
How To Use Antler In A Sentence

  • Flakes with concavities exhibiting steep, unifacial retouch were used to whittle or plane wood, and flakes displaying spurs were used to incise bone or antler.
  • The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • The antlers are placed together, held by sandbags and glued with epoxy.
  • An adjoining room is littered with mementos of more recent island history: a rack of antlers, a rusty plow, and an old dentist's chair.
  • No blood sports are involved: deer shed their antlers once a year. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In "La muerte en el este de Edén/Death in the East of Eden," Hernandez has painted Eve, our foremother, as a dead naked woman wearing the mask of a luchador with orange antlers. Max Benavidez: ELAC's VPAM: A Game Changer for L.A. Art Scene
  • Female reindeer rule over males during the short season when males have shed their antlers prior to growing new ones and the females have not yet shed theirs.
  • They carried candles and wore masks: an eggshell face with antlers; a patchwork harlequin; a Casanova; a Scaramouch. The Faculty Club
  • To make the glyphs, the ancient carvers used chisels, probably of hard, fine-grained quartzite, which they struck with hammers of stone or antler, each blow chipping out one small stone flake.
  • The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool. All Gold Canon
  • Out of its hole it resembles a tompot blenny in shape, but without the antlers and the smile.
  • The ditch around Stonehenge would have been dug using animal bones and deer antlers to loosen the underlying chalk.
  • Bulls and cows in the Tsaatan herd grow velvety racks of antlers.
  • Professor Ian Stewart, Warwick University maths professor and occasional Telegraph contributor, points out: Reindeer have a curious arrangement of gadgetry on top of their heads which we call antlers and naively assume exist for the males to do battle and to win females. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The Abbé Vincent, after sprinkling all the spectators with holy water, presented the paten to the wife of the king's pantler, Jordan, that she might kiss it. Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Naked bone, such as antlers become after velvet is shed, cannot function in heat transmission because their blood supply is lost.
  • We had to slightly badger him to wear the antlers, but he finally gave in. The Sun
  • The collection of deer antler velvet is reportedly quite cruel by western standards.
  • Teeth from a woolly rhino were also found, with a reindeer antler and a deer bone that had been split to extract the marrow.
  • The two branch fork antlers are yellowish-red in the surface and have sparse, rough hair.
  • Bone and antler were used to make dress-pins, hair combs, toggles, needle-cases, handles for iron knives, awls and other domestic equipment.
  • His antlers have seven points.
  • The young bucks in the herd had been rubbing their velvety antlers clean on the blueberry canes.
  • Downfalls include: Accidental harvest of antlered does (rare occurance, but it happens) and difficulty identifying button bucks. NY Hunting Regulations
  • Central America "[and in fact America as a whole]" and the Old World, "makes the following statement (in the course of a discussion of the myths relating to horned snakes in California):" a similar monster, possessing antlers, and sometimes wings, is also very common in Algonkin and Iroquois legends, although rare in art. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck | Field & Stream Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck
  • Dumont would have made "a good pantler, he would have chipp'd bread well;" or, like Scrub, he might have "drawn warrants, or drawn beer," -- but I should doubt if, in a transaction of this nature, the A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part IV., 1795 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Shooting a hen is no more wrong than shooting an antlerless deer, and after you've had a 10-pound hen or even a 6-pound poult roasted whole for Thanksgiving, a Butterball will never satisfy you again. Autumn Gobblers: How To Hunt Turkeys in the Fall
  • L The age of the dag is known by its horns: the firft year exhibits only a dmrt protuberance, which is covered with a hairy ftin; tk next year the horns are diaight and dngle; the third year producd two antlers, the fourth three, the fifth four j and, when, arrived at the fixth year, the antlers amount to fix or feven on, each fide, bal the number is not always certain,. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • Inside, Judith, the pantler, told him to get a list of everything the butcher had sent. Soul of the Fire
  • Brains, teeth, and antlers Relative organ size his been calculated as before.
  • I could tell the deer was a doe; there were no antlers or antler buds that would indicate a buck.
  • My wife can't cook at all. She made chocolate mousse. An antler got stuck in my throat. Rodney Dangerfield 
  • Meanwhile the stags lose their antlers, and grow new, generally larger ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look into their big old reindeer eyes and you'll wish you could love those wise-cracking antlered darlings to pieces, but then they lumber into the air and break the spell.
