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How To Use Apparel In A Sentence

  • When apparel maker Betabrand created a pair of khaki pants whose back-pocket linings and hems could be exposed to reveal reflective fabric, it expected the pants to be a short-term novelty item. Beyond Spandex: Chic Styles for Cyclists Take Off
  • Upset over being branded as a child labour employer, India's apparel export body AEPC has sought access to key documents of the US Labour Department which were used to "defame" the - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
  • This may be least true of the long "culottes", trousers most closely resembling a skirt, and at best mistakable for a skirt, but insofar as "culottes" establish the principle of dividing woman's outward apparel from the waist down, they merely disguise the grave disorder. The Modesty of His Lordship
  • The figure enters the building and the several scientists are clad in Hawaiian luau apparel, getting ready for the end of the season party. The Movie Spoiler
  • Reminding the glossily appareled Jeremiah Cummings, the head of the Worldwide International Campaign for Christ, that Saint Paul traveled with only the shirt on his back, he asks, “Should I assume that this is the only $2,000 suit you own?” An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
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  • Then he repaired to a blacksmith, after stripping her and her damsels of their silken apparel and clothing them in raiment of hair-cloth, and bade him make three pairs of iron shackles. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There are other sporting events that honour their champions with unique apparel.
  • The next chapter shifts focus to define the ‘morality’ of color, investigating practices like sumptuary legislation, intended to control wearing apparel and facilitate easy distinction of social classes in public places.
  • In the mud of their complacently perpetuated barnyard pond, they assert that no bright-browed, bright-apparelled shining figures can be outside of fairy books, old histories, and ancient superstitions. THE KANAKA SURF
  • That's a new experience for 25-year apparel industry warrior, president of the $10-million men's loungewear, swimwear, and woven and knit shirt manufacturer.
  • A crowd of British apparel makers is now jostling to join it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The apparels on the amice and albs are also quite nice and seem particularly suited to the monastic context in which all of this takes place. Solemn Mass at Ss. Gregory and Augustine Oratory, St. Louis Abbey
  • Living in rows, conducting our movements and our apparel as nearly as possible in accordance with the hitch of the moment, singing the songs our neighbours sing -- this is Order, but gregarian order. Child and Country A Book of the Younger Generation
  • Feel free to put in your plea for apparelled amices and albs instead. Archive 2009-07-01
  • She certainly changed her apparel and came forth in a ‘rich mantle and surcoat of purple velvet furred with ermines’.
  • With high-quality, fashion-forward tees, American Apparel aspires to be the "Starbucks" of the T-shirt world.
  • Doug Robertson and I commiserated about it once, only he took the idea and Dirty Snowflake Apparel was born. | Blog | Hooping Clothes For Guys: Dirty Snowflake
  • Upgrade your Sims'wardrobes with forward looking apparel, tailored suits and sophisticated outerwear.
  • She looked lovely, despite her strange apparel.
  • He arose, but in the short interval, the throne had been hoisted from the floor to the ceiling, the Imperial figure appeared in new and more gorgeous apparel, and the interview was concluded in haughty and majestic silence. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But of what they call counterfeit pleasures they make naught; as of pride in apparel and gems, or in vain honours; or of dicing; or hunting, which they deem the most abject kind of butchery. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
  • Although I enjoy the stir, one does feel a tad self-conscious wearing an item of clothing which is the epitome of ideologically unsound apparel.
  • The specialty retailer of casual apparel said it also changed its fiscal year end to Jan. 31 from July 31.
  • The slowdown will result partly from sluggishness in nondurable sectors such as apparel and textiles.
  • Pendleton Woolen Mills, known for colorful blankets and Western apparel, says the rodeo is horning in on its Pendleton trademark by using it in a way that could confuse consumers. Rodeo hauled into court over cologne
  • Our guitarist made it out just in time to see Jonny, in full country boy apparel stroll out, chaps and boots included.
  • Yet somehow I possess a drawerful of new, unopened examples of these useless items of male apparel. Forced Merriment: The True Spirit of Christmas
  • If you specialize in legwear a la American Apparel and/or Members Only, maybe, MAYBE, you can get away with that. Alexandra Sinderbrand: Don't Do the Choo
  • It's the first time that Dominick's has engineered such an extensive cross-promotion with an apparel retailer.
