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[ US /ˈæntiˌɑk/ ]
  1. a town in southern Turkey; ancient commercial center and capital of Syria; an early center of Christianity

How To Use Antioch In A Sentence

  • The temple of the +Olympian Zeus+ at Athens (Fig. 39), a mighty dipteral Corinthian edifice measuring 354 by 171 feet, standing on a vast terrace or temenos surrounded by a buttressed wall, was begun by Antiochus Epiphanes (170 B.C.) on the site of an earlier unfinished A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The male line of Robert Guiscard was extinguished, both in Apulia and at Antioch, in the second generation; but his younger brother became the father of a line of kings; and the son of the great count was endowed with the name, the conquests, and the spirit, of the first Roger. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She received a Ph.D. in literature from the University of Washington and has taught at both the U.W. and Antioch. Erica Bauermeister biography
  • The following spring Manual made a triumphal entry into the city and established himself as the unquestioned suzerain of Antioch.
  • There is an identification of the church of Antioch with those liberal elements present in the contemporaneous Church of England.
  • Of these losses, the most important was the Battle of Raphia in 217 BC, where the dissolute Pharaoh Ptolemy IV managed to beat the forces of Antiochus III, who called himself "the Great. Eric Lurio: The Spirit of Chanukah
  • Antiochene phraseology, and they respect the hypostatic union (enosis kath hypostasin) as well as the physike enosis as unorthodox and unscriptural. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Meanwhile right across the Hellespont lay the Kingdom of Syria, and Antiochus III, who ruled that vast land, had shown great eagerness when his distinguished guest, General Hannibal, explained to him how easy it would be to invade Italy and sack the city of Rome. The Story of Mankind
  • Antiochus, the pancratiast; and on that of the Eleians, Archidamus. Hellenica
  • Deprived of life-saving help while be-sieged in Antioch, we daily expected him to assist us to the best of his ability. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
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