How To Use Antipodal In A Sentence
Somehow out of these nearly antipodal situations a coherent policy of managerial control will have to be fashioned.
Finally, Antarctica is antipodal to the Arctic Ocean, mostly, as if its core had been pushed southward.
A basic definition of a world circumnavigation would be a route which covers at least a great circle, and in particular one which passes through at least one pair of points antipodal to each other.
Since about 80% of the world's land is antipodal to ocean, this list is necessarily very short.
Its vertices are R ’, G ’, and B ’, which are the points antipodal to R, G, and B respectively.

For these maps a region of the northern hemisphere is superimposed with the corresponding antipodal area.
Britain, with an exploding crime rate at the turn of the 18th century and its jails crammed past capacity with mostly minor felons, arrived at a solution: the establishment of an antipodal maximum-security prison whose perimeters were on the other side of the world and guarded by the thundering Pacific.
Cruelty in Fact and Fiction
The angiosperm female gametophyte, called the embryo sac, consists of four cell types: synergid, antipodal, egg, and central cell.
Mr Levy has certainly prepared O readers for antipodal interpretation of what is written in the local daily of record.
Portland "ugly" and "minor-league" to Sports Illustrated (Jack Bog's Blog)
In both cases, the photographs complement a text that intends to inform metropolitan viewers about antipodal social problems, and in both cases the ambiguity and complexity of the photographs challenge any simple interpretation.
Silence was complicit consent to bomb Libya and now it has an antipodal effect because it lends legitimacy to the despot of Damascus.
Michael Hughes: UN Fiddles While Syria Burns
Theorists came up with an explanation for magnetic fields antipodal to impact basins not long after the Apollo measurements hinted at a correlation.
In a species of _Allium_, embryos have been found developing in the same individual from the egg-cell, synergids, antipodal cells and cells of the nucellus.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Heard Island is antipodal to the Canadian province of Saskatchewan which was under ice 12,000 years ago.
Using waveguide as input port, inside the waveguide we adopt a double antipodal fin-line transition, by adding tray and E-T junction, we can adjust the amount of the branches to get more power output.
It is, furthermore, the case that the embryo sac itself also exhibits polar organization, with the egg cell and synergids adjacent to the micropyle, while the antipodal cells are found at the opposite chalazal end.
Since this terrain is antipodal to the Caloris Basin, it has been speculated that it may have been caused by a focussing of seismic forces originating from the Caloris impact.
Aposporous embryo sacs were identified easily due to the lack of antipodal cells and because they showed varying positions and orientation within the ovule.
Although Easter Island is antipodal to the Indus Valley, it is more nearly antipodal to the unexcavated city of Ganweriwali than to Mohenjo Daro.
Ancient geographers like Ptolemy presumed that such a place existed, postulating a ‘terra incognita’ that served as an antipodal ballast to their northern land mass.
‘Sure, the antipodal geography is incorrect, but it helps turn the idea of a spherical planet from an abstraction into something concrete,’ Musser says.
At the top of this macrospore or embryo-sac two or three germinal vesicles are formed by free cell formation, and also two or three cells called antipodal cells, since they travel to the other end of the embryo-sac; these latter represent a rudimentary prothallium.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
I must be brave and not let our antipodal friends see the pain I bear at being denied this priceless entertainment.
Every location on earth has a counterpart that is directly opposite, called its antipodal point.
However, Ulam did make a fundamental contribution in proposing the antipodal map theorem.
It is, furthermore, the case that the embryo sac itself also exhibits polar organization, with the egg cell and synergids adjacent to the micropyle, while the antipodal cells are found at the opposite chalazal end.
The macrospore or embryo-sac produces a prothallium called the endosperm, in which archegonia or corpuscula are formed; and lastly, in typical dicotyledons it is only lately that any trace of a prothallium from the microspore or pollen cell has been discovered, while the macrospore or embryo-sac produces only two or three prothallium cells, known as antipodal cells, and two or three oospheres, known as germinal vesicles.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
The U.S mainland is antipodal to the sea that is west of Australia, down near Antarctica.
antipodal points on a sphere
Parts of the far north of Canada and Alaska, and most of Greenland, are antipodal to the coast of Antarctica.
I guess you could call this the NATO meme
Slots 11A, 11B are formed through the shaft 11 at points not antipodal to each other, while slots 13A, 13B are formed through the sleeve 13 at points not antipodal to each other.
The discourse between evangelical Christians and atheists has been antipodal at best.
Frank Fredericks: God, We Need Atheists
The same antipodal vision persists in the stories collected by David Malouf under the title of Antipodes.
Once past the halfway point, the wavefront is no longer diverging, it is converging onto a single point, a point which is exactly antipodal to the source.
Australia is actually antipodal to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, straddling the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Tropic of Cancer between the Canary Isles and the Sargasso Sea.
Being a weather geek now I need to know what the antipodal weather is.
The antipodal cells are much smaller than the other cells of the gametophyte and typically persist beyond anthesis.
The three cells at the opposite end are known as antipodal cells and become invested with a cell-wall.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
If so, it would be heavier, and it might have punched all the way through Mars to form the Tharsis Uplift, which is antipodal to the center of Hellas.
Antipodal costal spaces: Odonata; the cells between costa and subcosta, from the base to the modus; = antecubitals.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
There is also the antipodal farthest point from everyone on Earth.
As expected, using the antipodal amino acid resulted in the generation of a polyamino acid capable of catalysing the formation of the enantiomeric, epoxide with equal stereocontrol
antipodal regions of the earth
This open spatial setting is antipodal to the domestic environs of the healing stories of Peter's mother-in-law and the synagogue leader's daughter.
The important observation is that in dimension three Al needs five steps, even if we tell it that the vertex antipodal to his first query is not the sink.
Even though my mind has been awakened from its somnolent state, the body has been subjected to an antipodal experience.