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How To Use Aphis In A Sentence

  • When he took up the word aphis, first used by Linnaeus, he wrote to the Linnaean Society to ask its origin. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 1
  • APHIS, in turn, has set up an antismuggling unit called the Smuggling, Interdiction and Trade Compliance SITC. The Fruit Hunters
  • Instead, he is an epigraphist, content to read works for their historical content.
  • His skill as an epigraphist made him a valued colleague on excavations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best paragraphist in the English language for the essay is Macaulay, the best model to follow for the oratorical style is Edmund Burke and for description and narration probably the greatest master of paragraph is the American Goldsmith, Washington Irving. How to Speak and Write Correctly
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  • Introduce, I find out about situation of student roughly, I know light painter , little talent , calligraphist of class , make laughs the king ......Hi Hi, but really a little meaning!
  • After I returned to England an irresponsible paragraphist informed the The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol 2 (of 2)
  • The artist need not fear the encroachment of the photographist.
  • His talents as a historian did not match his brilliance as a philologist and epigraphist. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1858, appearing in one of the land-dispute cases for which he furnished testimony in the form of photographs he had made, Watkins described himself as "a photographist."
  • A single infusorian becomes in a week the ancestor of millions, that is to say, of far more individuals than could proceed under the most favourable conditions from a pair of elephants in five centuries, while Huxley calculated that the progeny of a single parthenogenetic aphis, under favouring circumstances, would in a few months outweigh the whole population of China. [ Essays in War-Time Further Studies in the Task of Social Hygiene
  • The drops contain the extracts of ingredients such as aphis, or ground honey bees, and plants such as euphrasia and sabadilla.
  • Other species of ichneumon insert their eggs into the aphis, and into the larva of the aphidivorous fly: others into the bedeguar of rose trees, and the gall-nuts of oaks; whence those excrescences seem to be produced, as well as the hydatides in the frontal sinus of sheep and calves by the stimulus of the larvæ deposited in them.] [Footnote: _While fierce Libellula_, l. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • An obliterated manuscript written over again is called a palimpsest, and the man who can restore and read it a paleographist. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • She also advised people to seek professional guidance as Andrographis has potential interactions with anticoagulant, antihypertensive, immunosuppressant and hypoglycemic drugs. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Science Rediscovers the Forgotten Herb Andrographis
  • An explanation of the above difficulty from some obliging and better-informed photographist would be very thankfully received by Notes and Queries, Number 190, June 18, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • He arrays himself in court dress at the palaces of kings, receives honorary degrees at Universities, and is kept before the public by the newspaper paragraphist, without wincing or pretending to dislike it. The Rise of the Democracy
  • Eat the aphis, little hunterkiller, so that the roses may thrive. The Golden Torc
  • Man of letters, calligraphist, collector of books and paintings. Chinese Painters A Critical Study
  • In fact, of the twenty rose-trees which formed the parterre, not one bore the mark of the slug, nor were there evidences anywhere of the clustering aphis which is so destructive to plants growing in a damp soil. The Count of Monte Cristo
  • In 1882, Swiss phytogeographist Alphonse Pyrame de Candolle published Origin of Cultivated Plants, revealing for the first time the distinct places of origin for many fruits. The Fruit Hunters
  • People were all in high spirits with Spring Festival scrolls written by officials and calligraphists in hand.
  • Conspicuous among the Emperor's entourage was Ho Chih-chang, a famous statesman, poet, and calligraphist, who, on reading Li T'ai-po's poetry, is said to have sighed deeply and exclaimed: "This is not the work of a human being, but of a Tsê Hsien (Banished Immortal). Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Also in the garden, inscriptions of the noted calligraphists lure many lovers of oriental culture.
  • He wore a pendant with the five-pointed star and lightning bolt of Xaphista, and leapt to his feet when Damin entered the tent. TREASON KEEP
  • After the high souled Malthus, came the Neo-Malthusians, who, although they retained the name perverted the teaching of this great demographist, and some Socialist writers of high repute still advocate the systematic instruction of the poor in Neo-Malthusian practices. The Fertility of the Unfit
  • In order to memory this famous calligraphist , writer and patriotic scholar, we built the Song Cao's Former Residence to display works by contemporary calligraphists and extant ones by Song Cao.
  • The item was created to serve as a brush cleaning receptacle for royal calligraphists of the day in ancient China.
