How To Use Anti-semitism In A Sentence

  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
  • Besides the ghost of Polish anti-Semitism, should not that of Jewish anti-Polonism also be laid to rest? Poland and the Jews: An Exchange
  • Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
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  • He was listed as an example of theological anti-Semitism by the Anti-Defamation League, when he called curses down upon Jews and labeled them the "scum of the earth" in his sermons. - Front Page
  • The experience supposedly deepened his already visceral anti-Semitism.
  • In the left-wing newspaper Libération, editor Laurent Joffrin argued that the cartoon reeked of anti-Semitism: “The association of the Jew, money and power in one phrase which stigmatises the arrivisme of an individual.” Allegedly Anti-Semitic Cartoon Leaves France in Frenzy
  • Anti-Semitism (and its supposed Scriptural and religious justification) was prevalent in Christendom for many centuries leading up to the holocaust. Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
  • Since the binding of signifier to signified is non-essential — such that a cigar may just be a cigar — and is often even idiolectic and idiosyncratic — such that what is significant to the advocate, A, may be significant only to them — the conventionality of semantic associations must be taken as a standard of approximate objectivity in order to distinguish the uncoupling of conventionally-accepted pairings (as, say, where the advocate is highlighting a well-established symbolism of anti-Semitism) from the rejection of idiosyncratically-asserted couplings (as, say, where the advocate is reading a pepper mill as a phallic symbol); the former constitutes insignification while the latter is simply a denial of significance. Arguing With Geeks 8
  • On top of that, I'm probably indulging fascism, anti-Semitism and snottiness.
  • It's possible that "Jewish Nazis" would be accurate enough, but I suspect you'd like that even less than you like "Zionist" and would then accuse us of Jew-baiting and anti-Semitism. Waxman Attacks Winograd On Israel; Ignites A Political Firestorm
  • In all its myriad manifestations, the language of anti-Semitism through the ages is a dictionary of non-sequiturs and antonyms, a thesaurus of illogic and inconsistency.
  • The only possible reason is anti-Semitism or Neo-Nazi sympathies.
  • One of the tactics that has been used by some elements of the official structures of American Jewish organizations has been to attempt to "excommunicate" some critics of Israel by calling them "self-hating Jews" or "enablers of anti-Semitism. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Renewing Jewish Culture or Excommunicating Jewish Thinkers?
  • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
  • The most sobering part of the book is a short passage where Guttenplan elaborates this country's history of anti-Semitism.
  • The political use of anti-Semitism by the Warsaw Communist regime (continuing under Jaruzelski) has had international repercussions, especially in the United States where since the forced exodus of 1968 anti-Polonism has become a "must" in all films and television productions dealing with the Jewish Holocaust. Poland and the Jews: An Exchange
  • That Gibson's aggressive, unhidden anti-Semitism was not enough to end his career -- not here and assuredly not in Europe -- says an awful lot about our unwillingness to see the continuing danger of hatred of Jews. Rabbi David Wolpe: Why Wasn't Gibson's Anti-Semitism Enough?
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • OTTAWA – Anti-Semitism is creeping from the shadows into the mainstream and even onto university campuses, a parliamentary committee heard Monday. Archive 2009-11-01
  • And yet there was no cessation of anti-Semitism in the liberated country.
  • Canadian Jews also have a particular concern about folk anti-semitism in Francophone Quebec. Matthew Yglesias » My Long-Awaited Revenge
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; business = 1; featured-posts = 1; media = 1; nickname = laurence-leamer; entry_id = 167359; anti-semitism = 1; jewish = 1; jews = 1; leamer = 1; ma = 1; madness-under-the-royal-palms = 1; palm-beach = 1", Laurence Leamer: The Woman Who Cried Wolf
  • It may seem like a minor point, but any attempt to dilute the term anti-Semitism by linking it to all the peoples of the Mideast, and not just the Jews, is an insidious form of, well, anti-Semitism. Gabriel Rotello: Can al-Maliki Be "Anti-Semitic" If He's a Semite Himself?
  • Further violations will result in justifiable allegations of anti-semitism. joejoejoe Says: Matthew Yglesias » Comeback Kid
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • It is perhaps not surprising that some neoconservatives have charged in return that, in the mouths of their critics, neoconservative is a code word for Jewish, since the kind of takeover of the American body politic alleged is all too similar to the kinds of conspiracies laid at the feet of Jews in the history of anti-Semitism. Francis Fukuyama on the Neoconservative Legacy: an Excerpt from America at the Crossroads
  • (Naturally, all of this was only enough to get Mr. Hosni “accused” of anti-semitism by the New York Times, self-accusation not actually being enough to convict.) Gates of Sofia « View From a Height
  • Sanchez, as Gibson, in blurting out his dumb crack, swims in a sea that's been well poisoned by latent and overt anti-Semitism. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Sanchez Must Go, But Will CNN Have the Guts to Do It
  • Duberman extenuatingly suggests that the gesture was “all that he could have done without directly threatening Feffer's life,” but that life was doomed anyway; more telling is that on his return to the United States, Robeson vehemently denied the existence of Soviet anti-Semitism. A story about George Galloway...
