How To Use Aperture In A Sentence

  • The soldier fired the rifle through a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbags.
  • She had wiggled through a tot-sized aperture in the alcove, and toddled over to a display of butterfly nets four feet away.
  • Several desmids investigated had nuclei too large to be accommodated by the photometer aperture system and could easily have had nuclear DNA contents in excess of 4x specimens that were measured.
  • A wide aperture will take care of the background but I don't want any blurring of grass waving in the foreground.
  • There are two projects currently in the works that will undoubtedly revolutionize space telescopy and yield extraordinary results once put into use: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope. Ethical Technology
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  • The pallial eye is easy to notice when the snail lifts its operculum up and starts to come out of its shell with the aperture facing up. Cerithidea
  • The reins were secured by chain-work, and the front-stall of the bridle was a steel plate, with apertures for the eyes and nostrils, having in the midst a short, sharp pike, projecting from the forehead of the horse like the horn of the fabulous unicorn. The Talisman
  • The shuttle telescope was to have an aperture of nearly one meter and would be cryogenically cooled.
  • If these exposure times do not produce the desired effect, change the lens aperture and test again.
  • I use the structure of the lyric to arrive to that last line that will, in my hopes, open to the widest aperture, to the most light, to capture in the smallest of instances, the largeness of life and its myriad of possibilities.
  • Early microsporogenesis events are important to establish the shape of the tetrad, the polarity within the tetrad and consequently to determine the aperture pattern of the pollen grain.
  • A more integrated theory of design and analysis has been established for the sake of developing the condensing lens type large aperture Frensnel lens.
  • What struck me as odd was that they had their apertures sealed with a hard calcareous epiphragm as opposed to a membranous one observed in eastern U.S. snails that normally don't experience long dry periods. Archive 2006-06-01
  • [GALEODIA HODGII] Shell rather thick; elliptical, obtuse; whirls about five, inflated, and ornamented with numerous fine spiral lines, which are quite prominent at base; these, with the fine lines of growth, give the surface a cancellated appearance; collumellar lip marked with many irregular plicae; aperture nearly twice the length of the spire. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The aperture size (area of the aperture) of a lens could be calculated from focal length and the correspondent f-number.
  • The apertures replace the tip of glass pipettes commonly used for patch clamp recording.
  • In many ammonites the terminal body chamber is relatively large, inflated, and with a constricted aperture or apertural appendages.
  • If your camera has manual controls, you can add more light to your shots by opening the aperture more widely (using a smaller f-number) and slowing the shutter speed (to, say, 1/125 or even 1/60 of a second). Tips: 5 digital camera mistakes to avoid
  • Not surprisingly these force patterns resemble the pattern of magnetic field lines across the aperture of a quadrupole magnet.
  • Not surprisingly these force patterns resemble the pattern of magnetic field lines across the aperture of a quadrupole magnet.
  • From the propagation theory of partially coherent light, spectral anomalies and spectral switches of Gaussian Schell-model beams focused by an astigmatic aperture lens are studied.
  • I provided little sunshine for the company as we swept indoors and barred all apertures against wind and rain.
  • The three of them watched in breathless silence as the doors reached their maximum aperture.
  • The protoplasm is extruded as pseudopods via the aperture and through any perforations that may be present in the test.
  • The auricles communicate with the ventricles each by a large aperture, the auriculo-ventricular orifice, which is furnished with a remarkable mechanism of valves, allowing the transmission of blood from the auricles into the ventricles, but preventing a reverse course. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.
  • Fast films allow higher shutter speeds and smaller apertures, which help correct both problems.
  • To estimate the relative surface area of basal lamina and apertures, we used a line intercept technique with cycloids.
  • The spill in my hand was beginning to sputter, but-I noticed that the cloverleaf aperture was now glowing pinkly.
