How To Use Apery In A Sentence

  • The petals were so dry and apery that they crumbled at the first touch. The Seventh Scroll
  • What makes these native arums so attractive are the thick spikes of fruits that follow the large white papery inflorescences.
  • As the vines have yielded their fruit by midsummer and ripened their wood early so as to be ready for starting into growth again in December or January, the grapery is kept cool and ventilated in the fall and early winter, but this need not interfere with the mushroom crop. Mushrooms: how to grow them a practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure
  • The show cloaks itself in wholesome, old-fashioned japery with its broad misunderstandings ("I said ghosts, not goats!") and knowing winks at Hi-de-Hi! and Frank Spencer, and the way Miranda's mother (Patricia Hodge) flits in and out as if through a time portal to a 1950s Whitehall farce. Rewind TV: Miranda; The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret; Accused: Willy's Story; Garrow's Law
  • Her right hand shields her pubic area, while her left arm is raised at the elbow and her left hand holds a piece of drapery that falls onto an amphora.
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  • ‘Feminists on Men’ contains more ribald japery about men being stupid.
  • The fans responded in kind, cheering him and howling with laughter at his relentless japery. Jonah Keri: Tim Raines, Andre Dawson, and Being an Expos Fan
  • It is in typical ‘Kentian’ style, with the cornice supported on scrolled brackets flanking a frieze with swags and a central mask, the jambs being carved as female terms with classical drapery.
  • Her parents had been milliners in Clapham, just down the road, and had run a millinery and drapery shop.
  • She leads the way into a little conservatory, and a little pinery, and a little grapery, and a little aviary, and a little pheasantry, and a little dairy for show, and The Absentee
  • I looked fine, wore my grey grapery with my drapery, and spread myself out as much as possible. Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910
  • The highly unusual drapery of the bronze statue in Milan is, we believe, fashioned in direct reference to this legend, tying the statue to this originary image.
  • A critical taste might have objected that the plush curtains which shaded the windows were too heavy for summer; that the begilded wallpaper "swore" a little at its own dado and frieze, as well as deadened the effect of the pictures which hung against it; and that the drapery of lace and velvet which veiled the fireplace made a fire inconvenient and almost impossible, however cold the weather might be. A Little Country Girl
  • There flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes, and the blackness of the sable drapery appalls.
  • In Dang, elaborate folds of drapery and heads of big hair, viewed from behind, are the predominant motifs.
  • With a flat band of silver olive leaves about her brow, and the soft hair waving out below, nothing more was necessary for a costume save a brief drapery of silver spangled cloth with a strap of jewels and a wisp of black malines for a scarf. The City of Fire
  • Braque revived the Western idea of the female nude, also the drapery depicted is another traditional element.
  • I here halted the party for breakfast by the side of a stream and, on casting my eyes upwards, I found that I was in a sort of natural grapery, for the tree under which I lay was covered with a plant which bears a sort of grape and I believe is a species of cissus. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 1
  • We have purposely omitted cobwebbed bottles, the patron in his white cap bustling among his sauces, anecdotes about charming little restaurants with gleaming napery, and so forth.
  • In the midst is a well where women in flowing drapery, with tall jars, draw water as if posing for Bible illustrations; and a camel market in which fifty or more of the brown, ungainly beasts have been relieved of their burdens and lain down for the night – doubled into uncomfortable heaps and bubbling and moaning with querulous discontent. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.
  • Her main objection was our liberal use of garlic, that pungent bulb with its pretty, papery sheath, encasing ivory-coloured segments, shaped like half-moons.
  • His volume contains not only suggestions in landscape-gardening, guided always by the true principle of making Nature our ally rather than attempting to subdue her, but minute directions for the greenhouse, grapery, conservatory, farm, and kitchen-garden. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • A drapery scarf is sometimes added to this dress, of white barege, with the ends in stripes of gold across, and finished by a splendid and gossamer-like fringe of white silk.
  • Callistemons and melaleucas are often tricky to tell apart as they are both evergreen trees or shrubs with papery trunks.
  • Mathews concocts burlesques and parodies of such rare excellence as to put one in mind of the broad literary japery of Terry Southern at his most inspired.
  • The carving of this late-gothic International Style is especially noteworthy for figures that often appear to have no feet and are supported by their elaborate drapery — here especially beautifully carved. Beautiful Mourning
  • Though he was now touched by the first papery brittleness of old age, his shoulders were still broad, his biceps showed bulges, his posture was mostly erect, and he seemed relaxed.
