How To Use Anthropometric In A Sentence

  • The diagnosis of achondroplasia, for instance, rests solely on the clinical examination that may include anthropometric measurements and x-rays.
  • ANY anthropometric measurement can reliably detect who is threatened of affectedby excess weight (my definition of obesity). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why I don’t like BMI
  • For a true estimation of the association, accurate "anthropometric" measurements are necessary. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Jocelyne Dudding, 'Shifting images: Using' anthropometric 'photographs in museum display': Museum Blogs
  • Micmac" Indians, for Prof. Lee has spent his enforced leisure in putting in anthropometric work among them, inducing braves, squaws and papooses of both sexes to mount the trunk that served as a measuring block and go through the ordeal of having their height, standing and sitting, stretch of arms, various diameters of head and peculiarities of the physiognomy taken down. Bowdoin Boys in Labrador An Account of the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition to Labrador led by Prof. Leslie A. Lee of the Biological Department
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  • Montano, who took the anthropometrical measurements of many crania which he obtained from caves in northeastern Mindanáo. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • The TMA, or "anthropometric," model was designed under the U.S. RIA Novosti
  • The nomenclature adopted would probably have to be on some arbitrary basis, as is the present system of shoe sizes, rather than representing the numerical values of some anthropometrical measurement," O'Brien and Shelton wrote, summing up what is perhaps the pair's most lasting contribution to modern sizing: Even though a measurement can be extrapolated from a size, the actual numbers we use in women's sizing are not, themselves, measurements. Slate Articles
  • End points were 1) total body fat, as measured by bioelectric impedance; 2) regional fat, estimated by anthropometric measures; and 3) atherogenic blood lipids, measured by, total serum cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides.
  • She's an ectomorph (in the language of anthropometrics). Gwyneth Paltrow In 'Vogue': Owns 2 Outdoor Pizza Ovens, Deep-Fat Fryer (PHOTOS)
  • The senior members of society have their own ergonomics and anthropometrics.
  • They have created unique manikins based on anthropometrical data ensuring vehicles meet the comfort expectations of all users. Daily automotive news and comment - from
  • It explores how anthropometric methods of photography were followed in some instances, and resisted or ignored in others, why other photographs were recontextualised and used as 'anthropometric', and how contemporary artists have responded to such classification. Museum Blogs
  • Nowadays, he has declared, girls are no longer pretty -- they are beautiful; and as Mr. Galton, the anthropometrical expert, himself admits, they, even more than the rest of mankind, have certainly grown taller. The History of "Punch"
  • The Briton forgetting his Defoe, [Footnote: The True-born Englishman.] the Jew forgetting the very word proselyte, the German forgetting his anthropometric variations, and the Italian forgetting everything, are obsessed by the singular purity of their blood, and the danger of contamination the mere continuance of other races involves. A Modern Utopia
  • By this method the anthropometrical records are arranged in an orderly way, while the simplicity of the mechanism, and the clearness of the charts, guarantee the making of such observations as I have considered fundamental. The Montessori Method
  • Anthropometric data for children aged 1–9 years were used to assess food utilization, and household food inventory data were used to assess food availability.
  • They stripped naked so that every dimension of their bodies could be measured for "anthropometric" analysis, a kind of whole-body phrenology based on the premise that stock character types could be seen from body proportions. Random($foo)
  • The statistics of relapse are unfortunately very difficult to collect, on account of differences in the legislation of different countries, and in the preparation of records, which, even under the more general adoption of anthropometrical identification, rarely succeed in preventing the use of fresh names by professional criminals. Criminal Sociology
  • Such information, called anthropometric data, includes details such as height, weight and key physical specifications of people who are likely to drive or be driven around in the car. Daily News & Analysis
  • Anthropometric measures, serum 25OHD radioimmunoassay values, and computed tomography and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry values of BF and bone structure in 90 postpubertal females, aged 16-22 yr, residing in California were measured. Free the Animal
  • Jatla M, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Serologic, anthropometric, and laboratory correlation with degree of intestinal damage at diagnosis in pediatric celiac disease; comparing diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • The effect of treatment on laboratory and anthropometric measurements was assessed by the paired Student t test.
  • This paper discusses the historic use of 'anthropometric' photography in the collecting and classifying of information of human bodies. Museum Blogs
  • Montano who was taking anthropometrical measurements of Manóbos in the towns through which he passed, but as Urios remarks, this was only a pretext for withdrawing from a form of life that did not suit them. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • The researchers point out that there are three general factors that play a primary role in the risk of suffering an injury: incorrect training techniques, unsuitable or damaged equipments and biomechanical and anthropometrical abnormalities. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Anthropometric measurements were taken with participants wearing light clothes and no shoes or socks.
  • It is, however, unnecessary to discuss this question until our anthropometrical knowledge of prostitutes is more extended and precise. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • Once the corridors were cleared the two men would be taken to the Central Police Station, and the woman Rosalie, too — she would be put in a room by herself — and there they would be made to strip to the skin and go through the anthropometrical inspection. Maigret and the Lazy Burglar

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