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How To Use Antiquated In A Sentence

  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • Posters seem a somewhat antiquated form of expression, at least the paper kind.
  • Daily trials on a creaking and antiquated public transport and roads system is just a part of it.
  • The refusal of judges to give any interviews, under cover of antiquated ‘rules’ which a long forgotten lord chancellor had invented, compounded the sense that they were all, or almost all, malevolent recluses.
  • Some of those antiquated attitudes are unfortunately still kicking around, according to Warner.
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  • Consumers Union criticized the FDA for using antiquated and insensitive laboratory techniques that could not measure Alar below 500 parts per billion ppb, stating in Consumer Reports: "Looking for daminozide [Alar's a trade name] in apple juice with PAM II [the test method used by FDA] is like trying to catch speeders with a radar gun that doesn't work for speeds under 100 mph. Wendy Gordon: The True Alar Story III
  • Many conservatives and liberals alike favor the legalization of Cannibis, and I agree with Cracker about the term hippie being rather antiquated. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In Britain, slopping out was branded as one of the indignities of an antiquated prison system.
  • The chamber report also called for revamping what it called the "antiquated" organizational structure of the commission. Chamber of Commerce Calls for SEC Changes
  • For the transcriber, the collection is a treasure trove of little discoveries -- the antiquated use of "farinaceous" instead of today's "pasta"; the remarkable preponderance of oyster dishes; the revelation that steaks cost twenty-five cents, not twenty-five dollars. The New York Public Library: All Hands on Deck: NYPL Turns to the Crowd to Develop Digital Collections
  • I imagined the interior of my brain as a stuffed, antiquated file room cum library.
  • But his autogiro was too fast for their antiquated ships and they lost him. "Thia of the Drylands" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • They finally got an entirely new computer system based on casework needs and realities rather than the antiquated rubbish that had been passed on to them by the Government of the time.
  • Except to a certain antiquated ideology embraced in biology, which apparently has to be protected in academia by an 'orthodox' priesthood and imposed on society by force of law. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Some people say it is completely reactionary because it is in rhyme and meter and that it's got this antiquated stanzaic form etcetera.
  • Factions within the party were hostile to antiquated academic privileges and promoted new forms of applied scientific research and practice.
  • I look up the central stairs to a row of white doors with antiquated doorknobs.
  • It is written in an archaic style and is full of references to antiquated Greek philosophy which students today can hardly comprehend.
  • Organisers are also looking for community organisations to run antiquated fair games such a quoits and bob-the-apple to add to the atmosphere of the day.
  • As an outsider Joe Bloggs member, Liberal Youth appears to be run be people ‘playing’ politics whilst being totally hamstrung by execs, committees & antiquated decision making structures. What’s with da Yoof?
  • Kostas nodded towards the antiquated diesel-engined rattletrap vehicles. COUP D'ETAT
  • Sir Tristrem himself, and wrangling and disputing with all around him concerning nombles, briskets, flankards, and raven-bones, then usual terms of the art of hunting, or of butchery, whichever the reader chooses to call it, which are now probably antiquated. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • I am under 35 - BUT I worked for a mom & pop printshop for a couple of years in 2005! and used this baby, as well as other antiquated machines. Dead Tech: Waxers
  • He claims that the laws are antiquated and have no contemporary relevance.
  • Our 11 o'clock drinking curfew is antiquated and overdue for reform.
  • The Comte de Maucombe’s servants donned their old laced liveries and hats, the coachman his great top-boots; we sat five in the antiquated carriage, and arrived in state about two o’clock — the dinner was for three — at the grange, which is the dwelling of the Baron de l’Estorade. Letters of Two Brides
  • The term is an antiquated yoke of oppression, politically, culturally and socially.
  • His success as a melodramatist may have been responsible for an occasional, unhelpful reliance on artifice, and for certain antiquated strains in the structure of books such as The Siege of Pleasure and Hangover Square. Giddy & Malevolent
  • On the cusp of restructuring family life, we cling ever more ardently to this antiquated and ill-conceived provider-homemaker design.
  • They may find it quaint or antiquated, rather than charming, and its few flaws may stand out larger due to the hype.
  • The machinery in it looked oddly antiquated, as if someone had taken a lot of cogwheels and pistons and piled them together.
  • Several factors probably went into the editorial decision to delete such an antiquated phrase.
