How To Use Aplomb In A Sentence
But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness.
Sedov, a young Israeli of Russian extraction, has a characterful voice - not unlike Ramey's, come to think of it - and he negotiates Rossini's florid music with aplomb.
The good professor's recent "there's no heaven" moment of "Imagine"-esque aplomb is what it is.
Christopher Cocca: Heaven, Hell And Stephen Hawking
Our solidarity, adventuresomeness and aplomb are the acknowledgment to the blackmail of terror ", it was hosted by actress-activist Nandita Das and directed by one-film old Feroz Abbas Khan.
The News is - The News is Now Public
He was a classical singer and even when it was not customary for people of the cloth to perform on stage, he did so with aplomb.

Champagne and chilled fino sherry both perform this role with aplomb but sometimes it pays to go for something a little off-piste.
Singer certainly directs the film with aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
It tackled steep inclines, rocky surfaces, muddy tracks and sand dunes with aplomb and at no time did I feel it would bog down or fail to scale rocky obstacles.
I can recall cherishing school as a youngster, frolicking around the lower-level classrooms at Ben Franklin Elementary School, cutting out those little construction paper handprint turkeys with aplomb and reciting more letters and numbers than a bingo caller.
Tonawanda News Homepage
The Laois girls captured the honours with some degree of aplomb and assurance.
An ensemble of three recorders, harpsichord, bass viol and theorbo supported the trio of singers with sensitivity and aplomb.
MM handles my 16,000 files with aplomb, is infinitely customizable if you're into looks, supports all sorts of plug-ins, runs like hot knife through butter, and, of course, scans my watch folder for any changes (and does so in less than one minute at startup).
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The author declares with aplomb that etymologically speaking the word is entirely incorrect.
He has been campaigning in the junior flyweight, flyweight and junior bantamweight divisions, destroying every opponent with frightening aplomb.
However, the so-called case histories which they composed with such artistic aplomb prove nothing.
Ms Sharpe handled their questions with great aplomb.
He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb.
The best part of the ribbing -- true to its roots in divaliciousness -- was the curtain call, wherein the knobby-kneed bull-erina, Ida Nevasayneva (Paul Ghiselin), blew effusive kisses, toppled over in his curtsies and fumbled his way back through the curtain, all with unshakable aplomb.
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo: Divas infuse humor, character in dances
Once you get it moving on a motorway, though, it buzzes along with aplomb.
However, it is Ejiofor's film as he swaggers around in heels or confronts the ghosts of the past with equal aplomb.
The striker, making his debut, put the spot kick away with aplomb.
Never has a woman worn hats with such aplomb or hit a cowbell so sternly.
In contrast to Spindler, who bristled at critics, Amelio answered the questions with aplomb.
Gillard handled her confrontation with him with 'aplomb'.
The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
Delight is an understatement, but he keeps it all under perfect control, parrying a host of questions with the aplomb which has won him many admirers, including Rupert Murdoch.
Mooting not only gives you practice in court procedure but helps to develop the aplomb that every advocate should possess.
Carried off the difficult situation with aplomb.
Oddball characters are propelled along zigzagging narrative channels, connections made with whimsical aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Carey satirizes literary culture, plays with archetypes, exoticism, and the convolutions of travel yarns, and evokes Malaysia and Indonesia with aplomb.
So the next time your cookies threaten to slide off the sheet without a spatula, or your cake doesn't rise with the aplomb you've come to expect, don't rush to blame the homely beet or praise the lithesome cane.
It is that attitude, allied to a zest for the game and notwithstanding obvious aplomb on the pitch, that has impressed his club manager George Burley.
But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness.
Rounding off this motley group, a talented ensemble of supporting players tackles the remaining characters - several apiece, in fact - with gusto and aplomb.
Wherever required, women salespersons are executing their tasks with aplomb.
Kept cool to take his winner with great aplomb.
The Sun
A gorgeous-looking Zeta-Jones banters with aplomb and a gallery of grotesques shine as some of the supporting characters.
Very clever, Valda, though some professional magicians of my acquaintance manage this trick with much more aplomb and good humor.
All in all, he proved a capable Chairman, handling staff on both sides of the Irish Sea with aplomb.
He carried his weight with considerable aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Americans today crave the confidence, certainty and reckless aplomb he exuded but are at the same time uneasily aware that his approach would be inappropriate now.