  • How my heart palpitated with delight when, through apertures in the envious boughs, I at once caught the gleam of your graceful straw-hat, and the waving of your grey dress — dress that I should recognise amongst a thousand. Villette
  • It really is more of a general telephoto, which is fine, but I already have a 70-300mm VR which (aside from the slower aperture) is an excellent general telephoto for me. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • These are one- and two-story windowless structures with central air conditioning units and many ventilation apertures.
  • Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.
  • A flexible bit is one in which the axles have their points of junction broad and smooth,141 so as to bend easily; and where the several parts fitting round the axles, being large of aperture and not too closely packed, have greater flexibility; whereas, if the several parts do not slide to and fro with ease, and play into each other, that is what we call a stiff bit. On Horsemanship
  • In this paper, the geometric distortion correction method for the SAR image obtained by the sub-aperture RD algorithm is proposed. The validity of the method is demonstrated by simulation.
  • Tubes through the wall opposite the food-aperture are used for the introduction of electrical connections, ingoing and outgoing water, the air-pipes, and connections for the stethoscope, pneumograph, and telephone. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
  • A small aperture in the wall, opposite the seat in which the person is placed whose profile is taken, conceals a camera lucida, which is placed in an adjoining apartment: and an assistant, by moving a point, connected by a pentagraph with the hand of the automaton, over the outline of the head, causes the figure to trace a corresponding profile. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
  • a part of this stream of air, on each side of the edge of the aperture is perpetually stopped by that edge; and thus Note XV
  • The echo signal simulation is very important to the study of the SAR system and the imaging methods are the foundation of the technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulation.
  • We specialize in very large aperture etalons with diameters up to 150 mm.
  • I placed it over me, slipping my head through the aperture at the top, and then ripping smallish holes in the side for my arms.
  • The ‘ghost’ refers to the large aperture which fuzzes out, or ghosts, when you focus on the front sight.
  • Josh: Well, we basically just looked up various words for different meanings and came up with the word aperture, which means an opening through which light is emitted. Stories: Local News
  • The entrance to the antrum is a large irregular aperture, which leads backward from the epitympanic recess into a considerable air space, named the tympanic or mastoid antrum (see page 142). X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 2. The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity
  • Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures.
  • Colonies in which the stipes and the thecal apertures are directed down from the sicula are termed pendent, while those in which the stipes are at right angles to the sicula are termed horizontal.
  • Lightning flickered in the ragged aperture where the ground-floor staircase door had been.
  • All the specimens of this species of scalaria which fell under my observation were imperfect at the aperture. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • This aperture is tellingly mounted atop the heaviest of steel doors, and when it closes, so too does The Circle.
  • The relatively small single aperture forces the anus to lie close to the mouth, and the gut is bent into a ‘U’ shape or (with gastropods) twisted on account of torsion.
  • The polypides of living stenolaemates grow inwardly from skeletal apertures.
  • The experimental results show that acoustic resistance of perforated plate is related to plate thickness, aperture diameter, numbers of aperture, acoustic frequency and airflow velocity.
  • The E-PL1 lacks the 'scroller' that controlled the aperture/shutter settings on the E-P cameras, and the buttons on the back also felt harder to use at first impression. Reviews
  • I have a large cardboard box the size of a tea chest with an aperture in front which people can see through.
  • Consisting of a grid of iris diaphragms, the facade's surface has changing apertures.
  • As the aperture of light was diminishing he put his hand round the door jamb. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • A large aperture eyepiece will increase the filed of view and a large diameter, well coated objective lens will enhance brightness issue.
  • The interior of the cave, pierced by apertures giving onto the sea and by a sort of skylight open to the heavens, reflects a light of mist and water on its damp walls.
  • The house achieves a perfect balance of original features - heavy stone lintels, alcoves, shelves and apertures, as well as an antiquated privy - with vital modern additions.
  • The spot sizes of photobleaching can be changed using objectives of different magnifications and numerical apertures.
  • So if you want to have that window frame, the couple, and the envelope all in focus, you need a narrow aperture, and so a large f-number, such as f22.