  • In an era of e-tickets, bitcoins and app-based banking, it seems pretty antiquated that we still have to fumble through our wallets for an insurance card each time we go to the doctor's office.
  • In the same manner, I would recommend neither a raw, unmellowed style, which, (if I may so express myself) has been newly drawn off from the vat; nor the rough, and antiquated language of the grave and manly Thucydides. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • But this was, after all, the late 20th century and the rather antiquated British blasphemy laws were something of an irrelevance.
  • The house achieves a perfect balance of original features - heavy stone lintels, alcoves, shelves and apertures, as well as an antiquated privy - with vital modern additions.
  • You and I, living in a swiftly changing technological age, stubbornly cling to what is now considered antiquated gadgetry.
  • The antiquated system of temporal note keeping needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
  • I find this truth self-evident, that while all men may have been created equal, there's still something just a little bit extra-snazzy about Kapranos, who, in an era where the notion of the wildly charismatic, omnisexually intriguing rock n 'roll frontman has become increasingly antiquated and irrelevant - "frontmen" are so last century - has nevertheless managed to create a viable and compelling model of this waning art form in his own image. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • On the other side of the vise are the constraints that they have in the environment that get in the way of them successfully addressing the business needs-legacy infrastructure and applications and antiquated methods of managing the infrastructure that make it difficult to be responsive to change, or people with the skills that won't serve modern technology's needs or environments. Independent Information Technology and business analysis from
  • An antiquated licensing law may put a dampener on New Year's Eve revelry across the county and give licensees and police a major headache.
  • The midway, while still a charming slice of carnival colour, is full of antiquated rides that wheeze and shudder like geezers on their deathbeds.
  • The Scottish Parliament is already in the process of dismantling our antiquated feudal system of land laws.
  • For Bierce , Christianity was an antiquated superstition with no place in the modern world.
  • Critics have trashed the film for its antiquated premise.
  • Antiquated equipment, badly designed ballot papers and inefficient vote-counting machinery contributed to the confusion.
  • Antiquated equipment, badly designed ballot papers and inefficient vote-counting machinery contributed to the confusion.
  • His decision to work in mezzotint was partly perverse, as it was an antiquated medium so labor-intensive that it was only rarely practiced.
  • The downtown area is filled with brick buildings and courtyards, giving it an antiquated charm.
  • Like many London houses, this was a narrow, up-and-down affair with antiquated facilities.
  • The rude enclosure surrounding this antiquated magazine is strewed knee-deep with litter, from the midst of which arises a long rack, resembling a chevaux de frise, which is ordinarily filled with fodder. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • Such irony that the nation leading the world into the Information Age has an electoral system that is so antiquated.
  • He brought out a dark, odd-shaped bottle bearing a label that looked at least a hundred years old, antiquated typeface, browning paper.
  • The German administration claims that it has successfully defied what it describes as the antiquated principles of economics, and believes that this price fixing system can be indefinitely sustained regardless of world wide conditions. Spotlight on Europe
  • Therefore in the 1950's and 1960's, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system.
  • The landlord must renew or replace an antiquated or unserviceable communal system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the bombastic patriotism, drooling machine porn, all-round political dodginess, atrocious comedy, antiquated alien-invasion plot, etc, there's something oddly compelling about metropolitan destruction and high-tech combat rendered on this scale. This week's new films
  • A plain cell that boasted only a desk, a chair, and an antiquated stereo. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • They leak badly, have woeful change and shower facilities, and have antiquated pumping and filtration equipment.
  • He's got the clear blue eyes of a Hollywood movie star, the hulking build of an Oklahoma farm boy and the antiquated charm of the southern gent.
  • Besides delivering the promise of simplifying our life, these principles will perhaps begin to break the barriers imposed by antiquated rules.
  • We will find more teams taking over in the days ahead -- and it is an incredibly refreshing antidote to the antiquated construct of pure "auteur" cinema. Ted Hope: Indie Film Lives, Thrives, Blossoms & Blooms!
  • A short jolt, no more; but enough to set the antiquated chandelier that hung in the turret gently swaying and tinkling again. COLDHEART CANYON
  • An antiquated licensing law may put a dampener on New Year's Eve revelry across the county and give licensees and police a major headache.
  • Billed as a showcase for exemplary new talent, the series has proven to be more of a bargain bin for antiquated curios.
  • Etiquette and formality are the antiquated attributes that make her readers swoon.
