How To Use Antithesis In A Sentence
Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
his theory is the antithesis of mine
I stand here today humbled works on antithesis, a putting of terms into opposition with each other, whereby stand, apart from connoting the witness stand and stealing some of its sincerity, erects an uprightness to contrast with the lowness of humbled, from the Latin humus, meaning earth.
Some of the most rapidly growing towns in the mid-nineteenth century were the very antithesis of industrial centres: these were the seaside resorts, fashionable spas, and tourist attractions, such as Rome.
The dictionary as a mode of literature is the antithesis of automatic writing, that disembodied burbling of the unconscious.

But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
The Edmonton Oilers dynasty of the 1980s was the direct antithesis of the Flyers.
Othello's account of the origins of the handkerchief, another example of this discoursal antithesis, combines, in a contrastive fugal pattern, domestic detail and the mystical sublime of an empowering love.
Here in that contrast, the antithesis between the interests of Consumers' and Producers' Co-operation is sharply presented.
[*] Though the judge's portrait, reprinted in White Heat, suggests the very antithesis of Byronic romance, it was very likely Lord in whose arms Emily Dickinson was reputedly once seen "reclining" in the Homestead parlor by her scandalized neighbor/sister-in-law Susan Dickinson.
The Woman in White
That selfish behavior is the antithesis of what ‘good’ Christians are taught.
Another mode is the antithesis of rhythmical quantities through verse catalepsis.
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
The play, after all, is the very antithesis of the romantic drama its enigmatic title might suggest.
It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
It is the antithesis of the still-prevailing Greek worldview which adulates logic and the laws of nature as absolute.
She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister.
The antithesis of light and day, or the opposite.
Poetic prose may not be the best prose, just as (to use a false antithesis) dull poetry is called prosaic; but there is no natural antagonism between prose and verse as literary mediums, provided always that the spirit that animates them be akin.
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact.
Chapter 35
It is a conservative viewpoint in the true sense, which makes it the antithesis of contemporary neoconservatism and neoliberalism, as well as all universalist ideologies.
If our dress and bearing sheltered us generally from the suspicion of being "raff" (the name at that period for "snobs" [Footnote: "_Snobs_," and its antithesis, "_nobs_," arose among the internal factions of shoemakers perhaps ten years later.
The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc
An accompaniment played by corneas and sackbuts would be unthinkable here, for they are the instruments of ceremony, and with its bitter text this is the antithesis of a ceremonial work.
The antithesis he relied upon is between at the one extreme, vague ideas, pipedreams and perhaps a little more specifically, a concrete ‘wish list’ and, at the other, a working embodiment for a proposal.
The antithesis creates balance but also invites the reader to weigh the scales.
Their lustrous lacquer finishes and intricate inlays, undeniably ornamental, were the antithesis of machine production.
In philosophy, the term (with its antithesis "heteronomy") was applied by
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
Thus the name indicated the joy of the people at the fancied propitiation of the god by this sacrifice; in antithesis to its joyless name subsequently. valley of slaughter -- It should be the scene of slaughter, no longer of children, but of men; not of "innocents" (Jer 19: 4), but of those who richly deserved their fate.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The revelation of this mystical wholeness occurs through the dialectic: a thesis is manifest and contested by its antithesis, the resolution of which, leads to a new thesis and so on.
Pure pragmatism is the antithesis of populism, and Washington tars politicians with mark of the unprincipled politician.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggers think Repubs should associate with Tea Party. Disagree on whether independent run would help Crist
The perception of plants as unimportant is the antithesis of the idea we should be promulgating, which is developing an appreciation of our dependence on plants for food, shelter, and medicine.
Charles Darwin explained the shoulder shrug by the " principle of unconscious antithesis ".
In life, she appeared the antithesis of suicidal ideation: excellent grades, well-liked in school and community, babysitting neighbors' children, teaching Sunday School to three and four-year-olds her "tiny ones", bright-eyed when speaking, frequently, of her thoughtful plans for the future, mature beyond her years.
If, then, the veracity of consciousness be unconditionally admitted -- _if the intuitive knowledge of matter and mind_, and the consequent reality of their antithesis, be taken as truths," the doctrine of Natural Realism is established, and, "without any hypothesis or demonstration, the _reality of mind_ and the _reality of matter_." [
Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirtysomethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
Since stagnation is the antithesis of growth, it is also the antithesis of life.
That, alone, which has to be guarded against is the falsity, the instinctive duplicity which _would fain_ regard this antithesis as no antithesis at all: just as Wagner did, — and his mastery in this kind of falseness was of no mean order.
