
How To Use Apocalyptic In A Sentence

  • Warner Brothers/Everett Collection 'The Town' Or perhaps, in an effort to capture the apocalyptic stakes said to be at issue, the Congressmen might have screened a bit of Slim Pickens in "Dr. Strangelove," who as the pilot of a B-52 steels his crew to drop an H-bomb: "Heck," he says, "I reckon you wouldn't even be human bein's if you didn't have some pretty strong personal feelin's about nuclear combat. Searching for Cinematic Inspiration
  • But the lack of substance ultimately adds to the mood: flamboyant unconcern underlined by apocalyptic decadence.
  • The term apocalyptic does come to mind, and that really isn't an overstatement. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2005
  • His mood was darkly apocalyptic, seeing everything in life-and-death terms.
  • The only other surviving writings that are exclusively apocalyptic in style come from outside our biblical canon and are usually unfamiliar to anyone but scholars in the field.
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  • Manichaean symbols and apocalyptic scenarios are bandied about with future consequences and rhetorical restraint thrown to the winds.
  • Yet the idea of a post-apocalyptic city captivates the contemporary mind and its images continue to proliferate.
  • In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • Again, the only real cure to this neurosis, which is apparently taking on apocalyptic proportions, would be for him to feel good about himself.
  • The author does not neglect the more exotic apocalyptic and millenarian episodes.
  • An important development of the early sixteenth century was the Apocalyptic image of her, standing in front of a sunburst, crowned with twelve stars, with at her feet a crescent moon.
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • 'The Stand' in development CBS Films and Warner Bros. are co-producing Mr. King's 1978 postapocalyptic epic, and Ben Affleck is in talks to direct. Crossing Over: A Novelist at the Movies
  • It is perhaps apocalyptic only in its contiguity with the chaos of actual war and the apocalypse of the First World War.
  • The book's second half focuses on the ethics of prophetic and apocalyptic literature.
  • And I rejoice that I was left to deal with the Bible alone; for if I had had some theological "explainer" at my side, he might have tried, as such do, to lessen my indignation against Jacob, and thereby have warped my moral sense for ever; while the great apocalyptic spectacle of the ultimate triumph of right and justice might have been turned to the base purposes of a pious lampooner of the Papacy. Science & Education
  • This report of the UK media awards describes a an apocalyptic scene, as scribes, put beyond use with alcohol, heckle and taunt their peers; standing on stools, booing the MC off the stage.
  • With a pistol, two bullets and a handful of possessions, Viggo andson fightfor a new life in post-apocalyptic America, haunted by visions of his dead wife. SLACKERJACK – Ice Road Truckers
  • It sounds the stuff of dreams: a postapocalyptic vision, perhaps, or the ultimate eco-fantasy. Times, Sunday Times
  • • The rally has also been rightly criticized for pretending to be non-political while talking in apocalyptical terms about the country going in the wrong direction under the current administration. David Coates: The Hijacking of the Almighty
  • At a typical concert they dress as monks, grinding out slow, heavy riffs while dry ice lends the vibe of an apocalyptic wasteland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside the ring, he is a gladiator of apocalyptic proportions.
  • The heat and concussive force of the airbursts produced the expected results, instantly engulfing the rebel base in an apocalyptic conflagration.
  • At the conclusion of one of these eight or ten hour parties, the outside observer and non-participant might have the impression that the scene resembles an apocalyptic movie.
  • There's an undeniable beauty in its apocalypticism. William Bradley: T2 and Aliens Anniversaries Point Up the Problems With Today's Action Movies
  • If you think Miller, Smith and Applewhite were unbalanced, how about the ridiculous apocalyptical predictions of doom in 1999 in the approach of the 21st century, when computer glitches were supposed to throw mankind into chaos? Jeff Schweitzer: The End Is Not Nigh: Take a Deep Breath and Move On
  • All apocalyptic and millenarian ideologies ultimately converge on the utopian transformation of the body through suffering.
  • For a great number in both the academic world and in the public, apocalyptic thought is directly antithetical to the supposedly enlightened and rational methodology of science.
