
How To Use Anti-intellectual In A Sentence

  • Fakes that fool scholars have been around as long as there have been scholars, and they have always created a good amount of anti-intellectual satisfaction.
  • With this anti-intellectual attitude, I ought to be mute every time I detect scientific ignorance in a movie's story or set design.
  • It's easy for anti-intellectuals to make fun of poetry.
  • It also claims that Scotland is developing an ‘anti-intellectual culture’ that discourages people from learning and devalues the importance of creativity and creative thinking.
  • Anti-intellectuals often are distrustful of science and hostile to its practitioners.
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  • When a reviewer works as hard as Mr. Hayford has, in this case, to lecture the readers on postfeminism and "the anti-intellectual instincts" of the performers -- not to mention his Chicago Reader
  • However, beyond risibility, the "tea parties" are also an occasion for something more substantive; namely, a chance to test the resolve of America's 21st Century anti-intellectual movement. Stuart Whatley: Teabagging: Redux Anti-Intellectualism
  • Prescriptivism in the strange fiction genres is ideally situated to act as carrier of anti-intellectualism and classism, with advocates of more commercial fiction decreeing complex works “improper” and advocates of more complex fiction decreeing commercial works “improper”, each opponent of “elitist wank” or “populist trash” ironically engendering a counter-response that abjects them as a “pleb” or a “snob”. There's No Prescribing Prescriptivism
  • I'm afraid my piece has reinforced a widespread, and in my opinion, wrongheaded anti-intellectual strain in design.
  • Anti-intellectualism is a hideous canker in our society, but it feeds on needless pretension and superiority.
  • Those who object to their work find themselves castigated as anti-intellectual prudes.
  • Such stories are not anti-intellectual; they offer a warning against too great a confidence in logical or rational thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Human flourishing has been so stifled by anti-intellectualism that it makes me weep. Times, Sunday Times
  • They liked the rugged frontier side of it and redneck anti-intellectualism.
  • His novels are anti-intellectual; they strive for an almost mystical epiphany that is experienced rather than understood.
  • I always considered myself militantly anti-intellectual.
  • The choice of Lady Chatterley as a test-case was inept, but it suited the anti-intellectual temper of the legal establishment and it would mean the defeat of an impeccably liberal cause.
  • I sense a strand of anti-intellectualism that dismisses the achievements of the brain as boring and somehow banal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also Anita and I were worried about the anti-intellectual attitudes towards the University of California expressed by the state legislature, worries that proved well-founded when a few years later salaries were capped, teaching loads were increased, and the state budget was not passed on time, causing faculty to be paid in IOU's. Robert B. Laughlin - Autobiography
  • Her answer - 'through love' - replaced what should have been ethical reflection with mawkish anti-intellectualism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Male culture has just become totally anti-intellectual.
  • We say that the attacks on us are part of anew tide of anti-intellectualism, anti-elitism and anti-internationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • ALA amazon anti-intellectualism book review cataloging college students conferences e-research 2009 June | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • In our time, some religious folks have chosen a distinctly anti-intellectualist route. Matt J. Rossano: Augustine of Hippo: A Role Model for Intelligent Faith
  • To keep an eye on things that I am wary of: anti-intellectualism, pseudo-science, lying to children, extremism, scriptural literalism, anti-blasphemy laws and the like. Shira Hirschman Weiss: Why Do Atheists Read the Religion Section?
  • They maintained orthodox Protestant beliefs, but shed the anti-intellectualism and insularity that had come to characterize fundamentalists in the wake of their post-Scopes withdrawal. American Grace
  • Honestly, you've got to talk to -- or try to talk to -- those who swear by the "Herald" about how it is emotionalized -- anti-intellectual -- propaganda. Drudge-Flacked Story In Newspaper Reverses Hillary Photos To Make It Look Like She Had "Work" Done
  • I wonder if some resentment the anti-intellectual crowd feels towards intellectuals is rooted in academia.
  • Our profession is too frequently slandered by pundits, tinkered with by politicians, and devalued by anti-intellectuals.
  • You throw around names and textbook phrases Zwinglian pseudo-rationalism, but you continue to espouse anti-intellectualism. Inigo Montoya Addresses Fundamentalists
  • This identity has its roots in fear rather than pride and its fruits are conformity, provincialism and a jivey new anti-intellectualism.