  • And because, said he, they would the better displant me, if they cannot lay hands on me, they have gotten a nephew of mine called Eparacano, whom they have christened Don Juan, and his son Don Pedro, whom they have also apparelled and armed, by whom they seek to make a party against me in mine own country. The Discovery of Guiana. Paras. 50-102
  • Mangrove Capital Partners, a Luxembourg-based venture capital firm which has backed Skype and Nimbuzz, has invested $4 million for a minority stake in Global Online Apparel, a holding company of Indian shoe e-tailer, as well as other e-commerce sites across the globe. Deals India: Morning News Roundup
  • Hanley Black's wife, a stout-in-the-middle matron of 45, thinks "It's positively indecent" while her husband "surveyed his wife's criminal shapelessness and voluminousness of ante-diluvian, New England swimming dress with a withering, contemplative eye" and tells her in a sentence never uttered by a human before or since, "You appear as a creature shameful, under a grotesqueness of apparel striving to hide some secret awfulness. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • The Hundreds apparel is inspired by Los Angeles lifestyle and Southern California†™ s skateboarding, surf, punk, and hip-hop cultures. Limited Edition Stan Sakai shirts go on sale this Saturday | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The nail colors, which come in shades like "Hassid" (dark black) and "Downtown L. A" (red), will be initially sold exclusively in American Apparel shops worldwide and online, and are priced at $6 per bottle. Reuters: Top News
  • His wife, on the one side, in her pearlings and pudding-sleeves, put the last finishing touch to her holiday’s apparel, while she contemplated a very handsome and good-humoured face in a broken mirror, raised upon the “bink” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Thereupon Ardashir fared straight for the bath and washed; after which he arrayed himself in the richest of robes of the apparel of the Kings of the Chosroes and girt his middle with a girdle wherein were conjoined all manner precious stones and donned a turband inwoven with red gold and purfled with pearls and gems. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The hosiery and intimate apparel manufacturer has expanded to casual wear and active wear.
  • To prevent extravagance in dress parish taxes were "cessed" according to apparel -- "if he be unmarried, according to his own apparel; if he be married, according to his own and his wife's or either of their apparel. England in America, 1580-1652
  • His new apparel somewhat shocked M. and Madame de Meroul who even at home on their estate always remained serious and respectable, as the particle "de" before their name exacted a certain amount of ceremonial even with their intimate friends. The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume VIII.
  • The apparelling was a lively process, to judge from the sounds of mirth that issued from the various cubicles; and so many different articles were borrowed, lent, and exchanged that it was a wonder their respective owners ever managed to claim them again. The New Girl at St. Chad's A Story of School Life
  • The sheer awesomeness of my apparel seemed to catch them off guard.
  • [192] [Will.] [193] For _parliament_ we are to understand _parament_, i.e., apparel, referring to the gowns he carries. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6
  • But for cattle and women lent [the return] is, their offspring: the highest encrease demandable for use of liquids [99] is eight-fold; for wearing apparel, for corn, and for gold, four-fold, three-fold and two-fold respectively. Hindu Law and Judicature from the Dharma-Sástra of Yájnavalkya
  • I took in his wrinkled apparel, his smudged face, and the scruff on his chin and cheeks from several days without grooming.
  • Shopping for kidsThis year as in most of the past years, apparel is at the top of the list as the number one gift item to give this holiday season, followed again by toys in the number two spot. — Latest baby and child news: October 18, 2010
  • When they are in the light times, they dress in fine apparel with bright colours and gold trim.
  • Apparel wholesale / manufacturing typically is not noted for cutting-edge technology and even retail is not as advanced as some other industries.
  • She looked lovely, despite her strange apparel.
  • Apparel made of fustian, canvas, leather, and wool is always deemed appropriate for those of the ‘inferior sort’.
  • These are people who are, obviously, acquiring their most popular and useful apparel items through a promotional connection to their company or association.
  • That means spotting the trends even before the trendoids do, turning the ideas into affordable clothes, and making the apparel fly off the racks.
  • Luckily, we have numerous options these days for exercise apparel, or what the retailers like to call activewear. The Fiber35 Diet
  • This man setteth her out to make her more lovely in her holliday apparell, to the eye of anie that will daine, not to disdaine untill they understand. Defence of Poesie
  • This is a teaching block at Qinghua University which was renamed after the university received a donation from the apparel chain store Jeanswest.
