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How To Use Any longer In A Sentence

  • It's really weighing her down because she's not living up to her ideals any longer.
  • I regret to say that we can't stay here any longer.
  • 'If I told you what we both know," Kathryn quipped, `it won't take us any longer! A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • One resident who couldn't take it any longer has gone to stay with family in Scotland.
  • I will not tolerate this behaviour any longer. Do I make myself clear?
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  • I'm afraid the day of the teacher, the priest and the doctor being the three important people to whom you pay obeisance is not around any longer, certainly not in Europe.
  • He had no intention of enduring this smothering by overkindness any longer than it took him to figure out how to run away, and where to run to. The Fourth R
  • And the bad news for mr. shay is that his cherished "silent, white, anglo-saxon, christian majority" just MAY not be the majority any longer! News from Bizarro World
  • The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer.
  • In such a situation no individual is any longer penalized and none is unjustly enriched.
  • If there is a God I hope that he takes me first then I can go with a contented mind knowing that she did not suffer this dreadful disease any longer.
  • It was too risky to stay any longer because sooner or later, someone was going to notice him acting strange.
  • It used to be a bit cold and soulless but not any longer. The Sun
  • Alexander lifted the linen miter from his head; light as it was, he could not bear its weight any longer. THE FAMILY
  • He said he couldn't dillydally any longer," Llewellyn told NEWSWEEK. Powell On The Brink
  • If there are still minor domestic problems to face and sort out, don't leave them to fester any longer. The Sun
  • Don't stand looking any longer, for mercy's sake!" called the querulous voice from the house. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
  • I don't intend to listen to this rubbish any longer!
  • A tight schedule means we can't delay any longer.
  • It was about this time that the nasally - voiced receptionist decided that she really couldn't pretend that Alli was not waiting any longer.
  • If the function is deprecated, should not be used any longer, then the @deprecated tag along with the version and description of what to use instead should be given. Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • America's legionary army, compared to those of Europe, is large, yet it is incapable any longer of achieving grand goals. Michael Vlahos: America: Enemy of Change, Midwife of the Future
  • We won't wait any longer for this country's children have health care and a quality education.
  • The check by common will on private greed, the care for public health, the protection of childhood and manhood, the securing of fair leisure from the monotonies of modern labor, form a program hardly to be called radical any longer. Happy Tax Day: Progressive Taxes and Christian Faith
  • When she arrived she was mobbed by children and she wanted to do more to help them, but she couldn't stay any longer.
  • His words filled hearts, turned eyes moist, and made many doleful as he saluted those who were not with us any longer as they laid down their lives for the country.
  • It seems once blacksnakes learn its easier to get baby birds, be it chickens or bluebirds, they don't try for mice any longer.
  • I can't put up with this awful machine any longer.
  • I don't think I can live under the same roof as you any longer.
  • he couldn't hold still any longer
  • Not any longer when it comes to social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • “How, or what do you mean?” said Nigel; “I will break your head, you drunken knave, if you palter with me any longer.” The Fortunes of Nigel
  • I was determined not to stay in hospital for any longer than was strictly necessary.
  • They will not keep you any longer than necessary.
  • This is not a teenage problem, and we won't be fobbed off with antibiotic temporary fixes any longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely, he cannot any longer be expected to bear the full brunt of our judicial and bureaucratic bungles.
  • We'd better be going. We can't wait about like this any longer.
  • My own horse is too old to hunt any longer but whenever the local hunt is nearby, he pricks his ears, snorts and canters around the field, wanting to join in too!
  • So, with the facts in place, how can the government ignore them any longer and keep marijuana illegal?
  • I refuse to be trampled on any longer!
  • By the afternoon, she was too tired to walk on her own any longer and Yuuhi kindly offered to carry her on his back.
  • And in any case, America can hardly afford to prolong its tumble from the summit of educational attainment any longer. Wonk Room » Study: Pre-School Investments Increase GDP And Pay For Themselves
  • My mother had to sell me as she could not afford to keep me any longer.
  • The boomers can't put off for any longer the fact that - chronologically - they are approaching middle age.
  • He sobbed into the snow, not being able to bear the agony any longer.
  • All that they gave me, my brothers, was a crappy starry mirror to look into, and indeed I was not your handsome young Narrator any longer but a real strack of a sight, my rot swollen and my glazzies all red and my nose bumped a bit also. Where's the show?
  • Now nobody can be sure any longer that the air in the countryside is pure and healthy.
