How To Use Anthropological In A Sentence
If we got into Ceram (and got out again), the doctor would reduce the whole affair to a few tables of anthropological measurements, a few more hampers of birds, beasts, and native rubbish in the hold, and a score of paragraphs couched in the evaporated, millimetric terms of science.
The Spinner's Book of Fiction
It was intended to be a horizon altering and opening experience that instilled the anthropological attitude.
It was intended to be a horizon altering and opening experience that instilled the anthropological attitude.
This course is a practicum - style seminar in anthropological methods of ethnographic fieldwork and writing.
It gives us a wonderfully economical, almost anthropological view of the grrrls in their natural habitat - the street.

There's a distinct whiff of anthropological research in the respectful view of men in pubs and stoking furnaces.
Times, Sunday Times
As a Japanese female having engaged in long-term anthropological fieldwork in African rural areas I suggest the OP might consider a much wider audience and context in which the products might be consumed than as suggested in 1. or 2.
Anthropological theories of virtualism, materiality/immateriality and digitisation.
Culture Matters
General David Petraeus, in a rare public show of indecorum, last week suggested that corruption has been a part of Afghan culture since the country came into existence, which is a sentiment that is not only, from a historical and anthropological perspective, wholly ignorant, but one that exposes intentions on the General's part that seem both dubious as well as misplaced.
Michael Hughes: Afghanistan Corrupted by U.S. and 30 Years of Foreign Meddling
Williams notes that semasiology as an anthropological viewpoint assumes that human action includes both spoken sign systems and action sign systems and that human action, in being agentic, is therefore not ‘behavior’.
Stocking brings new insights to the volumes by concentrating on the contents of the texts and how they reflect the shifting nature of anthropological thinking.
The association of the chase of the hunt and the chase of sex is an anthropological commonplace.
And since these spontaneous activities of children have not yet been thoroughly thought out from a high point of view, and have not yet been regarded from what I might almost call their cosmical and anthropological side, we may from day to day expect some philosopher to write a comprehensive and important book about them. [
Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel
In anthropological accounts, in no instance are boundaries - whether marked by sticks lying across a road or elaborate sculptured portals - meant actually and always to block movement across them.
The argument must still confront the anthropological and linguistic evidence for intellectual development as well as capacity in different cultures.
All this scene is written in the worst form of Persian – Egyptian blackguardism, and forms a curious anthropological study.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Betty has à master degree in anthropological Geography And I have à degree in international relations.
Recycled-Plastic-Bottle Boat Almost Set to Sail « Scavenging
It covers an incredibly diverse range of issues, from historical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, sexological, physiological, and other perspectives.
Based on the anthropological literature, we can say that traditional Swazi society includes a period which we can define as adolescence if we employ Schlegel's biosocial conceptualization.
Why does it cut a swath through our anthropological differences and cultural idiosyncrasies?
Times, Sunday Times
The sprawling story of how extraplanetary imperialists impose a mission civilisatrice on the dune-dwelling, sandworm-herding "savages" of an almost waterless world is rich in historic, anthropological and archaeological allusions.
Any Drop to Drink?
As an anthropological study of male bonding, the dorm and field shenanigans hold a fascination.
Times, Sunday Times
I argue that cultural indifference, chauvinism and racism pervade the classroom, posing particular challenges for anthropological pedagogy.
This is also evident in every issue of Anthropology News, published nine times a year by the American Anthropological Association, and Anthropology Today, published bimonthly by the Royal Anthropological Institute.
He was deriding the Anthropological Society's attempts to categorise humanity into inferior and superior races based on physical appearance.
That may be true, but something in it smacks of theistic necessitarianism not mention anthropological historical determinism.
The essential "I"
Not an anatomical literalization of a questionable anthropological concept floating among many others on a fun, yes, but scarcely reliable website even students are cautioned against taking too seriously.
Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
To be clear, the criticisms I have voiced of Caillois are not at all specifically anthropological ones, they are criticisms from the point of view of social theory generally; that is, there are certain features of arguments that we have come to understand are deeply problematic in a general way across the social sciences, such as functionalist arguments, or totalizing ones.
