
How To Use Antiquarian In A Sentence

  • They also have a special section for rare Canadiana, signed books, and antiquarian finds.
  • And classical reminiscences have, even with him, a dull musty tinge which recalls the antiquarian in his Cambridge college-rooms rather than the visitor to Florence and Rome. Proserpine and Midas
  • He took to antiquarianism, which is a sort of philtre, driving its votaries mildly insane, and filling them with emotions which, on the whole, are probably more often happy than grievous. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • He knows where the work's heart lies and how to conjure its spell from the music 's limpid simplicity and antiquarian turns of phrase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Books old and new, bargain books, children's books and a large representation of antiquarian books will be for sale.
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  • Enamored of his prose, I snatched up a long-playing record of the author reading those two stories at an antiquarian book fair several years ago, even though I didn't own a record player.
  • But what of the secondhand and antiquarian bookshops? Times, Sunday Times
  • Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthopologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation -- and indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium -- were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • Though the survey was for the specific purpose of consolidation of the monarch's power, it recorded certain incidental information that have ever been sought after by historians and antiquarians.
  • The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir.
  • Cyriac's detailed notes and drawings, together with his interests in collecting, made him a role model for later antiquarians.
  • It has long been an uphill struggle for new art in Italy, the country Marinetti bitterly castigated in 1909 as a gangrenous land of ‘professors, archeologists, ciceroni and antiquarians.’
  • From the early Renaissance on, they had been admired and drawn by painters and sculptors and carefully described and cataloged by art enthusiasts and antiquarians.
  • Yet it contained backward-looking, and even antiquarian, impulses too.
  • I think it will look pleasant and will constitute a harmless act of antiquarianism.
  • Demand for these wares abated before the Civil War but soon antiquarians and collectors began to search out examples of these patriotic ceramics.
  • Also, Hone is engaged in long-term antiquarian research in British Library, probably begun as preparation for his announced (but never produced) Brief Chronology
  • His antiquarian temperament has made him a greater snapper-up of unconsidered trifles of archaeology, architecture and literature.
  • Much of this has been concerned with the production of automobiles, and alongside a veritable library of antiquarian books about specific marques there are a handful of excellent scholarly histories of individual manufacturers.
  • This is not merely a matter of antiquarian interest - it is relevant today. The Times Literary Supplement
  • My interest is no mere trivial and reactionary antiquarianism.
  • Le Prince's comments were echoed nearly forty years later by another visitor to the library, the British antiquarian and self-professed ‘bibliomaniac’ Thomas Frognall Dibdin.
  • The reader will meet a veritable galaxy of rakes, atheistic clergy, philanthropic snobs, scholars, apothecaries and antiquarians in this elegant, witty, informative and, in true Horatian style, entertaining book.
  • It argues against the complaint that the study is antiquarian.
  • Judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle's works shaped centuries of philosophy from Late Antiquity through the Renaissance, and even today continue to be studied with keen, non-antiquarian interest. Wayne Hale: NASA Can Provide the Inspiration - NASA Watch
  • From the early Renaissance on, they had been admired and drawn by painters and sculptors and carefully described and cataloged by art enthusiasts and antiquarians.
  • No Arlott journey of the middle years was without a chart of secondhand bookshops, antiquarian caves.
  • Carlyle called the antiquarian or historical researcher "Dryasdust. History and Literature
  • Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones, and their errors were written up by the historian.
  • Collectors and antiquarians were largely responsible for the vogue for collecting antiquities that took root in the eighteenth century.
  • Many were dug by early antiquarians, who sometimes found human remains with fine objects of gold, copper or bronze, jet, amber and other rare materials.
  • In Scott, this tension plays itself out through the apparently contradictory styles of world-historical narrative and the "seemingly improbable portal of antiquarianism" 59. The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950
  • Nor is he an old-fashioned, bookish poet with antiquarian tendencies like Tennyson.
  • Their memory was perpetuated in later centuries by antiquarians such as Joseph Strutt, whose Sports and Pastimes of England was published in 1801.
  • This will be a full time unit housing books from 12 different antiquarian booksellers around the country.
  • Against the explicitly but restrictively political mandates of critical and monumental histories, antiquarian history holds out the ideal of disinterest, even as disinterest is deemed no longer possible. Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • The oldest painted picture-window that has survived the action of time is one representing the Ascension in the cathedral of Le Mans, which is believed by many antiquarians to be a work of the late eleventh century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • He used ancient, classical, and contemporary collections of travel narratives, which were closest in scholarly method to English antiquarianism.