She performed the task with great aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
That she did so with aplomb is down to two key accessories: thick tights and a chauffeur-driven limo.
Times, Sunday Times
Carey satirizes literary culture, plays with archetypes, exoticism, and the convolutions of travel yarns, and evokes Malaysia and Indonesia with aplomb.
This season, injuries to others gave him his opportunity; he seized his chance with aplomb, and has been clinging to the shirt ever since.
Doug Eskew is simply a rock as George and holds the stage with aplomb, which is not easy to do when Brenda Braxton is commandeering it as Billie, the heart and soul of the show.
Michael Giltz: Theater: New York Musical Festival (NYMF) Roundup
It is a film that attempts to succeed on two different levels, and manages it with aplomb on both.
The rhythms of organist/guitarist Sean Antanaitis and drummer David Bergander are more pliant the third time around, giving plenty of room for frontwoman Katrina Ford to soar, coo and growl with equal aplomb.
Going Gaga for Beats and Tunes
The hotel is fairly recent but its architecture and furniture continue the Modernist manner with great aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Storgards and his players navigated the rowdier textures with tremendous aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, with grace restored, it welcomes visitors with aplomb.
Potgeiter was into everything, a typical South African loose forward, while De Jongh, a late replacement for the gated Butch James, played with an assurance that belied the fact he was making his debut, recovering from an early crunching tackle by Jamie Roberts to take his score with aplomb, dummying his way between Stephen Jones and Matthew Rees.
South Africa again expose Wales' soft centre in their Cardiff backyard
This dish was worth it just for the theatre alone - the waiter pouring on the virgin olive oil with great aplomb.
A model of the modern Russian ballerina, she can handle contemporary and classical styles with equal aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Once you get it moving on a motorway, though, it buzzes along with aplomb.
The English are here and they have announced their arrival in the Portuguese capital with typically jingoistic aplomb.
In Mr. Salonen’s Floof, a setting of a text by the Polish science-fiction writer Stanislaw Lem about an android that teaches itself to write love poetry using the jargon of higher math instead of the language of hearts and bodies, Ms. Arnold effortlessly alternated between lucid coloratura vocalism and the roughest, most guttural sounds; conductor Jeffrey Milarsky and the Miller musicians drove home Mr. Salonen’s punchy, rugged brand of postminimalism with assurance and aplomb.
Philip Roth���s Grim Everyman Takes a Bow with Tak��cs
Relative hangovers are the topic of the day as Big Nosed B negotiates the back route to Phoenix with his usual driving aplomb and disregard for human or animal life.
She is a consummate stage personality, interacting with the other musicians and the crowd with ease and aplomb.
The Quiet American is a film that attempts to succeed on two different levels, and manages it with aplomb on both.
She gave us slates to write on, made us chant some Empire geography facts, ordered us to sit up straight and swished her cane around with aplomb.
He had his lines worked out in advance and he delivered them with aplomb to each and every microphone shoved his way.
They are sauteing garlic and onion and chopping tomatoes and chillies with aplomb that would shame a sous-chef in Bombay.
Donegal put together another incisive move in the 19th minute, Hegarty netting with aplomb.
With an almost instantaneous deflation of her aplomb, she shot off the drainer, out of the kitchen door and off onto the patio, complaining loudly all the way.
It's a two-hander the brand accomplished with aplomb yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The aplomb with which he emerged from that obscurity, manipulating the media with consummate skill, allowed the dissemination of Christ's message to gain a new momentum across the planet.
Skipping through natural history, archeology, paleontology and several other ologies besides, the museum addresses the biggest themes with aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Genoa fans are also renowned for their aplomb and irony.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
Hamilton then drilled a low ball across goal which on-loan Rangers defender McLean stuck past Gordon with aplomb.
Also notable was the choreography of dirty grinds and salsa steps, which were pulled off with equally impressive aplomb.
He normally didn't like wearing uniforms in films, but wore them with aplomb.
They answered doors, took coats, served drinks, kept the food looking nice, and handled our guest's various needs with aplomb.
He converted the penalty with aplomb to settle his nerves and give the home side the start they wanted.
Plus, I think I could carry off navy and luminous yellow with aplomb.
The ensemble cast is bold and enthusiastic, and carries off the accents required of the script with great aplomb.
With his usual aplomb he accepted the package graciously and set off on his motorbike for the party.