  • I was reading through a section of my post from yesterday this afternoon and noticed that I called aperture apenture. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
  • Instead of this, we either put on a stock with a sham tie, (now all _sham_ things, of what kind soever, militate against good taste,) or else, to make the most of our scarf, we fill up the aperture of the waistcoat with an ambitious quantity of drapery, and we stick therein an enormous and obtrusively ostentatious pin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
  • In the latter case, the rate of enlargement, or sectorial expansion rate, is different among shell portions along the aperture.
  • Next, lower the scringe into the MO-DOR scringe-gripper aperture using the swigel-headed flonge to secure it onto the varnicle nodes, which conduct 20-zilihurtz magnifiers to the varnicles. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • The group is currently developing a hybrid lensed fiber bundle and apertured cantilever array.
  • A bulb either is self-enclosed or an envelope sealed by a window or lens covering the chamber aperture.
  • Can be transmissibility dermatosis treated aperture horn change disease to you can effect a radical cure?
  • The rest of the chapel was dimly illuminated by the autumnal sun, which could scarce find its way through the stained panes of the small lanceolated window, which was its only aperture to the open air. Anne of Geierstein
  • According to Young, diffraction fringes occur as a result of interference between the incident wave and a wave arising from the edge of a diffracting aperture or body.
  • It was bare and whitewashed, with a small square aperture glazed with one cracked, dusty pane at its further end.
  • The box has 10 tiny apertures through which viewers can see 3-D images.
  • The autozooids have small apertures and often preserve long peristomes inclined at an acute angle to the colony surface.
  • It can be converted from a right-handed weapon to a left-handed one by simply changing the bolt and casing ejector aperture.
  • When you use a small aperture (large number aperture setting) with a lens such as a zoom lens, half of the split image becomes dark. In this case, use the matte screen to focus.
  • The camera adjusts the lens aperture and shutter speed automatically.
  • The actual chrestomathy of each life castaway, so deft that can pull pull, thin resemble a book thinly, let you place in a certain position arbitrarily in the aperture in a certain space.
  • It also means that its field of view is somewhat larger than another camera with a smaller aperture.
  • Autozooidal apertures are oval and aligned in raised, radial rows diverging from depressed maculae; they are sometimes connate but more usually separated from adjacent apertures.
  • The left stapes is preserved within the left otic aperture.
  • During winter months and aestivation periods, mussels will burrow into the substrate until only the apertures are protruding.
  • The upper deck of a double-decker diffuser is fed by airflow from apertures located underneath the car, in the vertical wall joining the step plane and the reference plane. Archive 2009-04-01
  • We considered intensity distribution of light focused by a high numerical aperture lens without spherical aberration through a planar interface between materials of mismatch refractive index.
  • Through a small aperture, each mirror reveals a forlorn apartment - a raw space in need of love.
  • Some parameters, such as the diffraction aperture, the diffraction distance and phase levels of Kinoform, are discussed. They are key factors to the variable focal-length phase Fresnel lens.
  • Apertures for grapnels will be cut by divers.
  • The pupil, or aperture, through which rays pass to the retina, is the tenderest part of the eye; the member which we most sedulously guard from hurt as being the dearest of our members; the one which feels most acutely the slightest injury, and the loss of which is irreparable. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If you do want to use binoculars or a telescope, be sure to attach a full-aperture solar filter of either aluminized glass or aluminized Mylar.
  • WV: crible -- too many hours with Aperture science puzzles. A Womb with a View
  • The multiple aperture injectors atomize the fuel through a disc with six to ten holes at its tip.
  • Even an in-focus image will exhibit some blurring due to the diffraction of light from the camera aperture.
  • This same control changes the aperture when the camera is put into the A mode.