  • Ah, that sounds very amiable here; but in five minutes you'll be murmuring in Miss Bandoline's ear, -- 'I've been pining to come to you this half hour, but I was obliged to take out that Miss Wilder, you see, -- countrified little thing enough, but not bad-looking, and has a rich aunt; so I've done my duty to her, but deuse take me if I can stand it any longer.' The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
  • You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.
  • She gave a nervous little laugh, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
  • But if he delayed any longer, the sun would be up and he would miss the moment of total purification. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • The terror attacks did heighten security in the capital, but Norwegian officials have sought to allay fears over more attacks or any longer-term clampdown. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The real fear for the bird-watchers was not having the birds to watch any longer.
  • A tight schedule means we can't delay any longer.
  • One third of her working men were constantly employed, as before remarked, in this laborious operation, and some of their hands had become so sore from the constant friction of the ropes, that they could hardly handle them any longer without the use of mittens, assisted by the unlaying of the ropes to make them soft. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • Any longer will leave you feeling drowsy. The Sun
  • PS I must never fail to mention the part played by the suppsedly Progressive Compass Group in smearing Boris on behalf of this monster and retaining Miranda Grell (The woman who lied about a gay man claiming he was a paedo, to win a Council seat) until it became impossible to do so any longer. Archive 2008-01-20
  • I don't have much time so I won't be staying any longer than necessary.
  • She wasn't his little slave girl any longer.
  • With such sartorial concessions not available any longer, men of the new millennium need to refer to good bespoke tailors or salesmen retailers to find out how long the tie should hang.
  • If I'd stayed there any longer, I'd have gone round the twist.
  • a drained and apathetic old man...not caring any longer about anything
  • These seagulls can hardly be called sea birds any longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer.
  • Someone really must institute a close season for "damns" or they won't any longer be funny on the stage; and, since to laugh in theatres has become a national duty, that, in the present state of the wit market, would be privation indeed. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, February 7, 1917
  • It is currently difficult to sayhow much each of these factors contributed to the weaker order activity andwhether that weakness is indicative of any longer-term trend. GuruFocus Updates
  • The soldier was exhausted, and the meager food failed to sate his gnawing hunger, but he wasn't alone or afraid any longer.
  • I think one has to admit that in the works where I use the symmetrical hexachord, one probably can't any longer speak of my music as being twelve-tone music, that is, certainly not in the academic sense.
  • Nobody is any longer asking them to apologise for the past: the demands for apology are now focused on the government.
  • Neither anchor nor chain are any longer there, but it is full of anemones, and wrasse seem to have fun chasing each other up and down it.
  • But we could not have staved if off any longer in this day and age - and we were one of the few clubs in the country which did not have women as full members.
  • One-third of her working men were constantly employed, as before remarked, in this laborious operation, and some of their hands had become so sore from the constant friction of the ropes, that they could hardly handle them any longer without the use of mittens, assisted by the unlaying of the ropes to make them soft. Journal of the Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage
  • The other person feels more relaxed with you and may find that there is no need to be aggressive or cold or haughty any longer. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • He probably won't be needed in the return game any longer with the drafting of standout Darrent Williams.
  • I was so excited that I couldn't keep the good news from her any longer.
  • And when they redraw the boundaries, she may not have her cozy little safe district any longer. Think Progress » Bachmann To Vote For Resolution Promoting Census After Leading Campaign To Smear It
  • He says he can't do it any longer, but you sense his words belie his feelings.
  • I can't stay awake any longer.
  • I cannot endure your insults any longer.
  • What with Christian under sedation, there didn't seem to be any point in hanging around any longer. THE EXECUTION
  • I really don't need or want a vacation any longer, as every day is a vacation from that previous "existence" and I depressurized a LONG time ago, almost 12 years ago in fact — la vida buena mexicana, something that few gringos truly get to appreciate. Cost of living in Mexican cities
  • The government is not prepared to tolerate this situation any longer.
  • It wasn't until the party that I knew I couldn't pretend to myself any longer.
  • ‘I can't stick it any longer,’ he wrote.
  • I don't want to deal with these imbeciles any longer.
  • Ana couldn't contain herself any longer, the suspense was killing her, she had to ask him, she just had to.
  • If I'd stayed there any longer I'd have gone round the bend.
  • Wait any longer and the fines really begin to mount up - a £60-a-day additional penalty has been threatened this year!
  • Any longer than that and I'm liable to drop the jeans in the nearest bargain bin basket and run out of the shop empty handed.
  • Her father was a very important man in the city and he could not stay any longer no matter what his daughter wished.
