How To Use Antidiuretic hormone In A Sentence
Slide 52: Arginine vasopressin (hypothalamus) - formerly known as antidiuretic hormone, stimulated by changes in effective circulating volume.
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Testicular swelling, gynecomastia and impotence in the male, breast enlargement and galactorrhea in the female, increased or decreased libido, elevation and lowering of blood sugar levels, syndrome of inappropriate ADH (antidiuretic hormone) secretion.
Stormtiger Diary Entry
Alcohol suppresses the production of a hormone called ADH -- antidiuretic hormone -- released from (IIRC) the hypothalamus.
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When body fluids become concentrated, more antidiuretic hormone is released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and acts in the kidneys to promote retention of water.
MDMA releases arginine vasopressin, aka antidiuretic hormone, thus causing the body to retain water.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Testicular swelling, gynecomastia and impotence in the male, breast enlargement and galactorrhea in the female, increased or decreased libido, elevation and lowering of blood sugar levels, syndrome of inappropriate ADH (antidiuretic hormone) secretion.
Stormtiger Diary Entry
Nephrologists see lots of people on lithium, because one of its complications is kidney disease, including this type of diabetes, insipidus, a condition that causes resistance to antidiuretic hormone ADH, creating massive thirst and voluminous urination.
After the Diagnosis
It is evolutionary conserved as both antidiuretic hormone after peripheral secretion and anxiogenic stress-related neuropeptide after central release
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When antidiuretic hormone is absent, urinary dilution occurs.
As an inhibitor of cAMP/adenyl cyclase, lithium impairs the function of two major types of hormones mediated by this system: antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) (320).
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
Antidiuretic hormone, which is secreted in response to stimuli such as changes in blood volume, tonicity, and blood pressure, is the primary regulator of body water.
Nephrologists see lots of people on lithium, because one of its complications is kidney disease, including this type of diabetes, insipidus, a condition that causes resistance to antidiuretic hormone ADH, creating massive thirst and voluminous urination.
After the Diagnosis
The Commission has also given the nod to Otsuka's oral once-daily Samsca (tolvaptan), a selective V2-vasopressin receptor antagonist, for the treatment of hyponatraemia secondary to syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion in adults.
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