  • Bartolommeo learned from the younger artist the rules of perspective, in which he was so skilled, while Raphael owes to the _frate_ the improvement in his colouring and handling of drapery, which was noticeable in the works he produced after their meeting. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • In one short-season variety, some farmers are selecting for tough outer glumes (the papery coat or bract around the seed) and long awns (the hair-like bristle growing out from the glume) which help protect the grains from birds, a major pest of early rice. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • Botany had lavished there its most elegant drapery of ferns of all kinds, snap-dragons with their violet mouths and golden pistils, the blue anchusa, the brown lichens, so that the old worn stones seemed mere accessories peeping out at intervals from this fresh growth. The Village Rector
  • Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young. Find Me A Cure
  • She went to all the child's odd little haunts -- the grapery, the orchard, the corn-house, even to her own beloved back yard, full of sweet-scented hiding-nooks dear to a child, but sacred ground to Aunt Rebecca Mary
  • She opened her mouth to receive the papery - thin wafer.
  • We had only robed ourselves in looser drapery, when a violent ringing at the bell startled us; we listened, and heard the voice of M. d'Arblay, and Jerry answering, 'They're gone to bed.' Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • Ellen Barfoot in her bath-chair on the esplanade was a prisoner -- civilization's prisoner -- all the bars of her cage falling across the esplanade on sunny days when the town hall, the drapery stores, the swimming-bath, and the memorial hall striped the ground with shadow. Jacob's Room
  • Wrap tassel drapery cords around the pillow and tie them to the chair.
  • We can detect a loosening of the brush in some of Garofalo's other paintings, notably in the drapery and visually resonant landscape of the Suxena Altarpiece.
  • One plant had wreathed itself round a statue of Vertumnus, which was thus quite veiled and shrouded in a drapery of hanging foliage, so happily arranged that it might have served a sculptor for a study.
  • In just one year, Pruitt's subversive japery has become indistinguishable from full-fledged art-world approval matrices -- hardly anyone remembers the ice age of 2009, when the awards were cleverly castrated as "performance. Selby Drummond: Art "Oscar" for Second Gay Ryan in a Row?
  • /catafalco/, whilst from ceiling to floor the walls were hung with black drapery. The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 5
  • While other sculptors made use of clinging drapery, they rarely did so with naturalistic consistency.
  • The firm also used coatings to add a papery touch to poplin and canvas.
  • The change of the arrangement of the hair from the sensuously spilling curls of the Venus to the modest chignon of a Diana produces the same fateful tension embodied in the simultaneously modest and revealing drapery.
  • Clary could see his face nowit was dead-white and papery, latticed with a black network of horrible scars that almost obliterated his features. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • The next morning Rastignac woke late and stayed in bed, giving himself up to one of those matutinal reveries in the course of which a young man glides like a sylph under many a silken, or cashmere, or cotton drapery. Study of a Woman
  • There was nothing original as yet discoverable in him; nothing to deliver him from the poor imitative apery in which he imagined himself a poet. Sir Gibbie
  • 'Self Preserved …' 's loose, jam-based riff colossi stand in stark relief to everyone else's doo-wop apery or sterile poptronica. NME Features
  • She opened her mouth to receive the papery - thin wafer.
  • Instead of this, we either put on a stock with a sham tie, (now all _sham_ things, of what kind soever, militate against good taste,) or else, to make the most of our scarf, we fill up the aperture of the waistcoat with an ambitious quantity of drapery, and we stick therein an enormous and obtrusively ostentatious pin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
  • Hence the comic matter chosen in the first instance is a ridiculous imitation or apery of this constant striving after logical precision and subtle opposition of thoughts, together with a making the most of every conception or image, by expressing it under the least expected property belonging to it, and this, again, rendered specially absurd by being applied to the most current subjects and occurrences. Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • The napery is heavy linen, and the cutlery handcrafted.
  • Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • On the right are some vertical oblongs that suggest large, loose drapery (something to easily pull back for a full view) and hint at the presence of a human figure.
  • Silver-colored, the molas have a rounded hind end and gritty sandpapery skin that is covered with copious amounts of mucus.
