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  1. of or relating to an antitype that represents an opposite
  2. of or relating to an antitype that is a symbol

How To Use antitypical In A Sentence

  • The guaranteed, antitypical blessings for the elect rest exclusively upon the meritorious work of Christ.
  • This distinction is also clear in the antitypical relation. The Last Reformation
  • How much more while the antitypical atonement is going on in heaven, should those who minister in sacred things be holy.
  • (Messiah, the antitypical "Israel"), the antecedent there (Isa 49: 3), we have "she" here, that is, Jerusalem. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It has Romeo and Juliet undertones and both Hilton and Borgnine who usually play good guy roles here play antitypical bad guys.
  • The truest meaning in the book of Revelation is its antitypical or Spiritual meaning.
  • Israel, both the literal and the spiritual (including the innocents), at the Lord's second advent, are antitypical of the restoration of Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This was done by the priests, and the church is a part of the antitypical priesthood.
  • The more remote and antitypical event, however, namely, Messiah's coming, is that to which he always hastens, and which he describes with far more minuteness than he does the nearer type; for example, Cyrus (compare Isa 45: 1 with Isa 53: 1-12). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • n. - object or person prefigured by the type or symbol. antitypic, antitypical, Xml's
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