
How To Use Apophysis In A Sentence

  • * In tetrapods with two-headed ribs, the more ventral rib head contacts a facet on the vertebra known as the parapophysis (plural parapophyses), while the more dorsal rib head contacts a facet known as the diapophysis (plural diapophyses). ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part IV
  • The history and clinical picture of avulsion of the ischial apophysis closely mimics that of a hamstring injury.
  • I have some rather excellent apophysis wallpapers. the 3d hack for apophysis (still in beta i think) in particular is great. Top 10 Wallpaper Tools & Tweaks | Lifehacker Australia
  • In younger patients, nonossified bone present at growth plates such as the femoral head epiphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine apophysis is susceptible to injury until the skeleton matures.
  • The scapula (with supra-scapula) is the pleurapophysis, the coracoid the hæmapophysis, of the occipital vertebra. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
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  • He argued that the “worm-like appendage” [epiphysis or apophysis] of the cerebellum (nowadays known as the vermis superior cerebelli) is much better qualified to play this role (Kühn 1822, pp. 674-683; May 1968, vol. 1, pp. 418-423). Descartes and the Pineal Gland
  • The iliac apophysis ossifies in a predictable fashion from anterolateral to posteromedial along the iliac crest.
  • The central region extending between the apophysis and the operculum is composed of sterile tissue and forms the columella (c). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • He argued that the “worm-like appendage” [epiphysis or apophysis] of the cerebellum (nowadays known as the vermis superior cerebelli) is much better qualified to play this role (Kühn 1822, pp. 674-683; May 1968, vol. 1, pp. 418-423). Descartes and the Pineal Gland
  • Plus I'm using fractal imaging software (called apophysis) and hubble images to make some cool flying through space videos using Magix video software. Lowell Sun Forum
  • The right postzygapophysis of the more posterior vertebra can be identified; a small nubbin of bone anterolateral to this might represent part of a cervical rib.
  • I now have serious doubts about my identification of this object as a diapophysis, and I think that David was right with the neural spine identification. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Hence the ilium is a pleurapophysis, the ischium and pubis are both hæmapophyses. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • As a result, we have found that, as the amount of mandible deviation increases with the mandible laterodeviation cases, there is a deviation amount increase with the zygapophysis and coronoid process; however, the relationship has different tendencies.
  • For neither can any other bone be made exactly as it was, which having become incorporated with another bone, and having grown to it as an apophysis, has been torn from its natural situation. On The Articulations
  • The causes of intervertebral foramen stenosis are uncinate process articulation hyperosteogeny, intervertebral disc protrusion, vertebral body hypertrophy, zygapophysis hyperosteogeny, dislocation et al.
  • C, Median longitudinal section of a capsule, with the seta gradually widening into the apophysis at its base; d, operculum; p, peristome; a, annulus; c, columella; s, archesporium; h, air-space between the spore-sac and the wall of the capsule. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • We perceive a return to it, as it were, in the early phases of development of the highest organised of the actually existing species, or we ought rather to say that development starts from the old point; and thus, in regard to the scapula, we can explain the constancy of its first appearance close to the head, whether in the human embryo or in that of the swan, also its vertical position to the axis of the spinal column, by its general homology as the rib or 'pleurapophysis' of the occipital vertebra" (_Limbs_, p. 56). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • I thought later on that it might be a partial diapophysis*, as those of brachiosaurids can descend ventrally from the side of the centrum as plate-like processes with smoothly convex lateral surfaces. Archive 2006-07-01
  • * In tetrapods with two-headed ribs, the more ventral rib head contacts a facet on the vertebra known as the parapophysis (plural parapophyses), while the more dorsal rib head contacts a facet known as the diapophysis (plural diapophyses). Archive 2006-07-01
  • In the epidermis of the apophysis functional stomata, similar to those of the higher plants, are present and, since cells containing chlorophyll are present below the superficial layers of the apophysis and capsule, the sporogonium is capable of independent assimilation. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The position of the umbo on the apophysis is the basis of Koehne's subdivision of the section Haploxylon. The Genus Pinus
  • BTW if any of you are curious, it looks like that desktop background was made with Apophysis. [www.] phoenix The Serene Workspace | Lifehacker Australia
  • Tumour of blood capillary gnawing flesh, in fluctuation jaw is bitten forcibly when tightening swollen content apophysis, after loosening, disappear.
  • (_hs_); the vertebral rib is the "pleurapophysis" (_pl_); the sternal rib the "hæmapophysis" (_h_); the uncinate process of the vertebral rib is known as the "diverging appendage" (_a_). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • These structures, along with the columella and apophysis are present in the asexual state.
  • If this identification is right, then the diapophysis of MIWG. 7306 is uniquely odd, as it possesses a small rhomboidal opening near its (presumed) posterior border. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Thanks for the feature, I'm glad my little bit of apophysis screenplay wasn't a complete waste. Apophysis render tutorial.
  • Radiographs are usually negative; rarely, they show avulsion of the apophysis at the tibial tuberosity.
  • Hypertrophy is defined as either an increase in the size of the medial epicondylar apophysis of the pitching elbow or an increase in the thickness of the medial humeral cortex as compared to the contralateral elbow.
  • He argued that the “worm-like appendage” [epiphysis or apophysis] of the cerebellum (nowadays known as the vermis superior cerebelli) is much better qualified to play this role (Kühn 1822, pp. 674-683; May 1968, vol. 1, pp. 418-423). Descartes and the Pineal Gland
  • If this identification is right, then the diapophysis of MIWG. 7306 is uniquely odd, as it possesses a small rhomboidal opening near its (presumed) posterior border. Archive 2006-07-01
  • : D, dorsal vertebra; di, diapophysis; pa, parapophysis; pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; poz, postzygapophysis; ppdl, paradiapophyseal lamina; prz, prezygapophysis. [planned for page width] doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0009789.g004 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The eastern reef island area, with shallow seawater, is higher parts of Xisha apophysis, where the basement is directly covered with reef facies carbonate rocks.
  • I have some rather excellent apophysis wallpapers. the 3d hack for apophysis still in beta i think in particular is great. Top 10 Wallpaper Tools & Tweaks | Lifehacker Australia
  • Hence the ilium is a pleurapophysis, the ischium and pubis are both hæmapophyses. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • In small individuals the transverse process extends only a little beyond the span of the zygapophysis.

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