
How To Use Anyhow In A Sentence

  • Anyhow it took Jae over an hour to cut my hair as I went from having curls half way down my back to wearing it cropped like a boy.
  • He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with hair sticking up on end.
  • That it should have done so anyhow is now clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as Neanderthal as a whole went extinct anyhow, these hypothetically admixed individuals left surely no heirs either. Quantifying Neanderthal introgression by serial coalescent simulations
  • Not if the author has any say over the casting, anyhow.
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  • I don't want to disturb him too much and being grouchy doesn't make me feel very cuddly anyhow, so I head out quickly and hope that the walk to work will clear my head a bit.
  • Anyhow, of furniture decorate should size look line, on any account is conterminous , strewn at random have send.
  • Anyhow, I called the rector and I heard Beatles music in the background ... he must be a good fellow. Trinityboy Diary Entry
  • The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
  • What's those dinkey little reports and monkeydoodle business amount to, anyhow? The Rules of the Game
  • He's just being nice anyhow; the guy that plays for a hobby is nowhere near as good as the guy that played for a living.
  • fwah! can only say duns play play~! later anyhow touch den chi-cha-booms~!
  • How could they think they'd have a clear title anyhow? Survivors
  • There were moments where we felt like we were jinxing the whole thing, pushing our luck, but we decided to test fate and stock up anyhow.
  • We didn't get any maid service the following day but that was fine with me because we had most of our belongings strewn around anyhow.
  • So you cheer up, an 'somet'ing sure to come ob it; an' if not'ing comes ob it, w'y, de cheerin 'up hab come ob it anyhow. The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
  • At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
  • Then turning to the witness he said, blandly: 'My poor friend, if you considered Cerberus to be three dogs anyhow, why did you in your examination a moment since refer to the avalanche of caninity, of which you so affectingly speak, as him?' The Enchanted Typewriter
  • I'll send her an airmail, anyhow, and ask her what she remembers. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Anyhow, it's more than a little depressing how commonplace is Brewer's apparent assumption: that politics have little or nothing to do with morals and values. Television
  • Anyhow, every month all of our schools get newsletters that come with teaching tips and how-to-survive-in-Japan tips for noobs like me.
  • We had to promise, for Noël was getting greener and more gurgly every minute, and at any moment Father or uncle might burst in foaming for an explanation, and none of us would have one except Noël, and him in this state of all-anyhow. New Treasure Seekers
  • The Smiths went to an open house at the school anyhow, and left impressed.
  • On both philosophical and emotional grounds, I hate paternalism in government; and I don't like maternalism in government any better, especially given that, in a number of respects, America is gradually evolving into a gynocracy anyhow. My political provocation
  • Anyhow, in two and half years of blogging, I've been flamed and broiled and skewered and roasted a number of times.
  • Anyhow, in the memory of average person, derive from happy event, break from Bei.
  • Anyhow, when Blondie told me the range of the targets, I figured the difference between the two and realized what the subtend value was for the dots at that range. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.
  • XT issue not only auckland. its not just Auckland - i have informed telecom regarding delays in txting in Palmerston north, but they keep giving me that it my phone settings ... anyhow ... today i gave up and purchase a 2 'degree phone. report this National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • Anyhow there were the peasants, men and women, boys and young maidens, toiling and swinking; some hoeing between the vine-rows, some bearing baskets of dung up the steep slopes, some in one way, some in another, labouring for the fruit they should never eat, and the wine they should never drink. A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson
  • Anyhow, as barbeque protocol dictates we all ate far too much.
  • It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.
  • My moral atmosphere is, anyhow, so foreign to me, a lewdness so obligatory that it hardly seems as if it were part of a moral donnee at all; and then his over-labored descriptions, and excessive explanations. Familiar Letters of William James II
  • Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.
  • Anyhow I have written a lot again today, can, t shed the feelings of responsibility., so to keep Wilhelm happy I am going to a boxing match where at least I can understand the swopping of blows, have good weekend. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It doesn't actually make me feel more competent, but it's cool anyhow.