  • It could be argued that this apocalyptic novel is a ghost story, science fiction, transcendental cult fiction, anti-military agitprop or new-age fantasy - it is all of these and more.
  • Indeed, visionary writers like William Blake, while tending to apocalyptic or millennial climaxes, continually undermine our sense of the reality of the world and of ourselves in ways that are both archaic and postapocalyptic.
  • And what if can be shown that intertestamental literature had an apocalyptic dominance too? Mythicism and Historicism as Theories (and an Altar Call to Take a Leap of Doubt)
  • The father of two, whose parish has the wide brew of amicable conditions, said his recommendation to people in apocalyptic circumstances is that 'they should not hurt anybody as well as cope as most appropriate they can'. Poor? Go ahead and steal. - Shoryuken
  • All our intellectual snobbery is reserved for books; when it comes to the cinematic experience, we demand constant explosions, post-apocalyptic scenarios, lots of aliens/robots/asteroids, and/or large-scale natural disasters (with occasional exceptions made for arty French films, obvs). Archive 2009-12-01
  • All this is described without inspiration and in a purely conventional manner, so it must be interpreted by the canons of the apocalyptic style.
  • He's clearly convinced we're all headed for a nasty apocalyptic end but he manages to be terribly jolly about the whole thing.
  • Plus, they got sick of apocalyptic predictions that began to prove false. The Sun
  • Apocalyptic thunderstorms bookend the show, the first one orphaning a distinctly strange group of kids.
  • Post-apocalyptic shôjo-josei about cryogenically frozen teen-agers destined to repopulate the Earth? Wanting far too much for far too long
  • While Fringe is powerfully affecting, this week's Supernatural in the same time period, aggravatingly enough is ridiculously entertaining, a welcome satirical change of pace from the grim events of this so-far-spotty post-apocalyptic sixth season. Roush Review: Fringe, Supernatural, Spartacus: Friday Night Lights Up
  • So,with Ignatius and with the Didache, we have moved a long way from this tiny little band of followers of a Jewish apocalyptic prophet named Jesus of Nazareth.
  • Given the wild and underground nature of the shows they produce, it comes as no surprise that the Old Trout Puppet Workshop has a surreal story of origin, complete with apocalyptic subtexts.
  • Joining an apocalyptic motorcycle gang would have been a piece of cake. Christianity Today
  • I'm not sure the apocalyptic vision is helpful.
  • Winners can expect a truly cinematic experience that will take them into the heart of a post-apocalyptic world. The Sun
  • No worse by day than the lusty priming of a neglected hand pump, at night the donkey's bray assumes the apocalyptic aural agony of hell's rusted gates being effortfully forced ajar.
  • New York water is a special brew of ferocious currents, unforgiving temperatures, treacherous murk, and apocalyptic pollution.
  • Isn't my sputtering rather feeble compared to the inspired apocalyptic rants being posted by some world class ranters?
  • Even for those who did not accept these apocalyptic scenarios, emancipation portended a chaotic and terrifying new world.
  • Wasn't this apocalyptic comment portentous with all the flooding and massive tidal waves around Thailand and the Indian Ocean?
  • Mark, Gospel of apocalyptic language inapostles inbaptism of Jesus inbrothers and sisters of Jesus incarpenter story inillegitimacy implied inJesus and money-changers inJohn the Baptizer inJudaism of Jesus inlast supper inpreaching campaign of Jesus inRoman soldiers inSidon trip insightings of Jesus added toSon of Man revelation intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus inMark Antony The Jesus Dynasty
  • At first glance, the junkyard looks like some sort of post-apocalyptic settlement, a thriving outpost in a wasteland.
  • Nausicaa is set in a post-apocalyptic age, about 1000 years after the destruction of most of the natural environment; humans now live in small, oddly ruralized outposts scattered throughout the world, travelling from outpost to outpost on either large ostrich-like creatures I don't think they were actually ostriches, but that was what came to mind) or airships or gliders.) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
  • Obviously their predictions are false and their prophecies of an apocalyptic ending at a specified time fail.
