made.
  • Complex pay mechanisms, often brought into appease shareholders by linking pay to various performance measures, can have unexpected results. Times, Sunday Times
  • With no need to appease shareholders, the costs would come down. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can appease some of these birds by bringing in a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Saint-Julien, Divio was founded by the emperor Aurelian to appease the tutelary gods of the Celtic settlement which he had recently destroyed.
  • Why does the alderwoman try to appease the neighbors while hurting our business's? Sonic in Aurora Wants to Extend An Extra Hour
  • The support of the ruling classes for the Chamberlain policy of appeasement is much more difficult to cast in a good light. IN DEFENCE OF ARISTOCRACY
  • His comments failed to appease critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like "socialist", "appeaser" and "community organizer", the appellation "underdog" is just another co-opted, re-jiggered rightwing button that gets pushed every time Ailes and Company want their audience to respond like the flinching sheep they are. Steven Weber: GOP-za-Poppin'!
  • Neither did much to appease his critics and at the final whistle the booing appeared to be a combined choir of disapproval. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was here that the Munich Agreement was signed, which handed a chunk of Czechoslovakia to Germany and which led to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain being accused of appeasement.
  • They will not be removed by mere waiting to see what happens; nor will they be removed by a policy of appeasement. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • That may help to appease shareholders, 12 per cent of whom voted against the remuneration report earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, therefore, I feel now is the time to say we are against appeasement, and we have to apply pressure.
  • It makes me wonder if Nintendo quickly revived this title solely to appease a grumpy E3 Infendo - Nintendo blog
  • This did not appease: but on the return of the bill to the House of Lords, where our amendments were to be read, the Chancellor in the most personal terms harangued against Fox, and concluded with saying that “he despised his scurrility as much as his adulation and recantation.” Letters of Horace Walpole 01
  • Nowadays many would prefer to forget it, lest its memory serve as a reproach against those who were witting or unwitting apologists for appeasement.
  • Chaimberlin "appeased" Hitler by handing over Czechoslovakia to him, not by talking to him. Blitzer: Obama's learned - 'attack right back'
  • Shell uses cap to appease investors timesonline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Charter thus also punctures the pollyannaish vision of the restored Chinese Nationalist Party Kuomintang government of President Ma Ying-jeou that rapid integration through "deregulation" with the PRC economy and slavish appeasement with the CCP regime will lead to "peace and prosperity" for Taiwan. Taiwan News on Charter 08 in China
  • Loui a blood spurted out again, his brain suddenly fash past country memories, but whole is forever history, faced that kill people like flies killer, angry long time unappease down in heart. Heroes Man | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • I went out in my rochet and camail, dealing out benedictions to the people on my right and left, preaching obedience, exerting all my endeavours to appease the tumult, and telling them the Queen had assured me that, provided they would disperse, she would restore Broussel. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Hindus believe the prayer appeases the god Varuna, who favours them with rain if the ritual is performed. Asia in Pictures
  • (If you do/did the same with Hamas they will stop bothering Israel, it is call "appeasement"!) - why did he lie while on the street in Bahgdad, saying that "all is safe", when he had dozens of Marines and Helicopters protecting him during the work, wasn't it your own "snipper fire story" too? Analysis: McCain looks to England for distance from Bush
  • Although the bank took measures to cut the bonus last week, the move did little to appease investor concerns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bible warns against idol worship, of Moloch, for example, in which human beings, especially children, are sacrificed to appease or please a god.
  • It precluded the possibility of appeasement or consolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • His support for appeasement echoed that of the rest of the royal family - and of most of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • She began to be somewhat appeased; and I again intreated her to return to the carriage, or give me leave to order that it should draw up to the place where we stood. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • Set himself to appease her, to enthrall and entice her all over again. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • Complex pay mechanisms, often brought into appease shareholders by linking pay to various performance measures, can have unexpected results. Times, Sunday Times
  • The officer was obliged, at last, to appease his hunger with a luncheon of bread and cheese, and a pint bottle of brandy, which he dispatched in the coach, cursing the inappetence of his lordship, who had ordered dinner to be put back a whole hour. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Not that this will appease the critics, who continue to snipe.
  • Since little is known about the weapon, there is panic in the Faerie lands and among various conflicting proposals - invade, appease, investigate, bribe - the rumored and specifically banned by the last treaty with the unseelie, super-secret Office of Shadow is reconstituted with the three above as first new "recruits". "The Office of Shadow" by Matthew Sturges (reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • To appease MPs in the north east, the region has been exempted from the policy and told to come up with an alternative plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just hope it will not be one of those cases where they say something will be investigated just to appease the people.
  • The Latin name Reseda means "to calm or appease," and refers to the fact that the plant was employed by the Romans in treating bruises.
  • This could be resolved by carrying the corrections over to next week's edition, but would that appease irate members of the public who had been promised a prompt correction this week?
  • She understood the damage that had been done to our country throughout the 20th century by the policy of appeasement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week it unveiled a 60m share buyback scheme in an attempt to appease investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parents went on and on about how Daniel is usually so shy, but he really loved me, and my peaceful meal turned into me trying to appease some young chitterling at the next table with some kind of rictus plastered across my weary face. Saru-san Diary Entry
  • Yet it would be sad if he were driven to quit a valuable asset in America just to appease disgruntled shareholders. Times, Sunday Times
  • This charade of an interview was nothing more than a commercial for appeasement.