  • How can they still have this antiquated system where Sutton residents have no control over how much gas they use, or how much they can pay?
  • I have preferred the natural order, free, and familiar style, to the artificial order, grave, solemn, and antiquated style; and in so doing, I have had occasion to have reference to the vocal metaphrase of some words. The Hedge School; The Midnight Mass; The Donagh Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • In any case the human species, in course of deterioration through overstrain, would find amongst these singers of the shaduf and these labourers with the antiquated plough, brains unclouded by alcohol, and a whole reserve of tranquil beauty, of well-balanced physique, of vigour untainted by bestiality. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • Is it any wonder that our K - 12 education system is in such bad shape when such an illiterate, antiquated report has been circulated and used for more than a decade?
  • The changeful, impetuous wooing of youth lies far behind him, but his homage, which the Ephebi of today would perhaps term antiquated, has always seemed to me as if a mountain were bending before a star. Cleopatra — Complete
  • The word roux is said to be derived from an antiquated variation of the French word rouge, meaning red, which no doubt refers to the change of color that occurs as flour cooks. Artvoice - Buffalo's #1 Newsweekly
  • The religious leaders are encouraging it, for the same antiquated reasons they always have.
  • But in order to become a part of medical history, parahuman reproduction and human genetic engineering must circumvent the recalcitrance of an antiquated culture.
  • Installed on a laptop, it takes the place of many pieces of antiquated and clunky video gear that were formerly needed to ensure high quality video recording.
  • Patristik (Nuremberg, 1833-4); the older distinction in Germany between patrology, the knowledge of the Fathers and their use, and patristic, the science of the theology of the Fathers, is now somewhat antiquated; BUSSE, Grundriss der chr. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In the meantime, Britain's transport infrastructure has slowly rotted to the point where it is now an antiquated relic compared to many of our rather sharper European and transatlantic rivals.
  • PTO receives these applications online, prints them out, and then someone manually rekeys the information into an antiquated system, "he said. Latest from Computerworld
  • “Klei zayin”, or “instruments of weaponry” (i.e., weapons), although somewhat antiquated, is also correct modern Hebrew, and not limited to Bible classusage. The Volokh Conspiracy » Massad Defends Himself:
  • The Grand Duke, Peter Leopold, the practical, economical, priest-hating, paternally-meddlesome, bustlingly and tyrannically-reforming son of Maria Theresa, was not the man to console so mediæval and antiquated and unphilosophical a thing as a Stuart. The Countess of Albany
  • To do so is to buy into the antiquated notion that a creature's nature is immutable or unchanging.
  • The Maharastra goverenment's recent decision to enforce the letter of the law when it comes to under-21s drinking, brings up the topic of antiquated or just plain stoopid laws, of which we have our fair share in this country. Archive 2004-03-01
  • He chooses an antiquated computer language known as FORTRAN to make his demands. Calling ID's Bluff, Calling ID's Bluff... - The Panda's Thumb
  • At about the same time that the antiquated track was pensioned off, he was beginning his motor racing career, working in electronics.
  • The Scottish Parliament is already in the process of dismantling our antiquated feudal system of land laws.
  • For those unaware of these strange antiquated devices, a typewriter is a portable input-output device (sort of a combined keyboard-printer, with the user's brain acting as CPU). GUIDOLON and AGOH stint!
  • Joe Versus The Volcano, only one of whom is a self-described "flibbertigibbet" (a sort of antiquated version of the MPDG). How Now Brownpau
  • The retail liquor trade in New York state in those days was burdened by antiquated laws and corrupt officialdom.
  • Many New Zealanders need educating about your antiquated laws, since the person you appoint as monarch automatically becomes our monarch too.
  • He began his audacious series of deceptions at the age of 17, when he was working in a lawyer's office with easy access to old parchment, deeds, and antiquated forms of writing.
  • An antiquated water fountain and a battered Coke machine dispensed beverages on hot days.
  • But the appellation is misleading: the oligarchs rose to prominence not by building railroads and industries but by exploiting antiquated pricing systems, disorganized legal codes, and — most important — Soviet-era connections with the government. Russia Is Finished
  • How the conoidal bullet and rifled barrel, opposed at Inkermann to the antiquated Russian musket, tore through the dense columns which had forced their way to the brow of the plateau, driving the stolid Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • The church, the ruin, the antiquated graves, had equal claims upon a stranger's thoughts.
