
How To Use Apia In A Sentence

  • In some cases, they could be assigned to another experimental colony as the colonies were all located in the same apiary.
  • Well, in view of the fact that there is a slave part in it, I shall do just as I said and make it tragi-comedy. nunc hoc me orare a vobis iussit Iuppiter, ut conquaestores singula in subsellia eant per totam caveam spectatoribus, si cui favitores delegates viderint, ut is in cavea pignus capiantur togae; Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • But before anyone heads to the nearest hive, bewarned-scientific tests show that apian venom is not the bees' knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Books couldn't tell me everything I needed to know, so I visited an apiary in South An Interview with Sue Monk Kidd
  • Ocu - los cffgoprimum corom ibrdfdaomaia&hamilia fpe&aatium capiam: & doccbo nos non auri aut ai • genti cupidos, ied oibemteiraram (tiba&arosve« niile. Conciones et orationes ex historicis Latinis excerptae : argumenta singulis praefixa sunt, quae causam cujusque & summam ex rei gestae occasione explicant : opus recognitum recensitumque in usum scholarum Hollandiae & Westfrisiae.
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  • This year Greg is endeavoring to add to his apiary by catching a wild swarm.
  • For the human shell is not merely geometrical and architectural, like those of apian or beaverish communities; it holds and expresses all those differences by which we are exalted above the bee or the beaver. Civics: as Applied Sociology
  • The distinct defects of yolk lyotropic liquid crystal (YLLC) during follicular atresia of Tilapia mossambica were widely found by electron microscope with freeze -etching.
  • Season and coat one side of the tilapia fillets with the scallion crust.
  • He says he made a little talapia with a tomatillo sauce, deglazed the pan with a little Mexican beer, hit it with some cilantro and and a little jalapeno in there.
  • The colonies were placed in two study apiaries in Grahamstown, South Africa.
  • The amateur apiarist was a member of York Beekeepers' Association and became known locally as ‘Mr B the bee man’, for selling honey from his garden gate.
  • Every bee larva has the potential to become a queen if properly nourished by its hivemates or an apiarist.
  • Famously discovered by Harry Johnston and named by P.L. Sclater in 1901 (Johnston thought he was tracking down reports of a new forest-dwelling equid), Okapia is a short-necked forest-dwelling giraffid, though how typical it is in the grand scheme of giraffid diversity and evolution has proved controversial. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Apiaceae (umbellifers; carrot family) A family of dicotyledons distinguished by its INFLORESCENCES, which are umbels .
  • Substituting tilapia for petrale sole for more than a year was a freewheeling touch too far, however. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics borrowed the apian metaphor from Seneca's eighty-fourth letter to Lucilius, ‘On Gathering Ideas.’
  • The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
  • The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
  • But the man who owns the apiary in question is a fascinating character himself.
  • Just such a buzz and murmur as then arises might have been heard in Weston court-yard when the boys poured out from the schools, only increased so much in volume as the human vocal organs are more powerful than the apiarian. Dr. Jolliffe's Boys
  • This symbiotic cultivation system relies on aquatic life, such as tilapia fish and yellow perch, to redistribute nutrients. Are vertical farms the future of urban food?
  • Arrange leaves on a flat surface and top each leaf with a single tilapia fillet (place fish crosswise on leaf).
  • Dr Parapia said he still needed more convincing and wondered if there could have been other unrecorded Somali deaths.
  • After Tapia vacated the title in favour of a fruitless attempt to dethrone featherweight king Marco Antonio Barrera, Medina faced fellow Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez in February for the vacant IBF featherweight championship.
  • An apiarist who happened to be in the area called some other friends and they eventually got the bees back into the hives. Herd the Latest?
  • Most clients who received a suspended classification were those for whom a capias was issued for a separate charge.
  • He has kept an apiary for the past 10 years.
  • Tilapias are also an important model for studies of fish physiology and endocrinology.
  • The bees, he announced, would be taken to "a farm in Connecticut," which, assuming this is not a euphemism, is hardly the worst summertime fate for a New Yorker, apiarian or otherwise. Alex Henry: An Apiarian Incident
  • Climax grasses include tall bunch grasses such as sea coast bluestem (Andropogon scoparuium var. littoralis), eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), gulf muhly (Mulenbergia capiallris var. filipes), and several species of panicum. Western Gulf coastal grasslands
  • It is considered to be a leader and one of the greatest ambassador of the apiarian industry.