  • Hence the word cometh to have its second acceptation, even that which is rendered by the apostle hilastērion, “placamen,” or “placamentum,” — that whereby God is appeased. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • She agreed to start paying income tax to appease the people as a result.
  • In 1487, eager to appease France, Pope Innocent VIII granted James III an ‘indult’, giving him the right to prefer to Scottish livings and higher Church posts.
  • *** G20 Meeting Negotiators from the world's leading economies haggled in Paris over seemingly technical details regarding how to measure global economic imbalances, eventually producing a 53-word sentence intended to appease all sides—and open to interpretation by all sides. World Watch
  • Once again, he has appeased the demands of aficionados by gathering a fascinating mix of artists in the city this week.
  • You can't buy their love and you can't appease them no matter how whorish you become.
  • His policies of appeasement leagued him frequently with the prudent Phocion.
  • To appease the gods, the king put his daughter, Princess Devi, in a boat and cast it adrift.
  • The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.
  • I and my friends are writing in for Hillary so we couldn't care less who the woos/appeaser selects. bettee Carville: Gore would make a great vice president...again
  • Last week it unveiled a 60m share buyback scheme in an attempt to appease investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems to me that both those countries interpret what you call engagement as a sort of appeasement. 'Six Months Is An Eternity'
  • “Conspectus ab utrâque acie aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut cœlo missus piaculum omnis deorum iræ, qui pestam ab suis aversam in hostes ferret;” — “He was looked on by both armies as one more august than a man, as one sent from heaven, to be a piacular sacrifice, to appease the anger of the gods, and to transfer destruction from their own army to the enemies,” Liv., A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • Too often New Labour appeases and buys off opposing forces: this third-way strategy makes few friends or permanent changes.
  • Rich continues to be unappeased, and she continues to write. Adrienne Cecile Rich.
  • Indeed, they have been known to roast innocent tourists in sacrificial banquets designed to appease their gods, as well as conducting other heinous acts too gruesome to describe. Vader's Pastorale
  • I'm strong and weak is doing things that would appease people, and weak is not speaking the truth.
  • It's a brilliant and remarkable analysis and exposé of how Western society has succumbed corruptively to intimidation and appeasement and the demands of radical Islam. Jihad Watch
  • The draft bill, to be published shortly, will appease most critics who feared that human rights protections would be removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A brilliant and remarkable analysis and exposé of how Western society has succumbed corruptively to intimidation and appeasement and the demands of radical Islam" the definitive book on radical jihadists. Jihad Watch
  • President Bush earlier this month told the Israeli Knesset that negotiations with terrorists and radicals amounted to appeasement.
  • That may help to appease shareholders, 12 per cent of whom voted against the remuneration report earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • When sexual innuendos were actually made they appeared forced in order to appease my interests - they failed in this attempt.
  • The bombings and attempted bombings in London have brought home to the American public that we face implacable enemies unwilling to be appeased by even the most emollient diplomacy.
  • Not withstanding his attempts to appease conservative critics, Mr Frohnmayer's aversion to placing any restrictions on artistic freedom was increasingly apparent.
  • We have surrendered the rights of majority to appease minorities.
  • They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.
  • It's done for political reasons, and to appease the many who vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to appease the wandering spirits they believed roamed at night, the Celtic priests made fires in which they burned sacrifices, made charms, and cast spells.
  • I have returned to you in this lifetime, and in the future, I will find you again and again until our love is appeased, if that is ever possible.
  • Bosses plan to add challenging goals to appease City shareholders. The Sun
  • The only way to appease is to replace vodka and ginger with vodka and beer.
  • Don't attempt appeasement with an unappeasable government.
  • Conservatives led by Rep. Jim Jordan Ohio, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, were unappeased. House Republicans divided on spending cuts; for some, it's $100 billion or bust
  • They are weak, petulant, hypocritical, disunited, duplicitous, sometimes anti-Semitic, and often anti-American appeasers.
  • In this way, the company is hoping to appease its older workers, drive a wedge between older and newer workers, and thus win the concessions it is demanding.
  • “Conspectus ab utrâque acie aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut cœlo missus piaculum omnis deorum iræ, qui pestam ab suis aversam in hostes ferret;” — “He was looked on by both armies as one more august than a man, as one sent from heaven, to be a piacular sacrifice, to appease the anger of the gods, and to transfer destruction from their own army to the enemies,” Liv., A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • Blackfire in its defense, claims that it paid more than $17,000 to the Mayor of Chicomuselo, for him, to 'appease' his local constituents. Things Are Rarely As They Seem in OZ
  • Ironically, even Talk Turkey was unimpressed by Obama's efforts to appease both Armenians and Turks, but mainly because it believes the president only succeeded in alienating everybody. Global Voices in English » Armenia: Debate over campaign promise overshadows 94th anniversary of WWI killings
  • Figures, Pelosi come from a state where by a vote of 4-3 judges over ruled the will & the vote of the people to appease a small portion of the population by approving gau marriage. Pelosi prepared to 'step in' to end race
  • I sometimes had to resort to printing out stories from the online edition of my local paper to appease her.

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