How To Use Appalling In A Sentence
Moreover, I realized -- experienced, even -- at long last, that "the Body of Christ" is a good deal more than a figure of speech; it is an appalling truth and mystery, uniting us beyond our knowing with one another, and uniting us with an ever greater mystery, the perichoresis ( "circling dance") of the Holy Trinity Who is our One God.
Scott Cairns: Recovering the Body of Christ
At lunch, Monsieur Caïn and his wife, who epitomize the nouveau bourgeoisie, continue to berate their daughter for what they see as appalling manners and lack of respect.
The following day, North accused his bosses of appalling, dishonest and unethical behaviour.
The corporate world is appallingly bad at capitalizing on the strengths of its people.
They are demeaning the quality of public discourse, and setting an appalling example to young people.
Times, Sunday Times

It looks at some appalling racial attacks, including a skinhead raid last June on a Gypsy camp near Naples.
Given his appalling record, he deserved serious punishment.
The Sun
Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling.
Times, Sunday Times
The weather was appalling, and German artillery made life unpleasant for the British.
This is one of the most shocking and appalling media smears we have seen - and we have been shocked and appalled many times in the past.
Her lack of respect and love for her ancestors, many of whom share a lived memory of Hitler, is appalling.
The demands which Humbert makes upon Lolita, with his appalling sentimentality, cannot possibly be met by her: and the result is a bitter comedy in which the nymphet answers his passion by demand for more iced lollies or fudge sundaes.
From the archive, 23 January 1959: Lolita and its critics
The naivety, hateful ignorance and misguided arguments of his article were appalling to say the least.
Appalling Others show real-life autopsies, filmed for medical purposes, showing the removal of human eyes, tongues and scalps.
The chemicals, confiscated from Hitler's Third Reich at the end of the second world war, were mustard gas, phosgene, tabun and lewisite, all of which can inflict appalling injuries.
Your table manners are appalling - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
The Office of Inspector General -- which in May issued a damning report about the appalling lack of enforcement of inhumane large-scale commercial dog breeding operations -- found that the present government program for inspecting horses for soring "is not adequate to ensure that these animals are not being abused.
Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
A quarter of the women had undergone Caesareans, with one in three of those describing the care they received after the procedure as ‘appalling’.
The story is part love story, part comedy of self-justification, and part a chronicle of an appalling crime.
Not only did you rob her of her bag but you injured her and the offence has left an appalling blot upon her memory.
They are the victims of appalling brutality, singled out by the Nazis as subhuman and beaten mercilessly.
Has the world's most pugnacious advocate for the world's poor, a man who almost single-handedly brought the appalling images of famine-struck Africa into the front rooms of millions of Britons, finally gone too far?
appalling conditions
We finally manage to get to the heart of the eerie water delta where the devastation was appalling.
Suddenly, and with appalling quickness the mastodonic brute reared itself on its mighty hind legs and elongated its neck and body in an effort to reach this vociferous pigmy whose clamor was disturbing the primeval silence of its horrible realm.
The Conquering Sword Of Conan
Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling.
Times, Sunday Times
It is reassuring when you come to a thinker with no desire to be an appalling old waxwork.
Times, Sunday Times
The threat to life of this appalling violence is palpable and so is the serious economic threat to a fledgeling and vulnerable nation.
Times, Sunday Times
In this passage, Oothoon's rhetoric of purity and defilement reveals her unwitting capitulation to Theotormon's ascetic dualism (which opposes chastity to harlotry), while her use of the verb "rend" in her instruction to Theotormon's eagles implies, most appallingly, an invited repetition of Bromion's act of rape.
Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
It was an appalling catalogue of incompetence, lies and cover-ups.
The Sun
What induces perpetrators from all walks of life to sexually abuse young children, even infants, often with appalling violence?
The figures are appalling: 1,800,000 people in London live on the poverty line and below it, and 1,000,000 live with one week's wages between them and pauperism.
It is in appalling taste and naturally I therefore found it very amusing.
The female escaped but the male deer suffered appalling injuries as it tried to get away from the crowds of jeering onlookers.
The victims have suffered a horrendous ordeal and quite appalling injuries in the case of Mr Francis.
(link) I wouldn't say Brown's record is appalling - although I think there are big questions over whether PFI was actually good value for money or a sensible way to build well-designed hospitals.
