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  1. light-colored and fine-grained granitic rock consisting chiefly of quartz and feldspars

How To Use aplite In A Sentence

  • Aplite and pegmatite sills and dykes are also common demonstrating that a metasomatic volatile-rich phase played an important role in leucogranite migration.
  • A volatile-rich metasomatic phase produced late growth of poikilitic K-feldspars, layered pegmatites and aplite dikes and an explosive network of dykes emanating out of the top of the Nuptse-Everest leucogranite.
  • The composition of the aplites suggests a multistage evolution that involved plagioclase-dominated fractionation of a fugitive melt batch.
  • At least two Eocene feldspar porphyry dykes or sills intrude Tsa da Glisza, and appear to have followed the same planes of weakness as the aplite dykes.
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