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How To Use Apologize In A Sentence

  • You can't have a show called Politically Incorrect and then abjectly apologize for not being PC.
  • You'd think he'd have the common decency to apologize for what he said.
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • He apologized for the sweat he continually mopped from his forehead.
  • I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
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  • We deeply apologize for...
  • He bows down to other countries, and continually apologizes to other countries for America's "misdeed" such as our response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Go and apologize to her.
  • Later, when he discovered the identity of the child, then thirteen, he wrote to apologize.
  • So he thinks I'm going to apologize? How very droll!
  • His main view was to keep our people in peace; he apologized for the use of the term neutrality in his answers, and justified it, by having submitted the first of them (that to the merchants, wherein it was used) to our consideration, and we had not objected to the term. The Anas
  • I was abominably ill-mannered, and I apologize.
  • Should Wilson, the GOP, or You choose to not apologize for the on-going behavior then we who believe in respecting the laws and rules of the functioning of our government will not move on either. Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • I apologized absolutely saying that I had entirely forgotten in my enthusiasm and was very sorry. Broken Lives
  • Goldman never denied repeatedly trying to contact Lee after the incident but said she wanted him to apologize.
  • Why are we asked to apologize to apologists of mass murder?
  • Do not apologize as your weaknesses, failings and gaps in your c.v. are thrown at you.
  • I've apologized for the - you know, the remarks and what they seemed to infer in such an insensitive way.
  • We deeply regret our misguided support and apologize for our previous email.
  • Senator Lott has apologized, and rightly so," a stern-visaged Bush said. Ghosts Of The Past
  • ‘Harry is a next door neighbor,’ apologized Adam, in a whisper, ‘and is not known for his tactfulness.’
  • 'Will you apologize?' 'Not bloody likely !'
  • First of all, I apologize that I do not know how to make my computer put the diacritical markings on the Spanish words. Help with my Tarea, por favor...
  • The only person needing to apologize is the arresting officer. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • John made a belated attempt to apologize.
  • LONDON -- A British woman who outraged pet lovers around the world after she was caught on surveillance camera dumping a cat in a garbage bin apologized on Wednesday for what she called misjudgment and said the situation has gotten "out of control. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • We apologize for the misidentification. all illustrations: lantern slides from the New York Public Library's digital collection via flickr's the Commons A Different Stripe:
  • If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize. Muhammad Ali 
  • KAYE: The royal family did not apologize for the word raghead, but instead tried to explain it away. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2009
  • I apologize for being late - a cancelled flight on my return from Chicago in mid-week disrupted my schedule a bit.
  • After all, he fancies himself the “apologizer in chief.” OBAMA ZOMBIES
  • The paper's editor has apologized unreservedly to the senator.
  • ‘I'm sorry, ma'am,’ Elizabeth instantly apologized, ‘I didn't mean to implore.’
  • They ought to apologize.
  • It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.
  • When it became clear that Frey had lied, she invited him back on her show and in what was riveting, headline-making television, she came after him with a fiery vengeance that she later regretted - so much so that, years later, in 2008, she called Frey to apologize. Now it's Oprah's moment
  • We apologize to anyone whose name we have forgotten in the rush of deadline time; you are all in good company.
  • We apologize for the late arrival of the train.
  • I have been foul to you and I must apologize.
  • Since he was vaguely right, I now feel honor-bound to apologize to my buddy, here on a weblog that I'm certain he'll never see.
  • He regretted the lost opportunity to apologize to her.
  • At least she had the decency to apologize.
  • I understand how you feel, but I still think you should apologize to her.
  • ‘I apologize for my foolishness, Sire,’ he submissively replied, lowering his eyes in defeat.
  • We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
  • And let me take this moment to apologize for my Republican leadership betraying the party principles and leaving us in this dungheap. Results For Today's Contests
  • Paul? Apologize? That'll be the day!