  • For as long as there has been a publishing industry, there have been used books, that supposedly quaint world of polymaths and antiquarians poking about musty, cluttered stores for titles few readers would know.
  • Coals of Arms, and Antiquarian Remains, copied — from \ery an - cient and authentic Draughts flill exilUng — by an ingenious Artiil owler my own infpedlion. The Monthly Review
  • Antiquarianism and modernism had fought hard battles over the bones of Diddisham. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The discovery of royal bookplates and fragments of artefacts already 1500 years old also hints at the king's ‘antiquarian interests’.
  • About 50 years ago they got so unroyally grubby that abbey authorities would not permit even antiquarians to see them.
  • The Glasgow-based writer worked for many years as a dealer in second-hand, out-of-print and antiquarian books.
  • You see, for years, Silas had touted himself as a renowned antiquarian bibliophile. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • The confluence in Browne's prefatory remarks of the topics of antiquarianism and medicine, and the rhetorical antitheses old-new and arising-burial is predictable in antiquarian discourse, where the gifted amateur reigned supreme.
  • But it was antiquarians, specializing in a number of different areas, who developed the tools for dealing with the past via its documentary and material remains.
  • Gordon Childe in the early part of the twentieth century, although the term Neolithic meaning “New Stone Age” was first used by the British antiquarian Sir John Lubbock in his 1865 book Prehistoric Times, one of the first works to bring archaeology to the general public. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Unless you go to an antiquarian bookseller. Times, Sunday Times
  • He loved antiquarian research, and all such scientific problems as involve abstruse study and complex calculation, -- but equally he loved the simplest flower and the most ordinary village tale of sorrow or mirth recounted to him by any one of his unlessoned parishioners. God's Good Man
  • For John Sibbald, who has been involved in the antiquarian book industry for 30 years, it was the second time he found a copy of the rare book in the past 12 months.
  • There should be a brilliant preface, introducing the seven sages to each other and the reader, after the ensample of Plutarch, and exhausting all the antiquarianism, all the memoirism, and all the varia-lectionism of the subject. An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
  • Since Michelangelo was an ardent antiquarian, all this will have been familiar territory.
  • You sense only the labor-intensive detailing of a boat modeler, no doubt scrupulous but also antiquarian.
  • Since Michelangelo was an ardent antiquarian, all this will have been familiar territory.
  • The reverend father Dom Calmet, a great antiquarian, that is, a great compiler of what was said in former times and what is repeated at the present day, has confounded lues with leprosy. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Deeply attached to old values, and seeing the rapidly changing world about him through the distorting lens of a pedantic and snobbish literary tradition, Libanius was vain, petty, and wrapped in finicking antiquarianism.
  • A year after his death, only the attention of antiquarian bookseller Donald McCormick saved Hay's notebooks and papers: he bought them at an auction for £3, the price of the old suitcase which contained them.
  • Many were collections of antiquarian theological works, often in poor condition; more had been dispersed than had survived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swann Galleries auction of Early Printed Books & Manuscripts from the Inventory of the late Lawrence Feinberg, a papyrologist and specialist in ancient manuscripts turned antiquarian bookseller. 2010 May 10 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • He was educated at Cavers School, near his native village of Denholm, and at Minto School, but his great philological and antiquarian knowledge was acquired largely through his own studies.
  • At the antiquarian book and paper event I began contemplating a collection of examples of antique handwriting to complement my fountain pens.
  • What, for instance, are the existing rare or antiquarian Indian books?
  • The oldest painted picture-window that has survived the action of time is one representing the Ascension in the cathedral of Le Mans, which is believed by many antiquarians to be a work of the late eleventh century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The income provides for a travelling scholarship in archaeology or otherwise for the promotion of antiquarian studies.
  • The establishment, which specialises in selling scholarly and antiquarian books on the humanities, cannot afford to pay increased rent rates for the premises.
  • You see, for years, Silas had touted himself as a renowned antiquarian bibliophile. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • It's basically a recognition manual for antiquarian booksellers and aesthetes, but it does make some concessions to the issue of how you make the stuff.
  • Combing the archives for empirical verification, a disparate band of historians, archivists, and antiquarians refuted Vasari's narrative point by point.
  • They view the minority who are still church members as hypocrites or antiquarian oddities; or misguided worshippers of an illusion.
  • Forget showbiz — it seems antiquarian bookselling is where the action is. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jacques, a farmer's son with near genius level IQ, used his knowledge of the antiquarian book trade to avoid suspicion for years.