  • Her emotions were too strong, too raw, for her to be able to suppress them any longer.
  • I won't stick your rudeness any longer.
  • I can't put up with it any longer.
  • I will not tolerate your incompetence any longer!
  • I went to a party last night but only lasted about an hour and a half before I felt too inexplicably grumpy to stay any longer and left.
  • There are a few concerns with the grid - most noticeably on the back tray where the line seems to run from the left of the "f" in "Brief" down the periods following the right justified numbers and then to the keyline - which has a hanging circle P - so not only does it not line up any longer, but the whole thing is sort of floating at the bottom without an anchor. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • The other person feels more relaxed with you and may find that there is no need to be aggressive or cold or haughty any longer. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer.
  • This is now a crunch situation, it cannot go on like this any longer.
  • We have so massively exceeded any kind of political entity the Founding Fathers could have possibly imagined or anticiapted (in size, in numbers, in geographical distribution, in ineducable ideological rigidity; in grotesquely uneven distributions of power, in potentials for abusing that power, in possibilities for indoctrination and propaganda; the list goes on) that the mechanisms for making fundamental changes to the basic legal structures of our union are incapable of functioning any longer. Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
  • They're always arguing-I can't stick it any longer.
  • Few people any longer look down on activities that test nerve and aim rather than conventional athleticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He motivated his request by telling me that neither trust had any assets and that they served no purpose any longer.
  • I can't run any longer, my feet are killing me!
  • We know the awful truth, though - that tight suit, unable to hold the middle-age spread any longer, unexpectedly burst. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes you do have to reach out and make sure you're getting to what I call the disenchanted population that just feels it can't walk in any longer to whatever the public service happens to be because of previous experience. Oral History Interview with Evelyn Schmidt, February 9, 1999. Interview K-0137. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • If there are still minor domestic problems to face and sort out, don't leave them to fester any longer. The Sun
  • I got so excited to tell you about great books I’ve read that my brain fuzzed out and I couldn’t think any longer. February « 2004 « So Many Books
  • Too, the genre fiction paperback provided relatively easy access to the longer stories in one convenient volume (many longer stories were serialized in the pulps).
  • We hold it to be a crime against man and God to submit any longer to the rule that has caused this disaster to our country.
  • The other person feels more relaxed with you and may find that there is no need to be aggressive or cold or haughty any longer. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • I don't want to suffer or rot any longer, the respirator is the only thing keeping me alive," she wrote. The Local - Sweden's news in English
  • Arnott, who had been her former refuge from this persecution, grew so serious and so tender in his devoirs, that unable any longer to doubt the sentiments she had inspired, she was compelled even with him to be guarded and distant. Cecilia
  • Will the new spending plan keep the budget balanced for any longer than a year?
  • She walked quickly to her room, not wanting to stay in the drafty hallway any longer than she had to. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 12: WRITTEN IN THE STARS
  • When we see so many revolt from the profession of the reformed religion, to the corruptions and superstitions of Rome; and others, from a religious and sober life, to plunge themselves into all kind of lewdness and debauchery, and, it is to be feared, into atheism and infidelity; can we doubt any longer whether it be possible for The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
  • It was an ill omen at the start of the journey, but the trek couldn't be postponed any longer.
  • But neither was he a communard, a comrade any longer. Hard to be a god
  • We don't have a car any longer simply because we were fed up with having wing mirrors snapped off, windscreen wipers broken or paintwork scratched.
  • I can't put up with this awful machine any longer.
  • The Boer ultimatum, by making it impossible for the British Government to be any longer cajoled into an elusory settlement by Boer diplomacy, had relieved Lord Milner of a load of anxiety, and closed a period of unparalleled physical and mental strain. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • One resident who couldn't take it any longer has gone to stay with family in Scotland.
  • The congress has asked Calderón to resend his recent rule on older vehicles, but I don't want to hold my breath any longer. 2009
  • There is no industry or area of human activity any longer that remains "uninfected". Irving Wladawsky-Berger
  • The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer.
  • But what she wanted had become so convoluted with previously unconfessed expectations that Rachel wasn't certain what it entailed any longer.
  • His actions were quickly followed and none of the officers noticed any longer the obtrusive wrongness of his presence.
  • Mo couldn't contain herself any longer, and covered her smirk with a twist of gin and bitter lemon.
  • Yet we acquiesce, or at least perceive that we ought to do so; and that by doing so -- by ceasing, that is, to grasp God's Presence any longer -- we find it as never before. Paradoxes of Catholicism
  • Going any longer than that can lead to overtraining.