  • In moments of crisis, things can become positively apocalyptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its religious ardency, it was prepared for apocalyptic battle. LAST CALL
  • Critics come in vastly varying styles: from subtle, self-effacing, and sardonic, to oracular, vatic, apocalyptic, to plain damned intelligent.
  • An apocalyptic storm provided a perfect backdrop as the eurozone stared into the abyss yesterday. The Sun
  • As a sort of exclamation point, Jesus then uses the apocalyptic imagery we have today.
  • The fire, the water that cooks and vaporizes, lifting the huge lids, instantiate change and transformation, and toward the end of the video we are left with an aerial view of a smoldering field, an apocalyptic landscape.
  • Meteorology and topography conspire to paint blusterous murals and apocalyptic tableaux.
  • The army is ferrying in troops, but they're facing apocalyptic destruction, entire neighborhoods razed to the ground.
  • When their typically apocalyptic vision of a new world faded, they retreated for the most part into traditional humility.
  • After all, there must be some unwritten rule saying that war to a musical accompaniment - no matter how suitably doom-laden and apocalyptic that music may be - is simply not in very good taste.
  • The apocalyptic Book appears in Pd XIX 112-14, 'Che poran dir li Perse a' vostri regi, | come vedranno quel volume aperto | nel qual si scrivon tutti suoi dispregi?' Tom Phillips, Dante's Inferno
  • Such stylistic whimsy hardly seems appropriate to the solemn themes of apocalyptic war and nuclear disaster which consequently lose much of their weight and urgency.
  • Luke, Gospel of apocalyptic language inapostles inbirth story inand brothers and sisters of Jesusestablishment of Church inethical teachings of Jesus ingenealogy inGentile version of Christianity inJesus and money-changers inJohn the Baptizer inKingdom of God inlast supper inpoverty of Mary and Joseph inpreaching campaign of Jesus inraising of dead inreturn of Jesus to Nazareth inRoman soldiers inSadducees join Messianic Movement insightings of Jesus intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus inwomen followers of Jesus insee also Acts of the ApostlesLuria, Rabbi Isaac ben “the Ari” The Jesus Dynasty
  • At the time when the novel appeared, this apocalyptical chapter must have seemed to be the boundary of hyperbolism.
  • I have odd taste in music, a friend introduced me to Penguin Cafe Orchestra, and I love Apocalyptica's cello Metallica covers ( "One" on cello is pure win). Video Game Hipsters
  • But Jesus announced that the kingdom of God had already begun with his own work, and those who received him in faith became sensible of this beginning; for the "apocalyptical" was not merely the unveiling of the future, but above all the revelation of God as the History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • The fact that they produce fiction that tops the secular best-seller lists, almost all of it apocalyptic, suggests that the charm remains.
  • A positive interpretation says that the Arctic defied the apocalyptic prophecies by recovering slightly, thanks to a pattern of colder and windier weather. Boing Boing
  • So maybe the megalith is another harbinger, and it’s all pointing toward your apocalyptic vision, the arrival of the major big bad. Monolith
  • A post-apocalyptic shanty town with people dressed in cheesy clothing. Americatown | /Film
  • The book opens with the gunslinger of the title pursuing the man in black across an endless desert, and continues in an oddly dreamlike (not to say nightmarish) fashion as we learn more of the gunslinger, the post apocalyptic world (that has 'moved on') and his quarry. Great American Novels
  • Apart from a few feral cats, little now stirs in this apocalyptic place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Truth is Obama is an untested, inexperienced, unqualified, overestimated fraud who is on the verge of leading this country to a military defeat in Afghanistan, and getting us all "incinerated" by a nuclear-armed, angry, apocalyptic Iran. What do Republicans expect from president's Afghan speech?
  • His apocalyptic vision looks more like prophecy than fiction.
  • The monks are chiefly devoted to the splendor of their religious services; the solitaries still cherish Hesychast ideas and an apocalyptic mysticism, and the whole monastic republic represents just such an intellectual decay as must follow on a total exclusion of all outside intercourse and a complete neglect of all intellectual effort (Kaulen). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.
  • Some may bridle at the apocalyptic scenarios he raises but these often serve a legitimate purpose.