  • My mother's antiquated vacuum cleaner still works, believe it or not.
  • The teaching methods and learning techniques are rusty, cranky and antiquated.
  • It was based on antiquated natural history; he was unaffected by mechanism or Newtonianism.
  • It is an antiquated system where blunders are easily committed and just as easily covered up.
  • The building, photogenic but antiquated, stood among clusters of oak and pine.
  • Lancaster, 54, had been unfairly blamed for the failings of an antiquated and underfinanced department with a long history of corruption, inefficiency and missing records.
  • We have a court system that creaks under antiquated traditions, and distinct reluctance to change them.
  • His decision to work in mezzotint was partly perverse, as it was an antiquated medium so labor-intensive that it was only rarely practiced.
  • The butler was almost invisible in the stream of an antiquated geyser.
  • Raised in the mountains of Colorado by hippie parents and exposed to feminist groups, back-to-the-land comestible culture, "new age" spiritual awareness, and antiquated birth techniques, Jacobsen's work has consistently drawn from the "land" and retains an exceptional sense of self. Alexander Adler: Jacobsen's Counter and Culture
  • The fascinations of freedom beguile the ardent and noble aspirations of the English democracy, and Britannia, with her antiquated and wrinkled visage, shrinks abashed from the majestic presence of Freedom's immortal and fadeless bloom! The Right of American Slavery
  • Homer turns bootlegger when Springfield enforces an antiquated prohibition law.
  • An ancient drugs store, this antiquated treat offers carbolic soap, sherbet dib-dabs as well as a variety of other gifts long since disappeared from general sale.
  • If ever there was an opportunity to address the antiquated system of BBC funding and governance, this is it.
  • She works at St. Veronica's hospital, lives nearby at the home of a Mrs. Quoad, a lady widowed long ago and since suffering a series of antiquated diseases-greensickness, tetter, kibes, purples, im-posthumes and almonds in the ears, most recently a touch of scurvy. Gravity's Rainbow
  • We have a court system that creaks under antiquated traditions, and distinct reluctance to change them.
  • “Pore lamb!” with which she beplastered Polly, and the antiquated reckoning-table she embarrassed them by consulting. Australia Felix
  • Time and again, the club have been supposedly on the brink of selling off their antiquated ground.
  • Above him, attached to the wall, were 25 manual typewriters with rusted and missing parts, mute relics of an antiquated era in communication.
  • You talk verbosely in antiquated terminology of your love of liberty, and all the while you wear the scarlet livery of the Iron Heel. ' Chapter 17: The Scarlet Livery
  • Many New Zealanders need educating about your antiquated laws, since the person you appoint as monarch automatically becomes our monarch too.
  • Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.
  • In contrast with such state-of-the-art, 21st-century crime-fighting techniques as DNA matching and digital fingerprint analysis, gun tracing is an antiquated, laborious process done mostly by hand. ATF's oversight limited in face of gun lobby
  • If that smacks of the antiquated language of retired generals, call it altruism and self-sacrifice.
  • In the flickering light from the fire and the candles, with their delicate scent of bayberries, the room and its antiquated furnishings showed mellow and inviting. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • The presence in dyewood extracts of coloring matters in various stages of development has hitherto militated against their use in place of the raw materials by many dyers and printers who are still employing inherited and antiquated processes in which the whole of the coloring matter is not rendered available. Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • We would prefer that the kill had been achieved without putting British lives at risk in antiquated aircraft, but now is not the time to be churlish. Me like...
  • Instead, the TT bikes sported the antiquated threaded 1-inch Shimano mountain-bike headsets.
  • Most of the criticism was levied at the admittedly odd choice of a very 1940's film noir-ish photo, the antiquated use of the word 'drawers' and the total irrelevance of the headline in relation to its subject matter. Rachel Lloyd: The Power Behind Policing Fashion
  • Well, that's how I feel about Jordi Savall, who - he's a guy, actually, who's best known for playing this antiquated, old instrument called the viola da gamba, the precursor to our modern-day cello. Sacred Songs And DJs: New Classical CDs
  • And yet he often was right, and always courageous and eloquent enough to challenge received opinion and sacred cows Mother Teresa for one, whom he called the Albanian dwarf famous for peddling an antiquated form of religious fundamentalism. Roger Housden: Hitchens: Arch-Fundamentalist?
