

[ UK /ˈe‍ɪpla‍ɪk/ ]
[ US /ˈeɪˌpɫaɪk/ ]
  1. resembling apes
  2. being or given to servile imitation

How To Use apelike In A Sentence

  • Yet she could not shake off the instinctive fear that arose in her — man's inheritance from the wild and howling ages when his hairy, apelike prototype was afraid of the dark and personified the elements into things of fear. Jack London's Story - Moon Face: Planchette pg 3 of 3
  • Sometimes she has a shield, more often the aegis, a scaly capelike covering with fringe of snakes, usually with the gorgon's head, the gorgoneion, to relieve its plainness.
  • Ever since the 1974 discovery in Ethiopia of the fossil of a little protohuman christened Lucy, it was clear what sort of human ancestor must have walked the Horn of Africa just before her: one that was more apelike. Out Of Africa, A Missing Link
  • Beer ads show men grunting like neanderthals, repeating the same word moronically, and generally reveling in a kind of apelike idiocy. Philip Slater: Do you have to be Dumb to be a Man?
  • Once known as apelike barbarians, the Irish were now able to show themselves as the most selfless and patriotic civil servants. A Renegade History of the United States
  • To this triple-A club, allow me to add a “B”—Bigfoot, the apelike creature who walks upright like a man. Releasing Your Inner Bigfoot
  • Beneath a lantern on the forecastle deck I saw a few wretched sailors hunched in apelike postures pounding oakum between the decking planks. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • In contrast, the very fact of an ancient ancestor like Boskop, who appears un-apelike and in fact in most ways seems to have had characteristics superior to ours, was destined never to be popular.
  • Yet they also talked constantly about how, if the apelike human male were molded correctly by them, could become more female, and therefore more human, then they, the women in my childhood sphere, could then rest well, assured that their Frankenstein monster would dutifully support them in the manner in which they wished to live. Roseanne Archy
  • But one of the mowing, apelike travesties emitted a wild shriek of madness, and Koolau waited while the shrill cachination was tossed back and forth among the rocky walls and echoed distantly through the pulseless night. Koolau the Leper
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