Game as Cultural Form, Play as Disposition
In anthropological literature, the word ngoma has been used as a way to name a diverse and fluid set of ceremonies that commonly involve drums, other musical instruments, songs, dance, and spoken word/prayer.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
There's a distinct whiff of anthropological research in the respectful view of men in pubs and stoking furnaces.
Times, Sunday Times
He wanted to stimulate anthropological debate, to allow viewers to better understand their fellow men.
Why does it cut a swath through our anthropological differences and cultural idiosyncrasies?
Times, Sunday Times
She digs into their culture — with several sections written from ranid point of view — with anthropological care and gusto.
I am friend to the undertow i take you in i don't let go
In this context, anthropological linguists working on southeastern Indian languages and cultures will have reservations about his untutored approach to semantic analysis.
Very interesting to the anthropological student is this excursus of Hasan, who after all manner of hardships and horrors and risking his life to recover his wife and children, breaks out into song on the subject of her privities.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The critique, I contend, often commits the selfsame mistakes that have become an almost accepted characterisation of anthropological practice.
How should historical and anthropological evidence be interpreted?
Eliot is here making use of the most modern anthropologically based classical scholarship in order to construct his own primitive play.
Human skeletal remains were abundant, and those of 200 individuals, together with their rich funebrial offerings, were removed for anthropological study at Otago University.
The changes of traditional society and the succession of ethnic cultures have always been an integral part of ethnological or cultural anthropological studies.
Avatar" 's desire to have its anthropological cake and eat it too suggests something deeply unself-aware and disturbingly unresolved within Cameron himself.
'Avatar's' Debt To 'The Wizard Of Oz'
On the surface, Cheng's Tapei exhibition assumes the neutrality of an anthropological survey in its visual recording of the names, classification and diagrammatic delineation of the geographical and historical evolution and branching off of world religions.
G. Roger Denson: In Taipei and Hong Kong, Emily Cheng Bridges Science and Faith
Forensic anthropology and anthropological archaeology, as well as palaeopathology and archaeometry would offer some of the best avenues for seeking to retrieve such data/evidence.
Fallen Heroes Bulletin Board
But that kind of remark suggests, at least to me, that he shared with Sibley a certain anthropological illiteracy, as well as a tendency to erect straw men.
Archive 2009-12-01
Discourse analysis and ethnography of communication are two important angles of anthropological linguistics.
I like the term anthropological SF much better which I have also seen used for the series.
Subgenre muddle
Why does it cut a swath through our anthropological differences and cultural idiosyncrasies?
Times, Sunday Times
Thus John Beddoe, who later became the President of the Anthropological Institute (1889-1891), wrote in his Races of Britain (1862) that all men of genius were orthognathous (less prominent jaw bones) while the Irish and the Welsh were prognathous and that the Celt was closely related to Cromagnon man, who, in turn, was linked, according to Beddoe, to the “Africanoid”.
Who’s White: Debriefing
Transumption is an anthropological term for the ritual eating of dead kin.
Times, Sunday Times
Two contributions by indigenous writers will probably be of especial interest to readers with a social or cultural anthropological background.
We have already seen some of the first struggle, between a text originating in the oral tradition and a later textually-based anthropological and historical tradition that controverts its authority.
Anthropologically discussed, the necrolatry is considered as the sublimation of the fears of the man for the loss of his own life in battle through the elevation of the fallen fellows to the rank of divinity.
In anthropological terms, the transformative experience discussed above takes place during a phenomenon called the liminal state, that moment when a person has stepped across a psychological "threshold" out of the ordinary "world" of existence into a new "place" where they are open to experience, something undefined and unknown.
A Motley Vision
According to Johanna Nichols “The Origin of the Chechen and Ingush: A Study in Alpine Linguistic and Ethnic Geography,” Anthropological Linguistics 46, no. 2 2004: 129–155, at 131, the term includes the Chechen, Ingush, Melxii, Kisti, and Arshtxoi.
The Return
I'm one of those who finds the word "culture" more a hindrance than a help in anthropological inquiry.
Archive 2009-11-01
A theology focused anthropologically on ethical issues remains anthropocentric, not theocentric or Christocentric.