  • Even more hysterically funny and revolting, he says that the dictionary's editors tabulate "citational evidence" about anti-Semitism published in "carefully written prose-like books and magazines". A Warning To Those Who Dare Criticize Israel In The US
  • This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete. New & Noteworthy
  • Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust.
  • In other words, unless you want to argue that what you are calling gentile-centrism is an entirely distinct phenomenon, that the difference between that and anti-Semitism is one of kind, not degree, why make the distinction at all? More on Chomsky and Anti-Semitism
  • During the 1930s, as anti-Semitism became an organized mass-movement, the league diversified.
  • Fascism, Christianity, Anti-Semitism, Capitalism plus a hatred of Bolshevikism and Communism were the engines on that Nazi Train. Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich
  • Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.
  • Nor was this movement particularly interested in challenging racism, classism, anti-Semitism, ageism, ableism or fatphobia.
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • What this clip shows is that it with a submissive rhetoric you can be mock racist but, there's such a internal reaction about anti-semitism because a majority of the world "who are silent anti-semitics" have not yet been submissive and admitted to it, as nationalties apologised or confronted the reality unlike the resolution process that has occured with racism in general, Jews still have this issue to resolve, Little Britain reminds us that we still owe a debt to Judaism and it's world citizens, for the anti-semitism which lays dormant and unspoke in every area from government to boardroom, from the work place to the classromm, from the media to our homes, if as they have proved it is more uncomfortable an issue it is an issue that is yet to be resolved and Little Britain just reminded everybody. Aish Weekly Articles
  • Nowadays when you read about Jews, it's about anti-semitism, the Holocaust, boycotts, Israel, 50 percent out-marriage rates. Dovid Efune: The Finkler Question And Answer
  • To single out the Jews as being singularly separate and disloyal from the rest of America is the very soul of anti-Semitism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • We understand that anti-Semitism obscures the reality of what it is to be a Jew, and has enabled atrocities great and small to be committed upon the Jewish people.
  • It is often pointed out that antisemitism (or anti-Semitism), meaning "anti-Jewish," is a misnomer since the word Semitic, strictly speaking, refers to a number of peoples, including Jews and 9/11, Antisemitism and Denial
  • It said the reprimand made it Israel on Tuesday over what it called the discourteous treatment of its minister of fueling anti-Semitism with his criticism of Israel, officials said Tuesday, threatening to spark a Israel and Turkey have indicated that they have overcome the diplomatic row between their countries and are working for better relations peace in the region and using disproportionate force against Palestinians. - Articles related to Zardari books fast train to Turkey
  • And his government will, at some point, be seized of the report that will be forthcoming from the Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Seuss railed against the evil isms of his day - fascism, anti-Semitism, anti-black racism - with the full force of his tensile imagination.
  • 134 Wilhelm Marr, the inventor of the word anti-Semitism, agreed. Bloodlust
  • The anti-Semitism that he there encountered made him more conscious of the Jewishness that had not been particularly important to him before.
  • Everybody who's actually seen the movie loves it and says the charge of anti-Semitism is hogwash.
  • This more sophisticated and rationally expressed conspiracy theory of anti-semitism was combined with gutter racist anti-semitic abuse in its publications.
  • We wrote to him and quoted his letter to our reader (claiming no one had challenged the alleged rampant anti-Semitism).
  • As Suzanne Pharr points out, ‘it is virtually impossible to view one oppression… in isolation because they are all connected: sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, ableism, anti-Semitism, ageism ‘.
  • Also, she seems to have felt that nazism was not really a form of anti-Semitism at all, but the first instance of a new and completely generalisable move towards a totalitarian political culture that would use selective genocide quite routinely all over the world, if it was allowed to develop and normalise itself. Comment i posted to johann hari’s article
  • Jennings has stated that if you express the belief that homosexuality is "psychologically, spiritually, or morally wrong" you are engaging in "heterosexism" which is a "prejudice" just like "racism, anti-Semitism, and sexism. Latest Articles
  • This party has a long, proud history of opposing anti-Semitism.
