
How To Use Anti-semite In A Sentence

  • And there is a fundamental problem with logic: why are those people that he identifies as rabid anti-Semites confiding in him of all people, and revealing their innermost thoughts to him? Wednesday, January 14, 2009
  • As noted in chapter 4, its action program originally was based on pamphleteering and letter-writing to persuade anti-Semites of their error.
  • Even in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, they maintain intimate political ties with groups that are led by white supremacists, racists and anti-Semites.
  • The wingnuts shriek "ACORN" the way half-mad street-corner radicals used to rail against "Rockefeller," or the way anti-Semites invoke "Goldberg" or "Hymie" -- but that's understandable, because it keeps the subject simple and the Antichrist obvious, which is the way angry right-wingers like their politics. No More Mister Nice Blog
  • But what of the more serious accusation - that he is, if not a parlour anti-Semite, certainly a writer who has given them succour?
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  • The pope has made a openly declared and unshakeable anti-Semite a legitimate bishop," Politi added.
  • As noted in chapter 4, its action program originally was based on pamphleteering and letter-writing to persuade anti-Semites of their error.
  • How can anyone touched by the eloquent pages of Anne Frank's diary become an anti-Semite?
  • Some four decades back, he had been the kind of wide-eyed teenager who thought one could volunteer for the KGB, who had believed the cloak-and-dagger stories, only to find in the organs he had romanticized an atavistic bureaucracy staffed by anti-Semites, paper pushers, careerists, and more than a few sadists. The Return
  • Or did you just skim the first section to determine if you could find evidence sufficient in your mind to label NF a likely anti-semite? The Volokh Conspiracy » The Finkelstein Affair:
  • The term anti-semite DOES NOT apply - by Linda Milazzo on Sunday, Nov 9, 2008 at 4: 04: 46 PM Conned Again
  • As noted in chapter 4, its action program originally was based on pamphleteering and letter-writing to persuade anti-Semites of their error.
  • Henry Ford himself was a notorious anti-Semite, publishing a collection of articles under the charming title, The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem.
  • When Buckley came on the scene in the mid-1950s, the American right was dominated by kooks: right-wing isolationists, Pearl Harbor and Yalta conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites and members of the John Birch Society like the palindromical y-named Professor Politics
  • I think the term anti-Semite should be metered out, lest the complaint become diluted. Vatican says bishop's apology is not enough | RELIGION Blog |
  • But what of the more serious accusation - that he is, if not a parlour anti-Semite, certainly a writer who has given them succour?
  • There is one allegation that could never be made against Harold Wilson: that he was an anti-Semite.
  • Before anyone calls peter comment #10 an anti-semite, you should read the Mearsheimer Walt white paper on the Israel Lobby. Think Progress » AEI Fellow After Meeting With Bush: President May Take Military Action Against Iran In 12-18 Months
  • With its congeries of black sheep constituencies (Alex Jones Libertarian populists, movement leftists, anarchists, white supremacists, New World Order reactionaries, Protocols of the Elders of Zion anti-Semites, crusading architects and theologians) and its lack of a dominant leader or organization, the 9/11 Movement will likely never become unified enough to tear itself apart. 9/11 Truth and the Paranoid Style - Boing Boing
  • And, as every biography of Marx makes clear, he was an anti-Semite .
  • But over the past two weeks, administrators and parents at the elite Quaker private school in Lower Manhattan have become quick studies after Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz publicly criticized Friends Seminary for inviting a musician he called a "notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier"—accusations that Mr. Atzmon, who was born Jewish, staunchly denies. School Hits Sour Note
  • As she sought to defend herself and seize control of a debate that has been boiling for days, Ms. Palin awakened a new controversy by invoking a phrase fraught with religious symbolism about the false accusation used by anti-Semites of Jews murdering Christian children. NYT > Home Page
  • The pope has made a openly declared and unshakeable anti-Semite a legitimate bishop," Politi added.
  • First it's blogger "sooey," asserting that middle-of-the-road blogger Marky Mark and the wretched anti-Semite "arthurdecco" are one and the same person -- and that they're probably both that other wretch, "shlemazl. Archive 2009-05-01
  • An anti-Semite's dream, using the definition that a thing is anti-Semitic if it is more Jew hating than is mete, Merchant of Venice is that thing, but what should we do? Regina Weinreich: Shakespeare in the Park: Not Your Usual Romp on the Great Lawn
  • Some older voters recall the rabid anti-Semites once prominent in the American far-right as well as the more genteel exclusionism practiced by more refined upper-class Republicans. Arizona's Short-Sighted Immigration Bill
  • The problem here is that professor bernstein insists on burying his good point (that modern liberalism is often oversuspicious of israel because it is an ethnic state) in way too many bad ones (especially implying that there is something illiberal about being skeptical of ethnic states and that the motivations are the same as anti-semites). The Volokh Conspiracy » Jews, Liberalism, Nationalism–Some Interesting Historical Continuities
  • For Katz's Jewish paternal forebears, who'd been driven from shtetl to shtetl by implacable anti-Semites, as for the old Angles and Saxons on his mother's side, who'd labored to grow rye and barley in the poor soils and short summers of northern Europe, feeling bad all the time and expecting the worst had been natural ways of equilibriating themselves with the lousiness of their circumstances. Franzen On The Book, The Backlash, His Background
  • The impression on an anti-Semite or potential anti-Semite is that the 'happenstance' of his vet status saves him from being rightfully obliterated. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The basic charge is that these men, critics of capitalism, were racists, anti-Semites, and elitists.
  • You look at this nightmare, and what gets you pissy is a theoretical anti-semite? Matthew Yglesias » Getting Closer to Nowhere
  • And anyone who questions that BN’s political position should thrive is an anti-Semite. Matthew Yglesias » Bibi Courting Rightwing Bloggers
  • And, contentiously, isn't this not that dissimilar to the intellectual tactics of Anti-Semites?
  • He argued that conscious anti-Semites, especially "the 'unadjusted' veterans," would identify unconsciously with the GIs: "just demobilized, ordinary, white native Protestant, 'our kind, '— a band of comrades with battle records, plagued by the unhappinesses and insecurities of that new, troubling No Man's Land between war and postwar. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The irony here is that so did Marx. Marx was a real anti-Semite.
  • The floating signifier "Communist" -- which, back in the day, could mean anything from supporting fluoridation of water, promoting rock music or even throwing a beanball* -- has now been replaced with "anti-Semite," but the thuggish tactics of government remain unchanged. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The "anti-Semite" canard is by now old, tired and discredited, but that won't stop certain commentators on the Right from pulling it out of the dumpster and waving it in the air when it suits them. Archive 2009-01-01
  • He had no evidence - nothing but an anonymous letter which might easily be the work of some anti-Semite.
  • Some of those anti-Semite, anti-Christian, anti-having Christmas like they used to havers will say that Bill gave another ultimatum on January 24th the TV Factor. O'Reilly's COUNTDOWN Reaches -0-: Will Bill Cut & Run Today?
  • For him to warp my book in this way, while calling me, absurdly, a "hardliner" in quite a different context (Israel) and then conceding that I do not consider Muslims mystical anti-Semites, is surely an obfuscation of the whole discussion. 'The Great Hatred'
  • The "anti-Semite" canard is by now old, tired and discredited, but that won't stop certain commentators on the Right from pulling it out of the dumpster and waving it in the air when it suits them. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The retribution exacted from the Anti-Semite that day came in the form of a motherly chiding. How We Avenged the Blums

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