  • In the case of an apiary producing honey naturally, however, raising queen bees locally is the best practice.
  • A quantity of fine artificial "wax" and natural tallow were added to the offerings, in case she was more apiarian than insectoid. Damia's Children
  • I sometimes saw kitchen staff dumping uneaten rice and vegetables into the lake from the ornamental bridge - food for the tilapia and other species of fish being farmed in the water.
  • The paradox is that tilapia islets produce insulin in a very glucose sensitive manner but simultaneously appear to be peripherally insensitive to insulin.
  • Finally we get 'Catalan' with David's electrapiano and Crumar Stringman doling out the arpeggios for a nice 5-minute progger. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • A suggested sequence to include all the treatment methods in the lessons is to start with onions (no treatment) and proceed with greens such as tampala, mustard or bok choy (blanching) and a fruit like bananas (anti-oxidant coating), then mangos or apricots (sulfuring) and finish with beef or a lean fish like cod, tilapia or congo (salting). Chapter 6
  • Poetarum numina, benigne lector, oro te ne me male capias. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Then there was the case of the agonized apiarist: "My bees have swarmed away from their hive," he or she wrote on a Laurel Canyon email list. Jonathan Handel: The Laurel Canyon Goats Are Leaving!
  • Parivartan Sharma/Reuters An apiarist collected honey from a beehive in Madalpur village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Wednesday. India in Pictures
  • Se trata de la cama Poesy con luminoterapia creada por el diseñador francés Philippe Boulet. Philippe Coudray – Renoma Collection
  • 'capias' in case he should not obey the second summons. The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
  • The tilapia's numerous small bones can choke its predators, even the egret, which can swallow all other fish.
  • Although many of her recipes are still secrets, dishes like broiled tilapia with turmeric and dill, Vietnamese chicken salad, and a saucy eggplant-tofu ragout let you replicate An's signature blend of the familiar and the exotic.
  • Francois Huber, the master and classic of contemporary apiarian science. The Life of the Bee
  • Among the aquaculture species, microsatellite maps have been published on rainbow trout, catfish, tilapia, and Japanese flounder, but not on Atlantic salmon.
  • Drawing on his experience raising tilapia on fish farms in South America years ago, Warner embarked on an effort to farm the breed in big indoor tanks.
  • In view of the overfishing of tuna worldwide, we strongly suggest you substitute a farm raised fish, such as tilapia or catfish in this recipe. Dining with Martial
  • Et aliqui sunt homines debitæ quidem staturæ, et formæ, nisi quòd habent pedes equínos, quibus ita sunt præpetes, vt syluestres bestias capiant, quas comedunt, et manducant. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • These are produced by the bees on the outside of the cluster performing what can best be described as highly co-ordinated apian moonies. The Guardian World News
  • Miguel Tapia Huenulef, 45, was arrested as a suspect in an arson attempt perpetrated in January on an estate called San Leandro near the town of Lautaro, in the region of Araucanía, over 600 kilometres south of Santiago.
  • If the pledges do not produce the convicted party, then execution may be made against them by [writ of] fieri facias, per elegit, or per capias to satisfy the option chosen by the plaintiff.
  • There were high levels of 15N-labelled azolla in the internal organs of nile tilapia and low Chapter 6
  • If the phenomena of exteriorization of _motivity_ be true (the phenomena produced by Eusapia Palladino, for example) then we have here nervous energy or "fluid" existing beyond the periphery of the body -- that is, in space, detached from the nerves. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • The project aims to provide tilapia and catfish fingerlings to prospective fish farmers.
  • The birds use the bill to grab at large aquatic prey like lungfishes, catfish, tilapia, snakes, turtles and frogs. Archive 2006-05-01
  • It is one of seven Chianti subzones others include Chianti Fiorentini and Chianti Rufina, home to top producers Selvapiana and Frescobaldi. Chianti Without the Candle Wax
  • Despite some differences in topology, all obtained phylogenies indicate a clear subdivision of the species that are currently assigned to the genus Tilapia into at least five distinct groups.