  • wasps that make nests of papery material
  • They struck grayest and ghostliest on a high balcony, where a woman's figure crouched, swathed in damp, trailing drapery, with silky, falling hair about a still face, and steadfast eyes that had burned just as steadfastly through the long hours gone by. The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young. Find Me A Cure
  • Lemon verbena is a large, open plant with sandpapery, bright green, lemon-scented leaves used in teas and potpourri and clusters of tiny white flowers.
  • The woman, it appears, had not only been jilted by the drapery assistant but he had also ‘circulated a scandalous report about her’.
  • The artist also parallels the columnar folds of Peace's drapery and the regular fluting of the columns behind her.
  • The very strangeness of the fable set forth perhaps engaged the child's fancy; or the benignant mildness of the countenances, so unlike the eager individual faces of the earlier artist; for he returned again and again to gaze unweariedly on the inhabitants of that tranquil grassy world, studying every inch of the walls and with much awe and fruitless speculation deciphering on the hem of a floating drapery the inscription: Bernardinus Lovinus pinxit. The Valley of Decision
  • The white tontongee still girdled her loins; but Coomba's climate was her mantuamaker, and indicated more necessity for ornament than drapery. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • It is hard to believe that this man captained an Essex side renowned for their humour and jolly japery.
  • They depict the Madonna and Child, saints, and angels painted in a strong, black outline style, with the details of drapery and facial features shaded in yellow and red earth colours.
  • Ingredients 2 heads garlic, papery outer skin removed and cloves separated 2 sprigs thyme or marjoram 6-7 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for drizzling Salt 4 chicken breasts, boneless with skin attached (about 2 pounds) 4 tablespoons mixed herbs (thyme, marjoram, sage) chopped medium-fine 4 small, firm zucchini, wiped clean 1 large sprig basil 1 sprig mint 1 lemon What To Do: 1. Grilled Chicken With Garlic Purée and Shaved Zucchini Salad
  • It's got pointy leaves, a papery texture, and tastes like mint infused with a good bite of white pepper, along with lemon and cilantro.
  • Wrap tassel drapery cords around the pillow and tie them to the chair.
  • Mickey had short bleached-blonde hair and a sandpapery growth of stubble on his chin.
  • Manet even kept the screen and drapery of Boucher's painting, but transposed them from right to left, as in a mirror image.
  • Because he was diseased with a consumption, Evan Roberts in his thirtieth year left over being a drapery assistant and had himself hired as a milk roundsman. My Neighbors Stories of the Welsh People
  • A sheer, a see-through or sheer fabric usually used as an inner drapery, gives a softening effect to window treatment.
  • The woman, it appears, had not only been jilted by the drapery assistant but he had also ‘circulated a scandalous report about her’.
  • papery leaves
  • I should also mention that all meals came with heavy starched napery and good quality cutlery.
  • In just one year, Pruitt's subversive japery has become indistinguishable from full-fledged art-world approval matrices--hardly anyone remembers the ice age of 2009, when the awards were cleverly castrated as "performance. Selby Drummond: Art "Oscar" for Second Gay Ryan in a Row?
  • Folded drapery is placed across the bust and over her shoulder. Draped Bust Dollar, Small Eagle, 1795-1798 : Coin Guide
  • I love you, Mother Proudfoot," she said, all mixed in silver drapery. THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • He discovers that donning the dusty drapery magically transforms him into a genuine vampire.
  • This gave his figure a kind of bareness and bleakness which made the accident of meeting it in memory or in apprehension a peculiar concussion; it was deficient in the social drapery commonly muffling, in an overcivilized age, the sharpness of human contacts. The Portrait of a Lady
  • They hadn't set the table with a linen cupboard of napery and a canteen of silver.
  • Her left arm lies strangely inert on her thigh, her fingers determinedly gripping her own drapery, while her right arm is raised, the barely carved hand seeming to stroke John's face.
  • In the mouth the wine has a soft, slightly coarse mousse, with a papery quality, and flavors of quince paste, baked apples, and a yeastiness that surfaces in the finish.
  • Other times, the professional eavesdropper subconsciously shields himself with wire fences, translucent plastic sheeting, and window drapery to deflect prying questions.
  • Be sure to attach to a drapery holdback that is secured to the wall.
  • Their long, graceful drapery was as white as snow; and each wore loosely, beneath the rounded bosom, a dark-blue zone, or bandelet, studded, like the skies at midnight, with little silver stars. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 265, July 21, 1827
  • It pleased me far better, than if the houses and gardens, and pleasure fields, had been in a nobler taste: for this nobler taste would have been mere apery. Biographia Literaria
  • The drapery is one of the best understood among the modern works, but much inferior to the aforementioned antiques.