  • If in the walls surrounding this cavity a small aperture is made through which radiation issues, we obtain a radiation which is independent of the nature of the emitting body, and is wholly determined by the temperature. Wilhelm Wien - Nobel Lecture
  • The aperture is a window, and it seems to me that we’re hoping for a door; a way to Be in Being that is more involved, engaged, and shadow-throwing than mere picture-taking. Champagne : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Some said that the original embryonic form of the metazoa was not the gastrula, but the "planula" -- a double-walled vesicle with closed cavity and without mouth-aperture; the latter was supposed to pierce through gradually. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Aperture is a simple opening in the center of the apertural face.
  • Over the years, my work with a pinhole as a camera aperture has unerringly led me on a path to the past.
  • Aperture/The Paul Strand Archive "Cristo with Thorns, Huexotla, 1933" Mr. Strand was reading Marx at this time, and considered his work "a criticism of capitalism a system I detest," so all the portraits are of peasants and tend to valorize them. Capturing Three Worlds Apart
  • The design of the sedilia resembles that at St. Monans, Fife, and adjoining the sedilia is the piscina, the aperture of which is still visible. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • Crashing and echoing, the filing cabinet toppled end-over-end down the stairs as the thing heaved itself through the door aperture.
  • A simple turbellarian (Rhabdocoelum). m mouth, sd gullet epithelium, sm gullet muscles, d gastric gut, nc renal canals, nm renal aperture, au eye, na olfactory pit. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • In one large aperture, which the robber facetiously called his spence Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • The narial aperture is thus pushed up, and is short, with an upward direction, as in the Cetacea and Sirenia, with whom the Proboscidea have certain affinities. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • I play around in manual mode, looking for the perfect combination of composition, shutter speed, and aperture.
  • - Human Software's Aperture plug-in bundle adds a new MultiTones module for creating black and white or multitone images. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Unfortunately the aperture was just a couple of centimetres too narrow.
  • Many small muscles are attached to these, and their action can vary the size of the aperture, by pulling the arytenoids apart or drawing them nearer together, widening or narrowing the ‘V’.
  • Due to the restriction of aperture effect and the aperture delay, it is difficult for a conventional phased array radar to get wide instantaneous band width under wide scan scope.
  • I have found that the two most important factors are to have a wide aperture and a fast ISO, the wider and faster the better.
  • In retailing the size of the aperture is often used to provide shoppers with clues about what is in a store. What Main Street Can Learn From the Mall
  • As those insects which have many spiracula, or breathing apertures, as wasps and flies, are immediately suffocated by pouring oil upon them, I carefully covered with oil the surfaces of several leaves of phlomis, of Portugal laurel, and balsams, and though it would not regularly adhere, I found them all die in a day or two. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • The aperture is commonly planar, without re-entrants, but the sub-apical surface may develop a median sinus which may be deep and slit like or even trematose, with a single perforation at the end of an elongate tube termed the snorkel.
  • In this case, however, shell inflation and posterior elongation of the aperture should be linked with each other, or the pattern of the aperture map must change considerably during ontogeny.
  • The camera adjusts the lens aperture and shutter speed automatically.
  • The shell is cylindrical, dense and heavy; the spire is short, with channelled sutures, and the aperture long and narrow; the anterior part is notched; the columella is callous and striated obliquely. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The first modular manifold receives each of the high purity fluid streams at a corresponding porting aperture.
  • The cavity of the lesser pelvis is bounded in front and below by the pubic symphysis and the superior rami of the pubes; above and behind, by the pelvic surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx, which, curving forward above and below, contract the superior and inferior apertures of the cavity; laterally, by a broad, smooth, quadrangular area of bone, corresponding to the inner surfaces of the body and superior ramus of the ischium and that part of the ilium which is below the arcuate line. II. Osteology. 6c. 2. The Pelvis
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 158.) Shell subulate, porcellanous; whirls, nine or ten, slightly convex; sutural space rather wide; aperture elongated. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Somewhat below the junction Tyndall and Hirst sounded a moulin, that is, a cavity through which the surface glacier waters escape, to a depth of 160 feet; the guides alleged that they had sounded a similar aperture to a depth of 350 feet, and had found no bottom. Ice and Glaciers
  • When the Isfahan man mocked Shaykh Sa’adi by comparing the bald pates of Shirazian elders to the bottom of a lotá, a brass cup with a wide-necked opening used in the Hammam, the witty poet turned its aperture upwards and thereto likened the well-abused podex of an Isfahani youth. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The study of oxide-aperture influence on threshold current and differential resistance shows that lower threshold current can be obtained with a smaller oxide-aperture diameter.
