How To Use Apologetic In A Sentence
He is entirely unapologetic about the violence in his movies.
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli
Richards confronts us unapologetically with all the seamier aspects of his life, to the point where the reader -- I refer here to myself -- finds himself asking: Why am I reading this?
Peter Clothier: Keef
It is a rollicking, unapologetic read.
Times, Sunday Times
The unapologetic wrapped fit creates a sporty look that is both casual and athletic.

The stab at rock stardom, the attempt at talk-show hosting, the game show his brother Mark unapologetically called "dopey," all those dabbles are in the past.
John McEnroe's Next Frontier: Home
Even though he sounded apologetic, Celestine slammed down the receiver.
Historicists often emphasize that behind such mistaken theories there is usually an apologetic purpose.
Herondas too, the author of mimes written in choliambs (‘limping iambics’), a metre typical of the archaic iambist Hipponax, dedicates an apologetic-programmatic poem, Mimiambus 8, to the defence of his poetics.
Pay no attention to them, my friend, and do not feel the least bit guilty or apologetic.
He gave her a smile that was almost apologetic, then he shrugged.
Such a success story, so unapologetically, cheerfully puerile.
The language, the violence, the unapologetic maleness of gangland bonding mixes the excesses of laddish culture with an affectionate tribute to Kray Brothers brutalism.
We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values.
Times, Sunday Times
His exacting personal standards, morose private nature and unapologetic misogyny often gave him a truculent, dyspeptic appearance which was well deserved.
I am apologetic here, as I do not understand your faulty logic in the aforementioned statement.
We believe that the road back for our party and our movement lies in being an unapologetic champion for progressive ideas.
The customer, a middle-aged woman in jeans, blazer, conservative loafers, slunk away apologetically.
Gold leaf was applied so sparingly it looked almost apologetic.
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Bold, unapologetic juniper dominates a highish-proof spirit.
American Entrants in the Gin Game
He has to put tax at the heart of his campaign and not in a fashion that sounds apologetic or defensive.
Times, Sunday Times
The companion to media demonisation is the hagiolatry of Western leaders and apologetics for their crimes.
The driver was quite apologetic, and my bike wasn't damaged (didn't even buckle the wheel), so I'm chalking it up to experience.
The next day he would be really apologetic but it didn't help us sleep.
The Sun
Towards the end of the service, the priest circled the length of the church with his thurible, gently and almost apologetically stepping over the prostrate Muslims blocking his way.
We both loved it, although my love was unapologetic and his was not.
Diana huffed and I gave her an apologetic smile.
After a pause she smiled apologetically and said, " I never really liked these things.
In his chronography the apologetic interest is subordinate to the historical, and in his [Greek: Kestoi], dedicated to Alexander Severus (Hippolytus had already dedicated a treatise on the resurrection to the wife of Heliogabalus), we see fewer traces of the Christian than of the Greek scholar.
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
He was deeply apologetic about his late arrival.
The film takes an unapologetic approach to revenge: Richard tortures each of his victims before killing them, making one dance like a puppet before dispatching him with cold calculation.
Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible.
An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
Then usually he would back off, apologetic and tender.
The novelist is unapologetic, and still keen to play the part of provocateur.
I love Lynne, confident, unafraid of confrontation but apologetic.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you. Steve Maraboli
Stop feeling so apologetic and defensive.
The Sun
To me it was very poignant, almost apologetic.
Times, Sunday Times
Empathy and unapologetic emotion are her trademarks, evoked by a big voice that can rumble with lust or scream with self-hatred.
Her unapologetic and absolutely funny stories almost made me want to run out to a bar and drag someone home with me.
The Pope was forced to write a deeply apologetic letter to the bishops of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
He had one of those special haircuts that you have to ask for, was polite to the point of apologetic and said his name was Andy.
Times, Sunday Times
Apologetics apologetics comes from the Greek word for defense - What You Need to Know
We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values.
Times, Sunday Times
Trey smiled at her apologetically before turning and shooting a longing glance over his shoulder.