Amuchmoreexotic: A simple but brilliant theory
The sum was raised at a model aircraft flying display that was all but washed out through appalling weather.
The discourse of Sarah Palin and her friends is appalling on its own, but worse is the way in which their readings of the Constitution and American history in general have been accepted as uncontroversially true by so many voters.
Robin Lakoff: Education: Yes, but Why?
The man is clearly a mindless thug and should have been jailed for his appalling attack on others.
The Sun
They toil long hours in appalling conditions in machine shops and restaurants.
His manners are appalling you can't take him anywhere!
Phrases like ‘puppy farms’ with its connotation of cute and cuddly has changed into a byword for appalling dens of excruciating cruelty.
Mental health wards are often so appalling that they make patients worse rather than better.
Times, Sunday Times
They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.
It was written by a childhood resident of the Residential School and gave the first details of appalling abuse children there suffered at the hands of some workers many years before.
It is this type of willful misrepresentation, lying and scaremongering by even the official antivax brigade which I find so appalling. slippinaway
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In a society seeking moral footing after 50 years of totalitarian rot, he found these public manners personally appalling and potentially combustible.
The appalling conditions that animal exhibits suffer have also roused the nation's growing animal rights movement.
Times, Sunday Times
This was an appalling crime carried out on an innocent young woman.
The Sun
Surely heads MUST roll for such appalling bad practice?
The Sun
His catalogue of crimes is appalling: assaults on other children, dog mess through letterboxes, vandalism.
I regret my own appalling academic record.
The Sun
Unfortunately it also has the most appalling collection of yahoos in English cricket and their drunken antics put Headingley's Test future in some jeopardy.
It's appalling." — "It is. I agree.".
There followed an appalling tensity; a prodigious gathering of force; a panic stirring concentration of energy.
The Metal Monster
He really does have an appallingly low boredom threshold.
Times, Sunday Times
A wacky, black-comic interlude has morphed with appalling speed into a potential bloodbath.
It is not just sadness in such a situation, it is appalling, gratuitous cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
Much of the blame for this appalling run of weather can be pinned on the jet stream.
Times, Sunday Times
The hotel is described as ‘pretty appalling’ and its attempt to mimic the postern on the walls opposite has been called ‘deplorable’.
It is a patchwork of Clan, tribal loyalties, religious zealotry, appallingly poor, indemicly corrupt politician, power mad factionally torn military and a corporate sector which is (not surprisingy greedy and in for their chop) all of which are in varing degrees fractiousness and discontentedness.
Pakistan "Emergency" Ban of Constitution, Independent Media-- A Media Emergency In USA Too
In my experience such lightbulbs give out appallingly dim light which makes prolonged reading and close craftwork impossible.
Times, Sunday Times
But so many loved him despite his often appalling behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
If this release is ‘corrected,’ the uncorrected version must be truly appalling.
I am incandescent with rage that such appalling suffering is being inflicted here in Britain.
The Sun
How appalling to think that with a few more boats -- and the ship was provided with that particular kind of davit that would launch more boats -- there would have been no decision of that kind to make!
The Loss of the S. S. Titanic Its Story and Its Lessons
In the midst of this appalling ruin of the monuments of man's power, nature asserted her ascendancy, and shone more beauteous from the contrast.
So what happens if a gay, black, single mother police officer discovers that eating more chocolate cures cancer, has a house that suffers a 20% drop in price due to asylum seekers being housed for free in her empty neighbours house (empty because the neighbours are away on an appalling cut-price cruise they got in the Daily Mail).
The Truth Behind The £100 Phonecalls « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The league says this failure means up to 3,000 teenagers are locked up in inhumane, appalling conditions.
As appalling as that 1968 assault was, thuggery is nothing new in politics; it transcends time, ideology and party.
Michael Winship: The Pulpit of Bullies
As the appalling media response to the Momart fire has reminded us, what art needs most is defending from the philistine hordes.
It would end the appalling mistreatment of women in this region no more honor murders or clitoridectomies.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Applying the Precautionary Principle Consistently
Or maybe it's the early onset of some appalling degenerative neurological disease.
Times, Sunday Times
He points to the ceiling with its peeling paint and says the noise from neighbours is'appalling'.
The Sun
You could go out and get lashed and behave in an appalling manner without anyone really caring or taking your photograph.