Neo-tribes are predicted to coalesce over single issues, and to be short-lived, not outliving the lifespan of its members, this latter point being the opposite of that which occurs in anthropological tribes.
However, I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that.
Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
Sutured serviceably but without refinement, these soft sculptures are presented, like anthropological specimens, in woodframed glass vitrines.
As an anthropological experiment/exercise in masochism, I dragged my husband and some pals to see Bride Wars on opening night earlier this year and I’m still scarred.
Amy Adams 'Leap Year' trailer: More than just another witless rom-com? Or...not? |
Sensibly, however, Young is careful not to adopt the moral tone so typical of many modern anthropological wowsers and he takes this complex issue - like others - in his stride with honesty and understanding.
Diamond is a very eminent bird biogeographer with a great deal of personal anthropological experience in New Guinea.
Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
As might be expected from one of the doyens of ethnohistory, his notes embrace anthropological, bioarchaeological, and cultural references, as well as references to conventional history sources.
The main thing that fascinates in Frye is exactly his basic assumption - the quasi-anthropological approach he takes to literature, tracing its beginning to the two sides of an endlessly spinning coin - ritual and prophetic epiphany, and how they gave rise to mythmaking, and later - to the more familiar conventionalized forms of literature.
Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
This presumes Williams's concept of the ‘action sign’, and thus locates semasiology where it belongs at the forefront of anthropological theories of human embodiment.
It bore no relation to the equivalent of aerodynamic facts, namely, anthropological evidence as a whole.
I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that.
Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
It has also achieved something that feels laudably true -- anthropological even -- about a kind of monied, famous West L.A. lifestyle that everyone knows exists but that has eluded even the best movies and TV shows that aimed to portray the Industry.
Previews of HBO's 'Entourage' and 'Hung'
An anthropological approach does not assume that biomedical concepts and practices are both normative and universal.
Anthropological narrative is a research method, which mainly narrate tales.
Wrangham's work caught my eye because it's coming at the subject from a straight-up anthropological/biological point of view, without the usual philosophical or historiographical commentary.
Quote of the Day
The difference between the ˜anthropological™ and the mathematical account is that in the first we are not tempted to speak of ˜mathematical facts,™ but rather that in this account the facts are never mathematical ones, never make mathematical propositions true or false.
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
Old style anthropological methods treated Indigenous peoples as historical curiosities, as remnants of a dead culture.
If, indeed, here and there, one of the older naturalists still disputes, the foundation on which they rest, or demands proofs which are wanting (as happened a few weeks ago on the part of a famous German pathologist at the Anthropological Congress in Moscow), he only shows by this that he has remained a stranger to the stupendous advances of recent biology, and above all of anthropogeny.
Monism as Connecting Religion and Science A Man of Science
Forensic anthropologists from the command used historical reports, dental and anthropological analysis and mitochondrial DNA to successfully match the remains with information in Hickok's military records, defense officials said.
Remains Returned List WWII
Englishmen and matrons, and thrill societies with their winsome ingenuousness; and who sometimes when unguarded meet an artful serenader, that is a cloaked bandit, and is provoked by their performances, and knows anthropologically the nature behind the devious show; a sciential rascal; as little to be excluded from our modern circles as Eve's own old deuce from Eden's garden whereupon, opportunity inviting, both the fool and the cunning, the pure donkey princess of insular eulogy, and the sham one, are in a perilous pass.
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anthropological studies
The empirical and historical evidence at hand - the linguistic, historical, political, social, cultural and anthropological evidence - attests to the ethnic identity of the citizenry of FYROM; that they are Serbo-Bulgar Slavs in origin, whose language belongs to the south Slavic language group of centum languages, belonging to the indo-European language group, and which is an amalgam of Serbo-Bulgarian, and which has no tie or historical relationship whatsoever to the Ancient north-western Greek dialect of Macedonian Inappropriate comment? nei hoa ma, ponk kai ley mou nai Makedonia yna zehi tse
SofiaEcho RSS feed
The unveiling of Ardipithecus ramidus ("Ardi") in the fall of 2009 flooded the paleoanthropological world with new data about this 4.4-million-year-old early ancestor.
