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How To Use Appallingly In A Sentence

  • Leeds might be an excellent team, but today they played appallingly.
  • But these non-newsworthy-factoids have spawned appallingly simple-minded reflections.
  • There his mechanical and appallingly ill-informed Bach playing was exceeded only by the sugary sentimentality of his own, nouveau impressionist music.
  • Agathocles, we are told, always lived a dissolute life and was known for appallingly cruel and inhumane conduct.
  • Both nurses and doctors are working under intense pressure in a service that has been appallingly under-resourced and badly managed.
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  • While in Cologne yesterday I decided to chase up a particular book, discovered that a favourite bookshop (armchairs and reading desks!) had been ingested into an appallingly sterile chain, and on a whim - rather tiredly at this point - went up into the tiny Käthe Kollwitz Museum, which shares the same building and which I've never managed to visit despite good intentions. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Compare that to my current issue uniform cap, which gets hot and uncomfortable and stinks appallingly unless it is cleaned and deodorised twice weekly.
  • It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein 
  • But these non-newsworthy-factoids have spawned appallingly simple-minded reflections.
  • It seems quite appallingly insensitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shame is a pitiable and clownish condition, most appallingly pitiable and clownish on television.
  • The most obvious evidence of this phenomenon is the appallingly low rate of women's literacy in many countries.
  • The film is appallingly directed, exposing the actors to scenes of baffling embarrassment.
  • Lord Ashdown, the former Liberal Democrat leader, said party members were "furious" at what he described as "appallingly personal" jibes against the Deputy Prime Minister. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Lady -- dear lady, have pity upon me! "shrieked the agonized wretch, her countenance hideously distorted, and appallingly ghastly, as it was raised in such bitterly earnest appeal toward that of the avengeress. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • He was such an appallingly grouchy individual that the university never did give him a professorship.
  • Appallingly low turnout for the June elections showed that voters are apathetic.
  • That sadness has turned to outrage at the speed with which some white gay activists began blaming African Americans -- sometimes in appallingly racist ways -- for the defeat of Proposition 8. No Racism: African Americans Are Not Who Funded And Passed Prop (h)8
  • There were the appallingly untalented, removed from that friendly mirror in their bedroom, dancing like stick insects with St Vitus dance and impaling themselves on hideous voices.
  • The didgeridoo, another instrument frequently played appallingly, is in capable hands here.
  • Opponents have been campaigning for a ban for decades and say the practice is appallingly cruel and unnecessary.
  • The film is appallingly directed, exposing the actors to scenes of baffling embarrassment.
  • the prisoners were appallingly thin
  • And by not taking this lesson to heart, it becomes appallingly easy for the world to stand by and watch as human lives are senselessly wasted time and again.
  • When I'm chatting with someone and want to refer to Romanes, I call it "Gypsy" for the same reason -- it would be appallingly discourteous to use a name certain to go over their head, and I would find it unbearably pedantic to be saying things like "now, in Romanes, which is what you call 'Gypsy'... LANGUAGE GUESSER.
  • Edgar spares us the spectacle of a make-believe Lamour, it's studded with other vignettes and dubious representations of historical figures: a charm-free Ginger Rogers, a blank-slate Charles Lindbergh, a cloddish Robert F. Kennedy and an appallingly crude approximation of Richard Nixon. 'J. Edgar': Hoover's Life, in a Dramatic Vacuum
  • Even for a softcore sleaze tease like this, there is an appallingly distinct lack of intelligence all around, with not a scintilla of artistic integrity to be found in a single scene.
  • It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein 
  • The difference is that Richard is so various, so brilliant in his invention, and so appallingly alive in Shakespeare's version, that the audience must realize with a shock that it is attracted to unblushing evil.
  • The Piquets' lawyer, Dominic Crossley, said both men had been treated "appallingly" by The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • They once drank vast quantities of alcohol and consumed appallingly rich, fatty meals of meats and heavy desserts.
  • An appallingly self-satisfied financial adviser-think Malvolio in a stretch limo-finds that his wife is cheating on him.
  • It seems quite appallingly insensitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt appallingly weak, as if with some virulent form of influenza, as he thought of Kathryn. THE LAST RAVEN
  • They proved adequate in calm weather, but rolled appallingly in rough seas.