The Sun
In fact, it is a disgraceful idea, an appalling, short-term botch that would set a horrible precedent. news feed
Most motorists now accept the pressing need to cut the appalling toll of accidents involving cyclists.
Times, Sunday Times
Britain had hitherto shown appalling disregard for the men who died fighting for it.
Times, Sunday Times
This appalling business practice is driving some architects to the wall.
Times, Sunday Times
My cosmopolitanism, my ability to read ancient Tamil love poetry, my advanced degrees become irrelevant in the face of such appalling culpability.
They are so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the impostor popes went down in history as ‘anti-popes’.
Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation.
In 1917, the Bolsheviks inherited a health situation from imperial Russia that was appalling.
In one appalling calamity, a hundred women died in a fire that engulfed a silk filature because the owner had locked them in from the outside.
The Last Empress
It was while working for the charity in east Africa that he suffered his appalling injuries.
At first sight it looked appalling, but I could see it had sound structure, fantastic quality of light and great potential.
The glorification of violence, bad language and sexism I find quite frankly appalling.
The violence of prairie weather was something appalling to settlers.
The German bombers still caused appalling damage.
Times, Sunday Times
As we walked towards Torc Waterfall through a wooded area, the smell was just appalling.
The search was hampered by appalling weather conditions.
Mary Kinglsey insisted on lending her her watch till recess, and Jenny Snow, a satirical young lady, who had basely twitted Amy upon her limeless state, promptly buried the hatchet and offered to furnish answers to certain appalling sums.
Little Women
This appalling litter problem is mainly caused by the unpleasant habit of so many people now who eat their meals in the street, swill them down with a can of drink and then finish off with the inevitable cigarette.
Every day the papers are filled with an appalling catalogue of deaths and injuries as the result of the latest piece of motoring madness.
It was an appalling chronicle of events, with far-reaching, negative outcomes.
I told him about the cassowary, a flightless, man-size bird that lives in the rainforests and has a razor claw on each foot with which it can slice you open in a deft and appallingly expansive manner.
The French, caught unawares because they think the appalling Phil Coulter ditty is an intro to an ad for some sort of cross border version of a bawneen sweater, won't even start hissing, sneering or booing.
Irish Blogs
As the rest of us deal with the appalling detritus of this administration, it is more then galling, although not unexpected, to see these fraudulent people land comfortably in cushy and undemanding jobs.
Top Bush Aides to Linger on High-Profile Boards - The Caucus Blog -
With staff shortages and appalling weather conditions, the emergency services were at full stretch.
Ohuruogu had what she called an "appalling" race over a lap of the Crystal Palace track on Saturday to finish last as Richards-Ross marked herself among favourites for the World Championships with an impressive victory.
Evening Standard - Home
This has led to appalling legal complications about who is allowed to represent whom.
Times, Sunday Times
Independent Complaints Directorate and the SA Human Rights Commission, saying the chairman of their youth wing was treated "appallingly" by police.
ANC Daily News Briefing
That is not a joke, it is appalling and shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
He learns that laborers there work in fields routinely sprayed with the highly toxic pesticide methyl bromide, which is blamed for appalling deformities in their children.
NPR Topics: News
They were utterly appalling with their rotten or missing teeth, tangled, matted hair, and yellowing scurvy eyes.
Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.
This was the most appalling act of mindless evil in the epidemic of rioting last summer that still shames Britain.
The Sun
The effect on their bearing and appearance is all too often appalling.
With his ghastly haircut and appalling dress sense, and his strange mannerisms, he is, nevertheless a giant of a man.
What it is is an appalling, barbarous regime.
The Sun
But she does not draw out the implications of this appalling bait-and-switch story for her depiction of humanitarian intervention as a politically shaky but morally obligatory cause.
Something so appalling had already happened to her and then the person she turned to for help shoved her away.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
The appalling conditions that animal exhibits suffer have also roused the nation's growing animal rights movement.
Times, Sunday Times
He could not have moved, had he attempted to do so, although somewhere deep down inside of him he felt that it was his duty to untwine those clinging arms and somehow to account for the appalling situation.
The Last Woman
However, the viewpoints were to quickly change when soon after, we heard of the appalling conditions under which these deportees were being ‘taken back to where they belong’.
It was the first time they had appeared in public since the appalling tragedy.