The firm is apologetic, and clearly ashamed at the turn of events.
I wanted to think this was some kind of dry joke, but 3 years of servile apologetics from some broadcasters prevent me.
Donaldson is unapologetic about the symbolism of these colours: brown for the earth, blue for the sky.
Some Christian organizations involved in apologetics and countercult work describe themselves as discernment ministries.
RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
`I am sorry, sahib ," the driver replied apologetically.
Its graphic, unapologetic descriptions upset some feminists.
Times, Sunday Times
He's immediately apologetic.
Obviously, however, it's his style as a legislator -- cheered by progressives for its unapologetic self-assuredness -- that gets the Republican blood boiling.
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In terms of modern PC attitudes toward war and national solidarity, it's a big bucket of cold water down the pants of the timorous, and it reminds you how unapologetic popular patriotism used to be.
I don't follow football," she said with an apologetic smile.
I am obviously apologetic for interrupting my colleague, but the interjection that Mr Hide shouted out across the Chamber was highly offensive.
They range from the unapologetically avant-garde ( "Foot Under Foot," which opens the session), to the pungent and fractured ( "Skitter In") to the affirmingly lugubrious ( "The Sun at Midnight").
What's Elliptical Is New Again
And it has a sort of unapologetic in your face quality, which I admire.
He spoke apologetically to the holy man, alluded to the "giaour" more than once, and proceeded to give Dick
The Wheel O' Fortune
He was really apologetic and invited me to step out and look at the damage.
Times, Sunday Times
Now it is out of such apologies for the foundations of Christian belief that the science of apologetics has taken form.
We have received a very apologetic letter about the closure of the West End Club, but it really left us in the lurch.
This is unapologetic good-time rock 'n' roll done with tongue planted firmly in cheek (as well as some other areas).
He gave me an apologetic smile; the arms around me instantly gentled and he took a small step away from me.
Among the most active critics were practitioners of evangelical Christian "apologetics" -- speakers and writers who make their mission to actively defend their faith.
Mormons Dismayed
Goodman was unapologetic for his comments that came during his visit to the elementary school in North Las Vegas.
Barry Goldwater even embraced the title extremist ( "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"), George McGovern's anti-war crusade offered an unapologetically leftist platform, and Walter Mondale proudly promised in his convention speech that he would raise the nation's taxes.
Dissecting Leftism
Finally the boy's parents appeared and gave him a hug apologetically.
Are we Canadians fully forgetful, merely forgiving, mostly stupid, or unapologetically apathetic?
This is real folk - not nu-folk, folktronica or some other apologetically named subgenre - and it doesn't seem to need reinventing.
Times, Sunday Times
`I did the kind of Latin one learns in the hope that it will facilitate one's grasp of literature," she said apologetically.
This acknowledgement is almost grudging and apologetic.
Indeed, one of the strengths of fundamentalism is that its apologetics are within the reach of the average man and woman.
Stripped of all apologetic circumlocution, "knickerbockers" are simply loose, easy trousers, above which is worn a becoming blouse waist, and thus attired, the belles of New
The Arena Volume 4, No. 22, September, 1891
This unapologetically unwavering O-bot is a small “i” independent so I tend to refer to the extremes on both sides as “far”.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Big Head Ed
On past form, he will be entirely unapologetic.
Times, Sunday Times
This opinion seems the less improbable, as the person to whom Chettle is most apologetic excels in a quality or profession, which is contrasted with, and is not identical with, "his facetious grace in writing" -- a parergon, or "bye-work," in his case.
Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown
But it's astounding that a man who specializes in supposedly scientific apologetics, makes fundamental errors with even high-school level genetics.
And so much of Decadent writing is about sheer artistic concretisation…of freeing up form to stand on its own multiple, if need be feet, unapologetically.
Testing the Weird
It's in the unapologetic headlines splashed across magazines and newspapers.
an apologetic note
Another reason for commending the book is that it represents the first major response by competent Christian scholars to the new challenge of more scholarly Mormon apologetics.