  • However, Greenberg states that farmed fish species like barramundi, tra and tilapia are more efficient than any other form of animal protein, including chickens or pigs. Peter Hanlon: Fish as Food, Fish as Wildlife: Four Fish (a Book Review)
  • For an especially breathtaking adventure, hike into Hanakapiai, one of the valleys past verdant, sleepy Hanalei.
  • Famously discovered by Harry Johnston and named by P.L. Sclater in 1901 (Johnston thought he was tracking down reports of a new forest-dwelling equid), Okapia is a short-necked forest-dwelling giraffid, though how typical it is in the grand scheme of giraffid diversity and evolution has proved controversial. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Then, with the same rapid step and preoccupied face, he made the round of the whole garden, and showed his former ward all his greenhouses and hot-houses, his covered-in garden, and two apiaries which he called the marvel of our century. The Black Monk
  • The Moore Honeyhouse is a new addition to an apiarian smallholding near the top of Little Terrapin Mountain in North Carolina.
  • Together they work the land, supporting a successful raw milk dairy, a community orchard, an apiary, and a medicinal and culinary herb garden.
  • Finally, we reached the downhill portion of the hike, towards Hanakapiai Beach.
  • This will be the first airport in the USA with an on-site apiary. Joan Brunwasser: Magazine Publisher Moonlights as Urban Beekeeper
  • Tapia charged forward in his customary fashion but was constantly forced to eat up Barrera's textbook jabs.
  • FUTURE capiam capiēmus ca´piar capiē´mur capiēs capiētis capiē´ris, - re capiē´minī capiet capient capiē´tur capien´tur Latin for Beginners
  • I was gobsmacked to read what a supposedly "artisan" apiarist is recommending people use on the bees in their care. Bee-wise or Greed-driven
  • He was merely a manhandler; and Bill King was something like three months in recovering from the bit of manhandling he received that afternoon on Apia beach. THE HEATHEN
  • The distinct defects of yolk lyotropic liquid crystal (YLLC) during follicular atresia of Tilapia mossambica were widely found by electron microscope with freeze -etching.
  • Last Wednesday night, Kerry Heffernan, head chef for Central Park's South Gate Restaurant, prepared a delectable feast based on four exotic invasive varieties of seafood: green crab known to most fisherfolk as bait for blackfish, Asian carp, lionfish and blue tilapia. Leslie Hatfield: Summer's Coolest Culinary Trend: Invasive Species
  • Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish , white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels.
  • Turbidity due to plankton production is, on the contrary, rather beneficial to tilapia and especially for the microphagous species (O. niloticus, O. aureus), providing a complementary diet in this natural food. 1. Breeding
  • Again Irenæus, denouncing the interpretations of the Scriptures current among the Gnostics, uses the very expression of Papias, [Greek: ta kuriaka logia] [174: 4]; and though he does not define his exact meaning, yet as the 'oracles of God' are mentioned immediately afterwards, and as the first instance of such false interpretation which he gives is not a saying, but an incident in the Gospels -- the healing of the ruler's daughter -- we may infer that he had no idea of restricting the term to sayings of Christ. Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Most others had been served something else, but as the tilapia was a "better" dish that the new main course yesterday, I was served the fish out of respect .... Recent Updates
  • We are showcasing our commitment to sustainability with an aeroponic garden, vegetated roofs, and an apiary of 28 beehives.
  • The tilapia species that are commonly used in aquaculture (O. aureus, O. niloticus, O. mossambicus, etc.) are microphage species and, consequently, have a small stomach and a narrow oesophagus. 1. Breeding
  • Lean fish such as haddock and tilapia, and fatty fish such as mackerel and sardines, are all used to make smoked products. Chapter 6
  • Far better, then, to plant apian-friendly flowers that will act as service stations for those bees that are already here. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's well worth tracking down your nearest urban apiarist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The good news is that the disorder may be on the wane, with the Apiary Inspectors of America reporting that deaths from CCD are below 30% for the first time since the crisis began.
  • Nor are those who have a "sweet tooth" forgotten, for on the west side of the French Broad river, where the sourwood is the thickest and the wild flowers most varied and luxuriant, an apiary has been placed. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • He was also introduced to members of the school's apiary club who produce pounds of honey each year to sell locally.