Times, Sunday Times
Every one of those guys managed to zing me with both originality and considerable aplomb.
Ditzy PA's, lads, louts, and starlets, John Ullyatt and John Kirkpatrick portrayed them all with aplomb, heart, and consummate skill.
Nathan and Carrie are the future king and queen of the prom, an unwholesomely attractive couple who take any issue, from jealousy to unwanted pregnancy, with good-natured partying aplomb.
Singer certainly directs the film with aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
He dealt with the match, and the entire day, with great aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
empyrean aplomb
She performs a solo of impossible postures, in which she acquits herself with aplomb, but which leaves the spectator's mind and muscles tensed to the point of spasm.
Lisa is an omnipotent everywoman who handles each challenge with aplomb, spirit, and bouts of tearful anger.
Julia Gillard handled Mark Latham with aplomb, says former prime minister Bob Hawke BOB Hawke says former Labor leader Mark Latham is irrelevant and Prime Minister Julia Gillard handled her confrontation with him with "aplomb". | Top Stories
He went on converting everything, most of them from the most difficult angles with a nerve and aplomb which was simply icy.
The manoeuvre was expertly executed, the finish applied with an aplomb of which Ian would have been proud.
Oozing confidence and poise, the young models walked the ramp with admirable aplomb, in step with music.
He has been campaigning in the junior flyweight, flyweight and junior bantamweight divisions, destroying every opponent with frightening aplomb.
You've got to show the people at the top that you can perform your job with aplomb unmatched by the other entry-level peons - even the full-timers!
Since then, Carlton has coolly fielded questions for congressional inquisitors with wit and folksy aplomb.
Despite the heartache James must be feeling, he's still dancing with aplomb.
While fado purists often maintain that you can only do fado with Portuguese guitar, Spanish guitar and bass, there's a long tradition of major stars like Amália Rodrigues and Carlos do Carmo flouting this convention with aplomb.
The Baguette style with a shorter strap fits casual or dressy with equal aplomb.
She had all the marvellous "aplomb" of her countrywomen, who can transgress all laws of fashion or taste, and through sheer self-confidence remain correct.
The Great Secret
She continued the theme to the end with her gold velvet belle époque bustier ribbed dress, combining the English theme and modern low-stress dressing with great aplomb.
First and foremost, you need to find a way to use the word "aplomb" at least once every hundred words.
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Yet she pulls it off with great aplomb and presents the nation's men with a dilemma.
The Sun
The trains reversed direction on what American railroaders called a wye-Europeans called it a turning triangle-which allowed trains to back up to any one of ten offloading ramps, and the Russians were doing it with skill and aplomb.
The Bear and the Dragon
Honestly, can anyone pirouette from amusing all-night benders to bruising human-right politics with quick, drawn-comic aplomb quite like
STATE DINNER: Here's the animated Obama/Hu Jintao party you DIDN'T see...
And director Gore Verbinski, whose last outing as helmer was the spooky thriller The Ring, handles the action with aplomb while still bringing the best out of his starry cast.
Rosalind conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with her usual aplomb.
She handles suspicious cops, docile family lawyers and an ex - army pal of her husband with aplomb.
Genoa fans are also renowned for their aplomb and irony.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
He's just a saltie at heart ... stepping off, with aplomb, I might add, into the sacred church of trout on the fly.
Any one got a suggestion for a begginning Steelheader?
A model of the modern Russian ballerina, she can handle contemporary and classical styles with equal aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
He did not pull off this task with quite so much aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
She gave us slates to write on, made us chant some Empire geography facts, ordered us to sit up straight and swished her cane around with aplomb.
It does need, rather urgently, actors who can pull off action, romance and comedy with equal aplomb.
Everything else the press could throw at her was batted back with aplomb.
My girls looked a picture as flower girls and performed their roles with aplomb.
If your bargain ammo is shooting straight and dropping game with aplomb, say so.
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Comfort levels are good and uneven roads were taken with aplomb.
Amazingly, this normally crass commercial strategy gels because Benet is a versatile song stylist who handles a variety of textures with aplomb.
With an almost instantaneous deflation of her aplomb, she shot off the drainer, out of the kitchen door and off onto the patio, complaining loudly all the way.
This ingenuity is matched by Reynolds 'performance; carrying a ninety minute movie solo is no easy task, but he depicts a range of emotions from rage to terror to joy with believable aplomb.
