

  1. winds blowing from west to east and lying above the trade winds in the tropics

How To Use antitrade In A Sentence

  • Instead of urging more diversification, the antitrade prescription winds up suggesting less—hardly a recipe for resilience. The Fantasy of Survivalism
  • That makes it hard for him to rebuff his antitrade base, who will say this Section 301 case and its ilk are simply attempts to enforce trade laws. Obama's Outsourced Trade Policy
  • Also, intimated that they are predjudiced and antitrade because they are frustrated. Geoffrey Garin: Obama's Small-Town Comments Would Damage Him In General Election -- And Super-Dels Should Consider Them
  • These belts are the doldrums, the trades and antitrades, the horse latitudes, the westerlies, and the polar winds
  • As air is sucked towards the equator on the trade winds and rises, it loses its moisture as rainfall before moving back towards the poles on the antitrade winds.
  • To combat protectionism, they should direct the WTO to name and shame anyone taking antitrade measures, starting the following week. We Need a G20 Reality Check
  • Our concern about current trade policy is the antitrade rhetoric of the Obama administration. RETURN TO PROSPERITY
  • The fourth level indicates typical positions of the polar and subtropical jet streams, and also depicts the antitrade winds.
  • Taking a new course through the North in the hope of finding the antitrade winds, Urdaneta discovered the Tornaviaje route which allowed him to reach California and travel along the coastline of New Spain.
  • To exploit these opportunities, Mr. Obama will have to overcome the antitrade bias of his first two years. A Better G-20 Agenda
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