  • But if she is deemed conventionally attractive / pretty / thin / "fuckable" or whatever the hell else ever … well, goddamn it, the bitch better be humble about it, if not outright apologize. Renegade Evolution
  • All of the students stand, bow, and apologize to me, then start to gather their books in silence.
  • I said it's too late to apologize , it's too late.
  • Greenberg has apologized for "slurring" his words, says he feels "horrible" about it and "would never say anything like that. NFL Films becomes its own reality show subject in new truTV series
  • We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
  • I have the right to free speech, for example, and you can ask me to apologize for anything I say that offends you, and that request would have no bearing on whether my freedom of speech was being abridged.
  • And he didn't apologize, it wasn't beautiful language, it wasn't all metaphors and similes and onomatopoeia, and it wasn't, you know, packed with symbolism that you had to analyze.
  • I must apologize for my discourtesy in arriving late.
  • My ignorance of his demise may have caused offence, and I apologize for that.
  • If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize. Muhammad Ali 
  • We apologize for the late arrival of the train.
  • If I scold her for something, most of the time she genuinely apologizes.
  • I think you should apologize to your brother.
  • I have no words to apologize to you.
  • Sheriff Sandra Hutchens apologized for what she called the unprofessional conduct of staff members, but stressed the opinions revealed by the text messages had nothing to do with the increased security at the next board meeting. The Orange County Register - Homepage
  • If you have no credible objections, then the decent thing to do is apologize to Finkelstein et al. for baselessly denigrating their work.
  • I did make a bad choice in stereotypical language about men - for which I apologize to all who took offense at that. Both Comment Responses In One
  • We apologize for the late arrival of this train.
  • In a recent email to a friend, I apologized for being in a mood.
  • Well, it's never too late to mend; why don't you call him up and apologize?
  • If a customer brings back a piece because, say, a thread broke on a shadow box, Meyer will immediately apologize and ask if there is anything she can do to make it up to him.
  • Apologize in a lighthearted way, and laugh it off by turning it into a joke.
  • If I didn't apologize I'd feel guilty.
  • And I also think that those of us who think this way should stand up for those who are being called intolerant and uncivil, and who are being asked to apologize, and defend their ethical right to say what they are saying.
  • You'd think he'd have the common decency to apologize for what he said.
  • I apologize for the late delivery, but the carrying vessel i had an accident.
  • To demand he apologize is stupid however; the point of allusory slams is that they're not literal and the listener is allowed to think himself clever to detect them. "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' it’s still gonna stink."
  • I apologize for being unnecessarily snippy and for overlooking, misunderstanding or inadvertently mischaracterizing the arguments of opponents.
  • I'm damned if I'll apologize!
  • Liu posted his letter to Brown on his campaign (for City Comptroller) website: "It's outrageous and insulting for you to suggest it would 'behoove' us to adopt another name, to give up our birthright and a part of our own identity, in order to exercise our right to vote" and suggest she resign if she doesn't apologize. Gothamist
  • We apologize unreservedly for any offence caused by his remarks.
  • Seawright was first suspended and, when he failed to withdraw his remarks and apologize, was expelled from the Party.
  • One thing I won't apologize for is how geeky this episode is because that's how we roll here.
  • Energize is formed from energy the same way that apologize is formed from apology.
  • I apologize for bumping the thread so soon, but I wanted to give a status update.
  • Seymour realized that he had been admonishing the wrong dog, and tried to apologize be giving the dog a bunch of dog treats and taking the dog back to the scene of her "dognapping. Norman Horowitz: What Are the Standard Customs and Practices in the Business of Killing Others?
  • I know I refer to myself as the King of Atlanta, but I want to apologize… I acted a little unroyally.
  • Sure is on the right -- Obama is apparently supposed to apologize for anything any black person ever said that offended a CorpMedia mouthbreather. Obama Campaign Mapping Out Aggressive Counter-Attack Against Swift-Boating
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Senator John Kerry apologizes for what he calls misinterpreted words about American troops. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2006
  • My hope is that Peter will realize his mistake and apologize.