  • In the first, an enigmatic wanderer, appareled in a coat of many colors, enters a splendid city: Cassocks and Codpieces
  • Some suggestions for improvement of e - procurement in Chinese apparel enterprises are given.
  • The contraction in exports has narrowed down, but shipments in segments such as apparels and handicrafts were yet to pick up, he added. The Hindu - Front Page
  • A crowd of British apparel makers is now jostling to join it. Times, Sunday Times
  • But most of Sherzad's designs are hitting the overseas market - in fact, 90 percent of her apparel is sold outside of Afghanistan. Afghan Fashion Hits London's High Street
  • Over the back of a chair was thrown the work she had been busied with; and on the bed, almost hid by the curtains, was a pair of the prettiest little blue garters I ever saw, even in Paris, -- span-new they were, and had evidently been bought no longer ago than the evening before, -- and some other articles of feminine apparel, which I will not attempt to describe. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • In examining the metal remains on the wreck site, apparel accessories such as cufflinks, buttons, and buckles made of silver were concentrated close to the stern, where the ship's captain, first mate, and other officers would have resided. Loaded Guns, Barrels of Rum, and a Silk Ribbon
  • This new round of embellishment is not confined to evening gowns and bridal wear, but is going into all areas of apparel, including activewear and sportswear.
  • -- A man should so deliver himself to the nature of the subject whereof he speaks, that his hearer may take knowledge of his discipline with some delight; and so apparel fair and good matter, that the studious of elegancy be not defrauded; redeem arts from their rough and braky seats, where they lay hid and overgrown with thorns, to a pure, open, and flowery light, where they may take the eye and be taken by the hand. Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems
  • Originally, they sold back-to-the-land products such as apparel in natural fabrics and wood-burning stoves.
  • His wife, on the one side, in her pearlings and pudding-sleeves, put the last finishing touch to her holiday's apparel, while she contemplated a very handsome and good-humoured face in a broken mirror, raised upon the "bink" (the shelves on which the plates are disposed) for her special accommodation. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • This technology is adaptable to almost any type of apparel and they have also made air tambourines and an air guiro, a percussion instrument. MY POCKET FULL OF NEW GIZMOS
  • To pull off see-through pieces in style, opt for a bodyshaper or a slip in a shade that matches your skin tone. $58 at American Apparel stores and www. Trend Report: Heir transparent
  • Considering that "intimate apparel" and "adult toys," according to Adil, are some of the most unusual items left behind at the Chicago Hyatt Regency, the policy may make sense.
  • This past winter I was at work, happily shelving a cartful of books, when I looked up and saw, right in front of me, a nun, dressed in nun's apparel.
  • This clothing industry trade group is made up of men's apparel retailers and manufacturers of suits and tailored clothing.
  • Snowbird Group , Inc. ( USA ) Warmly Congratulates the Grand Opening of 2001 Shanghai international Apparel Culture Festival!
  • Gaunt he beat his own name; for you might have thrust him and all his apparel into an eel-skin; the case of a treble hautboy was a mansion for him, a court: and now has he land and beefs. The second part of King Henry the Fourth
  • Because the activewear market is so fragmented, execs figure they can double apparel revenues to $6 billion in five years.
  • This day Abdalla Khan waited on the prince with a gallant equipage, himself and servants being anticly apparelled, yet soldier-like, according to their fashion. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Industries served include apparel and textile, paint and coatings, automotive, plastics, photography, home theater and others.
  • The exhibition is showcasing revolutionary technology in the Indian apparel industry.
  • In many cases, Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy.
  • Jacket , Athletic Wear Garment , Leather Apparel , Knits, Loungewear, Novelty Jackets, Sportswear.
  • The market for sports shoes and apparel in China last year was worth some $3 billion.
  • Then, having finished apparelling us and still chuckling, the two touched our arms and led us out, into a room whose circular sides were ringed with soft divans. The Moon Pool
  • Over the past 28 years, by making sexy lingerie affordable, accessible, and acceptable, Columbus, Ohio-based Victoria's Secret has created a middle ground in intimate apparel.
  • The company dropped the word "apparel" from its name last year to reflect its focus on its accessories business and bought high-end shoe retailer Kurt Geiger earlier this year to increase its foothold in the international luxury market. Reuters: Press Release
  • Along with these yardages, made-ups, cushion cover and apparel are being displayed to show the varied combinations of different products.
