

  1. use an apostrophe

How To Use apostrophize In A Sentence

  • I didn't apostrophize my plurals in my post.
  • Oudolf has made some knowing winks to New York City's indigenous (or ubiquitous) plant life, including his use of sumac, a shrub with compound leaves reminiscent of Ailanthus altissima, the weedlike "tree of heaven" apostrophized in Betty Smith's best-selling novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn of 1943 as an archetypal urban survivor accustomed to the toughest settings. Up in the Park
  • Lost, Milton "apostrophizes the devil as the true principium individuationis, a concept which has been anticipated by the alchemists for some time before. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • And consequently the surface of the hill began to disappear, and there were chasms in the orad, which caused those who travelled on wheels to sit still, staring across with angry eyes, and sometimes to apostrophize the doer of these deeds with very naughty words. Castle Richmond
  • Then, too, beyond this cross-lexical effect, there is the adjective's quiet anagrammaticization in the immediately following line, where "silent entangler" telescopes under conversion to "listener" — sleep apostrophized as if overhearing its own wordplay. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • As he strode over a gutter, he apostrophized a bearded portress who was worthy to meet Faust on the Les Miserables
  • She had, therefore, no sooner formed the hasty conclusion, that the individual in question belonged to this obnoxious class, than she resumed her former occupation, and continued to soliloquize and apostrophize her absent handmaidens, without even appearing sensible of his presence. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The prophetic message consisted of three different portions: -- First, Sennacherib is apostrophized (2Ki 19: 21-28) in a highly poetical strain, admirably descriptive of the turgid vanity, haughty pretensions, and presumptuous impiety of the Assyrian despot. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Both frequently apostrophize unidentified addressees, and both manipulate pronouns in intriguing ways, but his lyrics imply mundane, domestic situations.
  • Moreover, there are no examples of collectives being apostrophized with the regularity that this personification receives.
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