  • Some people are too late for everything but ruin; when a nobleman apologized to George III. for being late, and said, "better late than never," the king replied, "No, I say, _better never than late_. How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
  • I apologize if my statements about "literalism" and "inerrancy" are not couched in the language of friendly dialogue that I usually strive for. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Mr. Warrick first apologized for presenting a paper on such a frivolous subject to men who had shown themselves such ardent advocates of the higher pharmacy, of the "ologies" in preference to the groceries, perfumeries, and other "eries. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
  • The only dem to apologize is Obama to the world and that was not his right. Wilson supporters to House Democrats: Bring it on
  • You forgot to apologize.
  • Speaking of lawsuits, don't hold your breath waiting for an American president to apologize for Washington having supported dictators like Ferdinand Marcos and Anastasio Somosa and Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet and Suharto and Rafael Trujillo and Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. If we allow cruelty. . .
  • Apologize to your sister!
  • I tried to apologize, but he just screamed abuse/obscenities at me.
  • This means I have been sober thanks to Jesus, and I haven't had to sit in a room with a lot of alkies talking about this 12 steps stuff where you have to apologize and make amends all the time. Chris Durang: Bush Gets New Speechwriter
  • She hands me the cell phone and a small, scratchy voice apologizes but says that after a trip to the doctor and a chance to revive, she will see me at her home.
  • Apologize to her for your rude behavior!
  • He stated in a haunted, whispered voice and Ikeda nearly apologized for bringing it up, but his overweening pride would not allow it.
  • We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon.
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • S. troop positions in the other. Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.
  • People of that kind/sort never apologize.
  • I was far too clumsy in social situations to attempt a visit, not even to apologize for something that had been plaguing me with guilt all day.
  • Apologize to your mother for that rude remark.
  • He came to my office, shamefaced, to apologize.
  • I'd apologize later but all I could do was tip myself over the bed like a timbering tree and fall asleep at last. Nobody Steps Forward
  • Be who you are, and never ever apologize for that!
  • She agrees to apologize, and the elder Morgans promise to assist with Arnette's upcoming college expenses.
  • The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
  • If readers thought that was a nefarious scheme, I apologize for any infliction it may have caused.
  • If I didn't apologize I'd feel guilty.
  • Brady, however, called on Quinn to apologize and "renounce" Hendon, he told the Chicago Tribune. Rickey Hendon Calls Bill Brady 'Racist', 'Homophobic' (VIDEO)
  • Well, what are you waiting for? Go and apologize.
  • He blurts things out without even meaning it, yet, he doesn't apologize!
  • You got it - I apologize to my classmates for the fact that I will soon be arriving to class every day sweaty, parched, exhausted and far too unpresentable to allow you to enjoy your learning environment in any capacity.
  • I tried to apologize, but he just shrieked abuse at me.
  • He apologized for the many typos
  • The Paris summit, meanwhile, broke up at the opening meeting when Eisenhower refused to apologize for the U-2 flight.
  • I'll write and apologize. I've had it on my conscience for weeks.
  • Are we ging to have to apologize to everyone now/How weak is this administration? U.S. seeks amnesty for two held in North Korea
  • I apologize and pledge not to utter foolish prognostications ever again.
  • The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
  • In his first public appearance since the scandal erupted, Woods apologized for what he called selfish and irresponsible behavior. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • He yawns, tries to apologize, looks slightly surprised to find he can't, clutches his chest, begins to gasp. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • And while Google said it was "mortified" by its discovery, apologized again, and announced some measures to beef up privacy awareness within its ranks, the admission could expose the company to greater global scrutiny, fines and potential lawsuits, experts said. Google 'mortified' that Street View cars scarfed up e-mail, passwords; privacy criticism intensifies
  • He later apologized to the Anti-Defamation League, but not to NPR, saying, "I was of course ad-libbing and should not have chosen that word, but I was angry at the time because of NPR's willingness to censor Juan Williams for not being liberal enough. Rabbis buy ad targeting Fox News Rabbis' ad aims at Beck, Ailes
  • It took me awhile to do the right thing and apologize for saying something hurtful - when I was really mad at myself for not taking care of business.