  • The gerontic aperture is narrowly elongated in species of Eoscoliostoma, but rather circular in Scoliostoma species.
  • This was a covering curtain with a central aperture which left the arena open to the sky.
  • CS gas grenades were originally made like smoke grenades, with the CS irritant being emitted through apertures in the top.
  • They are fully adjustable for windage and elevation, and come complete with three sight apertures to match the needs of practically any shooting situation.
  • Lenses with larger maximum apertures provide a brighter viewfinder image but are not necessarily sharper or better than slower lenses.
  • Apertures range from millimetre to decimetre.
  • This was a covering curtain with a central aperture which left the arena open to the sky.
  • The optical aberration difference between the biconvex Fresenl lens and the plane-convex Fresenl lens was investigated by designing a large aperture Fresenl lens.
  • The ZVZ156 scringe must have a 14-inch aperture to successfully interflex with the MO-DOR picrochits. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • Until she and Antony lay fully embalmed within it, an aperture would remain high on the door wall, reached by scaffolding made from withies; a winch and a long roomy basket enabled persons and items to be conveyed in and out of the interior. Antony and Cleopatra
  • Signal to mill away the other features of components to the machine will aided manufacturing design, layout, services, and design needs in the in reducing the deposition of the plated, copper board over the term aperture the solution is will remain in PCB fabrications at ReMAPP also show be the USA providers is UL Certification IPC market; have been in common than Conventional circuitry, construction, can provide electrical components are also the opposite next to make simple and provide electrical connections between the PCB Production manufacturer, facilities suit your specific printed circuit Boards is with double sided with through the top or a plotter, fixture non conducting layers, as they take your PCB is typically laminated. We Blog A Lot
  • In Trajana, the varix is formed by an outer lip that expands and curls over toward the aperture, bringing the external ribbing over onto the apertural face of the varix.
  • Attempts to increase depth of field by stopping down the aperture resulted in the projected image becoming unacceptably dim.
  • The innovation in question is the labral tooth, a tooth-like or spine-like protrusion pointing toward the substratum on the edge of the outer lip of the aperture.
  • In a sort of aperture she saw a white baby hanging upside down from a nail of light.
  • Opposite the second molar tooth of the maxilla is a papilla, on the summit of which is the aperture of the parotid duct. XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
  • The anterior narial aperture in the skull opens upwards, but the orifices of the nostrils are placed at the end of the muzzle. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.
  • The camera adjusts the lens aperture and shutter speed automatically.
  • Consider an optical telescope with an aperture of 5 meters, such as the 200-inch reflector at Palomar Mountain in California.
  • Such robustness of shell aperture is due to thickening of this part of the shell.
  • A cover slides down to reveal a small keyboard at the front, and uncovers the camera aperture at the back.
  • Aperture Priority Auto Mode and properly set shutter speed indicator lit.
  • At the rear, a full height, top hinged tailgate, flanked by high visibility rear lamp clusters, is designed to offer full width access to the loadspace throughout the low-silled aperture.
  • Porro 6.258 describes a case of congenital obliteration of the esophagus which ended in a cecal pouch about one inch below the inferior portion of the glottidean aperture and from this point to the stomach only measured an inch; there was also tracheal communication. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The latter is known as a photoreceptor, for example, for phototropism, stomatal aperture and entrainment of endogenous rhythms in plants and animals.
  • We must design the ratio of the source beam size and aperture of object lens reasonably to assure energy matching ratio (EMR) and to achieve smaller size of focus point and reasonable focus depth.