  • Even-handedness is merely the anti-Semitism that dare not speak its name; hadn’t you heard? neil Says: Matthew Yglesias » Foxman Steps Up His Campaign Against Fairness
  • This is why I take exception to your once again trotting out the anti-Semitism anti-Jewish appellation, rather than just going to the facts of the matter. The Volokh Conspiracy » Forthcoming TNR Piece on Human Rights Watch
  • They have all sorts of interesting stories to tell about bygone days: airplane travel that required you to wear a parachute, ration points to buy food during WWII, inkwells and pigtails, Skelly and boxball, communism, nuclear, and Smallpox scares, pre-'70s sexism and anti-semitism during job interviews, punch cards and tape computing - my father began teaching computers in 1963! The Last Unrecorded Generation
  • The term anti-Semitism was invented by Wilhlem Marr (as Barbara said) to denote hatred of Jews and is used exactly as he, the inventor, intended, so how could it have been hijacked? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Last summer, Hannah Rosenthal, the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, made a trip to Dachau and Auschwitz with a delegation of American imams and Muslim leaders.
  • The term anti-Semitism derives from the late nineteenth century, and research into ancient anti-Judaic sentiment dates from the same period. Bloodlust
  • Anti-Semitism, naziism, communism, and socialism are like sliding-scale assho! The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Heidegger in the library’s grave of discarded lies
  • Guys like you need to understand that as time goes on and Zionist leaders continue to order human-rights violations that are ever more outrageous, the rest of the world grows ever more deaf to Zionist complaints of anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting. Waxman Attacks Winograd On Israel; Ignites A Political Firestorm
  • Clearly, by anti-Semitism, Stephen means anti-Jewish well then dont use the wrong term. a term hijacked (amongst other things) by jewish propaganda. i dont use word jewish instead of zionist do i? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • You are entirely mistaken about both "Jewish propaganda," which is an insulting and racist term, not that I am surprised, and about the term anti-Semitism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In the cradle of liberty, equality and fraternity, a presidential candidate is accused of bigotry, intolerance and some say anti-Semitism.
  • At the end of the trip, they read a statement that they wrote and signed together condemning without reservation Holocaust denial and all other forms of anti-Semitism.
  • What you call "anti-semitism", is no different, than "anti-gentilism", that is hatred of other groups, by Jews. The Palestinian Mufti's Deal with Hitler: Kill All the Jews in the Middle East
  • Recently German President Johannes Rau asked the Israeli Knesset for forgiveness for the Holocaust and pledged to fight anti-Semitism in Europe.
  • In short, Gertz alleges not that the Planet is too indulgent in publishing crankish letters to the editor, but that it has an official editorial policy, adhered to by its editors, columnists, and reporters, that is obsessive about and extremely hostile to Israel, to the extent that it sometimes crosses the line into overt anti-Semitism. The Volokh Conspiracy » More One-Sided “Reporting” from the NYT
  • Does the Vatican know about anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism as a result of it, in the Catholic Church, especially in Swedish Catholic Church? Bishop Arborelius on the SSPX and the newest Swedish TV attack on the Pope
  • The ghost of anti-Semitism still haunts Europe.
  • But the inference that the special Hollinger committee set up to investigate the allegations produced a report influenced by anti-Semitism is one which carries a variety of dangerous subtexts.
  • Of course, political anti-semitism is still evident in the more liberal Spanish media, which is ardently pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Page 2
  • So the 'fortuitous outcome of battle', the 'discrimination' against inhabitants of Palestine was never, as has been stated here by Arab apologists, some kind of agressive action by Zionist founders of Israel, but purely the result of hardened Arab attitudes by different Arab factions, who even allied themselves to fascism and Nazi Germany, in their obsessive anti-Semitism and militant rejection of Israel, because it conflicted with their own nationalism and antagonism to Jews. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is not anti-Semitic, but it is about anti-Semitism and how the prejudice withers its perpetrators as well as their victims.
  • This discomfited some of the Zuccotti inhabitants, aware of anti-Semitism charges against the movement, so an OWSer in an undershirt and porkpie hat poured coffee down the guy's back, who called out to demand his constitutional rights from a bemused-looking senior NYPD official. Squatting on Wall Street
  • You never doubt the ugliness of the anti-Semitism that embitters Shylock. Michael Giltz: Theater: Al Pacino in Subtle Merchant Of Venice; An Obvious Elf and More
  • Nevertheless, anti-Semitism is not the main tenet of Hamas ideology. Matthew Yglesias » Why They Fight
  • Chapter 2, "Raising the Cry of Alarm: Popular Nationalism, World War Two, and the New Political Filmmaking," explores the popular discourse on fascism and antifascism, nationalism, nativism, and anti-Semitism from the 1930s through the end of World War Two, emphasizing Hollywood's role in the construction of a wartime popular nationalism. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • For the sort of oppression they favour is the seed from which all racialism, including anti-Semitism, grows.
  • Seuss railed against the evil isms of his day - fascism, anti-Semitism, anti-black racism - with the full force of his tensile imagination.
