

[ UK /ˌæntˈɪmənˌi/ ]
  1. a metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite

How To Use antimony In A Sentence

  • The most important of these are antimony, phosphorus, tin, and arsenic, with manganese and silicon having a small effect.
  • To them is due the discovery of antimony, sulphuric ether and phosphorus, the cupellation of gold and silver, the determining of the properties of saltpetre and its use in gunpowder, and the discovery of the distillation of essential oils. The Majesty of Calmness; individual problems and posibilities
  • They are usually applied to wool and silk in a neutral or slightly alkaline bath; on cotton they are fixed by means of tannate of antimony or tin. Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
  • ~ -- Ores, &c., containing antimony are best opened up by boiling with hydrochloric acid or aqua regia; treatment with nitric acid should be avoided wherever possible, since it forms antimonic acid, which is subsequently dissolved only with difficulty. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Dilute to exactly 1 litre; 100 c.c. contain 0.5 gram of antimony as antimonic chloride. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • State records indicate there is considerable groundwater degradation at the site, and that high levels of arsenic and antimony have been recorded.
  • Surma is made from antimony sulfide, but it may contain lead as an accidental impurity that remains in antimony sulfide or it may be an intentional adulterant.
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • The dark-painted rim and foot imitate Japanese cloisonne enamel vases, which often feature dark rims and bases of shakudo, an alloy of antimony, copper, and gold.
  • The Caiwa middle - sized antimony deposit is located on the western Shanxi-Henan antimony ore belt, The hosting rocks are Yanlinggou Formation graphite marble of the Qinling Group.
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