  • His writing is apocalyptic in feel, describing a gritty futuristic world in which dream meets reality.
  • There seems to be a trend these days with postapocalyptic dystopian novels. Lisa Yee: Happy 95th Birthday, Beverly Cleary
  • Second, the narrative is a tightly structured one, and it has at three points (beginning, middle, and end) apocalyptic moments accompanied by theophanies (in the first two). Not All Atheists Are Mythicists
  • He had seared rock 'n' roll culture with an apocalyptic brew of punk, ska, rockabilly, dub - you name it - and then he seemed to just walk away.
  • Ibsen would be a classicist, a romantic, a Scribean, a realist, a symbolist, not to mention a Hegelian and a feminist, before he would be an apocalyptic.
  • This might well be related to the imagery of God depicted in apocalyptic accounts.
  • This is far short of the apocalyptic predictions being made in the 1970s. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sounds like the plot of a postapocalyptic movie ... except it's true. Times, Sunday Times
  • MORNING DEW BONNIE DOBSON, vocals and guitar ART ROSENBAUM, guitar** and banjo* '' Morning Dew ", also known as" (Walk Me Out in the) Morning Dew ", is a post-apocalyptic folk-rock song written by Canadian singer Bonnie Dobson in 1962, that has become a standard. - Business News
  • Labour politicians have been issuing similarly apocalyptic warnings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is the movement too hooked on the apocalyptic image of a burning globe as opposed to the vision of a biosphere killed by a thousand cuts? drosera December 18th, 2009 8: 40 pm Headlines
  • A dazzlingly written, postapocalyptic martial-arts fantasy, it received a 300,000 advance and tremendous acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smith has rolled out a carpet to welcome viewers to an apocalyptic skyscape that aptly invokes both Paradiso and Inferno.
  • The rise of environmental politics since the late 1960s directly stimulated historical scholarship, and gave the new environmental history an occasionally apocalyptic and moralistic tone.
  • The scribal community similarly took the destruction of Jerusalem and fit it into the apocalyptic narrative of the destruction and return of once and future cities.
  • Eli" is a post-apocalyptic Western, where Washington's lone warrior, Eli, fights to bring society the knowledge that could be the key to its survival and redemption. Gary Oldman Reading The ‘Book Of Eli’ For Post-Apocalyptic Western » MTV Movies Blog
  • It was written during the terrifying times of the Cuban missile crisis, but it depicts apocalyptic visions rather than specific details.
  • We have had a storm of apocalyptic proportions this morning, with gale force winds and torrential rain for hours.
  • The film has a real apocalyptic feel to it, and the sense of doom and desperation is saturating this movie.
  • Even if most figures for waste are not overestimates, national statistics tell a less-than-apocalyptic tale.
  • The biggest postapocalyptic problem of all — politics — is missing from this book. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book of Revelation (and other prophetic verses in the Bible) provides important clues for understanding the rhetoric and actions of devout Christians who are influenced by apocalypticism and millennialism. Chip Berlet: Reading the Bible Belt Before Coming of Super Tuesday
  • Meaning, I guess, we're supposed to concede the point that keeping armed forces in Iraq is better than some imagined, hypothetical scenario where all hell breaks loose the second our forces leave, the country dissolves into sectarian warfare (worse that the civil strife that has already occurred,) and some kind of apocalyptical genocide breaks out (the kind of genocide we care about, not the Darfur or Congo kind.) Allison Kilkenny: Iraq and Afghanistan: Consider the Alternative
  • Forewarned is forearmed: when playing with "divide and conquer" with two countries that have nuclear capability, like India and Pakistan, the outcome may be apocalyptic. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Endgame in Afghanistan
  • Post-apocalyptic is good (especially if they can make it as memorable as Fallout 3), writer for Heroes is sending up a red flag. January 2009
  • The official denounced what he calls the stereotypical apocalyptical pictures Western media construct of Nigeria and Africa. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2007
  • According to the same newspaper, the deputy chief of staff, Moshe Ya'alon, thinks in rather apocalyptic terms.
