How To Use Anzio In A Sentence
the Germans were desperately trying to contain the Anzio beachhead
Mr Walker was on board when it took part in troop landings in Sicily, Salerno and Anzio.
Before I left the hospital I was grieved to learn that Nesbit, only recently transferred to us from the RAF, had been shot down and killed over Anzio.
Michie was a mustached ex - service student who'd commanded a tank troop at Anzio.
With just a wee bit of hubris, Devenanzio, who believes he made "Johnny Bananas" a household name, told TMZ the name controversy is "in no way coincidental and is instead an attempt to capitalize on the name recognition which I'm solely responsible for creating.
Lodovico, with Brabanzio's brother Graziano, hears the wounded men: Iago, feigning to help, stabs Roderigo, then pretends horror on finding him dead.
Sicily-Anzio campaign, and in Toulon, France, in August 1944.
Heroes or Villains?
Donovan had his own PT boat, which zipped him back and forth from Anzio to the OSS station in Bastia, where he wolfed down flapjacks and bacon in the dining hall with his men in the morning and sang Irish songs with them in the evening by a fireplace.
Wild Bill Donovan
He and his mates were bogged down on the beach at Anzio for three months, living ‘like moles’ under constant German shellfire: ‘Our only shelter were holes we dug for ourselves in the beach.’
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raffaello Sanzio, the three geniuses who are respected by people all over the world, depict the marvellous colours for the painting of art.
In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.