  • The napery is of high quality and the cutlery is bespoke stainless steel.
  • And for a touch of the sunbaked south, Chef Eysteinsson drops an orange Colombian physalis berry (Cape gooseberry) complete with papery ecru leaves, on top of the whipped cream. Icelandic Dining After the Collapse
  • A smile touched his lips as he recalled how bored and frustrated he was with her drapery samples, carpet swatches, and catalogs of furniture and linens.
  • First to appear onstage, in front of the eponymous crimson drapery, is Nate Newton as Hieronymus the Host, a largely mute M.C. who's dressed like an organ-grinder's monkey, with red sequined suspenders and a too-small red sequined top hat. Theater review: 'Blood Sweat & Fears III: The Red Velvet Curtain'
  • The little bird pulled up a pod and peeled back the papery covering.
  • She threw on the black silk scarf, whose simple drapery suited as well her shape as its dark hue set off the purity of her dress and the fairness of her face.
  • In this mortal frame of mine which is made of a hundred bones and nine orfices there is something, and this something is called a wind-swept spirit for lack of a better name, for it is much like a thin drapery that is torn and swept away at the slightest stir of the wind. And What of the Haiku? : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The strings of the harp held by the furthest angel on the left were picked out in gold against the dark blue drapery of his sleeve, as were the bells on his companion's tambourine.
  • Vintage jewelry can be used as beautiful drapery tie-backs and they make stunning additions to wrapped presents.
  • Covered in sandpapery skin smeared with copious amounts of mucus, the Mola mola, or giant ocean sunfish, grows up to 10 feet long and can weigh over 5,000 pounds.
  • Root-hardy almond verbena has sandpapery foliage and produces fingerlike clusters of small white almond-scented flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
  • Brun, the Swiss observed, that it was un beau morceau, and Mr. Pallet replied, — “Yes, yes, one may see with half an eye, that it can be the production of no other; for Bomorso’s style both in colouring and drapery, is altogether peculiar: then his design is tame, and his expression antic and unnatural. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Jabach is known to have retouched drawings in his collection, and Viatte suggests that all the drapery studies have suffered this fate.
  • The lawn and gardens were very beautiful, and they had an elegant greenhouse and a grapery, indeed, everything that heart could wish. The King's Daughter and Other Stories for Girls
  • These are placed, six together, in the interior of long-stalked, ovate, mucronate, smooth, deep brown follicles, of a tough papery texture, and lined with a thin fur of stellate hairs. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • My energy levels appear to be rising and my skin is losing its papery pallor and feels softer.
  • With their papery bark, aromatic leaves, red sap, and rapidly tapering trunks, elephant-trees are as absurd, beautiful, and intriguing as their namesakes.
  • It was the 1950s, in other words-that time of culture's parody and simulacrum and apery. FIRST THINGS: On the Square
  • The drapery is Greek, with one trifling variation, -- the fastening of the dress is shown upon the right shoulder. The New England Magazine Volume 1, No. 6, June, 1886, Bay State Monthly Volume 4, No. 6, June, 1886
  • Tulips have a brown papery coating called a tunic.
  • Their clothing, or rather drapery, is a mystery, for it covers and drapes perfectly, yet has no make, far less fit, and leaves every graceful movement unimpeded. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • The great heavy drooping firs stretched their arms, clothed in festoons of dark green drapery, over the sheeted earth. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated his oratory.
  • The valance is the fringes or drapery hanging round the tester of a bed.] [Footnote II. 55: _Com'st thou to beard me_] To _beard_ anciently meant to set _at defiance_. Hamlet
  • The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general.
  • A view from her right, though hard to obtain, would reveal how the flowing drapery had reinforced her pointing gesture, which originally directed the viewer's attention toward the altar.
  • Their counterparts are the more poetically named lacecaps, whose papery bracts (flower-like modified leaves) circle a mauve to pink head of minuscule flowers.
  • Indeed for quiet family parties it was from among them only that Mme. de Guermantes might select her guests, and in the dinners for twelve, gathered around the dazzling napery and plate, they were like the golden statues of the Apostles in the Sainte-Chapelle, symbolic, consecrative pillars before the The Guermantes Way
  • Try to buy shelled hazelnuts (also called filberts) with the brown, papery skins removed as well. - Recipe Raves
  • Most manufacturers make it possible to mix and match poles, drapery rings, decorative finials and holdbacks in a variety of finishes - from white and ebony to antique gold, brass and copper.