  • I must humour my own father: it is only dutiful to meet his desires. sed eccum Amphitruonem, advenit; iam ille hic deludetur probe, siquidem vos voltis auscultando operam dare. ibo intro, ornatum capiam qui potis decet; dein susum ascendam in tectum, ut illum hinc prohibeam. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • An unusual auction of apiary equipment is set to take place at the Yorkshire Museum of Farming, at Murton Park, York, tomorrow.
  • The true colubrine snakes lack poison glands and poison fangs and include the Russian rat snake (the snake our visitors are allowed to pet) and our native Aesculapian snake and grass snake.
  • There has been a capias issued in that matter, and the capias provides for no bond. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2005
  • The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
  • He owns the largest Tilapia fish farm in the Philippines with 10 million fishes.
  • 'The blind girl sees,' said I to myself; 'she sees through thousands of eyes; the apiary is her life, her soul. The Man-Wolf and Other Tales
  • [17] Of these renderings the subjoined may be taken as favorable specimens: -- "Breve originale, original sinne; capias, a catch to a sad tune; alias capias, another to the same (sad tune); habeas corpus, a trooper; capias ad satisfaciend., a hangman: latitat, bo-peep; nisi prius, first come first served; demurrer, hum and haw; scandal. magnat., down with the Lords. A Book About Lawyers
  • For example, Sherlock Holmes retired to live the life of an apiarist in the Sussex Downs, where he wrote his great work, The Practical Handbook of Bee Culture, before being summoned back to London, in His Last Bow, to help capture the German spy Von Bork. The Wisdom of Bees by Michael O'Malley – review
  • Democrito saltem affinis, aut ejus Genium vel tantillum sapiat; actum de te, censorem aeque ac delatorem [817] aget econtra (petulanti splene cum sit) sufflabit te in jocos, comminuet in sales, addo etiam, et deo risui te sacrificabit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But early next morning, when they approached the shore, the Spanish _alcaide_, Francisco de Tapia, commanded a gun to be fired at the ship from the castle; whereupon the English, seeing the reception accorded them, sailed back to Porto Rico, there obtained some provisions in exchange for pewter and cloth, and departed for Europe, The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • For, my word, this fellow has got hold of my complete image, mine that was! vivo fit quod numquam quisquam mortuo faciet mihi. ibo ad portum atque haec uti sunt facta ero dicam meo; 460 nisi etiam is quoque me ignorabit; quod ille faxit Iuppiter, ut ego hodie raso capite calvos capiam pilleum. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • It is not a matter of any importance how the defendant came into court-whether he was served with a writ, capias, or declaration; or whether he appeared voluntarily without process of any kind.
  • Et capiam buccellam panis, et fulcite cor vestrum, postea transibitis: quia idcirco transiistis ad servum vestrum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • -- There will be a number of demonstrations at the farm, one by Prof. Francis Jager, the apiculturist, at 11: 30 o'clock, at the Apiary Building. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • He knew that Mrs. Clarke's husband was accredited to the British Embassy at Constantinople; that the scandal about her was connected with that city and with its neighborhood -- Therapia, Prinkipo, and other near places, that both the co-respondents named in the suit lived there. In the Wilderness
  • The varroa mite and various viruses have also destroyed thousands of apiaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anecdotal reports suggest that there have been many introductions of new strains of bees to boost the gene bank of the New Zealand apiary industry - even though this was illegal.
  • Althogh he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was seldom stung by a Bee.
  • Think tilapia, or an Asian fish he likes called the barramundi. Farmed Fish, Food Fish; Wild Fish, Few Fish
  • Examples include the oscar, Jack Dempsey, jewelfish, convict cichlid, Midas cichlid, and spotted tilapia; and livebearers, such as swordtails, platies and mollies, and armored catfishes.
  • There's been a capias issued in that matter, and the capias provides for no bond. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2005
  • A newly designed satellite centre is operational on the premises of the Animal Production and Health Division (APHD) in Apia.
  • Pepper steak is popular among us, but here's pepper sauce with the Talapia fish is very special, you can try out this new dish.
  • It's maybe three hundred feet down the mountain, so the whole thing is laid out like apian. Running Blind
  • They take a pride to prank up themselves, to make young men. enamoured, — [5850] captare viros et spernere capias, to dote on them, and to run mad for their sakes, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They say that this has not just begun to happen: actually it was the dead who built the upper Eusapia, in the image of their city.