  • But if that biography confined itself to her activities in the world, it would be appallingly repetitious and boring.
  • The essay was appallingly written.
  • What the term suggests to me is essentially the modern cinematic equivalent of the kind of appallingly grisly public spectacle recounted at great length by Foucault in the opening pages of Discipline and Punish (the whole horrifying passage can be read here), framed and presented for the audience's enjoyment (or whatever) as spectacle. Archive 2009-06-14
  • It's a pretty warped definition of excellence that includes standing by while up to 1,200 patients die in appallingly inhumane conditions. The Sun
  • The protests of various lobby groups, which delayed the start of the minsterial conference, were handled "appallingly", Erwin said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The editing--concerning punctuation, grammar, standard style, etc.--of The Times is appallingly incept. In the beginning
  • It had been an impetuous and unplanned crime and he knew he had driven appallingly.
  • He had attempted to cut the Gordian knot by giving up the cleaning of his pipe, but this had resulted in the inhalation of indescribably repellent, ferociously bitter, and appallingly slimy gobbets of cold dottle. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Either the President lied, or he's been appallingly misled. WALL GAMES
  • All "talent" involved really should be ashamed for their wasted energy on this appallingly dreadful final product.
  • The songs are appallingly uneventful, despite the rock-steady delivery of the band.
  • Independent Complaints Directorate and the SA Human Rights Commission, saying the chairman of their youth wing was treated "appallingly" by police. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I told him about the cassowary, a flightless, man-size bird that lives in the rainforests and has a razor claw on each foot with which it can slice you open in a deft and appallingly expansive manner.
  • They are so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the impostor popes went down in history as ‘anti-popes’.
  • In my experience such lightbulbs give out appallingly dim light which makes prolonged reading and close craftwork impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a patchwork of Clan, tribal loyalties, religious zealotry, appallingly poor, indemicly corrupt politician, power mad factionally torn military and a corporate sector which is (not surprisingy greedy and in for their chop) all of which are in varing degrees fractiousness and discontentedness. Pakistan "Emergency" Ban of Constitution, Independent Media-- A Media Emergency In USA Too
  • He really does have an appallingly low boredom threshold. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this passage, Oothoon's rhetoric of purity and defilement reveals her unwitting capitulation to Theotormon's ascetic dualism (which opposes chastity to harlotry), while her use of the verb "rend" in her instruction to Theotormon's eagles implies, most appallingly, an invited repetition of Bromion's act of rape. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • With appallingly bad grace I packed up and we drove north.
  • When there, I risked being a real bore by showing some Bowie video clips while we ate and got through two bottles of appallingly horrible wine.
  • The grief over his death has been appallingly hard for his partner to deal with. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everywhere in their dioceses, especially in the hinterland beyond the cities in which they were located, bishops on visitations encountered priests who were appallingly ignorant.
  • The didgeridoo, another instrument frequently played appallingly, is in capable hands here.
  • She got appallingly drunk and boiled some globe artichokes for thirty seconds when what they need is forty minutes. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath accused the Premier of exercising "appallingly" poor judgment and called on him to apologize to all Ontarians. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He felt appallingly weak, as if with some virulent form of influenza, as he thought of Kathryn. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Appallingly, a majority of the people in our study indicated that they feared being injured or killed for being transmasculine, transfeminine, or gender-nonconforming. The Full Feed from
  • The corporate world is appallingly bad at capitalizing on the strengths of its people.
  • As a consequence, passengers were treated "appallingly". The Guardian World News
  • And finally - the question that every interviewer asks - how did he get lumbered with such an appallingly unattractive surname?
  • Under the cloak of anonymity, lovers, adulterers and closet gamblers were free to behave appallingly.
  • It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein 
  • May 22, 2006, 5: 07 pm didrex adipex says: didrex adipex markable: appallingly. unwrap The Volokh Conspiracy » CBS and the media more broadly:
  • Yet Robbins's mix of pile-driver satire and sledgehammer sentiment crushes this enthusiasm by making one thing appallingly clear: just because you are on the side of the angels, it doesn't mean you are any good.
  • These kids are so appallingly ill-bred," Peter said of certain players, though there were few around this late in the tournament. Tennis Frat Boy for a Day

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