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
So that modern monopoly is not a simple antithesis, it is on the contrary the true synthesis.
He was the antithesis of the archetypal young black man, particularly as those seen though pre-1994 racist eyes as being illiterate, arrogant, uncouth and untutored.
This is the love that is the antithesis of control.
After a twenty year study of immigrant families in Roseto, and a comparable study in a nearby, non-immigrant town, they found that health and welfare were dependent on what they called cohesion, the opposite of isolation and the antithesis of distrust.
Robert Fuller: Bleeding Heart Liberals Proven Right: Too Much Inequality Harms a Society
Boxing’s two most gifted and stylish performers, in their prime the antithesis of the brute fighter, ended up indistinguishable from the broken-down old pugs they were sure they’d never become.
Not only was the antithesis between the finite and the eternal, the human and the divine, treated by him as ontologically fundamental; in the final analysis it also governed the picture he drew of human nature and its basic orientation.
Deep reading and shallow reading are different in reading contents, purposes, actions and psychology. Deep reading is not the antithesis of shallow reading, but discreteness .
This is not an easy case to argue in societies like ours, where a kind of narcissistic individualism is continually on display, creating a selfish cult of celebrity that is the antithesis of the values I'm advocating.
The point was to provide an actual, analyzable, empirical case where the thesis-antithesis-synthesis example you provided could be tested.
More Polling Deflates Notion Of Left "Angry" With Obama's Cabinet Picks
You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirty-somethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
A cage or cluster is in a certain sense the antithesis of a complex.
Yet Edward always saw reconciliation in the form of its antithesis or opposite.
This antithesis of two different worlds truly serves as a classification of groups, i.e., insiders and outsiders.
But since then Csikszentmihalyi’s theory seems to have lost traction, so I was intrigued to hear my Turkish friend (in gridlocked traffic that was the antithesis of flow!) update me on a couple of recent studies (copies of which he subsequently sent me) that have rehabilitated the notion of flow.
May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
The "men" is emphatic; men of sense; in antithesis to "vain boasting." mockest -- upbraidest God by complaints, "shall no man make thee ashamed?
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
Even though the two loadmasters could be mistaken for brothers, he's the antithesis of Sergeant Johnson.
The streets of New York are full of people from all walks, races, creeds, colors; they are the antithesis of a gated sprawling suburban development.
With a remarkable 37 or so ingredients, many of which are polysyllabic chemical compounds, Twinkies would seem to embody the antithesis of that rule …
What’s In A Twinkie? | Impact Lab
THE DISCUSSION up to this point has shown numerous regularities among parties to a conflict—mixtures of antithesis and synthesis, superordination of one over the other, mutual restrictions as well as intensifications.
Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
In Weigel's topsy-turvy world, the bishops' main failing was not arrogance but its antithesis: passivity.
Frauen, which is the fruit of much careful thought and impressive because of its antithesis and use of contrast.
Essays of Schopenhauer
Every synthesis becomes a new thesis, which becomes the target of a new antithesis.
This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.
Dapper of dress and genial of manner, Corbett seems the antithesis of the tortured comic suffering endless agonies for his art.
Isa 3: 12; Ec 10: 16). babes -- in warlike might; antithesis to "the mighty" and "man of war.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Thus the antithesis is appropriate in the words following, "But we were gentle (the opposite of pressing weightily) among you" (1Th 2: 7).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Stanley Cavell sees (hears) Poe's prose as "a parody's of philosophy's" (111) in just this respect, its iterative paranoia and "impish" wordplay as the mad antithesis of any overcome skepticism about the credited and signified world.
Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
Instances are quoted of highly contrived antithesis, of mixed metaphor and elaborate circumlocution.
That grandness is achieved with two schemes: anastrophe (inversion of normal word order) and antithesis (juxtaposition of contrasting ideas).
For years bookselling in this country was the antithesis of samey but as Waterstone's became a massive corporate presence they started consolidating their business bringing in elements of sameyness.
In a passage that brilliantly demonstrates the rhetorical devices we saw earlier in Shakespeare's poetry, such as stichomythia, antithesis, parison, and isocolon (see Chapter 1), Hamlet makes plain that he is on the offensive.
Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.
Patience is the direct antithesis of anger. Allan Lokos
With his cane, his downcast eyes, and bandy legged gait, he is the antithesis of Hollywood muscle-bound steroid cases.
Bodies are the antithesis of try-hard fashions - how try-hard can one unadorned, unfancy stretchy piece of fabric be?
Times, Sunday Times
An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
This opposition provides the most convincing rationale for his famous antithesis between bureaucracy and charisma.
Then, by weighing arguments and applying rules of logic, the thesis and antithesis are united into a synthesis.