  • At the ends of the aperture the two segments of the valve coalesce, and are continued as narrow membranous ridges around the canal for a short distance, forming the frenula of the valve. XI. Splanchnology. 2h. The Large Intestine
  • The relevant law in this case governs the diffraction of light as it passes the edges of an opening such as a telescope aperture.
  • The shells are elongated spirals, with eight whorls and an estimated average aperture-to-length ratio of 28 percent.
  • The rotations were measured by anisotropy of fluorescence originating from a small volume defined by a narrow aperture of a confocal microscope.
  • In both pictures, we have a collimated (one-directional) field incident from below upon an aperture in a silver plate (represented in cyan here). Optics basics: What is a wave? Part III: Diffraction « Skulls in the Stars
  • The system uses a generalized aspheric optic element placed near the aperture stop of an optical instrument to produce these results.
  • From the images above you can clearly see the lenses are identical even down to the aperture diaphragm, which begs the question is the lens in the PhotoPC 3000Z a Carl Zeiss design?
  • He tells us that "the flower forms the theater of their amours; the calyx is to be considered as the nuptial bed; the corolla constitutes the curtains; the anthers are the testes; the pollen, the fecundating fluid; the stigma of the pistil, the external genital aperture; the style, the vagina, or the conductor of the prolific seed; the ovary of the plant, the womb; the reciprocal action of the stamens on the pistil, the accessory process of fecundation. Plain Facts for Old and Young
  • It merely means that you can set the aperture, and the camera will work out the shutter speed that corresponds to the correct exposure.
  • The building seems to guard its secrets, the barred apertures underscoring its function as a defensive structure.
  • The apertural face of the varix of Alamirifica lacks the external ribs and has growth lines suggesting that a flared outer lip has been filled by successive layers that narrow the aperture.
  • If you want only the subject sharp, use a wide aperture.
  • It's also drilled and tapped to accept a tang-mounted aperture sight.
  • Conchs of the Girvan specimens match the diagnostic traits given above in terms of the ligula, aperture and ornamentation on the shell.
  • This leaves a maze of jagged pastel walls and shadowy apertures.
  • Her sculptures are hybrids of organic and machine forms: cylinders punctuated with round apertures and protuberances.
  • The literal interpretation of the f/N notation for f-number N is as an arithmetic expression for the effective aperture diameter (input pupil diameter), the focal length divided by the f-number: D = f/N. Noooo!!! Further aspiration.
  • Gothic, of which it has, no doubt, the quality of lightness, the laciness, and the play of many fine apertures and openings. The Art of the Exposition
  • Measure the height and width of the aperture, the distance between the bolt holes, and the overall size of the previous fitting.
  • The spider is clamped by a sheet of wood with a half-moon aperture for its abdomen. The gossamer cape: spun by a million spiders
  • In this paper, DOA is estimated with non-uniform linear antenna array (NULA) instead of ULA, so as to achieve a much larger aperture with the same amount of antenna elements.
  • Apertures range from millimetre to decimetre.
  • They have a ghost ring fiberoptic aperture but it has a large diameter opening. Rifle Review: Petzal Tests the Marlin .338 MXLR
  • This paper deals with an investigation of intensity distribution of the partially coherent Bessel beams focused by an aperture lens.
  • She retreated by a gate which, leading to the road, was overhung by some wild rocky scenery, in which appeared a sort of artificial aperture, but it was rendered almost inaccessible from the unrestrained woodbine which covered it, and appeared formerly to have been a sort of arbour. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • If too much is in focus, simply open the aperture, put on a longer lens, or move closer.
  • But you aren't paying for the function, you're paying for the design, and who amongst us does not want to turn our kitchen into the microcosmic eating lounge of Aperture Science, with helpful (albeit homicidal) recycling eggs (oviposited by glorious GLaDOS herself) pristinely hovering about, electronically warbling invitations to deposit our spare cans, or perhaps just our spleens, in their plastic, opalescent bellies? Boing Boing
  • A photoelectronic detector measures the light passing through the aperture.