  • Yes, for she looked; the frame was only some native reeds or canes and a bit of board; the rest was white muslin drapery, which would pack away in a very few square inches of room, but now hung in pretty folds around the glass and covered the frame. The Old Helmet
  • Box up the beds or make them in frames inside the grapery; the warm manure will afford the mushrooms heat enough until it is time to start the vines, when the increased temperature and moisture of the house will be in favor of the mushrooms because of the declining heat in the manure beds. Mushrooms: how to grow them a practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure
  • The leading edge of the ice freezes to the stem's papery bark, and as the ice grows it is lifted upward by the attached bark, forming delicately curved, lacy ribbons.
  • The folds of the drapery, the fall of the curtains, had been arranged and rearranged, by Adolph and Rosa, with that nicety of eye which characterizes their race.
  • _Ball Dresses_ of light materials are most in vogue, and are generally made of two and three skirts; as white _tulle_, with three skirts, trimmed all round with a broad, open-worked satin ribbon; the third skirt being raised on one side, and attached with a large bouquet of flowers, whilst the ribbon is twisted, and ascends to the side of the waist, where it finishes; the same kind of flowers serves to ornament the sleeves and centre of the corsage, which is also trimmed with a deep drapery of _tulle_. The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851
  • He is but a colonial Micmac, or Scotch-Mac; a mere sub-thoughted, irresponsible exotic, in a governmental cold grapery. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • In office buildings, the major sources of formaldehyde are likely to be particle board, fiberboard and plywood in furniture and paneling; glues; and upholstery and drapery fabrics.
  • The sculptural solidity of the forms, the sharply creased drapery folds, and morphological details of hair, eyes and extremities are all characteristic of the youthful Bronzino.
  • By an unfaltering truth, approach thy grave like one that wraps the drapery of his couch, about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
  • He wore a breastplate and leg armour, as well as the expensive, linen drapery around his body.
  • Carrara marble inlaid with verd-antique, in a kind of damask pattern; over the pulpit it fell like drapery, so easy, so graceful, so exquisitely imitated, that I was obliged to touch it to assure myself of the material. The Diary of an Ennuyée
  • I saw there many women, dressed without regard to the season or the demands of the place, in apery, or, as it looked, in mockery, of European fashions. Woman in the Ninteenth Century and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition and Duties, of Woman.
  • A smile touched his lips as he recalled how bored and frustrated he was with her drapery samples, carpet swatches, and catalogs of furniture and linens.
  • Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • [2.2] A valance is a short piece of drapery that extends across the window to conceal the support rods. Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
  • The tables were covered with heavy linen tablecloths, and the napery and cutlery were of reasonable quality.
  • She asks how the accomplished writer approached the less familiar task of curating an exhibition that explored the drama of drapery from the early Renaissance.
  • Some, such as tulips, have a brown papery coating called a tunic (just like onions).
  • It is a beautiful tree, with gracious branches and a brilliant white papery peeling bark.
  • It is used in greenhouses, etc., in connection with clear glass; and in General Pleasonton's grapery it appears that only every eighth row of panes was blue. Scientific American, Volume XXXVI., No. 8, February 24, 1877 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • The stage is stripped of drapery, and lighting battens at various heights form a sloped canopy overhead.
  • _catafalco_, whilst from ceiling to floor the walls were hung with black drapery. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Hence the comic matter chosen in the first instance is a ridiculous imitation or apery of this constant striving after logical precision, and subtle opposition of thoughts, together with a making the most of every conception or image, by expressing it under the least expected property belonging to it, and this, again, rendered specially absurd by being applied to the most current subjects and occurrences. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • It is in typical ‘Kentian’ style, with the cornice supported on scrolled brackets flanking a frieze with swags and a central mask, the jambs being carved as female terms with classical drapery.
  • All drapery carried out in this stitch is worked in somewhat the same fashion, that is, the couching running to and fro between the lines marks each fold as roughly shown at fig. 131. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • Experimenting first on plants, he adopted the method of inserting panes of blue and violet glass in the roof of his grapery, and noticed as a result an apparent extraordinary rapidity and luxuriance of growth of the vines, and later a correspondingly large harvest of grapes. Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
  • The wigs, drapery and costuming were a form of escape in which he lovingly (and chastely) colluded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lightening, is a master of fooling, his business as the salesman in Miffin's drapery emporium being exceedingly funny.