By an antithesis one can get an effect instead of supplying a thought.
While the local media is more than happy to glorify our emergent hip-hop scene they seem a little more troubled when it comes to dealing with a band who manage to balance indie with its supposed antithesis; bubblegum pop.
The recipe below features boneless, skinless chicken breasts, which are the antithesis of cool.
Hence what Kant called the antinomy of taste: Thesis -- the judgment of taste is not based on principles, for otherwise we would determine it by proofs; antithesis -- the judgment of taste is based on principles, for otherwise, despite our disagreements, we should not be quarreling about it.
The Principles of Aesthetics
National exclusivism is the antithesis of socialism.
In setting up this notion of love as transcending law, the author is engaging in a false antithesis, for true love will not seek anything that is in opposition to the law of God.
Thanks to the collapse of communism the political antithesis between Left and Right is less important.Sentence dictionary
He unfolds it there as the antithesis between sin and grace.
The only strict antithesis to Prose is Metre; nor is this, in truth, a _strict_ antithesis, because lines and passages of metre so naturally occur in writing prose, that it would be scarcely possible to avoid them, even were it desirable.]
Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
As a matter of fact no antithesis exists between deduction and induction.
Chopin, "the poet of the piano, " was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin's more refined genius.
This antithesis found its synthesis in Stoicism, the philosophy of both master and slave… and so on.
He was the antithesis of the ‘governmental’ socialist: in revolt against the taxman, the big banks, the judicial system, a tribune of the people emerging from a classic Left in deep trouble.
But simply put, he is a huckster, the antithesis of the anti-politician, and someone with limited green credentials, to say the least.
The threat of intimidation and violence to those exercising this right is the antithesis of how a law-abiding and civilized nation conducts itself.
He unfolds it there as the antithesis between sin and grace.
Everything has its antithesis - nothing can exist without its opposite.
The final compiler and editor, to whom we are indebted for the collection in its present form, undoubtedly found the sweeping scepticism of the poet Agur and the pious protestations of his anonymous adversary, the thesis and the antithesis, inextricably interwoven in the section now known as the thirtieth chapter.
The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
In the domestic sphere the policy was equally fundamental, for tariff reform was seen as the antithesis of socialism.
Preachers at black churches are the last people left in the English-speaking world who know the schemes and tropes of classical rhetoric: parallelism, antithesis, epistrophe, synec-doche, metonymy, periphrasis, litotes-the whole bag of tricks.
The Two Malcontents
Though the Jews were concerned about Adam and the consequences of his actions, the Jewish tradition knows no antithesis of this sort between the first human being and the messiah.
But I have to question your motives when MyAntithesis seems to be your copatriot….
Think Progress » Rep. Jim Moran: Bush Was Warned To Be ‘Extra Sensitive’ About Webb’s Son
III. ii.439 (293,5) [to a living humour of madness] If this be the true reading we must by _living_ understand _lasting_, or _permanent_, but I cannot forbear to think that some antithesis was intended which is now lost; perhaps the passage stood thus, _I drove my suitor from a_ dying _humour of love to a living humour of madness_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
Describing the average Orangeman as ‘the last thing in obscurantism, prejudice, and ignorance,’ he viewed the Order as the antithesis of an Irish Ireland citizenry.
Joe was the antithesis of Leslie - big and blond, with considerable colonial machismo.
Dionysus is the libertine Id, the horny kid, the spirit of tragedy and comedy, an aesthetics of passion which stands as antithesis to an "Apollonian" aesthetics of reason.
An A-Z Of This Blog
And, of course, the antithesis is the dreaded bumper-to-bumper traffic jam, where we feel so out of control.
Sunday Scribblings-Driving My Life
Biologically speaking, Bonnie is almost the antithesis of the narrator.
REVIEW: The Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia
It's a great Australian and human story exemplifying the antithesis of current Coalition values.
My favorite "germanophilosophologism" that I can recall is "aufhebung" English: sublation, the term referring to the moment when the thesis and antithesis are brought together and lifted up into the synthesis while simultaneously retained in "self-preserving sameness".
Ian Anderson and The Zeitgeist Follies
While tumidity desires to transcend the limits of the sublime, the defect which is termed puerility is the direct antithesis of elevation, for it is utterly low and mean and in real truth the most ignoble vice of style.
Archive 2010-03-01
The new antithesis forms out of elements of the original contradiction that didn't make it into the synthesis.
Grammar, (word or clause) expressing opposition or antithesis. adj. - lacking strength; causing weakness. adynamia, n ..
Okay, there's the thesis and antithesis, where's the synthesis?