During the same period he also taught apologetics, church history, and patristics in the Bergamo seminary and had to survive a brief and unjust accusation of sympathy with Modernists.
The apologetic manager presented the liberated shoppers with free cosmetics.
The stories are, in true Sfar style, truly unusual, though they have more structure and a little more empathy than the unapologetically bad-mannered Sardine books.
Little Vampire (and Other Little Folk)
This came in the morning post," he ventured apologetically and with the hint of a titter.
Winged Blackmail
There are not several types of sermons, for example, expository, historical, doctrinal, moral, apologetic, and topical.
Disregard the time-change madness and consider their Action Driver labelmates (which include unapologetic new wavers Radio Berlin), and Thunderbirds almost begin to sound different by proxy.
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli
Ford sounded almost apologetic about the amount he kicked.
Times, Sunday Times
She started out quietly and apologetically but her voice quickly gained firmness.
And I realized: the unapologetic nature of my musical omnivorousness owes a great deal to Michael Jackson, to the ubiquitous success of Thriller, to the fait accompli integration of MTV, to the demonstration that, even in the hyper-capitalist (and subtly discriminatory) wonderland of the Reagan 80s, sheer audacious talent could refuse to be marginalized.
Archive 2009-06-01
The simple pleasure of walking up to the net with an apologetic smirk on her face is the breath of life to her.
Times, Sunday Times
Granted, some administration spokesmen were unapologetic about the decision.
And, although this touchy-feely motion picture transforms Redford's character into a human being, he starts out as an unapologetic misanthrope.
We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values.
Times, Sunday Times
That is the apologetic sermon considering the situation of various religions.
The driver was really apologetic but said he had to go by the sat nav.
The Sun
To overcome the objections raised by analytic philosophy and secular historiography, apologetics needs to shift its ground.
As for the rounded, tent-like look of the structure, Crawford, a Richmond resident, was unapologetic.
The band formed in 1970 with an explicit and unapologetic political angle.
Smithsonian Mag
This is not the case with the great Latin apology which closely follows them in date, the "Apologeticus" of Tertullian, which is in the uncouth and untranslatable language affected by its author.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
Self-consciously and apologetically unilingual, he still tried to make a difference - put himself out there, asking questions, admitting his weaknesses, challenging sacred truths.
At the center stands an unapologetic Christian account of agape.
You'll see, "she laughed, apologetically," that I've taken for you what they call a suite, and I've done it for this reason.
The Wild Olive
‘And we can only stay for another three days,’ Sollain hissed, sounding almost apologetic.
They were kind to her and apologetic to the rest of us in the face of extreme provocation.
Times, Sunday Times
Plus, they were completely unapologetic and even threatening towards us from beginning to end!
I know exactly how it feels to be made to feel apologetic for being thin.
The Sun
Ed Balls, his Treasury spokesman and a defiantly unapologetic veteran of the previous government, might not like all that.
Some motoring boffins lauded the design, describing it as confident, unapologetic and revolutionary.
The simple pleasure of walking up to the net with an apologetic smirk on her face is the breath of life to her.
Times, Sunday Times
I can't read Lewis now; I devoured him as a young man, as a young priest, I loved his kind of argumentative certainties, his apologetics; can't stand it now.
For a card-carrying liberal, I was surprisingly unapologetic about our decision.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you. Steve Maraboli
Compatibilism reads to me like apologetics, where its proponents are trying to justify belief in free will not because it's true, but because they desperately want it to be.
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The shrug is hardly perceptible, the smile almost apologetic.
The exceptive particle at the entrance, with the apologetical design of the whole verse, ascribes such things to the saints, to whom the apostle speaks, as they were not partakers of concerning whom he had immediately before discoursed.
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I've had nephews break things, and the parents were very apologetic and took full responsibility (and that's all it took, an apology, to mollify us).
As with other cases when Google had decimated an entire subindustry by offering a product for free, the company was anything but apologetic.
In the Plex
His square face shows little emotion, his tone is almost apologetic.