  • And while the trained-nurse-apparelled young woman seated Dag Daughtry in the enamelled surgeon's chair and leaned him back under direction, and while Doctor Emory dipped his finger-tips into the strongest antiseptic his office possessed, behind Doctor Emory's eyes, in the midst of his brain, burned the image of a desired Irish terrier who did turns in sailor-town cabarets, was rough-coated, and answered to the full name of Killeny Boy. CHAPTER XIX
  • Figures representing the other three terms (Trinity, Hilary and Easter) enter, leading a ‘poor’ man who is made ‘rich’ as they present him with rich apparel, a page and a pander.
  • England's prime gaiter-wearer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, had his reservations about the apparel.
  • Cotton might not be the demon fabric that performance apparel manufacturers say it is, but I'm going to keep my Under Armour shirt.
  • Lambskin is a soft and supple leather generally used for jackets, pants and other fashion apparel.
  • As When _Dinocrates_ the famous architect, desirous to be knowen to king _Alexander_ the great, and hauing none acquaintance to bring him to the kings speech he came one day to the Court very strangely apparelled in long skarlet robes, his head compast with a garland of Laurell, and his face all to be slicked with sweet oyle, and stoode in the kings chamber, motioning nothing to any man: newes of this stranger came to the king, who caused him to be brought to his presence, and asked his name and the cause of his repaire to the The Arte of English Poesie
  • But now, the $55 billion a year footwear and sports apparel market is looking to hip-hop stars as their leading pitchmen.
  • Kids rush to the playpens, men peep into the garment stores and women spend hours at outlets that offer the latest in apparel, footwear and cosmetics.
  • Modern apparel is also part of the appeal of Karito Kids Giving Girls, a new 21-inch doll line from Kids Give priced at $34 and sold exclusively for the holidays at Sam's Club. Attack of the Tall Dolls
  • Then he bade bring forth money and apparel and clad them in sumptuous robes of honour and showered largesse upon them, wherefore they all loved him and obeyed him. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Capparell says he invested $250,000 in the bimonthly and expects it to be profitable by the third issue.
  • The ‘Union Made’ label is a pretty good guarantee of fair working conditions, but you won't find it on many apparel products sold at the local mall.
  • Readymade Garments, Leather Garment, Athletic Wear, Leather Apparel, Leather Goods, Sportswear.
  • He stood beside me at the edge of a deep pool, likewise apparelled and prodigiously skinny. SHIN-BONES
  • As a result, reflections on life and aspirations of the content, vision, and will naturally be reflected in their lives from their closest and most intimate apparel on the.
  • A well-known figure in Viennese society, St. Genois is appareled in the obligatory black tie and flanked by two modern ‘women,’ each rendered in slightly different, caricatural modes.
  • No formal size standard exists for women's apparel; a size 6 in one store may have completely different dimensions from a size 6 in another.
  • The company now sells everything from yoga apparel to hockey gear to golf equipment.
  • Sears Roebuck bucked the largely bleak holiday sales trend, reporting significant increases in apparel sales.
  • Having analyzed the supply chain features inherent in the apparel industry, a frame work for the apparel industry supply chain is proposed.
  • We are talking to lots of people," he said, adding that the company is looking to free up more retail space within its portfolio which could be used for a number of things, including nonfood, apparel or fresh food. Morrison Buys Kiddicare in Online Push
  • Against excesse in [206] apparell that every man be cessed in the churche for all publique contributions, if he be unmarried according to his owne apparrell, if he be married, according to his owne and his wives, or either of their apparell. Colonial Records of Virginia
  • Certain product categories such as apparels, footwear, accessories, perfumes, groceries, etc need to be touched, sniffed, felt and tried on before purchase. The Star Online: Technology
  • A wool/cotton-blend fabric is ideal for multi-season apparel because wool provides inherent resiliency and warmth, while cotton contributes comfort and coolness.
  • This is a site for those who like to wear loud golf apparel.
  • They're a reincarnation of the sweatpants from the late '70s, with all the comfort of today's training apparel.
  • Some forty similarly appareled blacks lay about the deck, fifteen of which were boat's crew, the remainder being fresh labor recruits. THE TERRIBLE SOLOMONS
  • There were there twelve minstrels anticly disguised; with forty six or more gentlemen and ladies, many of them knights or nobles, and ladies of honor, apparelled in crimson sattin, embroidered upon with wreaths of gold, and garnished with borders of hanging pearl. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • This past winter I was at work, happily shelving a cartful of books, when I looked up and saw, right in front of me, a nun, dressed in full-on nun apparel.