The Sun
It was appalling to see those broken bodies, human beings treated worse than dogs.
The word incent represents an appalling abuse of the English language.
Archive 2006-10-01
The songs are appallingly uneventful, despite the rock-steady delivery of the band.
He rightly said that passenger facilities were absolutely appalling, especially the absence of adequate public lavatories.
I came close to turning down this recital because of the most appalling reviewer's tickets I've ever had.
Young pigs are kept in semi-darkness to minimise fighting and aggression caused through frustration due to their appalling conditions.
His manners were appalling before he got married, but his wife soon got him house-trained.
Call me a doom-monger if you will, but I reckon an air-attack on Iran will be the most appalling error in American history.
An Army of Frothers
Shallow Throat": Dems 'Cave-In Is Truly Scary yahooBuzzArticleHeadline ='"Shallow Throat": Dems\ 'Cave-In Is Truly Scary'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The high-ranking GOP mole says CheneyBush are gloating at the Democrats\' appalling strategic mistake in voting to re-fund the Iraq War.
"Shallow Throat": Dems' Cave-In Is Truly Scary
It is on the outer edges of the protest area that the most appalling violence is to be seen.
Times, Sunday Times
One: he or she had appalling table manners.
Times, Sunday Times
These are manifest in a few appalling modern sculptures scattered hither and thither.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
Because populations were small, the steady drip of violence took an appalling toll.
Times, Sunday Times
There is absolutely no need to ever gaff a tope, it's an appalling thing to even consider.
This appalling business practice is driving some architects to the wall.
Times, Sunday Times
Those who perform clitorectomies (generally women themselves, I believe) have been found to believe appalling things about female anatomy — one I read about thought that the clitoris was a worm that would burrow into the female body if not cut out.
Matthew Yglesias » The Surge and Afghan Women
He said at the time: 'It is appalling and very upsetting.
The Sun
But if that biography confined itself to her activities in the world, it would be appallingly repetitious and boring.
The killing of seven alleged Uyghur terrorists and a police officer in a shootout on December 28 in Khotan prefecture ended an appalling year in the region.
Henryk Szadziewski: 2011: The Uyghur Human Rights Year in Review
T.J. Holmes actually monitoring all the various affiliates, monitoring our live cameras, and all the man and womanpower that we have on this story today -- T.J. T.J. HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, like you said at the top today, Kyra, the pictures are appalling.
CNN Transcript Feb 2, 2007
Either the President lied, or he's been appallingly misled.
The faculty was undistinguished, teaching methods uninspired, and the attrition rate, of course, appalling.
Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions.
The use of force is appalling, indiscriminate barbarity unforgivable.
She had affairs with appalling men yet was a good mother of the future king.
‘By any standards public oratory is appalling’, claimed Donald Horne in The Lucky Country.
But perhaps the two criminals were coming to terms with the self-inflicted tragedy and the appalling price they and their family have paid.
Times, Sunday Times
The arable sector is more difficult to predict but the appalling weather, combined with increased demand from the animal feed sector, could lift prices to compensate at least in part.
What a truly appalling example for any senior player to set.
The Sun
That complete dissociation from one's old life I found appalling.
The campaign aims to change appalling attitudes toward this vile crime and the conditions victims have to deal with.
The Sun
Above the tide of melody, the voice of the evangelist rose in a scream, appalling in its agony -- "Oh, men and women, why _will_ you die, _why_ will you _die_?
The boxes are given to families many of whom are living in appalling conditions such as old railway trucks, buildings partly destroyed by shellfire and in extreme cases, sewers.
In appalling conditions throughout, both teams went at each other.
The Sun
I bear in mind the snippets of evidence that we have already got from you, that some managers are clearly appalling.
The very notion is ‘insidious, unworthy, diabolical, appalling, shrill and hysterical’.
Conditions in Evin have been so appalling that three women prisoners committed suicide in December.
Detectives said the scale of the exploitation of the immigrant workers was ‘appalling’ and revealed they were closing in on the gangmasters suspected of sending the immigrants to their deaths.
He had attempted to cut the Gordian knot by giving up the cleaning of his pipe, but this had resulted in the inhalation of indescribably repellent, ferociously bitter, and appallingly slimy gobbets of cold dottle.
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
There you will find whole websites, huge areas of cyberspace groaning with appalling games.