  • As much as I'd like us to dispose ourselves like Sarum-rite groomsmen or grave Spanish courtiers of the seventeenth century, I realize such antiquarianism is not a going concern. Liturgical Wedding Crashers
  • Unless you go to an antiquarian bookseller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tourist tack is almost absent; instead, there are a number of delicatessens, a good wine bar, an antiquarian bookshop and even a shop specialising in period jewellery.
  • He sought out rare and out-of-print books from antiquarian booksellers, including a set of delightful eighteenth-century guidebooks by the York publisher Thomas Gent.
  • The term antiquarian tends to carry negative connotations nowadays, of someone with a naive or unsophisticated obsession with the past.
  • Where else in Europe do the traces of pre-classical life leave so much to be puzzled over by antiquarians, anthropologists, historians, and psychologists?
  • The York National Book Fair is an annual event and lays claim to being Britain's largest rare and antiquarian book fair with some 200 booksellers and an estimate of some 100,000 books on offer.
  • But, as in the case of the smoother and softer sex, we are convinced that the wand of fashion would presently convert their heterodox anti-barbal prejudices: so, in the case of harder-ware Sheffield, while we hope to live to see razors regarded as antiquarian rarities, (even as a watchman's rattle, or the many-caped coats of the semi-extinct class The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • In a recent antiquarian work of considerable interest, the author examines into the question of a former octonary system of counting among the various races of the world, particularly those of Asia, and brings to light much curious and entertaining material respecting the use of this number. The Number Concept Its Origin and Development
  • Moreover a range of local celebrations in 1876 paid even more attention to antiquities in part because local antiquarians were especially keen on collecting history at the county level.
  • The York National Book Fair, which will be taking over the ground floor of the Barbican Centre on Friday and Saturday, is the largest rare, antiquarian and out-of-print book fair in Europe.
  • Others more directly concerned with flags pursued a vexillological or antiquarian interest.
  • The Glasgow-based writer worked for many years as a dealer in second-hand, out-of-print and antiquarian books.
  • Showman -- At Home! and A Slap at Slop! engaged primarily in antiquarian research for his projected Brief Chronology
  • Another criticism is that they sentimentalise the past or make it antiquarian by abnegating the context and concentrating on the artefacts.
  • a higher evincement of antiquarian taste than I should have expected -- managed to bear away a pattern of wall-paper, which I afterward conferred on Mary Ashburleigh with great applause: it was Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • The Fair lays claim to being Britain's largest antiquarian book fair with over 200 leading booksellers specialising in antiquarian and secondhand books, maps, prints and ephemera.
  • Ms Craddock has lately served a term as president of the world association of antiquarian booksellers - in my eyes a distinction higher than being an ambassador to the United Nations.
  • We need some of the skills you developed in your antiquarian studies.
  • But what of the secondhand and antiquarian bookshops? Times, Sunday Times
  • This retrieval of information not instantly validated by presentist urgencies may seem to belong to what Nietzsche called "antiquarian" history: the indiscriminate preservation of everything just because it is old (73-74). Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • Countisbury, which are supposed to have been scattered and buried by a resident clergyman at the close of the last century, with the avowed intention of "fogging" later antiquarians -- surely the strangest Lynton and Lynmouth A Pageant of Cliff & Moorland
  • That tide of agricultural improvement which has passed over the country, has, in its utilitarian course, swept away -- sometimes inevitably, often most needlessly -- the aggers and ditches of ancient camps, sepulchral barrows and mounds, stone circles and cairns, earth-raths, and various other objects of deep antiquarian interest. Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • They will, no doubt, be fully elucidated in the memoir of Bottisham and Anglesey, which is understood to be in preparation by members of the Cambridge Antiquarian Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Unless you go to an antiquarian bookseller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since many pieces of English delftware are dated, they have long been held in particularly high regard by antiquarians and collectors.
  • The site is targeted at book lovers, from dealers to readers, and gives browsers the chance to track down antiquarian titles, for example.
  • His antiquarian temperament has made him a greater snapper-up of unconsidered trifles of archaeology, architecture and literature.
  • The taste of his subjects tended towards the antiquarian rather than the purely decorative, and their collecting interest widened to embrace traditional crafts, archaeology, and oriental art.
  • It was a time when large numbers of women and antiquarians were collecting ceramics, chiefly the refined wares used in America during the colonial and early Federal periods.
  • I was misled by an article in the Guardian of 28 February, in which its arts correspondent described Quaritch as ‘the London antiquarian booksellers handling the sale’.
