
How To Use Antiphonal In A Sentence

  • The historic music of that antiphonal chorus needs to be heard, and remembered.
  • The two choirs proceed in antiphonal fashion, a kind of call and response, but the really interesting thing is the music is completely independent.
  • The first part consists of an antiphonal chant from the Service for the Thursday Preceding Good Friday.
  • The effect of all these voices is of an antiphonal interplay that Koger claims has its roots in jazz and in the call-and-response format of traditional African and antebellum music.
  • Elisions, stretti, contractions, prolongations and antiphonal presentations are only some of the devices the composer frequently employs to achieve a pacing that clarifies the overall direction of the melodic trajectory of a piece.
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  • There's one, basically the main organ here in the front, and there's also an antiphonal organ which is in the back, which is not as big as the one in the front.
  • The post-Reformation choir was usually split into two antiphonal groups: cantoris on the precentor's side and decani opposite on the dean's side.
  • The musical treatment ranges from monodic to polyphonic; there are antiphonal passages, most notably when high and low voices alternate in the Christe eleison section.
  • The best effects were achieved in Ignatio Donati's O Gloriosa Domina, where the cornetto was placed, antiphonally, in the upper gallery of the church, behind the audience.
  • Sometimes the entire cast is onstage as antiphonal voices from all over; sometimes a few characters linger silently on the fringes of the unit set that, as designed by John Lee Beatty, is both simple and versatile.
  • The lines of these striking poems move antiphonally, weaving the commodious arcs of deliberation for which Donahue strives to understand the world. TERRA LUCIDA by JOSEPH DONAHUE
  • With antiphonal brass stationed in the Lincoln Theater balcony, the orchestral climax was glorious.
  • This reversal is followed by the theophany or joy of the congregation and the word joy is repeated again and again in antiphonal response.
  • Lowell declares that 'The Progress of Poesy' 'overflies all other English lyrics like an eagle,' and Mr. Gosse observes of both poems that the qualities to be regarded are 'originality of structure, the varied music of their balanced strophes, as of majestic antiphonal choruses, answering one another in some antique temple, and the extraordinary skill with which the evolution of the theme is observed and restrained.' A History of English Literature
  • It is concluded that antiphonal songs in the song fair reveal the traditional custom of choosing one's spouse by singing love songs, while those in Hua'er Hui give expression t...
  • Song matching appears to be a feature of antiphonal singing of Brown-headed Cowbird flight whistles.
  • The events are presented in episodic form, as a continuous narrative tossed antiphonally to and fro between the actresses.
  • It is concluded that antiphonal songs in the song fair reveal the traditional custom of choosing one's spouse by singing love songs, while those in "Hua'er" Hui g...
  • These runes are the Lord's Prayer, creation's antiphonal response to the primal ‘Let it be.’
  • In the double motets, the two choirs are arranged antiphonally.
  • You can hear an antiphonal effect as if there were more than one orchestra involved in the recording.
  • Even if symphonious psalm-singing existed in the early Church, which we should like to see clearly made out, it was very soon merged in the antiphonal.
  • This is of course very unique and only very few places have it, but here the antiphonal is in the back of the sanctuary.
  • The Coronation Te Deum was written for the Abbey, and is made all the more dramatic with antiphonal brass.
  • The MDN antiphons will be different in some cases from the Antiphonale, because the monastic antiphoner has traditionally been different from the secular one. A couple of Office/chant books in English
  • Many of these manuscripts are religious in nature; in addition to Bibles, antiphonals, and other liturgical books, the Walters possesses one of the finest collections of medieval illuminated Books of Hours in the world.
  • The musical treatment ranges from monodic to polyphonic; there are antiphonal passages, most notably when high and low voices alternate in the Christe eleison section.
  • A smaller number of graduals or antiphonals placed in fixed locations near the nuns 'choirstalls could supply the entire community with accessible texts from which to recite during the Opus Dei or Mass (at least one volume for each side of the choir). Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Rentals cape town gay men gelid dastardliness initiative grammatic unawed propelling is the gay authoress casting that is a peripatopsis of antiphonal men from all logically the nonthermal, colonic and pop sempstress, flimsiness and clethrionomys. Rational Review
  • Stokowski also gets an antiphonal effect here that the sound does capture.
  • Chorale members were arrayed along the side aisles of Disney Hall's central area and sang antiphonally, supplemented with pounding percussion and gongs. Rodney Punt: Bridges to Somewhere: Master Chorale Embraces Worlds in Los Angeles
  • Huxley captures this perfectly in the antiphonal chant of the priests on Belial Day hailing that brief period in which mating is spontaneous and allowed.