  • Atop the squared hilltop we spy the silhouetted form of a stag with magnificent antlers.
  • Thread a length of cording through each antler button.
  • Such skulls, with their enormous racks of antlers, adorn the walls of castles and hunting lodges throughout Ireland.
  • Unfortunately his antlers and part of his back have been erased by dripping water but otherwise he is still strong and clear.
  • On an April day in 2009, a Texas man called a co-worker and told him to take a half dozen mounted white-tailed deer and antlers and "get them out of here. Front Page
  • Solid horns, called antlers, distinguish most species in the deer family from the other hoofed mammals.
  • The colours came from mixtures of haematite with other minerals, and antler apatite crystals were also noted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone dressed head-to-toe as some kind of antlered beast wandered around the dancefloor. newsfeed
  • Since then the head has been examined by experts and is found to have antlers with 16 points.
  • Matt had found a mangled antler base in a bale from the same field …. harvested during the first crop, taken several weeks earlier! Hay, Now That's a Find!
  • One thing I would ad though is that the find should be doubled if you just remove the head or antlers from the deer and leave the rest lay. Fining Poachers Based On Boone and Crockett Scores
  • Maybe he would hook Lincoln with one of the antlers.
  • The bucks are now growing their new antlers, which are quite short but very elegant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mammalian liver can regenerate if a part of it is removed, the antlers of male deer regenerate each year, and fractured bones can mend by a regenerative process.
  • His first care was to obtain some refreshment, which was more cheerfully afforded him by a good-natured pantler than by Dryfesdale, who was, on this occasion, much disposed to abide by the fashion of The Abbot
  • Bone and antler were used to make dress-pins, hair combs, toggles, needle-cases, handles for iron knives, awls and other domestic equipment.
  • There were many more items - including beakers, boars' tusks, an antler spatula for working flints, another copper knife and more flints - these would have been tools, some in mint condition.
  • Velvet antler's relationship to recovery from traumatic injury could possibly explain its effectiveness against arthritis.
  • Badge of maturity, 12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone; they serve also as formidable weapons.
  • They wore moose antler "Sverige" hats and yellow and blue Sweden shirts. rss feed
  • Megaloceros had large palmate antlers with a span up to 3.7 m and a weight around 45 kg.
  • The bucks have small tusks and antlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the fuzzy velvet is stripped off (sometimes in sparring matches which precede the rut), the antlers of both males and females become a pure, shining white.
  • The cervina type had the smallest and the palmated the largest carcass weight, antler spread and tine numbers.
  • The buck shook his antlers ferociously.
  • Use this to cut four antlers from felt. The Sun
  • Dismantlers are always a good source of interior and exterior trim (though bumpers are often the first thing to go in an accident).
  • Here's a closeup of Mike now that his velvet has vanished, showing the injury on his right brow antler.
  • Stags can defend themselves with their antlers but the hinds have no defence and are often attacked by the hounds.
  • If you go to my profile (click my username) and look at photos there is a pic of a Kansas game warden holding a set of B&C whitetail antlers from a buck shot at night with a $2,000 nightscope on a BAR. If your not going to eat it , why would you shoot a animal?
  • Categories: antler, bruce taylor, linda aschbrenner, philip dacey, ralph murre, susan firer charles p. ries | ries reviews March « 2010 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • This type is characterized by a square cross section and an offset shaft that served to seat the awl in a bone or antler handle.
  • The species of Yucatan and southern Mexico have small lyrate antlers with few, short tines, rather different from the broader type of the more northern species with well developed secondary tines. Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • Dismantlers are always a good source of interior and exterior trim (though bumpers are often the first thing to go in an accident).
  • The question probably didn't nag those seeing in the year while wearing reindeer antlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • No blood sports are involved: deer shed their antlers once a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are pigmy giraffes, large giraffes with moose-like antlers and elephant-like creatures with downward-curving tusks in the lower jaw.
  • Stimulation Growth . Velvet antler is an extremely rich, fast growing tissue that contains many growth factors.
  • On Monoke, Chantler was using electronic devices to treat piano, guitar, xylophone and local Japanese instruments and arranging his sounds into complex structures.