  • Sub-Ministry industrial grind is a favorite, though overdriven drum machines have never signified "postapocalyptic" to anybody but self-pitying goth kids with hyperactive imaginations. Chicago Reader
  • The other times I see him focusing on his artwork while attending the San Francisco Academy of Art and creating his war-torn, apocalyptic imagery that needs few words to explain.
  • The images of his apocalyptic dream life and waking nightmares are mesmerizing, and eventually all-embracing, as the boundaries between reality and dementia blur in what amounts to a psychological thriller. '50/50': Cheerful Illness Tale, With Relapses
  • The anthemic title track was emblematic of its overall invention, set against an apocalyptic backdrop; ice ages, zombies of death, nuclear errors.
  • In his hallucinatory images, eroticized decorative motifs derived from organic forms add an emotional charge to an apocalyptic vision.
  • His paintings of this time had a magical and apocalyptic character, with hazy shapes and swirling draperies fading into the landscape.
  • For the bargain shopper planing for the end of the world, we've compiled some of the more prominent products and companies that are catering to your apocalyptic needs. 9 Companies Cashing In On Our Doomsday Fears (PHOTOS)
  • Some religious traditions indeed predicate apocalyptic hope on a lifetime of self-abnegation and the renunciation of all individual markers of significance and distinction.
  • This apocalyptic program involved a reformation of the sacerdotal aris - tocracy that controlled the cultus of the Temple at Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Which means McCain will feel enormous pressure tomorrow night to produce a game-changing moment, lest the trend become irreversible and Republicans start ruminating openly about how to rebuild from the ashes of an apocalyptic defeat. Signs of the Apocalypse - Swampland -
  • Six months ago the predictions were apocalyptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scenario planners, millenarians and apocalypticians thrive on predicting extreme - usually final - events.
  • Secretly I've always been interested in the end of the world, the apocalyptic vision of some one like Ludwic Meidner.
  • And, of course, there is nothing apocalyptic about any of the discourses found in the Synoptics.
  • Here is their most apocalyptic scenario yet: Billions dead. The Sun
  • By today's apocalyptic standards that's piddling.
  • If the war happens then the consequences will be more than dire, they will be apocalyptic.
  • Froberg takes on the role of misanthropic sloganeer or street-corner proselytizer, belting out his apocalyptic aphorisms over furiously oscillating punk rock.
  • On that wonderful apocalyptic note, I shall leave you all to begin building your supervolcano shelters and raiding your local supermarket for tinned foods and preservatives.
  • To the extent that apocalyptic eschatology is retained in the New Testament this mythological conception has the existential meaning of representing futurity, that is, the charismatic, or the character of grace of God's liberating word: new life fulfills itself solely in the acceptance of the “freedom of the children of God.” ESCHATOLOGY
  • Major themes are rebellion against authority and wanderings in bleak, post-apocalyptic landscapes. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part III)
  • To most people, the notion that an apocalyptic nihilism is taking root in this nation's children will seem alarmist. The Apocalypse of Adolescence
  • This year is set to be a huge one for postapocalyptic sci-fi. The Sun
  • Galactica makes multiple references to the day in the form of apocalyptic destruction, burnt fire-fighters and the grotesque immediacy of bodies tumbling into space.
  • Apocalyptic cultists are not the only ones in the business of forecasting the end, scientists are too.
  • The "orison" of the title is a device that allows a holographic movie to be played and Sonmi-451's tale preserved as such will somehow get into the hands of the last hero Zach'ry, a primitive tribesman in a post-apocalyptic future. Masterpieces of the 00's decade: "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • I picked up a postapocalyptic novel, one of my favorite SF subgenres. A Progressive on the Prairie » Microreview: The Twin by Gerbrand Bakker » Print
  • The apologist for deterrence of this kind assumes a sort of Manichaean view that war is of its nature irrational and apocalyptic, avoidable only by threats of total annihilation.
  • Yet despite my dismissive attitude towards apocalyptic theories and prophesies, last year's Y2K version did somewhat discomfort me.
  • The Witnesses are a millennialist group whose beliefs are based primarily on the apocalyptic sections of the Bible, notably Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
  • Those who prophesied apocalyptic social change faced great risks.