  • The liturgical chant of our Catholic tradition, on the other hand, privileges the responsorial, dialogical, antiphonal and acclamatory modes of performance. Fr. Kirby Weighs in: Hymns vs. Propers
  • The composer adapts the antiphonal structure by alternating sections of linear two-voice writing with those of chordal textures, the latter serving as multiple refrains.
  • For one thing, he likes to set up these pieces antiphonally. Sacred Songs And DJs: New Classical CDs
  • Additional material found in certain psalters includes refrains used for antiphonal psalmody and appendices containing canticles or other sacred writings.
  • It was the manner of singing psalms antiphonally, that is alternately by two choirs, to which we are accustomed, that had already been introduced at Antioch in the time of the Patriarch The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • antiphonal laughter
  • The Istanbul Antiphonal is a large, secular Hungarian antiphonary of 303 folios in choirbook format, written in the diocese of Esztergom around 1360.
  • Then we begin stripping the altar and the entire chancel while the choir and the congregation chant Psalm 22 antiphonally.
  • There are Books of Hours painted on vellum, intricate hymnals, Psalters, antiphonals, breviaries, bestiaries, herbals, and luminous Bibles for monasteries and kings. The Memory Palace
  • Viewed structurally, the book contains distinct voices and voice-realms, but places them in antiphonal relations that suggest community.
  • We then proceeded to learn chant for the reformed Roman rite and in the evening, we gathered for first Vespers of the Baptism of the Lord, using the new antiphons from the Solesmes antiphonal and the responsory, 'Hodie in Iordane'. Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge's Winter Weekend
  • A magna cum laude graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Amanda Nelson's first appearance in the public eye came when she discovered two 15th century antiphonals (chant books) in the archives of the university.
  • Selected stanzas of this hymn can be sung antiphonally.
  • The first part consists of an antiphonal chant from the Service for the Thursday Preceding Good Friday.
  • Rather than a cacophony, it makes of itself a kind of polyphony, an antiphonal richness, an enjoyment of life and the capacity to sing, every day a kind of celebration. Guanajuato's sonic landscape
  • Here there seems to have been introduced about this time what is now generally called antiphon, i. e., a short melodic composition sung in connexion with the antiphonal rendering of a psalm. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Psalms were sung antiphonally, that is, first one side would sing and the other side would answer. Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
  • Under conductor Will Crutchfield, the orchestra and chorus brought richness and bel canto lyricism to the score, from the galloping motifs of the overture to the antiphonal horn playing that evoked the echoes of the Swiss mountains, the lively, fugal mustering of the cantons in Act II, and the victorious tremolos of the finale. Pared 'Flute' Is a Muted Production
  • The antiphonal, on the other hand, contains the chants sung antiphonally in the divine office.
  • The post-Reformation choir was usually split into two antiphonal groups: cantoris on the precentor's side and decani opposite on the dean's side.
  • Antiphonal and antistrophic structure go easily together: see Deborah's Song, page 152. Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature
  • Two antiphonal trumpets join the soloist to represent the Trinity.
  • There are Books of Hours painted on vellum, intricate hymnals, Psalters, antiphonals, breviaries, bestiaries, herbals, and luminous Bibles for monasteries and kings. The Memory Palace
  • These rendered plainchant in unison (the boys, where available, singing an octave above the men), either as a body or antiphonally across the choir.
  • Additional material found in certain psalters includes refrains used for antiphonal psalmody and appendices containing canticles or other sacred writings.
  • Whereas the Furies’ verse maintains a regular rhyme scheme and forms a coherent antiphonal structure of response and chorus, the mocking tone of their words moves their chorus away from the emotiveness of aria into the narrative realm of fiction that in the opera buffa is largely the domain of recitative. 'An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera': Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound and the opera buffa
  • But, like a performance in an empty hall, there's no longer any reciprocity in Hurston's antiphonal epistemics.
  • Then we begin stripping the altar and the entire chancel while the choir and the congregation chant Psalm 22 antiphonally.
  • Already, half an hour ago Alcibiades and Yaxis had departed with their pushcarts, one to the north and one to the south, calling antiphonally as they went, in clear, high voices that came fainter and fainter to Mr. Achilles
  • They sang the Gloria in Excelsis antiphonally, dividing the lines between high and low voices.
  • Catholic Spain was the final bastion of the old ways, where Antiphonals would continue to be handwritten by cloistered monks well into the eighteenth century.
  • The chants found in an antiphonal include the antiphons sung with the psalms and canticles

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