How To Use Apoplectic In A Sentence
They've been helped by the fact that medical malpractice rates really are at record highs, and doctors are understandably apoplectic.
I don't know why it's not a election issue, and why we're not all standing behind the parents of these children, apoplectic with collective anger and calling for the Minister's head on a plate.
He's even courteous a lot of the time - at least when he's not apoplectic with rage - particularly to women, and he's passingly kind to the pet dog.
But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic.
I look for the driver's expression in their rear-view mirror, but their windows are fitted with tinted glass that hides their indubitable, apoplectic rage.

It is true also that there were many autocratic denizens of the quarterdeck whom a speck of dust would render apoplectic, but who were not in the least interested in accurate gunnery.
I'm imagining the words 'seethe', 'apoplectic' ...
The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
When Hillsman accused mainstream Democrats of "sandbagging" Lamont by holding off on information and aid — in essence, dithering over its commitment to the official party nominee — Davis became apoplectic and prosecutorial.
Scrap at Yale Highlights New Social Divide: Global Elites Vs. Populist Realists
He was apoplectic with rage/fury.
Daughtry, to behold his captain, frayed and bleeding and breathing apoplectically, Michael raging in ghastly silence at the end of a mop, and a large Persian mother-cat writhing with a broken back.
Strine, however, pointed out that none of the journalists quoted Dimon directly on this point, sourcing the information instead to an interview with former Bear CEO Alan Schwartz or, in the case of Sorkin, who reported that Dimon was "apoplectic" over the guarantee, to an unnamed person involved or briefed on the talks.
Yvette Kantrow: Leo Strine, critic at large
I believe the term apoplectic would be appropriate should such an event come to pass.
Eric C. Anderson: China Matters, Open Letter to the President
Bill is yellowed and crumpled, with a good line in apoplectic ranting and a hard-earned smoker's cough.
apoplectic seizure
I was late, short-tempered and apoplectic with frustration.
I can best describe as apoplectic chairs whose legs were fashioned like aquatic plants; tables upheld by tortured naked women; lighting fixtures in the form of tassels, and such horrors, in many houses of to-day under the guise of being "authentic period furniture.
The House in Good Taste
Have they started sulking for England, throwing apoplectic strops, slamming bedroom doors that shake the house to its very foundations?
The seed-stones, however, contained in the dark pulpy berry, are poisonous to man, and superinduce apoplectic symptoms.
A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
Next day, I was apoplectic with rage when I saw that some moronic sub-editor had changed the reference to myself as feeling like Sancho Panza accompanying Don Quixote of Cervantes fame.
It's not going to pass by an overwhelming margin, and if you listen to CBC Radio, you'll hear the same kind of apoplectic and apocalyptic predictions of fire and brimstone from their collection of right-wing loons (not to be confused with the loonies, which are the one-dollar coins), but most Canadians are pretty mellow about issues that come under the category of live-and-let-live.
June 2005
If the above responses appear 'apoplectic', I can only wonder how the upcoming Congressional oversight hearings will sound.
Sound Politics: Liberals Are About to Go Apoplectic
There is something about regulating pornography that causes even the most prurient libertarian to become apoplectic.
Mason, his massive features apoplectic in hue, and his vast bulk aquiver with righteous indignation, raised a shrill voice to address them.
"Power" by Harl Vincent, part 7
Only I say it real apoplectic, which is the same as apologetic except you are also still pissed.
Flux Tales of Human Futures
Some people are going apoplectic over it, and a few are even accusing Pope Benedict XVI of "stoking homophobia" ( "homophobe" is apparently 2008's "Infantile, Brain-Dead Insult of the Year"), so two things are immediately evident: the Pope said something that must be read, and that whatever he said is being misunderstood or misrepresented.
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
It is showed that combined acupuncture and medication is quite effective for ischemic apoplectic paralysis.
Objective To analyze the factors influencing acupuncture treatment of post-apoplectic hemiplegic omodynia.