  • For apparel makers without a preexisting mail order sales channel, e-commerce fulfillment is a brave new world.
  • The Levi's name has grown into doddering old age in a brutally competitive apparel market.
  • This spring, Jantzen launched its "Heritage Collection," which features fetching swimsuits and other pieces of casual apparel adapted and updated from a hundred years of maillots, bandeaux, maxis, cowls and bikinis. Susan Kim: Eye Candy
  • These were the casual sallies of his pride; but the avarice of the chagan was a more steady and tractable passion: a rich and regular supply of silk apparel, furniture, and plate, introduced the rudiments of art and luxury among the tents of the Scythians; their appetite was stimulated by the pepper and cinnamon of India; the annual subsidy or tribute was raised from fourscore to one hundred and twenty thousand pieces of gold; and after each hostile interruption, the payment of the arrears, with exorbitant interest, was always made the first condition of the new treaty. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • Shirts, Leather Goods and Accessories , Athletic Wear , Casual Shirts, Dress Shirts, Leather Apparels , Sportswear.
  • I was wearing a simple grey American Apparel t - shirt , scalloped shorts and rhinestone necklace.
  • And we can't even clothe ourselves; we have to import 96 percent of our apparel.
  • Employment also fell in nondurable goods manufacturing industries, especially textiles, apparel, printing and publishing and rubber products.
  • When they left the encampment they left behind them beds, wearing apparel and clothing of all kinds scattered around.
  • Against excesse in apparell that every man be cessed in the churche for all publique contributions, if he be unmarried according to his owne apparrell, if he be married according to his owne and his wives, or either of their apparrell .... Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • This was because the bank knew that it would risk hurting areas in the economy where consumer demand was not strong, such as durables and apparel. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • American Apparel , the US clothing retailer, is open for business.
  • In the thirteenth century the fashion of "apparels", which apparently originated in the north of France, rapidly became general. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • He then took four French ells of a coarse brown russet cloth, and therein apparelling himself, as with a long, plain-seamed, and single-stitched gown, left off the wearing of his breeches, and tied a pair of spectacles to his cap. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The apparels on the amice and albs are also quite nice and seem particularly suited to the monastic context in which all of this takes place. Solemn Mass at Ss. Gregory and Augustine Oratory, St. Louis Abbey
  • Articles of wearing apparel were done upon a soft fine muslin called mull, breadths of which were embroidered for skirts, lengths of it were scalloped and embroidered for flounces, and hand-lengths of it were done for the short waists and sleeves of the pretty Colonial gowns worn by our delicate ancestresses. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • They looked at silent, deserted booths where newspapers and books had once been vended; an ancient bootery; a weapon shop (the gunslinger, with a sudden burst of excitement, saw revolvers and rifles; closer inspection showed that their barrels had been filled with lead; he did, however, pick out a bow, which he slung over his back, and a quiver of almost useless, badly weighted arrows); a women's apparel shop. The Gunslinger
  • His wife, on the one side, in her pearlings and pudding-sleeves, put the last finishing touch to her holiday's apparel, while she contemplated a very handsome and good-humoured face in a broken mirror, raised upon the "bink" (the shelves on which the plates are disposed) for her special accommodation. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The fabric is ideal for uniforms and apparel for occupations such as firefighting.
  • But it was not only as a convenient and durable mode of apparel that the kilt and philibeg were advantageous. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume III.
  • For his dearest, hath spent much less in her apparelling and maintenance, then she could have done, so that there's not only mony in stock, but rents of her real estate that are yet to be paid unto her, though there was very much consumed for her Brides apparel and the other accoutrements. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • In the beginning, the thesis introduces the development and trend of fabric for Intimate Apparel, especially warp-knitted fabric.
  • To promote learning, research, education and training in the intimate apparel and related industries.
  • One of the footmen declared that he had seen a lady leave the house thus apparelled, but had refused to credit that it was his mistress, believing her to be with the company. Sole Music
  • And he said to his Ministers, Ascend, and bring me the child, for I will examine him, and know the Prophet's meaning, and he apparelled him richly, and gave him much, but he prevailed not.