  • For some background, my article on the economics of the apiary. Keep Yo Bees Offen Mah Trees!
  • The boxes can be variously configured, whether into a two-story wildlife B&B or a high-rise hotel, to suit your apian lodgers 'every need. Fast Company
  • Tilapia cichlids can establish a strong population in a very short time span if the conditions are right.
  • Here one can enjoy walks such as the Everglade, the Apiary Walk and the Via Davidia, and there is also a large collection of specimen trees.
  • Even his apiarian neighbours were asked for help, providing him with bees and bee-hives.
  • The apiary was located 12 km away from the original site to prevent older bees from returning to their original nest site if they recognized the landscape.
  • The publication has been pronounced useful to the practical apiarian and a valuable contribution to the natural history of the honey-bee. The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • Whole fish such as tilapia are served hot off the grill and topped with tangy onion and tomato.
  • Like many Caribbean Creoles, Papiamento is odd and surprising.
  • In a very Screwtapian, that is to say diabolic irony, these nobler ideals are often the best disguise for our group selfishness, for we can thereby disguise our primitiveness even from ourselves. Assistant Village Idiot
  • According to the monogenetic theory, Papiamentu originated from a single Afro-Portuguese proto-Creole, that developed as a lingua franca in western Africa.
  • Grelet was a skilled apiarist, and replenished his melliferous flocks by wild swarms enticed from the forests. White Shadows in the South Seas
  • Abrigant, likewise, stayed at the apiary 's edge, his face darkened by a perpetual scowl. LORD PRESTIMION
  • The study was conducted in an apiary in Sheffield, UK, during July 1999.
  • The new newsletter contained more contributed articles from regional experts and many advertisements for apiarian supplies.
  • To be-labor my apiarian analogy: the honey that's dipped from that busy hive can be sweet and nourishing, or it can be hallucinogenic and deadly. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • The Romans said it well: Videant consules, ne respublica detrimentum capiat -- "Let the consuls look to the safety of the state. James Pinkerton: A Leak From An Undisclosed Location
  • Awonderfully detailed articlefrom 2001 on bees and one chemical from this family (imidacloprid) was written by an apiarist on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Benn No Buddy to Bees
  • I love the dressing: I used huckleberry honey from a local apiary, which is dark and flavorful. - Recipe Raves
  • Heaths, or places abounding in wild flowers, constitute the best neighbourhood for an apiary, and in default of this pasturage, there should be gardens where flowers are cultivated, and fields in which buck-wheat, clover, or sainfoin, is sown. A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year
  • Ne detrimentum capiat ecclesia -- That the holy things of God be not trenched upon. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • I make it with half some sort of sturdy white fish, like tilapia or orange roughy, and half with shrimp. Pickled shrimp with lime | Homesick Texan
  • This sentence of his will agree with that of Heraclitus, a dry light makes a wise mind, temperate heat and dryness are the chief causes of a good wit; therefore, saith Aelian, an elephant is the wisest of all brute beasts, because his brain is driest, et ob atrae, bilis capiam: this reason Cardan approves, subtil. l. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Americans tend not to like to eat carp (though tilapia is an exception). Matthew Yglesias » Carping
  • To serve, arrange some vegetable couscous and hearts of palm in the center of a plate and set two tilapia fillets on top.
  • But think about all the great seafood options being offered right now from carts and trucks in Midtown alone … the fried cod from the Schnitzel Truck, Tianbula from the NYC Cravings Truck, and the always delicious salmon and tilapia served by Kwik Meal (shown above.) Department of Health Bans Street Vendors From Selling Seafood | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Notice this reckless new breed of urban apiarist doesn't even wear a beekeeping suit, which I suppose is the equivalent of riding brakeless. Aftermath: The Calm After the Storm
  • The colonies were transported to an apiary and arranged in 3 circles of 12 colonies each to equalize some of the effect apiary layouts may have on drifting.
  • Tapia might be the most ferocious fighter in the world.
  • -- Comp.: fēond -, hilde-grāp. grāpian, w. v., _to grasp, to lay hold of, to seize_: þæt hire wið halse heard grāpode, _that_ (the sword) _griped hard at her neck_, Beowulf
  • Rothberg was particularly proud about a metagenomics analysis of disappearing honey bees.33 Colony collapse disorder CCD was first reported in 2006, by an apiarist who found hundreds of hives in Florida full of honey and larvae, but deserted. The $1,000 Genome
  • The Tapias are ragpickers who earn a living from a nearby municipal dump.