  • Indeed, when does don’t get enough to eat while pregnant and nursing, any male offspring they produce will have stunted antler growth for their entire lives. Smithsonian Mag
  • My daughter and I made the reindeer cupcakes: chocolate fairy cakes with a chocolate icing and a glacé cherry for a nose and chocolate antlers, and gave them to her friends along with a Christmas card, much to their delight.
  • From several metres, the youths take turns lassoing the antlers with rope, like cowboys rustling cattle.
  • Yes | No | Report from janina wrote 19 weeks 6 days ago well just to inform everyone my daughter was the one that was struck in the face by a deer's antler and it was not a minor scratch she was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and was then given 5 stiches in her face it to close the hole in her cheek. Deer Vs.
  • Some of what we call horns and antlers are made of keratin, and some are made of calcium.
  • The graving tool, or burin, was of critical importance, for it enabled people to cut strips of fresh reindeer antler to manufacture specialized tools. G. The Spread of Modern Humans in the Old World (100,000 to 12,000 Years Ago)
  • Yonder she marches, heaven bless her! through the old oak hall (how long the shadows of the antlers are on the wainscot, and the armor of Rollo Fitz-Boodle looks in the sunset as if it were emblazoned with rubies) -- yonder she marches, stately and tall, in her invariable pearl-colored tabbinet, followed by Lady Dawdley, blazing like a flamingo; next comes Lady Emily Tufthunt (she was Lady The Fitz-Boodle Papers
  • Also, consider that the antler is in sense acting as a plug, compacting the flesh and blood vessels and restricting blood flow (similar to a tourniquet). Field & Stream
  • Dr. B. loved it and would scrunch up his face in that way that made his moustache wiggle when I'd launch into the description of the annual Miss Antler contest.
  • Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck
  • Nor would anyone call a fawn acquiring antlers once it matured evolution. what's new online!
  • Stone tools are virtually indestructible, whereas organic materials - bone, antler, wood, leather, sinews, cordage, basketry, featherwork, etc. - decay under most normal conditions.
  • Males are often bigger, more muscular, and have built-in weaponry - tusks, antlers, horns, spines, bigger teeth, or skulls built for butting.
  • The main beam of an Elk’s antlers can reach up to 5 feet in length.
  • The toughness of antler makes it ideal for making the handles to knives and other tools.
  • THIS antelope must feel like its head is spinning - after a spider set up home in its antlers. The Sun
  • Bucks normally have two matching protrusions of antlers that rise several inches in the middle of their racks almost over their eye brows, hence the term brow tines. KGBT 4 - KGBT - News of the Rio Grande Valley
  • They made fanciful designs with dots, lines and geometric patterns on walls, antlers and other things.
  • The great antlered heads peer out of a forest-green wall at either side of a marble fireplace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pewter was used to make cheap jewellery and was cast in moulds made from antler, engraved Roman tiles and clay, although stamped pewter jewellery was also made.
  • The branch next to the head is called the brow antler.
  • In the following year the antlers take the form shown in Fig. 4, and then follows the antler shown in Fig. 5, _a_, which generally has "forks" in place of points, and is known as forked antler in contradistinction to the point antler shown in Fig. 5, _b_, which retains the shape of the antler, Fig. 4, but has additional or intermediate prongs or branches. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • During the course of the season the antlers are given to long standing friends of the hunt and the meat carcasses are distributed amongst the hunting landowners.
  • The mud roof was covered with lynx, beaver, and other furs laid out to dry, beaver paws were pinned out on the logs, a part of the carcass of a deer hung at one end of the cabin, a skinned beaver lay in front of a heap of peltry just within the door, and antlers of deer, old horseshoes, and offal of many animals, lay about the den. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Antlers, a bear skin, and a stuffed marten weave into a motif of Ebay antiques, giving the place an eclectic feel. Jeanne Devon ("AKMuckraker"): Chuitna and the Curse of Coal
  • Take "Lauren 2 of 5, '' by Melanie Boisseau of Cambridge: We see a nude woman, an intaglioed tattoo in blue ink on her left arm, face made anonymous by a skull with antlers. Top Stories
  • This paper retrospectively reviews the literature on the antler and summarizes its components and pharmaceutical actions.
  • The prized antlers were awarded to Sir Robin after a victory in the Treasury's golf tournament.