  • She apologized with a bad grace.
  • But the gunroom officers let him eat with them until FitzRoy got over his snit and apologized. Right-Wing Whining
  • The only reason he apologized is because he was told to. Defiant Wilson raises more than $200,000 after outburst
  • I'm sure Mitt will quickly learn from Vitter that you can shtup as many "escorts" or peddle as much porn as you like, as long as you just apologize for it and say God forgave you in the event you get caught. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Election Central Morning Roundup
  • I'll be late and 'You'll apologize immediately.' 'No I won't!'.
  • I slowly pulled away, then start to apologize but she placed her finger on my lips to hush me.
  • Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
  • There's not much to differentiate the two these days. But I apologize if I have offended you with my tone. FLOATING CITY
  • Another Cuneo!" groaned Aunt Kathryn, at sight of the hotel in the steep little town of Desenzano, on Lake Garda; but later she apologized to the quaint courtyard for her misunderstanding, and was more than tolerant of her vast bedroom draped with yellow satin, and opening on an arboured terrace worthy even of a Countess Dalmar. My Friend the Chauffeur
  • In two words, which Wilson later apologized for, all the fury and fervor from the raucous health care town halls of August spilled over into the supposedly civil sanctum of the House of Representatives. Obama and Wilson put Democrats on offensive
  • Despite several promptings from his parents the boy refused to apologize.
  • I apologized to the chairman for being late.
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • At least Jeremy had the good form to go back and apologize.
  • He jumped at the touch of the cold water and I apologized for it being so cold.
  • She respected him and even apologized for the way she had behaved towards him when she was angry.
  • I apologize to Mr. Russell for ragging him but that's what happens when you have a rock garden named after you.
  • I apologized absolutely saying that I had entirely forgotten in my enthusiasm and was very sorry. Broken Lives
  • I've never apologized to him for all the things I did, never thanked him for listening to me blab on about what was wrong.
  • ‘When someone genuinely apologizes and makes amends, most Canadians will forgive them,’ Stowe said.
  • On the eve of the moratorium, TNT had to apologize when, on its NBA pregame show, actor Tracy Morgan used Palin's name in the same sentence with the word "masturbation. Dana Milbank: How I survived my Palin-free February
  • I'll write and apologize. I've had it on my conscience for weeks.
  • All of the apologizers are craven, but my favorite is a young woman holding up a sign that says: ‘I tried!’
  • Barton apologizes for 'misconstruction' of BP apology Boehner, Cantor and Pence say Barton was wrong
  • I apologize for the relative sloppiness, though I might disagree with your point about cheap shirts and cheap tailoring.
  • Mistakes and stumbles happen and as Chris Brogan recommends you need to apologize and learn.
  • One that, as an added bonus, makes him apologize to his ex-wife for being such a gosh darn cad?
  • But it's probably not the shrewdest color choice if you have dogs and small children and friends who are prone to overindulge and spill red wine—no matter that they apologize profusely or rush to pour club soda over the stain. Why the Carpet Is White
  • I have apologized for not attending the Royal Society Club, who have a _gaudeamus_ on this day, and seemed to count much on my being the præses. Sir Walter Scott (English Men of Letters Series)
  • The fact that she never apologized says a lot about what kind of person she is.
  • Normally I am suspicious of domestic perfection, but with the holiday chaos and the unexpected visitors pouring in, it would have been nice not to have had to apologize for the snarled salmagundi of unfinished decorating. Miami Nice
  • At least he had the good grace to apologize quickly.
  • I apologize for all the links, but they were all so good that I couldn't help myself.
  • We apologize for the loss of sound during that report.
  • Media Nation would like to apologize to Timothy Bassett, chairman of the Essex Regional Retirement Board, for calling him "a notorious double-dipper. Timothy Bassett, triple-dipper
  • He apologized for not telegraphing her because he was ‘constantly engaged day and night with the mob, [such] that I have not had a moment to write.’