  • 'Kinder reckon I wull, Cunnel; howsomdever, I keeps the stakes, anyhow?' The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
  • Anyhow, as much as I dearly love my oven-microwave, there are certain unavoidable setbacks. Archive 2005-05-01
  • Anyhow, the second of the funniest things that happened may also be the most unfunny of things that ever happened.
  • Anyhow, we ate our curries and noodles and nattered away for a fair few hours, catching up on all the things we've missed.
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey — anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it — went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery Under Arms
  • Again, totally guilt-free for me, anyhow, although my wife makes me call the kennel every day we're gone to make sure they're doing all right. The Speculist: Virtual Kids
  • I know our house is awful scrimpy, but we'd have some good times, anyhow. Lydia of the Pines
  • He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with hair sticking up on end.
  • Surely the police response was a bit heavy-handed - what order were they disrupting anyhow?
  • (Soundbite of laughter) Mr.R. McCOURY: Well, anyhow, I had these banjoes. The Del McCoury Band Performs in Studio 4A
  • Anyhow, I give the Clinton Admin props for leaving office with a surplus. Think Progress » Hatch Warns Tea Party Activists: Work With The GOP…Or Else
  • Untangling the lies is good clean fun, but it takes a lot of energy, and the returns are diminishing now anyhow.
  • Anyhow, if you're interested, you can take a gander at what's going on here.
  • Anyhow, he's in the trap, and can't get out till he's hed my claws roun 'the scruff o' his neck an 'my thumb on his thropple. The Lone Ranche
  • Anyhow, I had no personal ambition.
  • It had to maintain employment in an area where unemployment was far too high anyhow. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Anyhow, the lags stem from things like product-replacement cycles for durables, and the time taken from planning a project to the time of its implementation.
  • Anyhow, Warrick had a nice little career with the Sox, as I'm sure you remember, and Bloom was a good player for the Twins. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • And anyhow I am only 19 and I have my whole life ahead of me to have a whole hoard of other boyfriends.
  • Anyhow, I naw complain… by the sweat of our brow shall we eat bread.
  • John's a good friend of mine. Well anyhow, I left for Mexico the next morning.
  • Anyhow, the encounter was pleasant and random and then it was time for pho and movie plans.
  • Anyhow, they're hers, it's her back that has to support the weight of those mammaries, and it was basically her decision.
  • Anyhow, Billie's visiting with her father, and I'm standing alone at the concession stand, buying my butterless corn. Postcards From The Edge Of The Galaxy
  • If you have the need to groan and moan with one another. .do it elsewhere so we who are doing our homework do NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE LOUD RADIO some idiot nextdoor is using to play music we hate anyhow in the background while trying to findout what happened to the initial thread! Cost of living in Guanajuato or San Miguel
  • Anyhow, it's not a surprise that so many of the examples of this kind are in confessional writing about relationship problems.
  • Anyhow, he believes that the showiness of his jewellery was overstated. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must just shove everything in anyhow, we can repack later.
  • 'The men were prepared to pig it anyhow, and a few cubic feet of space didn't matter - such was their spirit.'
  • It wasn’t my poetry anyhow, I am glad to say. The Treasure Seekers
  • But what I liked about ‘isotropic rigmarole’ was its prosody, anyhow.
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey -- anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it -- went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • Anyhow, it was their legacy to apportion as they saw fit, since it was they who had led the two crucial wars that formed the bookends, as it were, to this episode; and they never admired the D'Annunzio-style "grande geste" of a Moshe Dayan (also Begin's Foreign Minister at the time), Begin, or an Ariel Sharon. Robert Eisenman: If Menachem Begin Wore Swim Trunks, He Would Never Have Withdrawn from Sinai (and Castro's Recent Comments)
  • Anyhow, I welcome any readers that popped in here for a look at that post yesterday and decided to stick around.
  • I don't think the colour suits her, and anyhow she's much too thin to wear a dustcloak. A Young Girl's Diary
  • Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.