  • They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
  • Her clothing was a loose flowing drapery, which fell from her shoulders to her heels, while instead of agility of motion or sprightliness there was nothing but a dreamy gliding, a kind of somnambulistic movement, apparently without plan or purpose, but not without a certain grace. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
  • It doesn't quite go either with the napery or your best silver cutlery.
  • In one short-season variety, some farmers are selecting for tough outer glumes (the papery coat or bract around the seed) and long awns (the hair-like bristle growing out from the glume) which help protect the grains from birds, a major pest of early rice. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • There are the perfumes too: scent of eucalypt leaves, fragrance of a boronia; and textures to feel: papery bark of melaleucas, furrows in ironbark trunks.
  • As Vivaldi expressed his incredulity, however, he returned to examine the garment once more, when, as he raised it, he observed, what had before escaped his notice, black drapery mingled with the heap beneath; and, on lifting this also on the point of his sword, he perceived part of the habiliment of a monk! The Italian
  • Make sure you remove the papery membrane that you'll find between the two halves.
  • The small shopkeepers were continually exposed to visits and demands of provisions, drapery, or whatever they sold; and the same hands that set fire to the houses of the rich, and tore up the vines of the cultivator, broke the looms of the weaver, and stole the tools of the artizan. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • Luminette® Modern Draperies Dual Panel, a unique combination of drapery and sheer fabrics on one operating headrail, was also named one of 408 finalists. Paramus Post
  • The flying off and curling of the drapery by the wind serves as an equipoise to balance the projection of the Triton's elbow.
  • But the whole show is meta, in truth, and quite deep, too, for all the japery. The Detective Show
  • In the middle of the room was a small circular table, blazing brilliant with crystal and silver and dazzling white napery. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The word wasp almost immediately conjures up an image of hornets swarming from papery football-shaped nests, or the fierce stings of the common paper wasp.
  • Its leafy, elongated stems are 8-12 mm in diameter, initially green and covered by the amplexicaul, striated leaf bases which become dry, papery and grey with age.
  • Top treatments can run the gamut from elaborate swags to a simple piece of fabric tossed casually across a wooden drapery pole.
  • She gave herself time to adore the drapery, with its changes of meteoric lucence, before she rose and took it. Fennel and Rue
  • The slightly gauche figure-drawing adds to the carvings' fey allure, but their chief trait is an obsession with describing drapery and water in very low relief through swathes of sinuously convoluted line.
  • Terry devised a novel ‘triple drapery’ of three sheer fabrics - in shades of chartreuse, amber, and amethyst - attached by rings to sculpted wrought-iron rods.
  • Wrapped in fleecelike mantles of bacteria, the worms live in papery tubes, which they burrow into the sides of deep-sea geysers.
  • The hardware for such drapery is difficult to manage, especially those terrible drapery hooks. Archive 2007-01-01
  • They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
  • Garlic is ready to harvest when the leaves turn papery and fade.
  • In office buildings, the major sources of formaldehyde are likely to be particle board, fiberboard and plywood in furniture and paneling; glues; and upholstery and drapery fabrics.
  • She felt that she had spoken as impressively as it was necessary to do, and that in using the superior word "militate" she had thrown a noble drapery over a mass of particulars which were still evident enough. Middlemarch: a study of provincial life (1900)
  • When buying garlic, look for firm heads with papery skins, and avoid any with green sprouts.
  • Her subjects are usually depicted with faraway Botticelli eyes and zaftig physiques, placed amid quasi-Platonic iconographic schemes and classical-looking drapery.
  • It's got pointy leaves, a papery texture, and tastes like mint infused with a good bite of white pepper, along with lemon and cilantro.
  • Among the terracottas found there, were Buddha heads, torsos of bodies and pieces of drapery belongings to Buddha figures of monks and laymen and women profusely decorated.
  • Thus far the storyline has consisted of endless scenes in which rhubarbing menials stand around with folded arms, the mood pitched somewhere between the knockabout rustic japery of Straw Dogs and the apocalyptic menace of a Yeo Valley ad. World Of Lather
  • The pie list swelled; the richer puddings had vanished; the sausage, with his drapery wrapped about him, barely lingered in a pleasant thanatopsis with the buckwheats and the sweet but doomed maple. The Four Million
  • Stalactites hung down like stone drapery from the arched ceiling far above; an occasional drop of limewater fell from their tapering ends. Conan Of The Isles
  • That movie is in aramean, all part of it are based on very old original relique of scriptures, also the part where the wife of the governor order a jewish woman to weep off the blood of Christ with precious drapery for her, it is part of the annal an darchive about what we have of historical documents for what happened. Robert De Niro Joining Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness «
  • The furniture, napery, cutlery and glassware are also all of a very high standard and you know as soon as you are seated that this restaurant is promising something special.
