How To Use Aotus In A Sentence

  • The tiny titi monkey (Callicebus moloch) also occurs here, and the gray-necked night monkey (Aotus infulatus) and spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) are endemic to this and the interfluve to the east. Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
  • The nine primates include howler monkeys Alouatta seniculus, night monkeys Aotus trivirgatus, titi monkeys Callicebus torquatus, black uakari Cacajao melanocephalus, weeper capuchins Cebus olivaceus, and white-faced sakis Pithecia pithecia. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • The tiny titi monkey (Callicebus moloch) also occurs here, and the gray-necked night monkey (Aotus infulatus) and spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) are endemic to this and the interfluve to the east. Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
  • The gray-necked night monkey (Aotus infulatus) and spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) are endemic to this region and the interfluve to the west. Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests
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