  • I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet
  • The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
  • I did not answer a word, but sat with a wreath of white bouvardia and small adiantum round my head, which I had plaited anyhow. Erema
  • Anyhow, it has, needless to say, been something of a busy week, mainly spent writing.
  • Others say that's a legitimate power of government, of democratically elected governments, anyhow, and that we have an obligation to obey.
  • It may snow, but anyhow I will go shopping.
  • Another great upshoot is that I don't have to buy a junk food product or some kind of raffle ticket for a prize I don't really need anyhow. A confession
  • Anyhow, a little fellow was sitting across from this guy watching him eat his cake and drink his sorrel.
  • They chatter, well argue drunkenly anyhow, until around 4am before going to bed in their own separate bedrolls.
  • We've got what we call beacon schools, where we take the school buildings that are there anyhow, and now we keep them open until 11: 00 p.m. or 12: 00 p.m. at night, six and seven days a week, with programs for young people and adults, funded by the city but run by not-for-profit community organizations. Presidents Remarks In Conference Call On Enterprise Zones
  • Anyhow, this post is all about farting, so if you have problems with that and are a bit prudish, then probably you might not want to read any further.
  • Anyhow, we posted the box, but it's too wide. Could you narrow it by a half inch or so?
  • Massa Randall had told her not to go nowhe 'bout dat boat, but some people is sorta high strung like en dey go off anyhow no matter bout de whip. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina Narratives, Part 4
  • The Mafia is almost totally expunged in Sicily anyhow – at least publicly. Mafia-free wine, White House, Justice Roberts, wine service – sipped and spit | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It would have been in French anyhow, a language in which I am hopeless. Trinityboy Diary Entry
  • It may snow, but anyhow I will go shopping.
  • They were about three years old and in need of changing anyhow.
  • Guess I'll give you twenty-five dollars a week, anyhow, for one week sartain; and then, if we suit each other, we can raise the pile bimeby. She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • Anyhow, this morning I wanted to have two slices of whole wheat bread with some strawberry jam for breakfast.
  • It was but too true: until now, she, Laura, had been satisfied to know things in a slipslop, razzle-dazzle way, to know them anyhow, as it best suited herself. The Getting of Wisdom
  • The text of the piece simply described the CROSSROADS as “the centerpoint where all realities cross each other and from where you can enter anywhere, anywhen, anywhy, anyhow. ” The Codex Continual » Bulwark Comics: CROSSROADS
  • It reads to me like We can expel you anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anywhy, anywhen! Deported
  • Anyhow, anything written by the three mentioned above should from this day forward be treated with suspicion, if not outright derision.
  • This train was taken out of service at 149th Street / Grand Concourse, but luckily for us we were detraining there anyhow to catch the 2 train.
  • Anyhow that means a sort of 'greenhorn' I suppose. The Boy from the Ranch Or Roy Bradner's City Experiences
  • Anyhow, this is how it was pretty much written, but I started pondering on whether it was really building the way I wanted it to, and ended up trying out some fancy malarkey with verse lyrics for Puck to sing in countermelody to the Regulars verses. Archive 2009-10-01
  • That nice Adam whatsisname off the telly reckons I could do my accounts online anyhow.
  • Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
  • Mother certainly won't let him stay with her and anyhow he wouldn't.
  • \tab "Anyhow, our kids could discuss chromosome reduction and the merits and demerits of linebreeding as knowledgeably as my own contemporaries when I was a kid could discuss the World Series -" \par Time Enough For Love
  • Anyhow, since I am otherwise entirely urban, it seems unlikely that this particular hankering is going to be satisfied in the near future. Goatscape
  • It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
  • Anyhow, it's a scorcher of an afternoon, perfect for whiling away a couple of hours in the sunshine.
  • Even though it's the way forward and so on, the way forward that still feels like twenty foot back, but anyhow.
  • Anyhow, this talk about food is getting me hungry.
  • Anyhow, even though it isn't a holiday for me, let me wish those of you celebrating Thanksgiving a good one.