  • Two political tendencies emerged during this period of rampant anti-Semitism.
  • At the United Nations, the decidedly nondiplomatic epithets “blasphemy” and “defamation of Islam” have become part of normal discourse, serving as convenient instruments for shutting off discussion of such unpleasant matters as slavery in Sudan or Muslim anti-Semitism. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1002
  • All this 'shtetl' talk is proof of subliminibal anti-semitism. Maureen Dowd picks up "a vibe so weird and jittery, so at odds with the early thrilling, fairy dust feel of the Obama revolution."
  • Meant primarily, I might add, to inflame passions and mislead public opinion by invoking a word - anti-Semitism - that we have been well-conditioned to condemn above all other forms of racism or prejudice. Being Anti-Israel and Anti-Zionist Is the "New Anti-Semitism"
  • And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust.
  • The term anti-Semitism had not been coined yet, so it is best to call it what it was: raw and implacable Jew hatred. Emancipation
  • While you appear only concerned about anti-semitism, you're clearly unconcerned, about "anti-gentilism"! The Palestinian Mufti's Deal with Hitler: Kill All the Jews in the Middle East
  • The only restriction: no messages of hate or anti-Semitism.
  • As the authors themselves note, however, their text is limited in addressing how class and economic issues intersect with racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, heterosexism, ageism, and able-ism.
  • In the Soviet Union, where all religion was practically prohibited and anti-Semitism was sanctioned by the state, dyeing eggs was only slightly less daring than buying matzo, which is why, I suspect, my nonconformist mother rebelliously did both. Peace Meals
  • In other words, the much-discussed resentment of "Eurocentrism" doesn't frequently extend to that most European of all ailments-anti-Semitism. Is It Bad For The Jews?
  • It is not the result of the wickedness or follies of the Gentiles which we call anti-Semitism. The Chosen Peoples
  • This discomfited some of the Zuccotti inhabitants, aware of anti-Semitism charges against the movement, so an OWSer in an undershirt and porkpie hat poured coffee down the guy's back, who called out to demand his constitutional rights from a bemused-looking senior NYPD official. Squatting on Wall Street
  • Still, the assault and its undertones of pogromist anti-Semitism Logan is not Jewish is very troubling and, at the very least, suggests that not everyone in Tahrir Square that night had democracy on their mind. Richard Cohen: CBS shouldn't have withheld Lara Logan's story
  • The American Jewish Committee described the remarks as “truly chilling, ” but suggested that anti-Semitism in the Nixon White House might have been at least partly to blame.
  • Further, the lucubrations of a bitter, lonely, and hurt old man did indeed lead him to a convenient anti-Semitism above the then-norm in his old age.
  • During the 1930s, as anti-Semitism became an organized mass-movement, the league diversified.
  • They were infected with the deadly bacillus of "eliminationist anti-Semitism" that turned "annihilationist" when the time was ripe. 'Hitler's Willing Executioners': An Exchange
  • She posits that Freud alluded to but failed to develop “an association of both Judaism and anti-Semitism with the uncanny and its accompaniments, that is, the ideology of dangerous and deadly female or maternal difference,” 107. Bloodlust
  • I hereby propose that all academics who call for a boycott of Israel be called out for the disgusting racists they are, because somehow, for some obscure reason, despite all their so-called 'progressiveness' and vaunted 'compassion' they have managed to be completely blind to Hamas' blatant anti-semitism, racial bigotry and institutionalized hatred toward Jews. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Consider Wilhelm Marr, the German journalist, who coined in 1879 the term anti-Semitism. Bloodlust
  • The trumped-up charges and trial gave rise to world-wide protests and were treated by Trotsky as a czarist effort to stir up anti-Semitism always a useful outlet for discontent. A Jewish Revolutionary
  • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.
  • Moreover Pound's anti-Semitism, later so notorious, certainly casts a sinister light on his readiness to broach these issues.
  • My crazy-ass mother had brought me up practically isolated from a normal environment, awash in her extremist religion that was a combination of fundamentalist Christianity and survivalism, seasoned with an odd touch of anti-Semitism. Raziel
  • This brings us to an apparent point of difference between premodern and modern anti-Semitism.
  • He fought anti-Semitism, hated racism, blessed the mother of Amadou Diallo, an unarmed African shot dead by city police.
  • KING: And it's a smart political move, but what about the concept that there's a lot of anti-Semitism enrooted in America, that it is still exists to an extent, that there's no plus on that end? CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: What Does Joseph Lieberman Bring to the Democratic Ticket? - August 7, 2000
  • A wooden sculpture titled "Abraham" reeked of anti-Semitism.
  • Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust.
  • These factors, together with revisionism and nationalism, anti-Bolshevism and anti-Semitism, all had a socially unifying effect in Germany.

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