  • Not a philosopher, not an annalist, not a chorographer or antiquarian, but a historian.
  • It was a time when large numbers of women and antiquarians were collecting ceramics, chiefly the refined wares used in America during the colonial and early Federal periods.
  • Orthodox have often 'frozen' the concept of primacy in an antiquarian defence of the 'pentarchy' as the structure of the church, thus allowing non-theological power struggles rooted in nationalism and ethnocentrism to flourish with damaging effect. Rome, Constantinople, and Canterbury: Mother Churches?
  • Dad was so flustered (you know how telegrams excite him: they offend all his antiquarian instincts!) -- well, the Bishop said -- _Am sending my favourite curate to call on you magnificent young fellow excellent family very worthy chap will be in Wolverhampton a day or two anxious to have him meet your family_. Kathleen
  • My father was an antiquarian bookman who passed on his passion for rare books to me during my childhood.
  • The income provides for a travelling scholarship in archaeology or otherwise for the promotion of antiquarian studies.
  • Norwich in particular is a borough that has been well-served by its antiquaries, and Hudson's work represents the best of antiquarianism.
  • Nor is he an old-fashioned, bookish poet with antiquarian tendencies like Tennyson.
  • Like a prosecuting attorney arguing every possible angle to get a conviction, Tucker splits historical hairs, spins the written record and dismisses eminent antiquarians by selectively citing writers of deservedly lesser stature.
  • This is not merely a matter of antiquarian interest - it is relevant today. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Putting it this way, it seems to me, might forestall invidious appeals to sheer archivalism, or to a relevance-averse kind of antiquarianism that, in my experience, very few students of considerable ambition and intelligent conviction will now be likely to take up. Presentism and the Archives
  • There is plenty to interest not only the Catholic, but the Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian or Orthodox Christian, provided he is an antiquarian and bibliomane like me. Loome Theological Booksellers, Stillwater, Minnesota
  • It comprises an extensive accumulation of medieval manuscripts, and a number of antiquarian collections.
  • In Eusebius's Cronica, a prime example of this intellectual heritage of seventeenth-century antiquarians, the various events from the life of Moses were diligently matched to the house of Cecrops.
  • Collectors and antiquarians were largely responsible for the vogue for collecting antiquities that took root in the eighteenth century.
  • In its merger of antiquarianism and fantasy, artisanship and magic, the castle neatly sums up the art of its creator, Hayao Miyazaki.
  • It is a new antiquarianism, oblivious to any real sense of historical understanding, engagement or critique.
  • Saturnalia of Lipsius, who, as an antiquarian, is inclined to excuse the practice of antiquity, (tom.iii. p. 483 — 56 Cod. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Unless the past is related to the present, it runs the risk of becoming mere antiquarianism.
  • By then the volunteer team of diggers, guides, museum attendants and receptionists had formed into the Nonsuch and Ewell Antiquarian Society.
  • He mixed in antiquarian circles, copied Antique frescoes, and painted a celebrated portrait of the Scottish cicerone James Byres and his family.
  • But neither the antiquarian interest of the seventeenth-century erudites nor the philosophic concerns of the great eighteenth-century historians, such as Montesquieu, Voltaire, Gibbon, HISTORICISM
  • One of the most fervent bardolaters of the period was the artist and antiquarian Samuel Ireland.
  • To be fair to Isaac, he hastens to assure the reader that ‘the debate cannot be so readily dismissed or relegated to antiquarian study.’
  • While the revival of form and narrative among young literary poets could be dismissed by critical tastemakers as benighted antiquarianism and intellectual pretension," Gioia writes, "its universal adoption as the prosody-of-choice by disenfranchised urban blacks. . .is impossible to dismiss in such simplistic ideological terms. Is Rap Poetry?
  • He also began work on his life of 17th century biographer and antiquarian John Aubrey.
  • Antiquarians allow it to be the oldest _milliare_ now extant in Britain; and perhaps the inscription upon it is older than most others that have been found upon altars, or other monuments of Roman antiquity in this island. A Walk through Leicester being a Guide to Strangers
  • I finished my circuit of the town, now also wanting to buy an antiquarian book.
  • To him, indeed, that future, as well as the past and the present, are alike matter for meditation: for the geologist is the most satisfactory of antiquarians, the most interesting of philosophers, and the most inspired of prophets; demonstrating that which has past by discovery, that which is occurring by observation, and that which is to come by induction. Vivian Grey
  • The treatment of fables as vague intimations of Christian doctrine did not disappear even in the most sophisticated antiquarian studies of the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries.