  • The invalid sat to the northeast of the circle; a breechcloth was his only apparel. Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1886-1887, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
  • Yet another reason to avoid wearing skintight apparel is its lack of sex appeal.
  • But in the nineteenth century women were difficult to save: their voluminous clothing was a dead weight in water, and modesty usually prevented their shedding their apparel, even when in danger of drowning.
  • The striped Motocross Apparel sweatshirt is another classic addition to have in your wardrobe. Head Monsters | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Today, world-class designers no longer consider footwear simply a complement to the dress but an article of apparel designed within the context of a single message.
  • London, where by foure notable merchants richly apparelled was presented to him a right faire and large gelding richly trapped, together with a footcloth of Orient crimson veluet, enriched with gold laces, all furnished in most glorious fashion, of the present, and gift of the sayde merchants: where vpon the Ambassadour at instant desire mounted, riding on the way towards Smithfield barres, the first limites of the liberties of the Citie of London. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It was the epoch of the salons, of the philosophers and encyclopaedists, of a brilliant society whose decadence was hidden in a garb of seductive gaiety, its egotism and materialism in a magnificent apparelling of wit and learning. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite.
  • Trust Jane to wear totally inappropriate apparel for a stealth mission such as this.
  • The apparel and clothing of these natives of Luzon before the entrance of the Spaniards into the country were generally, for the men, certain short collarless garments of cangan, sewed together in the front, and with short sleeves, and reaching slightly below the waist; some were blue and others black, while the chiefs had some red ones, called chinanas. History of the Philippine Islands
  • The enraged students wore jeans and American army apparel.
  • But some clothes marketers have discovered that they have had to go beyond physical measurements to satisfy consumers with apparel that fits.
  • For one thing, SAP didn't have the functionality to support an apparel business, which sizes products based on multiple variables, such as inseam and waist measurements.
  • He had no second-best suit that was presentable, and though he could go to the butcher and the baker, and even on occasion to his sister's, it was beyond all daring to dream of entering the Morse home so disreputably apparelled. Chapter 25
  • I'd been exposed to the apparel industry through osmosis my entire life.
  • The Energy Race Offroad Apparel sweatshirt is another fine one. Head Monsters | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The firm offers printed fabrics for swimwear, intimate apparel, dresses, sportswear and activewear, with an emphasis on stretch Lycra knits and rayon and polyester-based wovens.
  • He was wearing his training apparel as well but his sword was secured behind his back.
  • It is a grievous fact for us to confront, but many of them wore apparel of the commonest, talked loudly, and doubtless said "thisaway" and "thataway," and "Watch y 'doin' of?" and "Whur yi goin 'at? The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley, Volume 10
  • The thought of his roommate wearing such apparel sent blood rushing to his cheeks.
  • I'm not suggesting that it's time to codify work apparel, but rather point out that, yes, attractive women who wear clothes well - be they hip-hugging pencil skirts or wide-legged trousers - are perceived differently. Cristen Conger: Just How Good Is Too Good Looking in the Workplace?
  • Women riders' leather clothing and apparel ensemble include motorcycle leather jackets, vests, gloves, chaps, pants, boots and more.
  • The effort potentially could have a major impact on apparel industry working conditions worldwide.
  • This was a splashy, swashbuckling performance, full of thrills, spills and fingerwork as diamantine as the pianist's apparel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hockey apparels are made up from special material of polyester in order to Think Progress » Gainesville, FL rejects homophobic ‘No Homo’ campaign and elects its first openly gay mayor.
  • Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons. Michelle Malkin’s Victory Over Doughnut Terrorists « Blog
  • Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons. Rachael Ray – Loyal to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?
  • Check any apparel store and one finds the boot-cut jeans vying for attention.
  • Now, in his fantasy, he apparelled her like a man; and presently despoiling her of that habit, he gave her another of a nymph; which he took away also, to attire her with the ornaments and majesty of a queen; not leaving any raiment but he gave it unto her, either to make her wise or to make her a vaunting fool; and generally he imagined her to be grave, merry, discreet, subtle and virtuous, which parts are ill-befitting a fair comedian.
  • It is time that I were attending to my own apparelling, which, in looking at thee, I quite forgot," said the widow, rising, and leaving the apartment. The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
  • With the global apparel will be gradually reduced as a stylish, platinum jewelry consumption spiraling.