It's been around since long before Basil Fawlty was reduced to fits of apoplectic rage by the uncomprehending antics of his dim-witted Spanish waiter Manuel in Fawlty Towers.
I further wished him a happy Valentines Day and apoplectic attack with a smile.
They pulled out the generals to give endless press conferences on the insanity of such an ‘aggressive’ move, and the papers were apoplectic with criticism.
The comment by me which so upset Henry, and sent you into a foaming apoplectic raging rant, was in a column last September.
Hurrying back to the office he found the would-be client gone and his boss apoplectic.
In the midst of a sermon, he suffered an apoplectic attack and remained unconscious for the rest of his life.
No, he takes Scrooge to the market, and shows him the abundance there, especially the fruits sometimes literal of foreign trade: There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence.
A Dickens Of A Debate Between Mr. Scrooge And Mr. Say
Now I'm all for anything that celebrates blatant carnivorism, and I'd love to see PETA's apoplectic reaction, but come on: I've been inside a Burger King and while the amalgam of scent that assaults your nose may not be quite as revolting as the aforementioned love sweat of the Mongolian Cud-Spitting Yak, it certainly doesn't conjure up images of sweet lovin 'on a plush rug in front of a roaring fire.
Scent of Love
`I regard this as a serious matter," he went on, in an apoplectic whisper.
Does it induce a nice warm glow, or bring on a fit of apoplectic rage?
Should we be apoplectic with rage or surprisingly delighted?
He tried to recant the terms of the contest, right then and there, and became apoplectic with rage when he discovered who it was who had duped him.
Meanwhile, their defenders in the media were practically apoplectic about the gall of non-experts using data they can't possibly understand in order to advance their own bizarre conspiracy theories.
Ugh, you brutes!" exclaimed Quashy, referring to a number of urubu vultures which stood on the shells, all more or less gorged, some still tearing sleepily at the meat, others standing in apoplectic apathy, quite unable to fly.
The Rover of the Andes A Tale of Adventure on South America
The photograph had not pleased him and it had rendered the Senior Planning Officer apoplectic.
In direct contrast, the owner of another restaurant I recently reviewed phoned me on my mobile on a Sunday, apoplectic that I'd dared to point out some failings of his restaurant.
He's even courteous a lot of the time - at least when he's not apoplectic with rage - particularly to women, and he's passingly kind to the pet dog.
To make the situation more interesting, King Wenceslas IV had an apoplectic fit and died of a heart attack upon learning of the defenestration.
So the girliemen don't need to go gettin 'apoplectic on us yet!
Going to court
He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
But Ned merely acted out the worst fears of a bunyip aristocracy – laughed in their apoplectic faces, stole their horses and a few head of steers
Archive 2008-04-01
I'm imagining the words '' seethe '', '' apoplectic '' ...
They say the President died of an apoplectic stroke.
This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse.
Apoplexy, whose adjective form, apoplectic, came to mean “red-faced with rage,” is now called “stroke” like apoplexy, from the Greek plessien, “to strike” because this third largest killer in the United States was nothing to treat lightly.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
He was, at first, incoherent with rage, and, with his clearly visible, ever-mounting blood pressure, we feared an apoplectic stroke.
Mostly, I’ve spent the past week in apoplectic rage at the various slights visited upon the British people by the ones in charge.
The blog that time forgot « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
His face was apoplectic with rage and was completely hot.
He went apoplectic and I suddenly found myself marched off to the guardroom almost at running pace.
And, as you've surely heard, "its winning of the Palme d'Or, the top prize at Cannes, last May provoked the conservative British press into an 'apoplectic' reaction, as Mr Laverty described it.
GreenCine Daily: NYT on Sunday.
The colonel was apoplectic with rage.
But to see it damaged by nothing more than speculation and egotism was enough to drive some of those closely involved, well, apoplectic.
The announcers, meanwhile, are talking about how that is the ruling on the field and that it should stand, all while I'm apoplectic in my living room.
He was apoplectic with rage at the decision.