  • They sometimes lay carelessly about the house, and whenever she saw the tall chimney of his sash-and-blind factory looming above the blank date-line she always looked for a female in Greek drapery seated on a cogged wheel at the base of it. Under the Skylights
  • Mention should also be made of the exhibit of N.J. Nayrolles, who displays a portiere which is an exact reproduction of one executed for the president of the French Republic; the curtains of M. Waré; the linen drapery and robe de chambre of antique velvet and old Colbert lace of Mme. Franck; infants 'wardrobes of Mme. Susse; the embroideries of Mme. Leroudier; the bonnets of Mme. Esther Mayer and M. Auguste Petit; the corsets and petticoats of Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
  • Fruit may be kept fresh on the vines in a warm (or artificially heated) grapery until late December; in a coldhouse it must be picked before frost. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Mathews concocts burlesques and parodies of such rare excellence as to put one in mind of the broad literary japery of Terry Southern at his most inspired.
  • It was fashioned from a lunch box, camera, opera glass parts, pie servers, springs, gooseneck lamp part, drapery rod finial, clock key, and tin cups.
  • Choosing their own fabric rather than buying a ready-made drapery also enables homeowners to make coordinating cushions or to cover a chair with the same material.
  • But raising the right arm instead of the left or veiling a nude figure with drapery were not the only ways of taking possession of another's image or object.
  • Having previously tried various shades of sexism, anti-environmentalism, liberal-baiting which, to be fair, works, and must be extremely satisfying and other offensive/hilarious topics too numerous and tedious to mention, the team this week settled on "xenophobic japery" as the hue du jour. This Week: Lord Wei, Craig Oliver, Richard Hammond
  • They seem almost supernaturally attuned to each other on this piece, contrasting hollow-sounding beats with sandpapery scrapes.
  • Down a long hallway flanked by pattered fabric is another blue room, this one with a cobalt blue couch, drapery and a mural. Blues Make SoHo Owner Happy
  • Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young. Find Me A Cure
  • Now when he bought some coloured print and a Boer sunbonnet, and some shifts and stockings of a traveller in drapery and hosiery, and ordered her thenceforwards to see that the girl went properly clothed, a new terror, a fresh torture, was added to the young life. The Dop Doctor
  • No, you can't just grind the entire pod, but an initial pounding in a mortar will loosen the seeds from the papery husk.
  • Hopkins, the head gardener of Allington, who had men under him, was as widely awake to the lawn and the conservatory of the humbler establishment as he was to the grapery, peach-walls, and terraces of the grander one. The Small House at Allington
  • chryselephantine;" that is, composed of ivory and gold; the parts representing flesh being of ivory laid on a core of wood or stone, while the drapery and other ornaments were of gold. The Age of Fable
  • The drapery which thus hangs down is dignified by the name of a "valance," and though originally intended for the purpose of embellishment and ornamentation, it is better that decorative art should be more limited in its application, so as not to interfere with the free circulation of air throughout the room. The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
  • Notwithstanding its elevated temperature, it is difficult to believe that the air can dissolve the quantity of water exhaled from the surface of the soil, the foliage of the trees, and their trunks: the latter are covered with a drapery of orchideae, peperomia, and other succulent plants. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The part which may be called a petticoat — though the word is a slur upon the graceful drapery — is short, and shows the finely turned ankles, high insteps, and small feet. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • PERUGINO (_Pietro_): known by his narrow, contracted figures and scrimpy drapery (1446-1524). Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • The lower part of her mantle cascades in regular folds, but the hem represents a noticeable display of wind blown drapery.
  • Petiole 2-6 mm, puberulent and ± setose; leaf blade papery, oblong to oblong - lanceolate, 5-11 × 1. 5-3.5 cm; base cuneate; margin ciliate; apex obtuse and mucronate; abaxial surface densely gray-white-pubescent, yellow-brown setose along midrib; adaxial surface sparsely to densely puberulent when young. Find Me A Cure

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