Farihah Zaman: 2010 Fantastic Fest #2: Good Movies, Stupid Plots
When she'd consumed the bitter liquid, she'd chew the gum, blowing great thick pink bubbles with casual aplomb.
I must say that his aplomb is admirable in the midst of the rampant corruption and dismal level of governance provided by the New Repugnikon Machine.
Think Progress » Hagel: “Focus Group-Tested Buzz Words…Like ‘Cut and Run’ Debase the Seriousness of War”
If you can find a better example of high-low chic, worn with aplomb, then I'd like to see it.
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Rabelaisian ditty, a gross amazing jest, a chuckle of deep Satyric humour; -- and the monstrous "thickness" of Life, its friendly aplomb and nonchalance, its grotesque irreverence, its shy shrewd common-sense, its tough fibres, and portentous indifference to "distinction"; tumbles us over in the mud -- for all our "aloofness" -- and roars over us, like a romping bull-calf!
Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
However, the so-called case histories which they composed with such artistic aplomb prove nothing.
It recreates an era and its exigencies with robustness and aplomb.
The Times Literary Supplement
I threw around words like "heterotopia," "panopticon" and "hegemony" with aplomb; I was about ten times smarter in that blog than I am here, where my voice tends to be a bit
Edouard de Chavigny passed from opera box to grouse moor with equal elegance and aplomb.
The film, however, is a celebration of marching through all these obstacles with aplomb.
Burke, who won Season 7 with Grey's partner, two-time champ Derek Hough, expects Bolton, Brandy and Hasselhoff to handle the pressure of performing live with aplomb, which is more than she can say for Palin.
Dancing with the Stars Feels the Pressure, Gets Ready to Step It Up
Cliff's generally most effective when he's most gentle, and this sleepy ballad does its job with smoochy aplomb.
That she did so with aplomb is down to two key accessories: thick tights and a chauffeur-driven limo.
Times, Sunday Times
It is directed and acted with aplomb, and funny when it needs to be in an unforced, natural way.
You are them - because they dealt with great terror with aplomb, and they were alive in the final reel.
Times, Sunday Times
Even queries from those more interested in driving the discussion away from the science and toward the touchier social or political concerns were fielded with grace and aplomb.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness.
The answer to that brain-teaser, it turns out, is the one in Buñuel's SIMON OF THE DESERT, played with minxish aplomb by VIRIDIANA's Silvia Pinal.
Mario of the Desert
Singer certainly directs the film with aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
Handling is more responsive than I expected from such a heavy vehicle, and it takes corners and curves with aplomb - and none of that tippy feeling common to SUVs as tall as this one.
Terfel roars out his righteous rage and coos his ludicrous love songs with equal aplomb, making the formidable vocal feats seem almost ridiculously easy.
Genoa fans are also renowned for their aplomb and irony.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
They tackle with equal aplomb the living and the dead.
He handles the adult characters with equal aplomb, perfectly capturing their ignorance at what their children get up to.
Because you don't get to make over 200 appearances on the MotD sofa wearing a form‑hugging middle-aged-divorcee-in-JD-Weatherspoon-style shiny shirt, with a caption under your name explaining who you are so that younger viewers don't think they're listening to just any dull old gadgie the producer found loitering round a mini-cab office halfan hour before the lights went up, unless you can say things like "And he takes it with aplomb" with, well, aplomb.
Paul Lambert needs lessons in the lexicon of the football club | Harry Pearson
Readily equipped with all manner of diversions, she dealt with two terminally bored, carsick children with the aplomb one would expect of a career nurse.
It is a juggling act he accomplished with some aplomb during his first half-season in charge.
A model of the modern Russian ballerina, she can handle contemporary and classical styles with equal aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
That she did so with aplomb is down to two key accessories: thick tights and a chauffeur-driven limo.
Times, Sunday Times
His touch, although neat and sure, has little of that brilliance by which our virtuosos announce themselves as such in the first bars; he emphasised but little, like one conversing in a company of clever people, not with that rhetorical aplomb which is considered by virtuosos as indispensable.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
She is a very admirable specimen of her kind ” the mamestra brassicae species of caterpillar, and having with beautiful aplomb outmanoeuvred and flouted the rapacious cousinry, Clara is seen at the last, under the protection of Holy Church, still quietly devouring her Miranda leaf ” such is the irony of nature, and the merit of a perfect digestive apparatus.
Robert Browning