  • Towards the end of his life, he became increasingly paranoid, anti-intellectual, and anti-Semitic.
  • There is an anti-intellectual movement in the USA.
  • Gawd, the anti-intellectualism in here is thick tonight. Think Progress » DC Media Scoff At President Obama’s Substantive And Detailed Answer To Health Care Question
  • Sanchez assumed that Stewart and Colbert were both anti-Hispanic bigots because they were constantly lampooning him as an anti-intellectual, dim-witted buffoon. Dan Sweeney: It's the Stupid, Stupid: Rick Sanchez Fired for the Wrong Reasons
  • This caravan, the rude shouters at the town halls, and the whole anti-intellectual culture permeating the remnant base of the [R] party is an anathema to true dialog in a democratic society and is an EMBARRASSMENT to true conservatives. No love for Harry Reid on the Tea Party Express
  • I think I might be an anti-intellectual.
  • His approach to my book is disappointingly anti-intellectual. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Surely you can see that the anti-intellectual strain in this country reduces ‘debate’ to silly barracking for one party line or the other.
  • Odd as it may seem, the education sector is filled with out-and-proud anti-intellectuals.
  • Two of the most important reasons for the dismal state of Irish politics are anti-intellectualism and begrudgery. Irish Blogs
  • Why do liberals always accuse those who disagree with them of being stupid and anti-intellectual.
  • Yet in its animus and malignancy, this protest is a model of anti-intellectualism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reviles the anti-intellectual face of capitalism. Paul Morley on music
  • This was not, I hasten to add, what Derrida himself believed, but unfortunately what was most often represented as "Derridean" was indeed this sort of anti-intellectual nonsense (its anti-intellectualism disguised by much obscurantist theory-ese), the result of which, finally, was the complete loss of credibility on the part of academic literary study and, unfortunately, the labeling of Derrida as the obscurantist-in-chief. Philosophy and Literature
  • It's as anti-intellectual as the critics who question the point of university in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had a profound anti-intellectual attitude to medical elitism.
  • It is an excellently conceived program targeted at skewering various forms of anti-intellectual pseudoscience, exposing money-hungry conmen and the ignorant beliefs they feed on.
  • The piece notes, too, that bringing 'offence' into discussions is anti-intellectual, privileging emotional and personal responses over rational thought. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a directness, an anti-intellectual quality to my art.
  • A second-rate novelist and a furtively fabricating social commentator, he was homophobic, anti-feminist, unsociable, anti-intellectual, authoritarian and latently violent.
  • Many modern directors feel obliged to pose as anti-intellectuals, adopting a facade of stupidity they are unable to carry off with any conviction.
  • It is an anti-intellectual venture to its core. Times, Sunday Times
  • This imperative will often be combined with a defensive assumption that the arguer is only exercising linguistic fluency in a hostile attempt to remind the anti-intellectual of their inferior articulacy. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Maybe I'm an anti-intellectual or just plain stupid.
  • He survived in an environment that was anti-intellectual and without changing his nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • The core academic ethos involves commitment to truth, reason, untrammelled inquiry, free speech and collegiality, but this is increasingly being turned on its head by rampant anti-intellectual managerialism.
  • No theologian, he was at times anti-intellectual: 'do not argue, but pray,' he advised his officers.
  • But perhaps this shows a deeper anti-intellectualism that has come to dominate our culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • You knew it was a bit naff but it was also kind of deliberately anti-intellectual. Times, Sunday Times
  • The queen of anti-intellectuals has spoken, without even knowing that the recent hacked emails of scientists does nothing to controvert the evidence that global warming is real. tim nyc Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • He is sexist, ageist, racist, anti-intellectual, grubby and waistband-challenged. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was very much taken aback by his anti-intellectual comments on the Irish language.
  • I think that Athens might have been on their list of cultures that contributed to the advance of civilization but I doubt that the anti-intellectual, child killing Spartans would have been emulated. Think Progress » Rep. Paul Broun: The ramifications of health reform will be like ‘the Great War of Yankee Aggression.’
  • Indeed, the term "ivory tower" is generally used by anti-intellectuals to denigrate and marginalize the achievements of the academic world.
  • Highbrow journals like the Antioch Review and the Partisan Review condemned the middlebrows who controlled the mass media for fostering anti-intellectualism and mindless conformity.