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • Yet the city remained a mind-boggling mixture of apocalyptic ruin and a return to routine. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were films made in the aftermath of the apocalyptic experiences of World War I which had a decisive effect on a new generation of artists in Germany.
  • His work was seminal for understanding the role and importance of apocalyptic literature and its interpretations in the lives of early seventeenth-century Puritans.
  • Rejecting the gay perspective is, in Alison's terms, apocalyptic, not eschatological - in other words, it is not fully Christian. Living in the End Times (James Alison)
  • They inquire of ancient apocalyptic books and oracles, of sibyls and divines, who remembered the future and predicted it in the past: an exercise in retroactive foresight.
  • The army is ferrying in troops, but they are facing apocalyptic destruction, entire neighborhoods razed to the ground.
  • Delicatessen by Mark Caro and Jean-Pierre Juenet is a surreal post-apocalyptic black comedy set in the house belonging to a butcher who provides suspicious meats to his tenants and overlies a world populated by troglydytes who eat only grain. MIND MELD: The Most Intelligent Films of Science Fiction
  • Yet the potential for confrontation exists when survivalism mixes with apocalyptic fears or millennial expectation. Apollo's Daughter :: May 19th, 2009
  • People have used the word 'apocalyptic' and this is in no way a throwaway comment. WalesOnline - Home
  • O'Shea: As you point out at your blog, post-apocalyptic is a popular genre. Talking Comics with Tim: Bob Fingerman | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Those early teens were formative years, because reading A.S. Neill's "The last Man alive", a hilarious book about a teacher and some of his students being the last people on earth, at the age of thirteen woke my interest in apocalyptic SF stuff. Reader Challenge: Books You'd Like To Read Again, For The First Time
  • It has not the prolixity which is so common a fault of apocalyptic commentators. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
  • We hope his apocalyptic prediction is wrong. The Sun
  • Before them was an apocalyptic landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.
  • Nor is he given to apocalyptic prophecies.
  • We were criticized for taking what was deemed to be an unduly apocalyptic view of the industry.
  • The clathrate gun hyopthesis has received attention lately, although it's been benevolently referred to as a "methane burp" rather than an apocalyptic release of methane that hammered in the nails of past mass extinctions. Scott Thill: We've Entered the Age of Mass Extinction
  • What was the error from which he could only be saved by the apocalyptic vision of the future world itself?
  • It might also be seen as a prologue to the twentieth century's proliferation of apocalyptic literary imagery.
  • All Western democracies are now acutely aware of the apocalyptic consequences of a well-orchestrated attack on high-profile facilities.
  • His apocalyptic vision, like that of the Russian nihilists of the nineteenth century, is not going to materialize.
  • A decade ago they tried to shock the world with apocalyptic forecasts of certain doom. The Sun
  • If you are a veteran cinemagoer, the genre of the East European war movie brings to mind pale, unshaven, craggy, muddy-faced soldiers in an apocalyptic setting.
  • They sat around and listened with abashed smiles as Carlo Marx read them his apocalyptic, mad poetry.
  • Still, in its four seasons, it's done well with critics and, usually, in the ratings, with an effectively complicated mix of gloomy outlook, one-line witticisms, apocalyptic plots, and range of characters.
  • When the same plea is voiced by Christian bishops, the ostensible shepherds of the Church, the situation begins to feel nauseatingly apocalyptic.
  • Many mythologies seem to feature an apocalyptic or transformational event that will occur at the ‘end of history’.
  • Now it's reborn, in an apocalyptically apologetic and assertively undesigned designery sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coleridge's life and Blake's mythologization of the psychosomatics of Milton moving at once inspirationally and with painful apocalyptic dread through Blake's bowels Notes on 'Introduction'
  • Against that apocalyptic reality, the 17 shell-shocked British soldiers shot for "cowardice" look like the only sane men in uniform on the continent.
  • According to the author's thesis, Mark understood these occurrences to be the apocalyptic sign triggering the events of the end-time described in the verses that lead up to the Parousia.