  • So anyhow when I got back they were at it dingdong, John Wyse saying it was Bloom gave the ideas for Sinn Fein to Griffith to put in his paper all kinds of jerrymandering, packed juries and swindling the taxes off of the government and appointing consuls all over the world to walk about selling Irish industries. Ulysses
  • Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
  • Nor does one interfere if the condition, while annoying, is of no importance and unlikely to make any difference anyhow. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • It wasn’t my poetry anyhow, I am glad to say. The Treasure Seekers
  • We're in a world where it's pretty immoral anyhow, and this just adds to it.
  • Anyhow, that's the bellbird; and I sent him word yesterday by one o 'them tattlin' finches to be on hand just about this time. Seven Miles to Arden
  • Then the King said he had no other son, but a good-for-nothing _droich_ who went away somewhere and never come back; but that it wasn't him anyhow, for he couldn't kill Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know
  • The log, I conjecture, is odum or ebony, and it is some fifty feet long; anyhow it is some sort of wood that won't float. Travels in West Africa
  • I don't quite recollect, I'm afraid; but anyhow, some comical little speck of a sugary, niggery, West Indian What's Bred in the Bone
  • They couldn't get in anyhow but we voted for them. Commonwealth—The Strategy of the New Development
  • Anyhow, we were getting pretty stupid and tired, and so he started clowning around to make me laugh.
  • The lasagna looked kind of hideous cold, but I shoved a big forkful into my mouth anyhow. My Fair Succubi
  • Anyhow, again, I guess you see that I do not have much more to chat about, so I'll say adios and look out for some greetings tomorrow.
  • It was only men with fertility problems who had lower counts and counts vary widely anyhow.
  • Aside from his first season under Raneria Bridge rather did the same thing at Chelsea -- - ---- he collected a big salery and couldn't dispace Gallas from left back -- not for mourinho anyhow The Guardian World News
  • Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.
  • She didn't even know what he did to earn so much money, anyhow!
  • The irony is that there was probably no need for the premier to prostitute himself in this way; he would have probably got there anyhow and kept his integrity intact.
  • Abyssinia is a savage country and shouldn't belong to the League of Nations anyhow. Ethiopia and Its Problems
  • It had to maintain employment in an area where unemployment was far too high anyhow. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Anyhow Tony intended to acknowledge him as his son.
  • Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism are also solid, stable categories: for purposes of this essay, anyhow, E.O. Wilson is equivalent to L. Buell. An Exchange on Thoreau
  • It takes more humor to be a Democrat than it does a Republican anyhow.
  • Anyhow, he is dead now
  • The one known as the fragrant one even denies having read a persons posts and then actually replies! well I suppose its better than ignoring each other, she, s rather strange anyhow, and dont worry she never reads my stuff so she wont feel hurt. (lol) - o.u. November 29th, 2008 5: 45pm On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • So saying, he rolled, with a nautical gait, towards the door by which the domestic had re-entered the room, and having reached the stairfoot, and finding himself alone, he added, with a sudden snarl, 'I'd like to give three of ye a chance of earning a wooden leg anyhow -- coming into my house and guzzling my best beer the very minute my back's turned on ye.' VC — A Chronicle of Castle Barfield and of the Crimea
  • The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
  • Anyhow the first thing I vowed to give up for the New Year was the auld begrudgery.
  • But the ordinary ground of palpable reality and time-bound day-to-day existence is not all that firm anyhow.
  • Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
  • Anyhow, Halo came out for the X-Box, made a tremendous wad of cash, got lots of people to buy the thing and was praised by all and sundry as the Best Thing Ever, with even the usually-more-difficult-to-excite-than-Al-Gore Edge magazine getting unseemingly excited and awarding it maximum points, which felt rather wrong, a bit like Barry Norman giving a five-star review to Debbie Does Dallas. Halo: Combat Evolved
  • And probably they're too cynical to buy into much of what's set up for them anyhow.
  • It offers a kind of Middle European idea of Buddhism, or, anyhow, something too theosophic for me.