  • Paul, in a manner certainly inconsistent with the anti-intellectual pietism of our day, places the emphasis on our thinking.
  • At its worst, it combined the naivety of the 1960s, the anti-intellectualism of the 1970s and the ravenous greed of the 1980s.
  • The anti-intellectual vulgarity does contribute to dumbing down.
  • The festival will have something to tickle the interest of all but the staunchest anti-intellectuals.
  • The alternative is to make intellectual life increasingly irrelevant to human affairs, to turn intellectuals into hypocrites, and to turn everyone else into anti-intellectuals.
  • The Palindrome is part of anti-intellectual America's celebration of the ordinary, even the subordinary-the theater of accessible fantasies. Main RSS Feed
  • He claimed the party had become 'anti-immigrant, anti-intellectual and racist'. The Sun
  • But I'm afraid that won't have any effect on an unhinged base for whom anti-intellectualism is a virtue. CNN Poll: President's approval on health care under 50 percent
  • Some historians have argued that the Society was a welcome counterweight to the fiercely anticlerical and anti-intellectual climate fostered by the Puritans.
  • Prescriptivism in the strange fiction genres is ideally situated to act as carrier of anti-intellectualism and classism, with advocates of more commercial fiction decreeing complex works “improper” and advocates of more complex fiction decreeing commercial works “improper”, each opponent of “elitist wank” or “populist trash” ironically engendering a counter-response that abjects them as a “pleb” or a “snob”. Archive 2009-06-01
  • His anti-intellectualism is a veneer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The core academic ethos involves commitment to truth, reason, untrammelled inquiry, free speech and collegiality, but this is increasingly being turned on its head by rampant anti-intellectual managerialism.
  • In the nation's cultural wars, he said, a leftist political correctitude based on anti-intellectual premises had been replaced by a rightist one.
  • Snark: exhibiting the lowest levels of anti-intellectualism or an admirable passion for literature? 2009 March 12 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • That is an anti-intellectual sentiment that should shame the university's administrators and be denounced by its alumni. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our main concern must be with new generations, who can fulfill their potential only in an America where victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism don't flourish among black Americans.
  • Linguistic precision is an important cause; anti-intellectualism is a pernicious one. Times, Sunday Times
  • One realization that was particularly important for me was that faith in Christ is not anti-intellectual.
  • It's a kind of anti-intellectualism, a streak in contemporary culture that is sceptical of the mature, educated adult - as if to be that is the worst of all possible sins.
  • After eight years of a presidency that valued cronyism over brains (or even competence) and embraced an anti-intellectualism apotheosized by Sarah Palin, it's a godsend to have a president who puts a premium on merit. Steven G. Brant: Progressives Deserve to Be Worried About the Obama Administration
  • If anything the anti-intellectual standpoint tends towards stasis, keeping things as they are and not trying too hard to change things.
  • This imperative will often be combined with a defensive assumption that the arguer is only exercising linguistic fluency in a hostile attempt to remind the anti-intellectual of their inferior articulacy. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Nevertheless, the organizing of this "awareness week" is laden with anti-intellectualism and anti-"academic-left" rhetoric, that I'm now panicked about the ways in which a certain student body is being guided to surveille those of us who seem not be in line with "conservative think tanks. Teaching Radically in the Wake of a Conservative Backlash
  • The anti-intellectualism that is popular in political and social discourse in this country when referring to the "effete European culture" that puts a high premium on learning and our instant gratification mentality that stems from our over-commercialized society discourages and disparages the kind of hard, persistent, and concentrated work that produces good learning, not just test taking. Joel Shatzky: Educating for Democracy: Dumbing Down the English Regents
  • I think Jack makes a very good point - the forces of extreme reaction are anti-intellectual, but also radical, even if they don't realise it.
  • Except in its most populist forms, conservative Christianity had rarely been as anti-intellectual as its liberal and moderate critics had claimed.
  • After such an idealized process, dandy became the 19th century bourgeois ideology, anti-intellectual image of the most representative.
  • Though we tease a bit, please don't mistake us for anti-intellectuals!
  • This hidden intellectualism is especially problematic when considered side-by-side with the overt anti-intellectualism prevalent throughout the novel.
  • To call that message "anti-intellectual" would be a comic understatement.
  • How have his brainy friends reacted, given that in its broadest sense the book reads like a manifesto for anti-intellectualism? Times, Sunday Times

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