

  1. Emperor of Rome; nephew and son-in-law and adoptive son of Antonius Pius; Stoic philosopher; the decline of the Roman Empire began under Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

How To Use Antoninus In A Sentence

  • The frantic denouncer of simony had himself become a simonist; the indignant opponent of Antoninus had become his secret accomplice; the accuser of misprision had accepted an enormous bribe as the guerdon of misprision. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Only one of the cognomina (third names), Antoneinos (in Latin, Antoninus), remained. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Macellum Report 4
  • Antoninus, when the wisdom of thy rule, long unfelt in a world which has been guided by tyrants and voluptuaries, shall soon obliterate recollection of the manner in which thy power was acquired. Count Robert of Paris
  • This rescript, which is in the next chapter of Eusebius (E.H. iv. 13) is in the sole name of Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Armenius, though Eusebius had just before said that he was going to give us a rescript of Antoninus Pius. Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
  • The praefect of the Gauls comprehended under that plural denomination the kindred provinces of Britain and Spain, and his authority was obeyed from the wall of Antoninus to the foot of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Titus, Trajan, Antoninus, and Constantine still live to fame in unperishing records of marble. Rome in the First and Nineteenth Centuries
  • As it happens, we know the hierophants who served from the reign of Antoninus Pius to ca. 191: Flavius Leosthenes and Julius Hierophantes.
  • There have been six coins recovered from the environs of the fort; single denarii of Galba and Trajan, 2 dupondii of Antoninus Pius and 2 copper coins of uncertain minting.
  • A slave manumitted by a will is not entitled to his peculium unless it is expressly bequeathed to him, though, if the master manumits him in his lifetime, it is enough if it be not expressly taken from him, and to this effect the Emperors Severus and Antoninus have decided by rescript: as also, that a legacy of his peculium to a slave does not carry with it the right to sue for money which he has expended on his master's account, and that a legacy of a peculium may be inferred from directions in a will that a slave is to be free so soon as he has made a statement of his accounts and made up any balance, which may be against him, from his peculium. The Institutes of Justinian
  • The date of the rescript is the third consulship of Antoninus Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
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