How To Use Apercu In A Sentence
When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers.
Du coup ce matin en matant mes sublimes jambes ben j'ai apercu d'innombrables griffures ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
His final chapter is the best: a reading of superheroes in their various urban environments that is studded with lovely aperçus.
Clearly, Porter agreed with Somerset Maugham's aperçu: ‘Money is like a sixth sense, without which one cannot make use of the other five.’
Paglia's claims are not some inconsequential little thrown-off aperçu, whose validity doesn't matter enough to investigate.
An Irish History of Civilization reads like a sotto voce commentary on all Akenson's manifold interests, spun into a series of aperçus, short stories, reflections, mini-biographies and explosive jokes.
I shall post some aperçus from my sojourn over the next few days.
Dons in uniform like R. W. Chapman and John Sparrow, when they weren't cracking codes at Bletchley Park, exchanged erudite aperçus about textual minutiae in Trollope's novels.
Yet Jerry, relatively uneducated as he is, still summons up enough zesty bons mots and aperçus to complement the more roughly hewn passages.
As proof he refers to the ‘close kinship of many of Nietzsche's aperçus with the far from vain tilts against morality with which, at approximately the same time, Oscar Wilde was shocking and amusing his public.’
When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers.
Here was that quintessence of Dublin, the epitome of the quidnunc, that quarter-moon, man-in-the-moon face, with the chin jutting to meet the nose and the mouth slanting some neat aperçu to its neighbor, cheekiest face in Europe, and the nosiest.
At Swim, Two Boys
His aperçus about the relations between the UK, France and Germany often recall the gentle irony of a novel of manners, giving a new twist to the old topic of the ‘European trinity’.
Here, in its entirety, is the apercu of John J. Miller -- conservative, writer, and proud father:
Ellis Weiner: "This is How Conservatives Are Made"
Give me some Cultural Artifact to dissect (gig, play, film, album, restaurant, exhibition) and I would bash out my pithy aperçus with gusto to spare.
But the truth, however comically exaggerated - an aperçu however raunchily worded - cannot truly offend.
Maleus smiled and tossed a coin into the overturned cap, more for the _apercu_ than for the music, then walked on.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Petit has witty and playful aperçus for every mile he covers.
And the more one thinks about it, your idea about hatpins, though quite brilliant as an aperçu, doesn't exactly narrow the field, does it?
Litten's carpenter friend Max John Hollingworth, looked up from his spokeshave with perhaps one too many knowing political apercus; and Litten's "weary" catalogue of his father's objections to the new Weimar republic – "To him, it's all atonal music, flat roofs, Bauhaus chairs, the rumba, Otto Dix, negro jazz, Jewish self-assertion" – could have done with the lumps taken out of it.
Rewind TV: The Man Who Crossed Hitler; Hans Litten vs Adolf Hitler: To Stop a Tyrant; Random; American: The Bill Hicks Story; The Hour – review
With that apercu, the President joined a long line of gaffe-making chief executives that includes Ronald Reagan ("We begin bombing in five minutes") and Jimmy Carter (who told congressmen that, if Sen. Edward Kennedy were to run against him, "I'll whip his ass").
President Bush’s Swearing Ceremony - Tuned In -
Until then, he remains a skilled dispenser of aperçus but little more - a novelist who is waiting to excel.
Kris left Robin explaining an apercu to Evelyn and walked me to the edge of the terrace to look at the moon reflected in the pool.
Second Wind
His specific topics are not themselves new - politics in Meistersinger, religion in Parsifal, and so on - but there are undoubted insights and aperçus.
I found myself wondering how much this dazzling aperçu cost the British taxpayer.
A choice apercu, a few glancing blows, a feint – then the full body slam.
His anecdotes and aperçus are to the point.
Curious, I thought, and perhaps the sort of apercu that would finally bring me tenure!
The Mata Hari of the Faculty Lounge
Enfin a force de courir et de chercher quelque chose qu'ils pussent manger, ils apercurent entre les rochers qui etoient le long du rivage, de gros limacons, et de plus petits, qui y venoient de la mer, et dont le gout, qui etoit passable, parut excellent a des gens affamez.
Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
Well, whinges the person who thinks that this is a truly astonishing apercu, Tony Blair listens to him all the time and does what he is told.
I don't necessarily agree with all they do but ....
And the more one thinks about it, your idea about hatpins, though quite brilliant as an aperçu, doesn't exactly narrow the field, does it?
On returning, he found each of his wheels had been sabotaged and the following apercu stuck to his windscreen: "Can yir dug blow up tyres, mister?
I've a bone to pick with David Attenborough | Kevin McKenna
Voila donc toutes mes poupees et en faisant cela je me suis apercu qu'arrivé en juillet, j'aurai tres exactement 13 poupee ... je me vois donc dans l'obligation d'en commander une quatorzieme mais ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
‘And so life is reckoned as nothing,’ Shklovsky goes on to say, and, in a wonderful aperçu, he adds: ‘Habitualization devours works, clothes, furniture, one's wife, and the fear of war.’
As annotator of amply quoted remarks on such matters by the onisègun, Hallen inspires confidence and gratitude for the many stunning aperçus which expand our consciousness.
Her observations about art are generally trite and when she does say something more specific, such as "an aria without a cabaletta is like sex without an orgasm", one is more stunned by the apercu's vulgarity than its accuracy.
Master Class – review
Here I would call Nietzsche's great aperçu to our aid: ‘All concepts in which an entire process is semiotically concentrated elude definition; only that which has no history is definable’ (The Genealogy of Morals: 2: 23).
Whatever the topic, he is capable of unleashing a torrent of jumbled aperçus.