  • Anyhow, a pretty trivial post, but if you managed to read this far you must really like my writing cause I honestly think I'm very idle.
  • That's not the only thing frustrating me, though it all comes down to politics in the end, anyhow.
  • Anyhow, after they is gone, I go on over to the tensive care ward to see Dan, but when I git there, his cot is empty, an the mattress all folded up an he is gone. Forrest Gump
  • He's not actually from the ancient, noble family d'Estaing, but he uses the name anyhow, and acts as though he were. Frenchness.
  • Anyhow, there was a gun moll named Neville something or other - that's a pretty name, Neville - who, Rhonda claimed, did it. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Anyhow, there's some Aristotle and Plato I want to read-a textbook on tenebrism I need to get through for my Caravaggio class. Corpus of a Siam Mosquito
  • I'll send her an airmail, anyhow, and ask her what she remembers. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • He had the justification in his own mind that the quadrumvirate had been ready to desert him anyhow. The Titan
  • Meaning voting, which I take very seriously anyhow, is more important than ever, because we have something to say about our voting future, as well. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Anyhow, this new trackpad has 39% more of a surface area than the old ones.
  • Well anyhow my hero was desperate dan. just in front of Wilson in the hotspur I think - but of course this was long before your friends decided to attack humanity and give you a cause to follow On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The sombre hue seemed to enhance the whiteness of her skin. .. what the heck is goffered lawn anyhowI tried to read Kathleen Norris on the suggestion of Erin but couldn't swallow the mediocre story. Great Dresses of Mediocre Literature, Meta-Discussion - A Dress A Day
  • Anyhow, I deemed it prudent not to enter the oilery with them that night, but slept outside in a stable. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • Anyhow, love is an incurable malady, like those diathetic states in which rheumatism affords the sufferer a brief respite only to be replaced by epileptiform headaches. The Captive
  • Anyhow, we got to a point just before the highway on-ramp, they went and did some shoe shopping, and I hit up the bookstore.
  • Anyhow, the choice of interior decoration color, lamplight is by the person aesthetic cause, terminative also at the person aesthetic.
  • Anyhow, I also want to avoid over-analysing things too much, which is another reason why keeping active is probably healthy.
  • There are things going on here that I'd rather not write about, not yet anyhow.
  • Anyhow, my favorite quick/healthy/easy meal as of late is usually some sort of variation on the olio e aglio pasta (oil and garlic). Weeknight Meal: Scrambled Pasta
  • It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
  • Anyhow, the people there are so different to my colleagues and many of my friends who are largely creative extroverts.
  • He's left her? What's the odds? He was never at home anyhow.
  • Anyhow, this is how today's class went.
  • I had it down to three before we left the showroom, then down to two, and it was just a matter of holding them up against the house and deciding that yes, the putty colour was too dull and the hemlock (lightish green, sagey with a touch of blue) wuld indeed go with pretty much any colour I'd want to paint anyhow. State of the Stress Level Address
  • Anyhow, the news from South Gippsland is encouraging: Mungo’s broken arm is mending well and apparently does not interfere with “his saxomaphone practice.” MALO MALO MALO MALO
  • From his vantage point, Kheda could clearly see a heap of quilts were tossed all anyhow on a narrow bed.
  • About nice drinks, anyhow, my recollection of the "cobblers" (with strawberries and snow on top of the large tumblers,) and also the exquisite wines, and the perfect and mild French brandy, help the regretful reminiscence of my New Orleans experiences of those days. November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • (I'd apologize to those of you who want to view the world in butch/femme terms for once again pointing out that reality is complicated, but I know you haven't read this far, anyhow.) BROAD CAST AND UPDATES, 29 OCTOBER 2007
  • I am keeping my word anyhow," he said; "but I am only coming to tell you I got to go to Chicago. Abe and Mawruss Being Further Adventures of Potash and Perlmutter
  • Anyhow, the choice of interior decoration color, lamplight is by the person aesthetic cause, terminative also at the person aesthetic.