  • My compartment was crowded with men of my division, and only one-half of these had true passes; one, who was an adept calligraphist, wrote his own pass, and made a counterfeit signature of the superior who should have signed the form of leave. The Amateur Army
  • Thich Nhat Hanh is also an acclaimed calligraphist. James Hoggan: Thich Nhat Hanh and David Suzuki to Discuss How to Restore Health to the Planet
  • They are called aphis-lions because they are very cruel to the little green plant-lice I told you about. Little Busybodies The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles, and Other Busybodies
  • But the modern photographist could hardly have produced a picture so exquisitely truthful as well as lovely. Adèle Dubois A Story of the Lovely Miramichi Valley in New Brunswick
  • With nearly 33,000 temples, Tamil Nadu is literally a goldmine for epigraphists.
  • Anthropogeographie Friedrich Ratzels und ihre ideen - geschichtlichen Wurzeln, Bonner Geographische Abhand - lungen, Heft 19 (Bonn, 1956), provides Ratzel's basis ideas in anthropogeography including his relationship to Herder and Ritter, and a valuable bibliography of German second - ary works. ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE
  • Development period of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was observed in different cotton varieties with resistance to insect pests by inoculating the insect pest on cotton leave in laboratory.
  • His cased portraits carried the words "Mr George Ruff - Artist and Photographist".
  • Ces trois bandes visuelles ont chacune leur propre graphisme et couleur. Lettres de ma Terrasse
  • They even learned to kill the little soft white creature called aphis by putting under the plant a pan of hot coals with tobacco thrown on them. Ethel Morton's Enterprise
  • Ces trois bandes visuelles ont chacune leur propre graphisme et couleur. Lettres de ma Terrasse
  • I have not been a paragraphist for nothing: the sale was a success. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • As he had only taken a ticket to Montreal, the latter part of the announcement, although it happened to be true, was an absolute invention on the part of the light-hearted paragraphist who had penned it. Hunter's Marjory A Story for Girls
  • T'ang Yin was the painter of elegant women; Tung became famous especially as a calligraphist and a theoretician of the art of painting; a textbook of the art was written by him. A History of China
  • The calligraphist had given each letter a shadow, so that the words seemed to hover just over the page.
  • Other insects that destroy garden vegetables are the well-known green cabbage-worm, the harlequin cabbage-bug, the cabbage hairworm, the asparagus-beetle, the squash-bug, the squash-vine borer, the striped cucumber or melon beetle, the melon aphis, the corn boll-worm, the cornstalk borer and many others. Checking the Waste A Study in Conservation
  • Anglo-Saxon named Erventus, was a clever calligraphist, and is said to have been highly proficient in the art of illuminating; he instructed Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • The little green insects so frequently seen on house-plants, are called aphis (plural aphides), plant-lice, or green-fly. Your Plants Plain and Practical Directions for the Treatment of Tender and Hardy Plants in the House and in the Garden
  • Xaphista spoke to her often, coaxing one minute, taunting the next. TREASON KEEP
  • Ordering the telegraphists to stay at then - posts, he climbed out of the gunhouse to go up to warn the bridge, but finding it had already been wrecked he went back to the gunhouse to tell the men to abandon it. Graf Spee
  • And watch sharply for the green aphis, which is the most dangerous insect pest. Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
  • That's because more than simply writing, calligraphists perform an ‘ink dance,’ says University of Maryland professor Jason Kuo, a supporter of the exhibit.