  • It's an old fashioned antiquated game, since they are dealing five card stud.
  • First up is a review of the house-building industry and the antiquated planning system.
  • KR: The word 'analog' represents something antiquated, original, and undeniably human. Mike Ragogna: What's It All About: Chatting with Pat Metheny, Jonathan Elias, and Viva Voce
  • Famed for its cosy snugs and hearty bar food its antiquated interior creates an atmosphere that some modern bars will never recreate.
  • To contend with this carnal orchestra, the religious world, having long ago rejected its Catholic Psalms as antiquated and unscientific, and finding its Puritan melodies sunk into faint jar and twangle from their native trumpet-tone, had nothing to oppose but the innocent, rather than religious, verses of the school recognised as that of the English The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • She works at St. Veronica's hospital, lives nearby at the home of a Mrs. Quoad, a lady widowed long ago and since suffering a series of antiquated diseases-greensickness, tetter, kibes, purples, im-posthumes and almonds in the ears, most recently a touch of scurvy. Gravity's Rainbow
  • By the mid 1970s, the antiquated well canales of Mykonos were also finally "unsealed" for renovations. American Chronicle
  • Someday in the future, "astronaut" will have become as antiquated a term as "motorist" is today ... Is Senator Bill Nelson an Astronaut? - NASA Watch
  • I think in many ways it's antiquated as Victoria said, but I don't think that antiquation is in and of itself a justification for wholesale disregard of it with respect to the things that it covers, whatever counts as domestic surveillance. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2006
  • The suggestion inherent in her question - that the signalling is antiquated - does not appear to be justified.
  • Hard cases make bad law, but antiquated conventions make bad legal practice.
  • Revellers can now celebrate the coming of the New Year with a bop, after politicians cleared away antiquated legislation in time for this Sunday's festivities.
  • The Web and retail penetration make a person-to-person approach look antiquated - particularly in the U.S. market.
  • The system, which replaces the antiquated radio network, was due to be introduced in the Humberside area in August.
  • The form of bicycle he rode long ago became antiquated, but in the humor of his pleasantry is a quality which does not grow old. What Is Man? and Other Essays
  • This self-parody neatly illustrates several of Richard Stern's failings as a writer: the antiquated rhetoric, the irrelevant allusions (to my race and to Brigid Brophy, her name characteristically misspelled), and, above all, the lack of matter, the absence of any arguable point. Criticism
  • But they could have started last night, they had started last night for there had been no diving-boat in the Dubh Sgeir boathouse, and reports from the Nantesville's owners had indicated that the strongroom was a fairly antiquated one, not of hardened steel, that could be cut open in a couple of hours with the proper equipment. When Eight Bells Toll
  • In the first case, you can call the antagonistic principle “the existing order,” in the second, “antiquated prejudice.” The Art of Controversy
  • The work evokes an antiquated industrial machine, the slowness suggesting its imminent halt.
  • But even they can't save a body of work that looks as antiquated today as a wind-up Victrola.
  • In 1774 Dr. Johnson, in a letter, wished that “what is undeservedly forgotten of our antiquated literature might be re - vived” and John Berkenhout in 1777 subtitled his Biog - raphia Literaria, A Biographical History of Literature, in which he proposed to give a “concise view of the rise and progress of literature.” LITERATURE AND ITS COGNATES
  • The survey concluded that the electrics were antiquated and that any interior work would be pointless without the large scale repair of the roof.
  • Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
  • By the time of Campanella's death, only five years after his arrival in France, he had become ostracized, intellectually isolated, and antiquated.
  • The term structure is antiquated and needs an overhaul to reflect the times we live in. WalesOnline - Home
  • We see a lot of antiquated regulatory enforcement systems in various parts of the world.
  • By that same candlelight I read a magazine article about the gradual phasing out of the supposedly antiquated system of Morse Code.
  • That's because the city's antiquated combined sewer system overflows into the river through 16 storm water outfalls.
  • The Comte de Maucombe's servants donned their old laced liveries and hats, the coachman his great top-boots; we sat five in the antiquated carriage, and arrived in state about two o'clock -- the dinner was for three -- at the grange, which is the dwelling of the Letters of Two Brides
  • Her most recent work was photographed with the antiquated collodion process using glass plates.
  • This is a modern health services research unit but you hold an antiquated view of science.
