How To Use antiphlogistic In A Sentence
- The pith of the stems is used for antiphlogistic, antipyretic and other medicinal purposes.
- The invention relates to an application of gastrodine for preparing the drug on atrophic arthritis, wherein gastrodine can resist atrophic arthritis via ease pain and antiphlogistic function.
- When Lavoisier presented his antiphlogistic system, this system proved in principle so perfect that one could confidently predict that many well-known substances, such as alkalis and alkaline earths, were not elements but oxides of hitherto unknown metals - Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
- No doubt, as Dr. Gould says, the use of alcohol in medical practice is nothing now compared to what it was twenty years ago, much more forty years ago, when Dr. Todd's influence, and the reaction from the so-called antiphlogistic treatment were at their height. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
- The pith of the stems is used for antiphlogistic, antipyretic and other medicinal purposes.
- The young companion of Miss Crawley, at the conclusion of their interview, came in to receive their instructions, and administered those antiphlogistic medicines which the eminent men ordered. Vanity Fair
- Having passed through a hasty ceremony of introduction to the new-comers, of whose arrival he had been made aware by the heartbroken little nurse in waiting without, the Doctor proceeded to examine the patient, about whose condition of high fever there could be no mistake, and on whom he thought it necessary to exercise the strongest antiphlogistic remedies in his power. The History of Pendennis
- It is an essential part of the antiphlogistic theory, that in all the cases of what I have called _phlogistication_ of _air_, there is simply an absorption of the dephlogisticated air, or, as the advocates of that theory term it, the oxygen contained in it, leaving the _phlogisticated_ part, which they call _azote_, as it originally existed in the atmosphere. Priestley in America 1794-1804
- The whole plant is antiecchymotic, antiphlogistic, nervine, sternutatory and vulnerary.
- But the druggist said that he would cure himself with an antiphlogistic pomade of his own composition, and he gave his address — “Monsieur Homais, near the market, pretty well known.” Madame Bovary