  • And once the antlers are officially scored, it is likely to be an Ohio record for a nontypical deer killed by a muzzleloader. Ohio Hunter Bags Potential State-Record Buck With Potential World-Record Beams
  • Chief among the amendments to the bill was a section creating a permit that would allow a landowner to kill antlerless white-tailed deer believed to be depredating crops.
  • Older bulls lose their antlers in December, following the rut, while the younger males may keep theirs as late as February.
  • The most magnificent of these was a buck's head - antlers and all - which was mounted above the fireplace.
  • The huge antler spikes were within a few yards of her, and in a flash of numbing fear she remembered Mortimer's warning, to beware of horned beasts on the farm.
  • At one point Rachel and Aiden have a freakish incident with a herd of malicious deer, and later there is reference to antlers that didn't seem to have any explanation.
  • I did not see the slobber that was coming out of his nose and mouth, I did not see the antlers on his head, all I saw was my 40 yard pin pegged on his vitals. Recommended Minimum Bow Draw Weight for Elk?
  • They make their way down to the river, walk into the water up to their shoulders, swim across the deeper channel in the middle, their antlers waggling above the ripples, and calmly walk out again on the other side.
  • How did people who were armed only with weapons of stone, antler, ivory, wood and sinew successfully hunt such beasts as mammoths in the Clovis phase or bison in the subsequent Folsom and Plano periods?
  • The deer with three tined antlers can be seen in some places.
  • I now realise it's actually a feeding station for large antlered beasts of the night.
  • The reindeer are always depicted as having antlers, so Santa's outriders must all be females.
  • The question probably didn't nag those seeing in the year while wearing reindeer antlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poachers in search of antlers prey on red deer.
  • In this case, a large " staghorn " calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • Over the last couple of years, Thomas Amrein and colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have shown that the culprit is the traditional leavening agent: not familiar baking soda or powders, but ammonium bicarbonate, which is sometimes called hartshorn because it was originally obtained by heating deer antlers.
  • Rusine is not listed in its alphabetical place, but if you look for it where it should be, you're bound to see the entry for rusine antler, at which rusine is etymologized as being from New Latin rusa + English - ine. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 2
  • One is covered with fur, adorned with antlers, and mounted like a hunting trophy.
  • Hat, gun and rod racks of feet, antlers and heads in various combinations are mentioned elsewhere and occasionally some one attempts an electrolier of antlers, mounted either on the heads or separately. Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit A Guide for Those Who Wish to Prepare and Mount Animals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, etc., for Home, Den, or Office Decoration
  • Yes | No | Report from tmanhill wrote 46 weeks 4 days ago the lab and with the antler is awesome Trophy Room: Photos of the Week
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has reduced antlerless permits by 51 percent from 2,882 to 1,400 during 2000-2004 and recently proposed 100 permits for 2006 – a 96 percent decrease from the 2,660 permits issued in 1995. any wonder hunters are getting totally miffed by the [apparent] lack of proper game management and wolves? Are you following the information recently posted here on wolves in Idaho and Yellowstone etc.? There is some real juicy stuff.
  • We had to slightly badger him to wear the antlers, but he finally gave in. The Sun
  • The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight will be the heavyweight in the fight. Christianity Today
  • Yes | No | Report from tmanhill wrote 49 weeks 4 days ago the lab and with the antler is awesome Trophy Room: Photos of the Week
  • Growth of an organ, such as a buck's antlers, requires additional nourishment and that means additional blood flow.
  • As we departed, the family's teenage son rode up on a reindeer, its fuzzy rack of antlers almost bigger than he.
  • This buck in my backyard is sporting the beginnings of some velvet clad antlers Field & Stream
  • In all cases, they consist of a single tine removed from a palmate section of an antler beam.
  • Male reindeer, known as bulls, shed their antlers after the autumn rut and they are no longer dominant.
  • Then, far off and winding down the slopes, a bronze horn blew, calling antlered cattle home. Do you ever read writing?
  • The bucks are now growing their new antlers, which are quite short but very elegant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The few antlered stag-heads upon the walls were mangey and dusty; the strip of arras that swayed softly in the draught of a window only sufficed to accentuate the sordid nature of that once pretentious interior. Doom Castle
  • One possibility is sexual selection: a brightly colored male fish or a male deer sporting large antlers may have a better chance of attracting or fighting for mates than males that lack such traits.