  • He genuinely feels for his people, and he wants them to be in a position where they don't have to suffer any longer.
  • These seagulls can hardly be called sea birds any longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terror becomes total when it becomes independent of all opposition; it rules supreme when nobody any longer stands in its way.
  • -- for these fellows do not only not know or care for the observance of the city ordinance, which certainly is binding on them, but, relying on a fellow-feeling of vulgarity with the mob, resist all attempts made to remove them from the exercise of their most fearful beggary, which is not even tolerated any longer at Naples. Jersey Street and Jersey Lane Urban and Suburban Sketches
  • Any longer will leave you feeling drowsy. The Sun
  • The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer.
  • It's really weighing her down because she's not living up to her ideals any longer.
  • See also the Sages who noted that the Hebrews had sunken to the lowest levels of the sexually and morally depraved Egyptian culture — having entered “49 of the 50 gates of impurity”, and that the reason they were taken out so abruptly is the danger that had they remained any longer, they would have sunken past the level of being able to be redeemend — as indeed 80% of them already had (seeRashi). The Volokh Conspiracy » Rehabilitating Pharaoh
  • Universities that were endowed by us have fallen so far behind that we cannot any longer recognise their degrees.
  • She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.
  • In his valedictory editorial in the latest issue of the Poetry Review, he could not contain his gloom any longer.
  • I'm not going to waste my time chasing that particular brass ring any longer.
  • The little boy couldn't contain his urine any longer.
  • After standing around at a bus stop in New Oxford Street freezing to death for twenty minutes waiting for a 25, I couldn't be bothered to wait any longer.
  • Eventually Collingwood, unable to maintain his puritan self-denial any longer, aimed a mighty legside heave at Shakib Al Hasan and top-edged a catch to the substitute wicketkeeper, Junaid Siddique, to bring to a close a colourless 33 that contained a single boundary to help illuminate the proceedings. Ian Bell helps England stroll past Bangladesh at Trent Bridge
  • And then he would not suffer me to be any longer in his company, and so drove me from mine heritage, and so disherited me, and he had never pity of me nor of none of my council, nor of my court. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • A divisive element had been injected into the movement during its last phase when the British rulers had found that it was not possible for them to hold any longer.
  • Though the summit commands a view of many miles in all directions, no sign of man is any longer visible.
  • We cannot any longer be a convention that is basically a white convention that anybody can come to, said Pastor Jim Goforth, who leads a multicultural church in Florissant, Mo. Southern Baptists push to overcome racist past
  • Alexander lifted the linen miter from his head; light as it was, he could not bear its weight any longer. THE FAMILY
  • We do not usually compare the statistics of early aseptic days with those of the pre-antiseptic period, and I do not think we ought to compare the statistics of myotic treatment with ordinary iridectomy any longer, but that we should wait until we can make a comparison between the results of prolonged myosis and those of an improved modern technic which establishes a permanent filtration. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • I was so excited that I couldn't keep the good news from her any longer.
  • But you will understand -- I could not come any longer without explaining; and this time you allow young people -- betrothment -- looks so attractive. A Little Girl in Old Boston
  • SECRETARY REICH: The old rules of full capacity don't seem to be directly related any longer to increased employment, because companies are moving toward automation; they're using technology not to reskill and upskill the workers, but to deskill and automate. Press Briefing On Base Closings
  • He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.
  • The wife got herself a rude awakening to the fact that the times have changed, and that some good food and a good heart don't get you anywhere any longer.
  • But let's not belabor this Peter Pan thing any longer.
  • Secondly, Marx was opposed to the state and figured that once capitalist relations of alienation were overthrown, there would be no need for a state any longer.
  • I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.
  • Nobody really wants to debate any longer, they are just interested in scoring points.
  • I won't trespass upon your time any longer.
  • I don't want to deal with these imbeciles any longer.
  • I'd keep an eye out for helicopters hovering overhead if I were him, and I certainly would not allow my wife and children to drive the family vehicle any longer.
  • I am persuasively convinced by the Endsleigh Hotelier that Gilead by Marilynne Robinson should not remain unread on my shelves any longer so that's in the mix. 52 entries from July 2006
  • Perhaps she complimented it by stating that if one entity is going to take the other it won't be a superimposition rather an eclipsing which is not going to travel any longer. Personal Weblog of Deepak Vasudevan
  • There wasn't even a pub any longer and half the cottages were empty, only the old folk left.
  • I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government.