  • At the end of the garden is Cook's tourists 'office; a little further on, Seebah, an excellent photographist. Three Months in the Soudan
  • The "ants 'cow" is a species of insect called "aphis" that secretes from its food a sweet kind of fluid called "honey dew. Outdoor Sports and Games
  • Willis called "a young paragraphist for the Morning Chronicle. Famous Affinities of History — Complete
  • The "paragraphist," according to Willis, was lodging in the most crowded part of Holborn, in an uncarpeted and bleak-looking room, with a deal table, two or three chairs, and a few books. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • The Emperor at this time was Chien Lung, the best of the Manchu dynasty, a cultivated man, a patron of the arts, and an exquisite calligraphist. The Problem of China
  • The long sustained deception has been dropped," says a paragraphist, "and the young man who assumed the name of 'Madame Zoyara' is now to be seen in correct masculine attire. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • Gernot Vogel Kopstein 's bronzeback snake (Dendrelaphis kopsteini) has bright orange, almost flamelike, neck coloration that gradually fuses into an iridescent blue, green and brown pattern. Borneo
  • While there, we looked down into the street beneath, and saw a photographist preparing to take a view of the castle, and calling out to some little girl in some niche or on some pinnacle of the walls to stand still that he might catch her figure and face. Passages from the English Notebooks, Complete
  • The electricians had contrived a catchment pool and a wheel in the torrent close at hand -- for the little Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling -- weakly, indeed, but calling -- to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world. The War in the Air
  • Download info on pet quarantine, and health requirements: www.; www.; and www. Lea Lane: Seven Tips for Traveling with Your Pet
  • In his vision of the future, epigraphists - archaeologists who study inscriptions - will rely instead on digital cameras, specialized computer software, and their dexterity with a mouse.
  • There are some faces so mobile that photographists cannot take them.
  • The personal paragraphist of 1749 was perhaps no less inaccurate than his descendant of to-day. Henry Fielding: a Memoir
  • Ten years ago I met Stalin's personal telegraphist, who told me how he was driven that night through a cold and rainy Moscow, ready to flee with his boss.
  • Napoleon's example of taking antiquaries, etymologists, epigraphists and naturalists with him to Egypt conferred a cultural dimension to post-Napoleonic French colonialism which had not been there before.
  • A striking exception is formed by the Damasine letters introduced in the fourth century by Furius Dionysius Filocalus, the calligraphist of Pope Damasus I (q. v.). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • ... fall in love with cameras so much this time, that i go out there and i just become a photographist or something. you never know, anything could happen. Vimeo / Recent Public Videos
  • One egg parasitoid, a tiny, stingless wasp called Gonatocerus triguttatus, has already been released in California by researchers at the University of California at Riverside and APHIS.
  • BALES [BALESIUS], PETER (1547-1610?), English calligraphist, one of the inventors of shorthand writing, was born in London in 1547, and is described by Anthony Wood as a "most dexterous person in his profession, to the great wonder of scholars and others. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • [Illustration: Common apple aphis showing a winged and wingless agamic summer forms at a and c, one with wing pads formed at b, and a recently born young at d. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • It is as if the actors in a burlesque had one by one left the stage and obligingly posed for a photographist.
  • Objective:To assess the ultrasonic diagnosis of lumbosacral spinal dysraphism(LSD)with tethered spinal cord(TSC)syndrome and to evaluate the ultrasonography value in postoperative follow up.
  • There is no more exemplary statement than this of epigraphists ' proper attitude toward epigraphical conclusions - and historical conclusions based on epigraphic evidence.
  • But it is hard to say, because although under age, he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman on the outbreak of World War II, later going to the Fleet Air Arm as a telegraphist air gunner, earned a commission, and served overseas - at eighteen years of age probably the youngest sublieutenant in the RCNVR. Looking for Trouble
  • In the early 20th century, telegraphists in the UK began experiencing ‘telegraphist's cramp ’, a condition thought to be caused by the rapid, repetitive movements required to send Morse code.
  • Napoleon's example of taking antiquaries, etymologists, epigraphists and naturalists with him to Egypt conferred a cultural dimension to post-Napoleonic French colonialism which had not been there before.
  • On Bonet-Maury's method, see Bonet-Maury, "Sur la vaporisation du polonium" (1927); Bonet-Maury, "Sur la vaporisation du polonium" (1927); Blau and Rona, "Anwendung der Chamie'schen photographischen Methode" (1930). back Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • To try to dispiritedly teresa and reluctivity prelude in severn fistulous to preparedness them to the looker that allegiance can demonism horsepond acclivity and demographist are piningable. Rational Review
  • Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling — weakly, indeed, but calling — to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world. The War in the Air
  • Another diagnosis to consider is a closed spinal dysraphism, where the vertebral arches are not fused well, but there is no vertebral column agenesis.
  • Vergèce, the Cretan scholar and calligraphist who designed Greek types for Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Find out the customs regulations of your country of destination at www. Flying With Fido
  • She also advised people to seek professional guidance as Andrographis has potential interactions with anticoagulant, antihypertensive, immunosuppressant and hypoglycemic drugs. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Science Rediscovers the Forgotten Herb Andrographis

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