  • The extravagances of coxcombry in manners and apparel are indeed the legitimate and often the successful objects of satire, during the time when they exist. The Monastery
  • Readymade Garments, Leather Garment, Athletic Wear, Leather Apparels, Outerwear, Sportswear.
  • John quickly removed his clothing and started putting on the apparel set out for him.
  • Being organised by the Apparel Export Promotion Council, in association with the Ministry of Textiles, the fair is being touted as the biggest garment fair of the Indian apparel industry.
  • Sears Roebuck bucked the largely bleak holiday sales trend, reporting significant increases in apparel sales.
  • They cary thither old plate and course linnen cloth, and all kind of small Mercerie wares, seruing for the apparelling of men and women, as linnen, and silke girdles, garters, purses, kniues, and many such like things. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • New apparel, plush and extensions of the toy line are planned.
  • Beyond the purely practical there are more dapper variations of this apparel for spoiled horsey to wear on special occasions such as gymkhanas.
  • Knee breeches or culottes were the de rigueur apparel for 18th century gentlemen.
  • Thus women who would never have considered donning this cumbersome apparel quickly saw that the chador conferred a kind of protection.
  • As the traditional industry, the apparel industry is low - cost, low technology and labor intensive.
  • Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models.
  • Instead, you'll have hangers and shelves and drawers full of home and leisurewear, and there's likely to be evidence that you've bought into some strange new apparel categories, such as luxe loungewear. Why fast fashion is slow death for the planet
  • In the mud of their complacently perpetuated barnyard pond, they assert that no bright-browed, bright-appareled, shining figures can be outside of fairy books, old histories, and ancient superstitions. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • The gayly apparelled clerk from the Bonneville store lost his head in the confusion.
  • ApparelMail includes a series of predefined messages that are generated automatically based on data within the application.
  • The judge said he agreed that customers might be confused by the similar name, but he didn't believe that Minneapolis-based Target would suffer irreparable damage if Target Apparel stores continued to operate under that name pending a full trial on the matter, preliminarily set for November 2012. Canadian Judge Rebuffs Target in Bid for Name
  • The reality is that wearing apparel can be overcome with sweat in the gym running.
  • Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics, Athletic Wear, Golf Apparel, Knits, Sportswear.
  • Several business commentators highlighted the importance of television in fueling the craze for space toys and apparel.
  • All the while there is soft or merry music coming from violins, accordions, barrel organsor small orchestras of street musicians, some of them in gaily colored apparel.
  • At Downside they still wear fine Gothic Revival vestments and the servers apparelled amices and albs; and at Westminster they maintain the severe Roman tradition applied to the modern Roman liturgy, and Latin chasubles continue to be laid out for priests who want to use them. Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
  • In many cases, Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy.
  • Given that each of these three labels features menswear and womenswear, Bailey has six apparel collections to design each season.
  • she was refined in her choice of apparel
  • Close at hand, too, there is a reliefless and relentless smell of pitch and turpentine; there is a ceaseless melancholy in their sighing and complaining foliage; one walks over a soundless carpet of beaten yellow bark and dead spines of the foliage till he feels like a wandering spirit bereft of a footfall; he tires of the endless tufts of needles and yearns for substantial, shapely leaves; he looks for moss and grass to loll upon, and finds none, for where there is no bark there is naked clay and dirt, enemies to pensive musing and clean apparel. Roughing It
  • I find that in apparell he loued to be gaie and gorgeous, & could not abide to haue anie thing Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) William Rufus
  • The other kids could tease me till I cried, but as far as I was concerned, frilly sleeping apparel was fair game on a canoe trip.
  • As for stirring passion, I've just finished a screed to L.L. Bean excoriating them for replacing their 100% merino wool ragg socks with a merino/nylon blend and encourage all those who appreciate the perfect foot apparel to do the same. Guy Kawasaki has come back to Apple
  • Downwardly mobile, despite their gentle origins, these men had limited resources and restricted access to luxurious apparel.
  • The major exports are bauxite and alumina, apparel, sugar, bananas, coffee, citrus and citrus products, rum, cocoa, and labor.
  • King be apparelled of white rich stuffs that he found, and a robe of cloth of silk and gold, and he clad himself in the like manner, neither was the chest not a whit disfurnished thereby, for the tent was all garnished of rich adornments. The High History of the Holy Graal

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