How To Use Apium In A Sentence
Landslips are colonised by both introduced and native species such as southern wild celery Apium australe.
Gough Island Wildlife Reserve, United Kingdom
The juice of a euphorbiaceous plant (Sapium aucuparium), which also yields caoutchouc, is so glutinous that it is used to catch parrots.) it might be supposed that, as it grows larger, the coagulable matter is deposed in the organs, and forms a part of the pulp, or the fleshy substance.
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
The juice of a euphorbiaceous plant (Sapium aucuparium), which also yields caoutchouc, is so glutinous that it is used to catch parrots.] [* The substance which falls down in grumous and filamentous clots is not pure caoutchouc, but perhaps a mixture of this substance with caseum and albumen.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Ad extinguendum coitum, ungantur membra genitalia, et renes et pecten aqua in qua opium Thebaicum sit dissolutum; libidini maxime contraria camphora est, et coriandrum siccum frangit coitum, et erectionem virgae impedit; idem efficit synapium ebibitum.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Celeriac or celery root (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum): more and more, American supermarkets carry celeriac, which is grown for its bulbous root.
Ingredient: Leaf Celery
Lectins were found in the fruit of Daucus carota L. (Wild carrot) and Apium L. (Celery).
Objective: To isolate the chemical constituents about the roots of Apium graveolens L. from Xinjiang and analyzed its wave spectrum, so as to confirm its constructions.