Something so appalling had already happened to her and then the person she turned to for help shoved her away.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
But Elspeth ... and to haunt me in that stinking stokehold came the appalling question: suppose it was my skin or hers - would I turn tail then?
Flashman's Lady
Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation.
She decried the appalling state of the British film industry.
It is not poverty that maims our society - it is the appalling lack of concern and compassion for the poor that maims us all.
The appalling conditions facing many people had previously fuelled a number of anti-government protests.
It had been an impetuous and unplanned crime and he knew he had driven appallingly.
The editing--concerning punctuation, grammar, standard style, etc.--of The Times is appallingly incept.
In the beginning
Appalling failures in planning, command, commo and doctrine.
7/7 Bombs – Police To Blame SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Mental health wards are often so appalling that they make patients worse rather than better.
Times, Sunday Times
As he reflected on his appalling behaviour, he mentally composed a letter of apology to his host.
We are simply asked to contemplate the appalling act and the nightmare that one loathsome human being can inflict on an innocent bystander.
This has led to appalling legal complications about who is allowed to represent whom.
Times, Sunday Times
He puts on an appalling high-pitched Australian squawky voice.
The female escaped but the male deer suffered appalling injuries as it tried to get away from the crowds of jeering onlookers.
Service, under such appalling conditions, is testimony indeed to his courage.
The very notion is ‘insidious, unworthy, diabolical, appalling, shrill and hysterical’.
Yes, the abuse they have revealed is disgusting and appalling and it is right that it should be exposed and that we should be horrified.
There is a class of person who delights in trying to scare the pants off you with appalling tales of child-rearing horror.
Council tax has gone up because of the appalling mess the Tories and Liberals are making of running the council.
Animal activists in the city have been drawing attention to the appalling lack of concern for animal welfare in hatcheries or intensive poultry farming centres.
He said: ‘It is appalling that while we are expected to accept a ban on trawling for white fish we have to sit back and watch crews from other countries catch white fish just to be turned into feed for animals.’
The protests of various lobby groups, which delayed the start of the minsterial conference, were handled "appallingly", Erwin said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Even Ponting describes the quiet as "appalling" on one of his intertitles, which otherwise often have a jolly-jape feel.
The disquieting sound of The Great White Silence
In a nine-page report, the State Department criticizes what it calls appalling and systematic repression, including forcing women away from education and out of their jobs.
CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2001
But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions.
The Sun
Where people had genetically bad teeth, not aided by appalling diet, the falsies were a wonderful treat.
Top stories from Times Online
Want to vent your spleen over how great or appalling our list is?
She decried the appalling state of the British film industry.
He said that while he was extremely relieved that no device was found, it was appalling that patients were discommoded and upset in this way.
His smooth chat-up technique is hampered by an appalling taste in casual wear.
The book celebrates the hostages' remarkable triumph over appalling adversity.
The book celebrates the hostages' remarkable triumph over appalling adversity.
The nabobs, as they were called -- the company's servants and directors who survived the appalling climate and who returned to England after a few years with immense fortunes wrung by extortion and peculation from the Indian princes and the Indian trade.
Some Aspects of the Public Service
A true and truly appalling story about sleazy people who saw what they wanted to until a decent judge lost his patience and blew a whistle.
These are the appalling injuries suffered by a man brutally mugged for his wallet as he walked his dog.
With that dead weight gone I could just keep my grip, and with a mighty heave hauled myself into the thicket, catching a stouter branch and getting a leg over it — and suddenly there was an appalling crack, the branch gave way, and down I went, entangled in a mesh of leaves and withies, under the surface, helpless in the grip of the current which swept me away.
Flashman on the March
The campaign aims to change appalling attitudes toward this vile crime and the conditions victims have to deal with.
The Sun
The punishment should adequately reflect the revulsion felt by most people for this appalling crime.
Unfortunately I started by vaguely hacking around with Perl and have developed some appalling habits which Perl quite happily lets me get away with.
It's a pretty warped definition of excellence that includes standing by while up to 1,200 patients die in appallingly inhumane conditions.
The Sun
She decried the appalling state of the British film industry.
With staff shortages and appalling weather conditions, the emergency services were at full stretch.
And it was a really appalling hanging, in the respect that the minister kept them on the scaffold waiting for 25 minutes as he gave a sermon.