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[ UK /ɐpˈɒθɪkəɹi/ ]
[ US /əˈpɑθəˌkɛɹi/ ]
  1. a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

How To Use apothecary In A Sentence

  • It is set in an unpromising block, but once you heft aside the wooden door you find yourself in an old apothecary, with glass-fronted cabinets, wood-panelled walls and waitresses in dirndls.
  • America -- applied for employment as army-physician; but Mr Hunter, the director-general of the medical department of the army, considering none eligible for such employment who had not served as staffer regimental surgeon, or apothecary to the forces, Jackson agreed to accept, in the first instance, the surgeoncy of the 3d Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 420 Volume 17, New Series, January 17, 1852
  • At the corner of the quadrivium is the apothecary's shop, in which was a large collection of surgical instruments, mortars, drugs, and pills. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • The rest of the errands were much like others he had run in the past, except for one small item; among the other items Cameron wanted from the apothecary was a remarkable quantity of laudanum, and for the first time since Paul had known him, a small amount of morphia. Red dust
  • For several years, the artist has been making colored wax casts of containers that resemble antique apothecary bottles and jars, and shelving them in vitrines, wooden cabinets or on painted ledges.
  • His mother evidently expected that both he and she herself would be relieved on the spot, but the Apothecary durst not be hopeful, though he gave the child a draught which he called a febrifuge, and which put him to sleep, and bade the lady take another of the like if she wished for a good night's rest. Grisly Grisell
  • So even if you don't want to be a pharmacist or an apothecary, even if you're just taking Advanced because your parents made you, this is a good lesson for all of you.
  • The store is offering 50% off all merchandise storewide, which also includes accessories, apothecary, framed art, stationery and apparel. Shopping Sales To Start The New Year
  • pottinger," or apothecary, as in the real old Scotch affair. A Collection of Ballads
  • Gesturing to the apprentice, the Apothecary went back through the curtain with the assorted bottled healing draughts.
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