  • That would be quicker than waiting for the antiquated heating, and I'll put the kettle on. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Because of the type of film he uses, he is forced to use antiquated cameras that do not accommodate the recording of direct sound.
  • The one antiquated, rude, corroded, and begrimed in its long conflict with time, and the other bright and vivid, its field and exergue unmarred, its emblems and legends clear and sharp. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • So the collages have an antiquated look, and the stories they tell are most often of yesterday's Chicago, with its stockyards and steel mills, amusement parks and warehouses, machine politics and graft.
  • He chose antiquated vocabulary, from religious literature and classical poetry, and avoided neologisms.
  • Soon I give up and, nerves snapping, fight my way down teeming concrete canyons to a roundabout where I manage to hail an antiquated taxi.
  • Let antiquated curriculums be revamped, so they are meaningful, and so that what we now call hyperactivity or attention deficit or learning disability become things of the past, because schools exist for the people in them, rather than the other way around. My New Year's Wish: Let 2 + 2 = 4
  • The term "victim" is inconsiderate and antiquated, as the majority of children with spina bifida go on to lead healthy and productive lives. Chronicle
  • Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
  • Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.
  • Costumes are cultural repositories; they are antiquated, outmoded images of a nostalgised past.
  • He forgets the 800-pound gorilla of presidential elections: the antiquated, undemocratic Electoral College.
  • The changeful, impetuous wooing of youth lies far behind him, but his homage, which the Ephebi of today would perhaps term antiquated, has always seemed to me as if a mountain were bending before Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism?
  • We are hopelessly dependent on imported oil, are at increasing risk of a dangerous shortage of natural gas, and have an antiquated system for transmitting electricity.
  • Those of us who fought to create the position of director of national intelligence intended to establish a joint command across 16 agencies, presided over by a civilian leader who used budget authorities to leverage the strengths of the intelligence community into one command; to instill the concept of "jointness" into the workforce; and to change an antiquated culture based on the concept of "need to know" into a "need to share" environment. Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
  • He added that the staff would be moving from an antiquated facility belonging to a past era to a new, comfortable facility.
  • In her chronology of the anti-domestic-violence movement, longtime activist Yolanda Bako traces its origins to consciousness-raising groups and to this first speakout, which "launched the beginning of a continuous movement to change antiquated laws and public attitudes about rape and other assaults against women. 'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
  • Although the obligatory Yorkshire pudding (Siebeck's bracketed description of this as a sort of Danish pastry has left us shell-shocked - ed.) seems as antiquated as the bearskins worn by the Royal guards.
  • The notion of Dylan as a hardcore political activist and polemicist, or as a dyed-in-the-wool man of the left, is not only antiquated but was essentially erroneous even in the early 60s. Why Bob Dylan didn't make a fuss in China
  • In Britain, slopping out was branded as one of the indignities of an antiquated prison system.
  • It's antiquated and outdated, more of a reminder of a bygone era in college football.
  • Caterpillar, based in Peoria, Ill., wants to cut wages roughly in half at the Ontario factory, so it will be "cost competitive in the global marketplace," while ending what it calls "antiquated work rules" that limit production flexibility. In U.S., a Cheaper Labor Pool
  • Ting's bag was sat on a chair next to the antiquated radiogram as would be his wont. THE MANANA MAN
  • The assumption continues to be an old-fangled, and, I'd argue, antiquated one: that the media will, in the end, always represent a mainstream, establishment consensus view.
  • Beyond the buses and some silent stretches of corn and soybean fields was an overgrown rectangular weed yard filled with junked tractors, lawn mowers, and agricultural equipment, some of it antiquated; a hand-painted sign on weathered plywood in front of the wreckage read tractors wanted dead or alive. So Much Pretty
  • The Hick-Ups play antiquated styles like the waltz, the polka, country swing and rockabilly.
  • Hartwell declaimed that the blushing girls just out of the schoolroom more than made up for the terror that passed as supper and the antiquated dance styles.
  • The combination of the suit's antiquated style and Clyde's robust build gave him the appearance of a vaudeville barker. DO NO HARM
  • But Gilbert has given the antiquated institution a thorough once-over, and the clear-eyed primer is a must-read for any modern woman contemplating a trip down the aisle. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert: Book summary
  • The threats that our nation faces today are as distinct and remote from that antiquated advice as one can imagine.
  • We need to bring an antiquated world into real time. We need to bury much of the chronological past that really is no more than a celebration of mayhem.

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