How To Use apochromatic In A Sentence
- I hope the following history of the apochromatic lens designs made by Roland Christen of Astro-Physics is of some interest to the readers.
- The apochromatic lens, therefore, corrects for chromatic aberration to a greater degree than does an achromatic lens.
- an apochromatic lens
- Although with the increase in power it is correspondingly difficult to combine all these corrections in one objective, they are brought to a high pitch of excellence in the present-day "achromatic" objectives, and so remove the necessity for the use of the higher priced and less durable apochromatic lenses. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
- In 1868 he invented the apochromatic lens system for the microscope.
- Digital video doesn't have apochromatic aberration; on film, red, green, and blue do not focus at the same plane, so when you shoot film, green and red are very close together but blue is fairly far out.