If the major parties manage to get their heads round the concepts, we could see the exact antithesis of The Big Conversation.
An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
I hope you are not being stingy, which is the antithesis of an autumnal attitude.
Dr. Cara Barker: An Equinox Prescription for Love, This Autumn
Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.
But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister.
He gets a job working for IBM, the acme of corporate, conformist paternalism, the antithesis of bohemianism.
True, he usually plays more of a Type-B schlump than a Type-A captain, but he's cast as the Green Hornet to be directed by Michel Gondry, the antithesis of J. J. Abrams, so we'll see how he pulls off superherodom.
Archive 2009-04-01
Often the synthesis, though adequately reconciling the previous thesis and antithesis, will turn out to be one-sided in some other respect.
'Give me liberty, or give me death' is an example of antithesis.
I fail to see any antithesis between deconstruction and construction.
This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.
With his cane, his downcast eyes, and bandy legged gait, he is the antithesis of Hollywood muscle-bound steroid cases.
Instances are quoted of highly contrived antithesis, of mixed metaphor and elaborate circumlocution.
He found the father the exact antithesis of the daughter: a nervous, fretful, irritable individual (gout had him by the heels at the time), who was as full of "yaps" and snarls as any Irish terrier, and as peevish and fussy as a fault-finding old woman.
Cleek, the Master Detective
While the local media is more than happy to glorify our emergent hip-hop scene they seem a little more troubled when it comes to dealing with a band who manage to balance indie with its supposed antithesis: bubblegum pop.
For these reasons I would like to begin by discussing the antithesis between Eve and the church.
His temperament was to question, to provoke antithesis in an argument.
Every theory, she says, has an antithesis - a theory that is in some way its direct opposite.
Though he is quite comfortable quoting Heidegger, he is the antithesis of a Heideggerian - uninterested in medieval agrarianism and utterly unpossessed of any religious affectation about the nature of work.
He is an innovator and experimenter; he is fond of antithesis, poetic vocabulary, the use of participles, and occasionally extreme asyndeton.
But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
The self-styled neoconservatives, for example, are the antithesis of conservatism.
For all their seeming kinship, a restorer is the antithesis of a painter: he is a conserver, not a creator.
The antithesis of this disease is called monophobia.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Virtually the antithesis to the other noted Iraqi war documentary Farenheit 911, No End in Sight takes a more evenhanded approach at American involvement in Iraq.
The new antithesis forms out of elements of the original contradiction that didn't make it into the synthesis.
In their painterliness, they seem the antithesis of photorealism.
Such naïve art of the Vermicelli school is the very antithesis of this Art.
Again, one could infer that it is the direct antithesis to works.
Indeed, it is the antithesis of idiomatic Wagner, thought out with an icy logicality and precision.
Archive 2008-10-01
As sure as being -- whence is all our care -- so sure is content, beyond duplexity, antithesis, or trouble, where I have triumphed in a solitude that God is not above. "[
The Varieties of Religious Experience
clear", never "succinct" - his painful dictation methods representing the very antithesis of
English-writing Israeli-bloggers
But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
With his cane, his downcast eyes, and bandy legged gait, he is the antithesis of Hollywood muscle-bound steroid cases.
She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister.
As the world knows, terrorism is the antithesis of love.
An antithesis is a good thing for a thesis to have, because the contrast between the two highlight the differences, and give a clue as to which proposition is “correct†to the observer.
Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 7, 2006
Here in that contrast, the antithesis between the interests of Consumers' and Producers' Co-operation is sharply presented.
It's also the antithesis of a well-tailored suit, where you're looking for symmetry, flowing lines, and the ability to draw your attention to the face.
But there is another more proper signification of the word: hamartia being put for hamartōlos, — “sin,” for a “sinner,” (that is, passively, not actively; not by inhesion, but imputation); for this the phrase of speech and force of the antithesis seem to require.
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
The clauses stand in parallelism; each two are connected as a pair, and form an antithesis turning on the opposition of heaven to earth; the order of this antithesis is reversed in each new pair of clauses: flesh and spirit, angels and Gentiles, world and glory; and there is a correspondence between the first and the last clause: "manifested in the flesh, received up into glory
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Antithesis is not a facile device of rhetorical amplification, as the adversaries of Romanticism have contended.
Thus there is an allegedly compelling antinomical argument for the thesis that the world had a beginning in time, but an equally compelling argument for the antithesis that it did not.
Warranted Christian Belief
I'm such the antithesis of what Nike wants their consumers to be that they'll pay me a seven figure sum not to wear their shoes, track pants, jumpers, earrings, sweatbands or tee shirts.