Times, Sunday Times
Gingrich was more combative than apologetic during appearances at three town meetings in his suburban Atlanta district.
Yet we're soon shown through a series of flashbacks that Veronica was not always an unapologetic badass.
In claims that one tradition rather than another led to scientific innovation, one often detects an apologetic intention.
Her name was Rebecca and she spent Friday looking rather sheepish and apologetic!
In the literary genre, Sutherland recommends the Screwtape Letters, CS Lewis's epistolatory novel of Christian apologetics; Letters to my Torturer, Iranian journalist Houshang Asadi's searing memoir of his 682 days in solitary confinement written in the form of letters to Brother Hamid, his torturer; and the remarkable website Letter to my Abuser, on which women can publish letters to their abusers.
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In fact Richard is something of a rarity these days, an unapologetic, uneducated, unemployed and unreal guy.
an apologetic manner
I was an unapologetic inhaler of socketed chicken wings and blue rare beef until 30 days ago.
Blog: January 2008
In conclusion, some final comments about the provenance of both contrasting theories are appropriate, before extending briefly suggestions for Anglican apologetic today.
The theist who wants to build a systematic and thorough apologetic finds that he is required to begin absolutely from the beginning.
We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values.
Times, Sunday Times
He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head.
From the time of Blackstone, legal history remained the province of lawyers, whose labours of love bore more relation to the apologetic hermeneutics of Bible scholars than to ‘historical method’.
Where, of course, Divine immanence is held to mean the "allness" -- which is the strict equivalent of the infinity -- of God, evil in every shape and form will either have to be ascribed to the direct will and agency of God Himself, or for apologetic purposes to be reduced to a mere semblance, or "not-being.
Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
He added: 'He was almost apologetic.
The Sun
The band formed in 1970 with an explicit and unapologetic political angle.
Smithsonian Mag
We re an odd mixture of tolerance and prejudice, of the apologetic and the arrogant.
The manager was very apologetic about everything.
Speelman was almost apologetic about his efforts to win the adjourned fourth game, with Rook and Bishop against Rook.
The Gulf of Mexico red drum fishery nearly collapsed-twice in the past quarter century-because of brazen, unapologetic commercial overharvest.
Going After Big Red
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli
But there is still only one BuzzFlash: unchastened, unapologetic, and unrelenting in its pursuit of justice.
Nevertheless, the issues he addresses and his treatment of them have important implications for Christian thinkers in other domains such as theology, apologetics, and public policy.
"Don't be apologetic, Trunk."
If it sounds like syrupy sentiment, he's unapologetic.
It makes you feel apologetic that you haven't shown your face more often on that green pitch.
Times, Sunday Times
Colum looked at them, shamefacedly remembering his own revelry, and winked apologetically at Kathryn.
Calcutta! and as the unapologetic joker known for his spanking jones a penchant well-explicated in the play.
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The manager was very apologetic about everything.
For a card-carrying liberal, I was surprisingly unapologetic about our decision.
Unapologetically an individual sport, mixed martial arts, like boxing, is often described as the loneliest activity of its kind, yet it's 2011 and the ring or cage is fast becoming a college campus.
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The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate.
Uninterested in apologetics and theodicy, Carroll is nonetheless obsessed with the God she finds in the natural world.
Asked to comment on his recent estrangement from his spouse, Rempel was unapologetic.
‘I'm a cheapskate,’ she says unapologetically.
Therefore, it is easy to understand that the Apostolic Churches could not be lost sight of in such controversies, and it may be of interest to point out the apologetic argument of Irenaeus and Tertullian, which is founded on the preservation of the Apostolic doctrine in the various Apostolic Churches.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
James flashed an apologetic look, but Leanne felt sorry for him.
The editor of this collection of essays contends that the standard works in seminary apologetics have become dated in light of contemporary developments in analytical philosophy.
He heads a creation ministry, the Christian Center for Science and Apologetics.
Was Mike's post about RecA an exercise in apologetics?