  • Greenwell discovered numerous antler picks scattered throughout the mine as well as the ground stone axe made of greenstone from Cornwall.
  • First, finding antlers is just plain fun, with the added lure that shed hunting is primo when a lot of other pursuits are, well, not so primo. Bittersweet Finds
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • One lordly stag wheeled with antlers high, gazed at our flight, and vanished, leaving us in that dreadful stillness, and a cold eerie wind whined and sighed over us. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • On large canvas slabs, he uses a thick rust-colored paint and applies objects such as antler-shaped branches, a door latch or a metal chain.
  • The older members of the herd have full sets of antlers and prominent wooly humps, but they only walk.
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • Maybe he would hook Lincoln with one of the antlers.
  • In some clubs or associations it's forbidden to hunt antlered stag in battue.
  • The male deer grows large branching horns called antlers.
  • The antler measurement provides a very precise time for the death of this animal, since caribou form and cast their antlers annually, and females keep theirs throughout the winter.
  • But there is something absurd about the way they circle this territory like two ancient stags, their antlers locked in some primeval combat, whose origins is long forgotten.
  • The first was from Steve Newcomb from Ohio, who reported seeing a buck with antlers in late March. When Do Bucks Shed Their Antlers?
  • The bucks have short antlers that point backwards, and small tusks that are in fact protruding teeth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knee-deep in the water, with drooping head and half-shut eyes, drowsed a red-coated, many-antlered buck. All Gold Cañon
  • His helpers, wearing bright yellow jackets, tinsel and antlers, carried on through the streets of Welling as best they could but onlookers could not help but be disappointed at his non-appearance.
  • It seems as if the butler and the pantler had their own separate quarters; and the different species of wine, and the vessels for holding it, are not forgotten. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • He was getting the minerals and salts from the shed by chewing on it, a few days later I went back to the tree and found the shed on the ground, so I brought it home and it now sits with the rest of my antler collection. Shed Hunting
  • I had been in place no more than 15 minutes when I saw the antlers coming through the brush.
  • They made entirely new types of tools; like spear throwers, antler straighteners, backed points, burins, shoulder points and borers.
  • And he had the bishop's apron framed, and hung it in the parsonage hail, from a red-deer's antlers, with the name and date below.
  • Remedies to right the imbalance include snake gallbladder, powdered deer antlers, and rhinoceros horn, as well as hundreds of different combinations of herbs.
  • A clubhouse, bathing beach, aerial swing, chute-the-chutes, and a miniature railway were added and the spot became known as ` Antlers Park - reached via the Dan Patch Electric Line’.
  • There will always be the group that has to straddle the line between legal and illegal and there will always be the guy that "huntcamp" points out that will cut the antlers from a deer and walk away. If your not going to eat it , why would you shoot a animal?
  • It occurs in all musical forms, from the first antler beaten against a taut animal skin to the most ornate symphony.
  • Researchers say the creature’s single antler, which pokes up like a cowlick from the middle of its head, may be the result of a genetic anomaly — although its twin has two horns, the AP reports. Associated Press: Unicorn Found in Italy « Skid Roche
  • In the absolutely necessary intercourse with domestics, Louise, more accustomed to expedients, bolder by habit, and desirous to please Catharine, willingly took on herself the trouble of getting from the pantler the materials of their slender meal, and of arranging it with the dexterity of her country. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Except for female caribou, only male deer grow antlers, which they shed each year.
  • He was an Indian named Manny Elk Antler, a Pawnee, supposedly. STONE CITY
  • His antlers, whose symmetry and palmation seemed perfect, were estimated to have a spread of sixty inches at least. Kings in Exile
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight will be the heavyweight in the fight. Christianity Today
  • Similar patterns hold for many horned or antlered mammals, including African antelope, deer, and pronghorn.
  • Flakes with concavities exhibiting steep, unifacial retouch (‘spokeshaves’) were used to whittle or plane wood, and flakes displaying spurs were used to incise bone or antler.
  • Meanwhile, Lister cast doubt on another possible explanation for the deer's demise - the male's huge antlers.