  • He knows where the work's heart lies and how to conjure its spell from the music 's limpid simplicity and antiquarian turns of phrase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interest in Chinese and Japanese export porcelain has remained, however, among antiquarians, collectors, and historians, for whom it is an important document of the interactions between East and West.
  • Many were collections of antiquarian theological works, often in poor condition; more had been dispersed than had survived. Times, Sunday Times
  • The role of Hampton Court as an ancestral home in antiquarian taste shaped its early Stuart function as the focus for ambassadorial receptions.
  • Pursuing the details can be fun -- I'm one of those nutty people who actually enjoys spending hours in a big research library chasing down epigraphical evidence for the origin of a name -- but it's never purely an antiquarian pursuit for me. Historical Fiction
  • A quick search reveals the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould - born 1834; died 1924 - was a hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and prolific travel writer, whose accomplishments include a 16-volume lives of the saints and the book of werewolves. Getting From Here To There, The Retro Way
  • After his death, certain of his biographical and other writings were brought out by his son, Montagu North, but otherwise his works awaited discovery by nineteenth-century antiquarians and twentieth-century scholars.
  • We cannot fetishize "antiquarian" history as a solution to our problems, but it is a restraint upon despair or chaos. Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • There will be a diverse selection of items for sale including furniture, antiquarian books, linen and lace, china and collectibles.
  • The antiquarian revival of the later eighteenth century spawned an amazing attempt by Abraham Farley at reproducing the whole text in a form as near to the original as possible.
  • The reason for the change in formulation is that numismatic specialists and antiquarians insisted that coins had to be made of metal.
  • Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Genealogists are no longer simply antiquarians but often museologists, archivists, and family historians.
  • Where else in Europe do the traces of pre-classical life leave so much to be puzzled over by antiquarians, anthropologists, historians, and psychologists?
  • A new market appeared as the burgeoning antiquarian book trade pushed up the price of older works.
  • In spite of some of the obscure, antiquarian concerns of humanist engagement with the music of the classical past, the impact of humanism itself should not be underestimated.
  • As I am an amateur ancient coin collector, my thoughts are somewhat focused on the numismatic area of the antiquities market, but I believe the analysis can cover other antiquarian items.
  • For as long as there has been a publishing industry, there have been used books, that supposedly quaint world of polymaths and antiquarians poking about musty, cluttered stores for titles few readers would know.
  • Have they become mere quaint antiquarian survivals?
  • Today, there's a trend toward decorating with such exotic, "antiquarian" - looking objects.
  • Napoleon has with him scholars, including antiquarians and linguists, whose job it is to unravel the mysteries of ancient Egypt.
  • The book belonged variously to an English lady, a Scottish noblewoman and thereafter to members of the Stewart family and two notable antiquarians.
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthropologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation − and, indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium − were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir.
  • It is a bit rich for the apparatchiks of contemporary tourism industries to claim a romantic attachment to objects whose value is derived solely from that which was placed upon them by British antiquarians of yester-year.
  • There were imported suits, obscure gramophone records, antiquarian books, fancy horse-wear, dinosaur eggs, buttered croissants, white chocolate and computer games.
  • Centuries after sword manufacturing in Hounslow had ceased, some antiquarians began collecting the surviving specimens.
  • There will be a diverse selection of items for sale including furniture, antiquarian books, linen and lace, china and collectibles.
  • Brayley, Edward Wedlake (1773 – 1854): enameller, antiquarian, joint editor, with John Britton, of the book series, The Beauties of England and Wales. Index of People
  • As for "antiquarianism" itselfa term that I would agree has to be revalued from Nietzsche's contemptSimpson's defense of that posture doesn't register the mounting evidence that "disinterested" historical information was only sometimes the aim of antiquarian scholarship in the past, and perhaps more rarely than we used to think. Presentism and the Archives
  • While the "antiquarian" methods that Simpson urges us to adopt invite us to experience reading as a "meditative" act in which our epistemological and ultimately our ontological relations to historical material are both tentative and multi-directional, he doesn't afford this kind of flexibility to presentist readers. Reading Queerly: A Presentist's Confession
  • Kenny is still selling rare, antiquarian and out-of-print books to clients in the US and Britain, but now he is targeting libraries, universities and private collectors in Japan, China and Taiwan.
  • The reason for the change in formulation is that numismatic specialists and antiquarians insisted that coins had to be made of metal.

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