A Case Study in Scientific Discovery
Now, if you persist in communist apologetics, attempting to characterize it as anything other than the misery and death it has wrought upon the human race, and continue this trolling with this extremist point of view, you are looking at a permaban.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible.
An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
Benjamin stammered out an apologetic request - how he would appreciate it if no one else was told about our visit.
Finding an affable, unapologetic citizen who believed this stuff was unnerving.
Now it's reborn, in an apocalyptically apologetic and assertively undesigned designery sense.
Times, Sunday Times
We are, of all countries on the planet, the most apologetic about asserting our common values.
Times, Sunday Times
No matter what happens in Wednesday's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, you can say this about the last six years in sports: It's been a wonderful ride for purists, history buffs, musty old fogies, moss-grown fuddy-duddies, unapologetic curmudgeons and anyone who has spent the last six decades in a Cryogenic tube.
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He flashed an apologetic look at Jonah and Sally, his face a mixture of guilt and fear.
So during the interval I felt distinctly apologetic.
Plus I was struck by how unapologetic about it this girl seemed.
He was handsome, built like a runner, his legs ropey and tan, sideburns and blonde hair that flopped unapologetically over the forehead.
The elderly man explained apologetically that he had lost track of his wife and was preoccupied searching for her.
Times, Sunday Times
This is real folk - not nu-folk, folktronica or some other apologetically named subgenre - and it doesn't seem to need reinventing.
Times, Sunday Times
We are not apologetic about her choice.
He was also unapologetic about his pay package, under which he is expected to receive at least £2.5m in cash and shares this year.
But he didn't sound apologetic now.
Times, Sunday Times
At the entrance, fans without tickets pleaded for spares, but apologetically, lest they be mistaken for touts and beaten to death.
One of the main topics in the field of theology and apologetics is the issue of similar and incomparable theologies and the classification of religions into similarity and incomparability.
He asked me where my Pass was, and I turned very polite, deferential and apologetic, saying that I had left it at home.
He is a business ambassador for the Government and has been unapologetic about boardroom rewards.
Times, Sunday Times
He flashed James an apologetic smile before continuing in the face of his wife's incredulous stares, ‘Any more objections, poppet?’
There was nothing much more to be said, because I could sense how scared Will had been at my sudden collapse and I also could feel his apologetic air.
This train was very late and didn't come chuffing in apologetically until 10 p.m.
The answer is hard-fought organizing by the hotel workers themselves in New York City and the supportive pro-union sentiment of other residents in the city, what was once unapologetically called "solidarity" in this country before the term seemed to get reserved by the elite for only talking about supporting workers in Poland.
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`Sorry about the histrionics, Bunny," he said apologetically.
I was immediately impressed by his unapologetic support for experimenting on animals in the name of advancing knowledge and medical science.
Another, archaic, English word for insides, especially those of deer, was ‘umbles’, a term which survives in the expression ‘to eat humble pie’, meaning to be apologetic or submissive.
`I did the kind of Latin one learns in the hope that it will facilitate one's grasp of literature," she said apologetically.
‘There is no Terry Spencer here,’ I said, only to discover an apologetic police officer now asking for Mr Joseph, saying betimes: ‘We have a lot of reports.’
The programme for that night was an unapologetic exploration of Russian romanticism spanning approximately 50 years.
It is a rollicking, unapologetic read.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, with a jazzman - cool, articulate, unapologetically brilliant black man on the throne won't going to school and reading and writing and speaking proper suddenly look a lot cooler?
Not long since, a slavocrat, writing on this subject, said, apologetically, "we frankly admit that slavery is a monstrous evil; but what are we to do with an institution which has baffled the wisdom of our greatest statesmen?
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He's become extremely apologetic and very remorseful about what he did.
The methods of apologetics outlined above - natural theology and history - are primarily scientific.
Where he is unapologetically tactless, though, is in his treatment of his critics.
They are usually taking stock of the problems that face these countries and are trying to disburden themselves of the apologetics and myths that have long been part of our thinking.
The company is unapologetic about looking east as well.
Times, Sunday Times