Until recently I would have used the generic anthropological term berdache - but I recently found out that it is considered disrespectful by most Native Americans - and I am truly sorry for my use of this word in the past.
Thomas Paine's Corner
Why does it cut a swath through our anthropological differences and cultural idiosyncrasies?
Times, Sunday Times
I see, however, that someone like me, who has only a basic anthropological knowledge of osteology, should probably start with a more, shall we say, user-friendly text.
The Not-So-Theology of the Body
Those words all antedate the arrival of Europeans - and anthropological classifications.
It bore no relation to the equivalent of aerodynamic facts, namely, anthropological evidence as a whole.
The nature of these relationships has been central to human ecology and geography, microeconomics, and the anthropological and political sciences.
Archaeological and anthropological evidence suggests that the sun was also deified by other ancient civilizations including the Druids, Aztecs, Incas and American Indians.
Even more compelling, long-term anthropological studies initiated at Harvard in the 1980s show that teenage turmoil begins to appear in societies within a few years after those societies adopt Western schooling practices and are exposed to Western media.
Archive 2007-04-01
Rather than offer an amorphous overview, each week it follows a real story of anthropological importance.
Times, Sunday Times
This has been the key to unlocking the rich historical and anthropological significance of this art form.
This is due to the rise of New Age philosophies which have transformed and recirculated the early anthropological research as concepts which support the universalisation of spiritual forms and beliefs.
It's a sweet, almost anthropological, narrative documentary for grown-ups.
Different fashions became more influential for a short or sometimes longer period, for instance cliometrics and anthropological history.
This anthropological synthesis of syncretism and Melanesian partible personhood thus constitutes an extension of the new Melanesian ethnography toward the analysis of recent historical and religious change in the Pacific.
Todd comes to this subject from outside Scottish History, and she brings to the subject an informed comparative historical and anthropological approach.
The polarity between male and female is, following Philo's procedure, often allegorized as an anthropological dualism or dichotomy.
Fourth, the idea of patristic authority (auctoritas patrum or auctoritas sanctorum) juxtaposed the notion of authorization (the inspiration of the Fathers by Holy Scripture), the notion of persuasion apart from or prior to rational demonstration, the notion of personal expertise in the juristic formulation of a canonical faith, and the anthropological reverence for the elders (auctoritas maiorum as the respect due the fathers of a Christian doctrinal tradition).
Youse are obviously from the boondocks, and it's "booner" in full. the human waste may enjoy your anthropological excursion even less than you will
He does experimental and anthropological research on the transmission of cultural knowledge.
Structural Anthropology" is the author of articles published over the years compilations, on behalf of the author's anthropological study of the most important achievements.
Pre-Adamite316 races and dynasties of the Moslems remove a great stumbling-block and square with the anthropological views of the present day.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In the Pantheon of wartime consiglieri, Bing consistently violates the scripture of anthropological correctness by putting corporate folks into - gasp - categories!
Eric Dezenhall: Stanley Bing's "Morals" Pierce Corporate Treacle
She went on her way, her grass skirt swinging rhythmically, resembling one of those steatopygous statues in anthropological museums.
This was made from a split log, which sometimes reached a vast size; although anthropological studies have shown that the larger ones may have also been used to lay-out bodies, or as water troughs for animals.
Chinese Village: Taitou, Shantung Province is one important ethnographical work about rural society in North China. It is a landmark work as Golden Wing in the early anthropological study in China.
I know of no single instance in anthropological literature of a community where illegitimate children, that is children of unmarried girls, would enjoy the same social treatment and have the same social status as legitimate ones.
Happy Lone Mothers Day
At the anthropological level, Heidegger's philosophy consequently undermines any claim to universalism and any conception of man as a "substantial" being.
The three introductory readings come out of the rich anthropological literature on culture and cultural relativism.
But an inequality - a category not so much sociological, how many ontologic and anthropological.
Strike! Lessig, Trippi's Line in the Sand Draws $1 Million from (un)Donors
But -- what if he had no anthropological, lapidarian, or meteorological affiliations -- but did belong to a secret society --
The Book of the Damned