  • Here was something with an appropriately apocalyptic, doomsday flavour.
  • They sat around and listened with abashed smiles as Carlo Marx read them his apocalyptic, mad poetry.
  • I know it's hard to say "apocalypticism," but this is very important stuff. Chip Berlet: Palin's Religious Beliefs Must Be Explored
  • Always reliable when you need a little something apocalyptical. It's a long walk and the music is loud
  • It was 'like a terrible postapocalyptic world'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps I'm taken with a starving father and son navigating their way through a post apocalyptic landscape, enduring their own fears and emotions and inner demons, andnot to mention cannibals, but The Road (directed by John Hillcoat) was one of the most powerful and beautiful movies I saw all year. Kim Morgan: Top Ten Movies of 2009
  • Some science fiction visionaries would have you believe that we're going to live in an apocalyptic future where man is locked in an eternal struggle with the machine.
  • Ending lifetime appointment would hopefully end the apocalyptic kabuki theater both sides engage in every time a Supreme Court vacancy is open. Matthew Yglesias » Presidential Trouble
  • His latest opus is an apocalyptic scenario, featuring the world on the brink of death and destruction.
  • This grueling post-apocalyptic National Book Award winner earns its scenes of menace and the odd expletive by believably conjuring a future in which people survive by scavenging materials from the rusting hulks of oil tankers. Darkness Too Visible
  • Forecasters, councils and that miserable bloke down the pub showered us with apocalyptic weather warnings this week. The Sun
  • So how do we preach apocalyptic texts and Advent pericopes so that people will listen?
  • But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic.
  • Also, we lack any indications of an apocalyptic new age, either on earth or in some transcendent realm.
  • And then there is the scenario which any reader of the apocalyptic scriptures foretells – war between blocs, not nations, deception, Israel caught in the middle of it and the inevitable slide to the feudal bestialization of human beings to an extent not conceived of in the west for centuries. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Finally, local knowledge has given me the edge in the battle for postapocalyptic nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • The row came in a Referendum special where the Chancellor stood by apocalyptic warnings about threats to house prices and jobs. The Sun
  • On the one hand, the works contain neither persons nor artifacts that would establish a human scale; they evoke a world - prelapsarian or post-apocalyptic - divorced from human perspectives.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge is as picturesque as any Romantic ruin but also right out of a postapocalyptic sci-fi film. An Illustrative Career Depicting Dystopias
  • Our analysis of the larger culture was characterized by the kind of apocalyptic imagery made popular by the nineteenth-century evangelist Dwight L. Moody.
  • The latter, which has been described as a "pre-apocalyptic" tale, features McHugh's usual leisurely, literary buildup to an emotional epiphany, amplified with complexly layered characters and details. MIND MELD: More Nebula-Worthy Works of Fiction...Picked By Some of This Year's Nebula Nominees
  • The string players brought tremendous energy and concentration to the apocalyptic visions of the Allegretto.
  • Personally I like to contemplate the future with apocalyptic details and morbid fantasies involving corporate evildoers and wildlife.
  • The outlandish titles appear to contain apocalyptic messages, albeit relayed with absurdist humor.
  • Such an apocalyptic development would have consequences that, although largely unpredictable in their specifics, would be grave for the region and for the international system as a whole.
  • The remarkable increase in apocalyptic fanaticism since the eighteenth century is connected with the universal emergence of historical consciousness that took place at that time; this in turn led to numerous conceptions of an eschatologically oriented salvationist theology; in the eighteenth century, for example, in ESCHATOLOGY
  • Or perhaps it will be his prescient explorations of apocalyptic mythmaking, a core concern of eco-poetics. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • It is clear that Mallet takes an apocalyptical doom and gloom tone in her message. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Today, the United States and some of its Western partners -- in particular, Britain and France, which have their own narrow interests in not having the strategic cachet of their small strategic arsenals "cheapened" by the emergence of more states (especially in the "developing" world) that have mastered the nuclear fuel cycle -- focus on Iran's work on uranium enrichment as apocalyptically dangerous. Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett: Just Like Bushehr, Iran's Uranium Enrichment is No Threat

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