  • His disarming professorial habit of asking hard-boiled members of the press to repeat his words of wisdom after him (which he himself has repeated anyhow) somehow never seems offensive.
  • I will never move my kids away from their grandparents; not at this age anyhow.
  • Colour seemed flung down anyhow, anywhere; every sort of colour, piled up in heaps.
  • Chelsea squeaked excitedly, ‘but anyhow, he asked me out like oh my god!’
  • Where the hell was Bud, anyhow?
  • Anyhow, I also want to avoid over-analysing things too much, which is another reason why keeping active is probably healthy.
  • Anyhow, now the central presidium urges me to scan my computer for credit card and social security numbers, a process that takes forever and yields a bunch of false hits — ten-digit clusters that are not, in fact, social security numbers at all, but rather the accession numbers of various objects that belong to other art museums. The Cards
  • Anyhow, this tournament is really making me start to scratch my head as I don't have a definite pick yet for the winning team, just too unpredictable.
  • Mark is just beefcake, anyhow.
  • It wasn’t my poetry anyhow, I am glad to say. The Treasure Seekers
  • Anyhow, come election time, many people overseas will be delighted to demonstrate their ‘devotion to Britain’ (a quality the Uncle Nick expects to find by the bucketful in aspirant British Citizens) and their everlasting thanks to the great party of Palmerston and Thorpe by hanging up Liberal ‘Democrat’ posters in downtown Ougadougou or the leafy suburbs of Conakry. Top Cuckoo Speaks
  • And at the very same time he represented physical as well as mental attributes which were agreeable to her — amorousness without the courage at the time, anyhow, to annoy her too much; reverence which yet included her as a very human being; a mental and physical animation which quite matched and companioned her own. An American Tragedy
  • Anyhow, some genius found out that a small needle brought in contact with the so-called lodestone, or magnetic ore, absorbs the qualities of the lodestone, and when placed on a pivot will always point to the north. Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers
  • Anyhow, digressions aside, this guy was completely incapable of performing his job with any degree of skill.
  • _ (Placing hand remonstratingly on arm of Eupeptos.) -- My friend, man's life a'n't more'n a span, anyhow; yourn wun't be wuth more'n half a span. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • The Mafia is almost totally expunged in Sicily anyhow – at least publicly. Mafia-free wine, White House, Justice Roberts, wine service – sipped and spit | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It wasn’t my poetry anyhow, I am glad to say. The Treasure Seekers
  • He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with hair sticking up on end.
  • Anyhow, as I was sayin ', this yere Don Fernandez is agin the Obregon gov'ment an' backin 'a new revolution. The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border
  • Anyhow, it is only natural that an angler specialising in better quality fish should want to know exactly what they weigh.
  • I think this list is if you are going to a shelter, but some of the stuff here is good to have anyhow.
  • She tells MTV. com the track is not a reference to rumors that she snared Wilmer Valderrama from Lindsay Lohan, yet the title conveniently conjures up that tabloid battle anyhow. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • And she is done with that job now anyhow; she was just fired for not going. Christianity Today
  • But he bought the banjoes - Bruce Hornsby was also in the band at that time, and anyhow, we sat and talked for about an hour and he had seen my father with Bill Monroe in 1963. The Del McCoury Band Performs in Studio 4A
  • So anyhow, melumps and mumpos of the hoose uncommons, after that to wind up that longtobechronickled gettogether thanksbetogiving day at Glenfinnisk-en-la-Valle, the anniver-sary of his finst homy commulion, after that same barbecue bean — feast was all over poor old hospitable corn and eggfactor, King Finnegans Wake
  • I have a zit on my face that looks - to me, anyhow - like a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Or do understand it but just want to cause trouble anyhow. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, what were you going to do with those pennies anyhow, besides stick them back in the couch cushions?
  • It would involve a long delay -- perhaps a year and a half, perhaps longer, at the end of which period he might have to serve his prison term anyhow, and pending which he would certainly have to undergo incarceration for a time. The Financier, a novel

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