  • All the honey bees in the apiary have long since been Africanized.
  • Remarkably, four species of fish are found in the lower pools near Iherir: Tilapia zillii being the commonest, with Barbus biscarensis, B. ablabes and the air-breathing mudfish Clarias anguillaris. Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria
  • I actually had another card ( apian rushmore card ..similar age but a better card) ... Kubuntu Forums
  • _ubi pro disco damnum capiam, pro cursura dedecus? Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • To create the aura of New Orleans, from that city, Ms. O'Brien imported musicians Irvin Mayfeld and the New Orleans Jazz Playhouse Revue, burlesque dancers, trumpets that served as table centerpieces and a Louisiana catering company that cooked such delicacies as crawfish pies, mini muffalettas, deep-fried catfish, pecan parmesan crusted tilapia, chicken-and-sausage jambalaya and bread pudding with rum sauce. Big Easy in Bridgehampton
  • When he was inspector of apiaries, he made the regulation that apiaries should be kept at least 200 metres from the nearest resident and 100 metres from the nearest roadway.
  • It was Apian who first drew the tails of comets pointing away from the sun and not streaming out behind them.
  • The threat to our biodiversity by the so called invasiveness of tilapia in our waterways. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Growers are very dependent on the skill of the apiarists, who bring along hives full of bees just at the stage when they have need of lots of pollen to feed their brood.
  • Because the bees do not speak in plain language, but in cryptic phrases that appear nonsensical to those untrained in the apian way. The light that draws the flower
  • Common baitfish such as bluegill sunfish, threadfin shad and tilapia are short and stubby; the long, slim profile of the lure perhaps comes closest to matching a baby bass.
  • Jinping tilapia is a specialty of tropical fish, African origin.
  • Churches by John while he yet remained in the body (adhuc in corpore constituto); as (one) Papias by name, of Hierapolis, a beloved disciple of John, has related in his exoteric, that is, in his last five books (in exotericis, id est, in extremis quinque libris); but he wrote down the Gospel at the dictation of John, correctly (descripsit vero evangelium dictante Johanne recte). Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Finding Nemo" on in a two-piece made from tilapia, which is reportedly not only breathable but waterproof too. StyleList
  • This is a really cool step because it not only adds flavor, but the tilapia breaks down and acts as a subtle thickener to the stew. Kellan Hori: Cioppino, 2011 Edition
  • Before applying insecticides hazardous to bees, operators should check with the Consolidated Farm Service Agency to locate apiaries.
  • The central part of this dish is tilapia, a fresh water fish with white flesh and a flaky texture.
  • The central part of this dish is tilapia, a fresh water fish with white flesh and a flaky texture.
  • You have asked this office to render a formal opinion concerning the service of capias mittimus by state marshals.
  • Hippos and marabou storks wander the shoreline near the tiny fishing villages whose hauls of Nile perch, tilapia, catfish and white herring sustain the local economy.
  • Jones also fills the text with knowledgeable references to bee-keeping and the apian colony as utopian ideal.
  • The recipe for Spice-Rubbed and Roasted Flounder Fillets can be made with other white-flesh fish, such as tilapia, shown here. I Spice: Fennel
  • Do you ever notice that every time somebody is murdered, both teh victim and the perp if known just happen to be out awaiting trial, or a capias has been issued for them, etc. Things I'm Working On...
  • The question is still unsolved; it is, however, possible that, in Papias, the term logia means deeds and teachings. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Examples include the jewelfish and spotted tilapia; and livebearers, such as swordtails, platies and mollies, and armored catfishes.
  • Like most budding apiarists, my first concern was to avoid getting stung.
  • Quum Rex respondisset: 'Se eam curam Senatui mandasse, iique respondissent,' _totam curiam Parlamenti Parisienis inquinatam esse_, 'iracunde intulisse,' quid vultis igitur faciam, aut quid consilii capiam? The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • The new company would also aim to be in the forefront of developing other species in farmed versions - sturgeon, tilapia, yellowtail, barramundi, halibut, cod, are amongst those mentioned.