  • We apologize for the late departure of flight AZ709.
  • She hurried after Gary to apologize to him.
  • I outrode the surgeon, and I apologized for keeping him waiting; so he said, "Why now, I calculate as your doctors are tired; they have plenty to do to-day. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Or hell maybe he is that cold-hearted, I mean Harry apologized for getting shot. Think Progress » The death of a maverick: John McCain backtracks on nuclear policy.
  • The capitano then came up to me, to shake hands, apologize, and present congratulations on our safe harbouring. Travels in Morocco
  • We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
  • A have to tell serbians youn comited crime agains Albanian people and never apologize to them but ju are trying to deni that. A Photographer’s Journal: Kosovo, Year 1 - The Lede Blog -
  • Five features you may have missed in Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Spanish judge throws out criminal case against DS flash cart seller LittleBigPlanet Creator's Edition DLC delayed, producer apologizes Nintendo's resident name jotter-downer and kiester-kicker recently divulged to BMO Capital Markets attendees that the Wii is outperforming its rivals when it comes to female gamers. Joystiq
  • Nield is still angry and tried to reach the two black neighbors on his street by telephone to apologize.
  • We deeply apologize for...
  • Immediately overcome by remorse, I lowered him to the floor and tried to apologize.
  • After she apologized for keeping him up for so long, she kissed his cheek and said goodnight to him.
  • The airline apologizes for long delays at check-ins today.
  • The Paris summit, meanwhile, broke up at the opening meeting when Eisenhower refused to apologize for the U-2 flight.
  • I tried to apologize, but he just screamed abuse/obscenities at me.
  • I did not mean to offend you, so I do apologize for expressing my opinion that literalism is "absurd. Darwin "Replaced God?"
  • Prime Minister Shimon Peres has since apologized and assembled a special commission to investigate the blood issue.
  • I must apologize for my son's behaviour -- he isn't usually this moody.
  • Apologize to that creep! I'd rather die!
  • There is no need to apologize, Monsieur, for I was just as at fault as yourself.
  • I had been tearless, too frightened, and I had looked at her, and I had apologized.
  • Risk communications consultant Dr. Peter Sandman, believes an apology can go a long way in healing wounds and reducing outrage. To apologize effectively, he recommends you follow these steps.
  • They don't even apologize for torture which they enabled and first described as a frat party and today defend as a necessary method to protect the homeland. Wingnut Murder Spree or Are WE Part of the Problem?
  • Mel showed up, apologized, was given the usual lecture.
  • Part of me wanted to apologize to the man I had bumped into, but another part of me knew that I couldn't back down now if I wanted to become king of the roller disco.
  • The same attitude that wants Obama to apologize is the same attitude that caused the white officer to arrest a black man in his own home. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • If this were not true, we would still be assuring ourselves that the sun revolves around the earth, and the church, centuries later, would never have apologized to Galileo, who declared the opposite.
  • I don't see my thinkiness as a problem to be fixed, or a failing to apologize for; but it does mean that I can let myself get sensorily deprived if I'm not careful. Household Opera
  • So the dilemma for these Congress members is this: Which slavery would they want to apologize for?
  • Venezuela's Chavez slams poor government planning, discipline, failure to apologize yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Venezuela\'s Chavez slams poor government planning, discipline, failure to apologize'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The best way to avoid war is to prepare for it, President Chavez told military officers attending his Sunday radio show from Acarigua (Portuguesa) ... Venezuela's Chavez slams poor government planning, discipline, failure to apologize
  • I must respectfully insist that you either substantiate these claims - which you cannot do because they are false - or publicly apologize for attempting to defame my character and damage my reputation.
  • Seeing sal with the new girl makes me want to call daimon and apologize. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • As it is, he graciously apologized and I failed at acknowledging that apology in unambiguous terms. Apologies : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Hitt apologized to Haley at the meeting, saying the overstatement was his agency's fault. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion

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