  • I put the cut to my mouth, and sucked the blood from it until it wouldn't bleed any longer.
  • Today's school curriculum is fuller than ever, but the school day isn't any longer.
  • The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer.
  • • Participate in any extracurricular activity they wanted, so long as I was never required to drive farther than 10 minutes to get them there, or to sit on a field in a folding chair in anything but the balmiest weather for any longer than 60 minutes. In Defense of the Guilty, Ambivalent, Preoccupied Western Mom
  • “Mexico has no right,” declared the president, “to jeopard the peace of the world, by urging any longer a useless and fruitless contest.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • I regret to say that we can't stay here any longer.
  • Wednesday that the number of scandals that had "engulfed" Faku since he took office as executive mayor in October 2000 was "far too long and comprehensive to ignore any longer". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government.
  • The priest wears a cope at the beginning, as before; however the deacon and subdeacon do not wear folded chasubles any longer, but rather dalmatic and tunicle. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
  • The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer.
  • ‘The wind used to whistle through the door but not any longer,’ said Mr Ellis, who has lived in the house for 15 years.
  • Unable to bear the situation any longer, Zhang Jianya turned to the court, alleging that Zhang Chun had criminally infringed upon his reputation.
  • I could not keep silent any longer.
  • Their momentum has gone, and they feel they cannot fight any longer.
  • He could not take it any longer, and tried to push up my body extending his left arm.
  • In 2001 teachers in Doncaster and London refused to cover for absences any longer than three days.
  • The difficulty Ducis felt about translating Othello in consequence of the importance given to such a vulgar thing as a handkerchief, and his attempt to soften its grossness by making the M.or reiterate 'Le bandeau! le bandeau!' may be taken as an example of the difference between la tragedie philosophique and the drama of real life; and the introduction for the first time of the word mouchoir at the Theatre Francais was an era in that romantic - realistic movement of which Hugo is the father and M. Zola the enfant terrible, just as the classicism of the earlier part of the century was emphasised by Talma's refusal to play Greek heroes any longer in a powdered periwig -- one of the many instances, by the way, of that desire for archaeological accuracy in dress which has distinguished the great actors of our age. Intentions
  • The install is painless and you rarely need to mess with text files any longer, so pretty much anybody could set it up in a matter of minutes. The LiteStep At Night Desktop | Lifehacker Australia
  • Which temper Jones was now in, we leave the reader to guess, having no exact information about it; but this is certain, that he had spent two hours in expectation, when, being unable any longer to conceal his uneasiness, he retired to his room; where his anxiety had almost made him frantick, when the following letter was brought him from Mrs. Honour, with which we shall present the reader verbatim et literatim. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • I don't want to deal with these imbeciles any longer.
  • You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.
  • Those last few seconds seemed fairly to crawl, so wrought-up was the waiting scout; but finally he concluded that it was no use holding off any longer. The Banner Boy Scouts Afloat or, the Secret of Cedar Island
  • World of Warcraft" is now welcoming his fifth birthday, while it was only a game in which enables the players reincarnate themselves into warlock, warrior, orcish and numen any longer.
  • The rangy Russian opted for surgery in November after a nagging issue got so bad he couldn't play through it any longer. It's Hall ... it's Seguin ... now it's Hall back in the lead!
  • The mention of a bank made him feel guilty about not having a joint account with Bella any longer.
  • No one should be wielding the type of unreviewable power Supreme Court Justices wield for any longer than that, nor should the American legal system be governed by individuals appointed a couple of generations ago, nor should the ideological makeup of the Supreme Court be dictated by the fortuities of the health and longevity of individual Justices. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Supreme Court and the Will to Power:
  • The desk is never unmanned for any longer than a minute at most, and we pick and choose the moments we leave it.
  • If there are still minor domestic problems to face and sort out, don't leave them to fester any longer. The Sun
  • I'd better go and see the dentist-I can't put off the evil hour any longer.
  • At length, Gozlan, like Columbus 'sailors, having more than enough of the tramp, refused to play follow-my-leader any longer; and only after a long palaver was he dragged up one last narrow street dubbed variously the Rue du Bouloi, du Coq Heron, and de la Jussienne throughout its course. Balzac
  • 'Dick,' she said, clutching the young man by the arm, 'I can't abear it any longer. Julia And Her Romeo: A Chronicle Of Castle Barfield From "Schwartz" by David Christie Murray
  • No respectable economist would hazard growth projections for any longer time frame than a decade.
  • But I thought it was physically impossible for an artificial wormhole to stay open any longer.

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