  • Purchase of some dealer or manufacturer of apiarian supplies, a good Langstroth hive complete with section boxes. Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884. A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside
  • The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
  • A number of different species and hybrids are sold under the name tilapia, and have different qualities. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • That history no doubt would take account of things like 6 George IV Chapter 108, where once an information was presented, capias issued, the person was arrested, required to post bail, then the issue was determined.
  • Crop growers may supplement their income with beeswax and honey and learn beekeeping which is overseen by the apiary branch. Agriculture+ontario - Google Blog Search
  • Tilapia are what they eat, and in unmanaged systems, animal manure and even human faeces contribute to the mix.
  • La terapia antibiotica empirica deve essere appropriata, altrimenti la mortalità aumenta. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Apiarist is another term for a person who keeps which creatures? Times, Sunday Times
  • En entrant dans la grande surface, "France Loisir" me tend un catalogue, je m'approche d'un air interessé (sans l'etre en fait) et piapiate avec la demoiselle (tres agreable d'ailleurs, et meme si elle etait surement faux-cul, ca ne se voyait pas). Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Kapia acted very childishly in his remarks pertaining to that unfortunate incident, a sensible person would not even think of making such a remark.
  • [4629] Miseriquid luctatiunculis hisce volumus? ecce mors supra caput est, et supremum illud tribunal, ubi et dicta et facta nostra examinanda sunt: Sapiamus! Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Football fans will perhaps be unsurprised to learn that the vuvuzela, whose apian drone soundtracked yet another summer of hurt, has blared its way into the dictionary's pages. Climate change and the vuvuzela leave mark on Oxford Dictionary of English
  • Hot off the grill, the tilapia was a whole fish, plump and meaty and perfectly cooked.
  • Apiary Inspector Peter Kaczynski came out of retirement to put together this rapid response unit for the State of Victoria.
  • Tilapia is also identified under a number of different generic names; it can be called "carpe" in West Africa, "St Peter's Fish" in Israel, 1. Breeding
  • They also created two guest cottages, greenhouses, an apiary and vegetable, flower and berry gardens. Vast Open Space, Near the End of the World
  • We have no capias ad faciendum (abbreviated cap ad fac), nor have we the fieri facias, familiarly termed fi fa, but we have perhaps as good in the in meditatione fugæ warrant, familiarly abbreviated into fugie, as poor Peter Peebles termed it, when he burst in upon the party assembled at Justice Foxley's, exclaiming, "Is't here they sell the fugie warrants?" [ The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • I can spend hours in the apiary just watching them come and go. Joan Brunwasser: Magazine Publisher Moonlights as Urban Beekeeper
  • The Samoans booked their place with a 31-13 win over Tonga in Apia to move to the top of the triangular Oceania qualifying competition.
  • From 2006 to 2009, over one-third of beekeepers reported colonies collapsing accompanied by a “lack of dead bees," according to a survey conducted by the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA).
  • The new company would also aim to be in the forefront of developing other species in farmed versions - sturgeon, tilapia, yellowtail, barramundi, halibut, cod, are amongst those mentioned.
  • I will not enumerate all that apiarian science owes to him; to state what it does not owe were the briefer task.
  • In Namibia two types of fresh water fish, the tilapia and catfish are farmed.
  • Imported species of bass and tilapia thrive alongside the native mojarra. Gold trail to Santa María del Oro, Nayarit
  • The question is whether the apiarists should be allowed to use public land for the purpose of farming an introduced animal.
  • Denis van Engelsdorp, Pennsylvania State Apiarist, USA recounted such experiences in American beekeeping history. The honeybee crisis: paradoxical findings deepen the CCD mystery
  • At present my father wishes Amphitryon to be fooled: fooled he shall be finely, I promise you, here and now, spectators, and under your inspection. capiam coronam mi ni caput, adsimulabo me esse ebrium; atque illuc sursum escendero: inde optume aspellam virum 1000 de supero, cum huc accesserit; faciam ut sit madidus sobrius. deinde illi actutum sufferet suos servos poenas Sosia: eum fecisse ille hodie arguet quae ego fecero hic. quid mea? meo me aequomst morigerum patri, eius studio servire addecet. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Plus, I refuse to use the slave labor products of my captive apian-friends. Bound but not Gagged

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