Coercion and domination subvert the integrity of love by creating power relationships that are its antithesis.
He is the exact antithesis of what I find attractive in men.
Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact.
Chapter 35
The very word _cantabile_ emphasizes, by antithesis, the unvocal character of the old florid style.
Chopin and Other Musical Essays
Its dark brooding tone matching the introspective loneliness of its hero makes it the antithesis of its 1944 predecessor.
III. ii.439 (293,5) [to a living humour of madness] If this be the true reading we must by _living_ understand _lasting_, or _permanent_, but I cannot forbear to think that some antithesis was intended which is now lost; perhaps the passage stood thus, _I drove my suitor from a_ dying _humour of love to a living humour of madness_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
Now, your Honours, the antithesis between the two approaches can be seen very clearly from a comparison of three short passages in the judgments.
Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.
The role of antithesis is an important one, but its function is more to stand against the thesis, to force the synthesis, than to stand as thesis in its own right.
Archive 2007-04-01
Behold -- God's reply. pleasure -- in antithesis to their boast of having "afflicted their soul"; it was only in outward show they really enjoyed themselves.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Here I was in this tiny ramshackle village, St Paul's, the complete antithesis of the metropolis.
That is the antithesis of what private equity is set up to do.
If there's one thing you can say about online dating, it's that it's almost the antithesis of social networking -- discreetness, privacy, wanting to meet people you don't already know," she said.
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Tansini's approach is the antithesis of Parry's, replacing measured inexorability with a sequence of flurried, furtive conversations that hurtle into the stuff of nightmare.
For Luther, the main antithesis is not between philosophy and theology; it is between good theology and bad theology, according to Gerhard Ebeling.
The resolution of the Duchess's feud with the Binney family underscores the character's position as the apparent antithesis of true black womanhood.
Fixed identities rooted in the past represent the antithesis of historical thinking.
An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
So any attempt to ignore the truth or deliberately not look in the direction where it obviously resides is the antithesis of what intelligence is about.
Thanks to the collapse of communism the political antithesis between Left and Right is less important.
In Tolkien's world, evil is the antithesis of creativity, and is dependent on destruction and ruin for its basis.
Let us now see if we can find any other contradiction to the idea of _material_, for one antithesis to that idea will express as well as any other antithesis the counterpole of the trivial.
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1
The music alludes to the sounds of the ancient string instrument through bold repeated chords at the outset, which are set against the antithesis of fugal imitation alluding to Bachian archetypes.
The scene made more comprehensible the preconquest customs of the land, as the antithesis of the drunken and excited Indian to the almost effeminate fear of the same being sober makes more clear that inexplicable piece of romance, the Conquest of Mexico.
Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras — Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond
He is the exact antithesis of what I find attractive in men.
In temperament, too, neoconservatives have revealed themselves as the antithesis of conservative.
Sargent is portrayed as modest, self-denying and unambitious, the antithesis of the preening Oxford peacocks.
The two halves of the work therefore corresponded to his antithesis between faith and understanding.
For the past 10 years it has been an antithesis of what is visualised in the education clause of the Freedom Charter.
Hearing and seeing are often in antithesis (Job 29: 11; Ps 18: 8). seeth -- not God's face (Ex 33: 20), but His presence in the veil of a dark cloud (Job 38: 1).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Despite what you may have heard, dandyism is the antithesis of foppishness.
The antithesis of the oversized SUV (you can fit four EN-Vs into the same road space occupied by a standard family car!), the EN-V is an upright two-seat urban minicar that gets its nimbleness from the same type of mechanics that the Segway uses.
Yuka Yoneda | Inhabitat
It is the opposite or negation of the first stage, and hence is known as the antithesis.
It is possible for the same sentence to have all these features together-antithesis, parison, and homoeoteleuton.
This rambling museum is the antithesis of modern interpretative centres.
In the domestic sphere the policy was equally fundamental, for tariff reform was seen as the antithesis of socialism.
Smith and Carlos say different: there is no necessary antithesis between athleticism and broader awareness.
This was the antithesis of centralized bureaucratic feudalism in China.
That is the converse of and the antithesis of the circumstances which exist here.
The boobhead is an influential, experienced prisoner, while the boob rat is his antithesis, often a recidivist.
Thanks to the collapse of communism the political antithesis between Left and Right is less important.
There was no necessary antithesis between oral and literate forms of communication and preservation; the one did not have to destroy or undermine the other.
Contention leads to war, and war is the antithesis of civil peace.
This provokes an opposing viewpoint, the antithesis.
This suggestion is objectionable to airmen and is the antithesis of US Air Force aerospace-power doctrine.