  • The optical sleight of hand used by the astronomers combined the telescope's "adaptive optics" with a technique called aperture mask interferometry: using a a deformable mirror to rapidly correct for atmospheric distortions to starlight. New planet, the youngest ever found, is revealed by cosmic trick photography
  • Presumably there was a glazed aperture in the back to illuminate the upper deck.
  • Changing the light exposure timing until it looked just the way you wanted it to, dodging and burning to correct for things you couldn't solve with shutter speed and aperture when you'd taken the frame, timing the image in the bath to get all of the detail without overdeveloping... Making Light: Open thread 135
  • Even though they were only illuminated by the light from a street lamp, the length of the exposure allowed him to use a tiny aperture and get magnificent depth of field.
  • Immediately below the aperture of the perforation is the egg chamber: a short, tunnel-shaped cavity which occupies almost the whole distance between one opening and that lying below it. Social Life in the Insect World
  • When the rear asymmetrically split door is fully open its aperture creates another class winning feature.
  • Based on this data, we added baffles to optimize the light aperture within the spectrometer, thereby eliminating unnecessary rays while maximizing optical throughput.
  • Binoculars of this aperture are very expensive.
  • Also still an urban legend: the "helmet-mounted downblouse cam" - I haven't yet figured out the right aperture & focal length to use. Street Justice: Crime and Punishment
  • On the under side of the head, in front of the mouth, is the nasal aperture (olf.), the opening of the nasal sac, which, unlike the corresponding organ of the air-frequenting vertebrata, has no internal narial opening. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Twenty-day-old seedlings of these plants grown in pots containing vermiculite were used to observe stomatal aperture.
  • A small aperture was made in the wall of the stomach and a red rubber sound was at once introduced in the direction of the cardia and great tuberosity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • I can still print from the Brownie negatives from the 1960s, and many will be reproduced in the new Aperture book.
  • The opercular valves of cirripedes are those which close the aperture of the shell. Glossary of the Principal Scientific Terms Used in the Present Volume
  • A flexible bit is one in which the axles have their points of junction broad and smooth, (8) so as to bend easily; and where the several parts fitting round the axles, being large of aperture and not too closely packed, have greater flexibility; whereas, if the several parts do not slide to and fro with ease, and play into each other, that is what we call a stiff bit. On Horsemanship
  • For weeks, it was untouched, then I noticed that something had been pecking around the aperture.
  • This style of lens is designed to give optimum performance at the widest aperture.
  • These scatter electrons beyond the limiting angle of the objective aperture, leaving fewer to contribute to the image of that region, which thus appears dark.
  • The two apertures lie just above the edge of the fold of membrane which runs from the inner root of the larger or outer branchia, across the branchial cavity and beneath the rectum, to the other side. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Presumably there was a glazed aperture in the back to illuminate the upper deck.
  • The optical sleight of hand used by the astronomers combined the telescope's "adaptive optics" with a technique called aperture mask interferometry: using a a deformable mirror to rapidly correct for atmospheric distortions to starlight. New planet, the youngest ever found, is revealed by cosmic trick photography
  • At the extreme end of the glittering vista of pale-green, transparent columns, a door suddenly opened, and a flock of doves came speeding forth, their white, spread wings colored softly in the clear rose-radiance, -- they circled round and round the dome three times, then fluttered in a palpitating arch over Lysia's head, and finally sped straight across the hall to the other end, where they streamed snowily through another aperture and disappeared. Ardath
  • There was a tap at the window, through the curly apertures in the lace.
  • When the Isfahan man mocked Shaykh Sa'adi by comparing the bald pates of Shirazian elders to the bottom of a lotá, a brass cup with a wide-necked opening used in the Hammam, the witty poet turned its aperture upwards and thereto likened the well-abused podex of an Isfahani youth. Arabian nights. English

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