  • The antler tines may have been used as pressure flakers on stone projectile points and knives, although there was no evidence of microdebitage imbedded in the damaged tips.
  • Reindeer, both wild and semi-domesticated, are the only members of the deer family in which both sexes grow antlers.
  • At length the hour of noon arrived; she had taken care to provide, under pretence of her own wishes, which the pantler seemed disposed to indulge, such articles of food as could be the most easily conveyed to the unhappy captive. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • A 6 pt. about a 22in. spread and the brow tines were 6in. or so the G2's were about12,13in. and nothing else other than main antler that stretched out another 15 or so in s was waiting to hear of this non typ. to be advertised! it was approx. mile marker 184 of the ohio TP which is the area of (bedford) 0 Good Comment? Ohio Hunter Bags Potential State-Record Buck With Potential World-Record Beams
  • Today all these figures are carved in wood, but materials such as bone, tusk, soapstone and reindeer antler are not commonly used.
  • The antlers of the giant deer, or Irish elk, grew as large as 10 feet across.
  • Grotesque; spined and tusked, spiked and antlered, wenned and breasted; as chimerically angled, cusped and cornute as though they were the superangled, supercornute gods of the cusped and angled gods of the Javanese, they strove against the sledge-headed and smiting, the multiarmed and blasting square towers. The Metal Monster
  • René de Cossé married into the Gouffier family, just then very powerful at court, and became _premier panelier_ (chief pantler) to Louis Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Ammonium carbonate is a byproduct of hartshorn, a substance extracted from deer antlers (harts horn).
  • Before that, they are in velvet [growing antlers] and milling about in big herds like cows and do not represent a sporting quarry.
  • Only true deer have antlers.
  • Robert Frank has argued in a very important book called The Darwin Economy that excessive competition in nature produces what he called the antler effect. Is capitalism broken... and what is the world going to do to fix it?
  • The deer - a thick, blockish buck with bold antlers - was visible instantly.
  • And they expect all manner of antlered creatures to bound out into the road, even in the middle of Penicuik.
  • There is also a photo on that same page (of my photofile) of a Kansas game warden holding the antlers of a monster shot at night by a poacher using a nightscope on a Browning BAR Alleged Father-and-Son Poachers Charged With Killing 26-Point Giant
  • In "La muerte en el este de Edén/Death in the East of Eden," Hernandez has painted Eve, our foremother, as a dead naked woman wearing the mask of a luchador with orange antlers. Max Benavidez: ELAC's VPAM: A Game Changer for L.A. Art Scene
  • The eclectic decor includes tractor-seat barstools and antlers on the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a stuffed deer in the Nature House at the Nature Park, a small buck with two points on each antler.
  • The report reveals that this past Saturday, Palin addressed the eager crowd in a room filled with 315 deer, 87 elk, 11 moose, 132 other antlered species, 38 lions, 27 leopards, 15 wolves, and 48 bears. Palin: 'We Eat Organic -- We Just Have To Shoot It First'
  • Other times and places he wore elk antlers instead, or the fibrous horns of a rhino, dancing about the walls of torch-lit caverns with feather and paw, fin and claw.
  • He was an Indian named Manny Elk Antler, a Pawnee, supposedly. STONE CITY
  • Tendons and sinews are still used for sewing and putting together the cone shaped Laitok tents; the antlers for fashioning tools, fishing hooks and ornaments.
  • In most cervids, only males have antlers (but both sexes bear them in caribou).
  • As the antlers grow, they branch into increasingly larger forks. Smithsonian Mag
  • With its curved and branched antlers, the Kanha barasingha is often considered the most handsome deer.
  • It may be an "illegal take" in the technical sense but it ain't remotely even close to the sort of person who jacks a deer at night or takes a trophy animal, lops off the antlers, and leaves the carcass to rot. Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death
  • Although, therefore, it may be contended that the swollen carcass of a drowned exotic deer might be borne along a diluvial wave to a considerable distance, and its bones ultimately deposited far from its native soil, _it is not credible that all the solid shed antlers of such species of deer could be carried by the same cause to the same distance_; or that any of them could be rolled for a short distance, with other heavy debris of a mighty torrent, without fracture and signs of friction. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • One summer morning a rack of antlers was visible in the distant meadow where the night before a pack of 14 wolves had taken down a bull elk.

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