How To Use Anthropoid ape In A Sentence
Part of the posterior rhinal fissure is always present in the 'incisura temporalis,' and sometimes, especially in some of the non-European races, the whole of the posterior rhinal fissure is retained in that typical form which we find in the anthropoid apes.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
They are heavy-bodied, thick-necked anthropoid apes, native to the swampy coastal forests of Sumatra and Borneo.
But as in other cases among mammals all nearly related forms yield an almost equally marked precipitate, so the serum of a rabbit treated with human blood and then added to the blood of an anthropoid ape gives _almost_ as marked
Evolution in Modern Thought
The anthropoid apes can easily break a cocoanut with their teeth, and Guyot-Daubes thinks that possibly a gorilla has a jaw-force of 200 pounds.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
This usually occurs in gibbons and occasionally in other anthropoid apes.
It is certain that the anthropoid ape is lustfully excited by the presence of women and I have related how at Cairo (1856) a huge cynocephalus would have raped a girl had it not been bayonetted.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It had the double cephalization ratio of brain size to body size of the anthropoid apes in general and half that of man . . .
As in the case of the anthropoid ape, the human digestive system is twelve times the length of the body; our skin has millions of tiny pores to evaporate water and cool the body by sweating; we drink water by suction like all other vegetarian animals; our tooth and jaw structure is vegetarian; and our saliva is alkaline and contains ptyalin for predigestion of grains. - Articles related to Long-distance journeys are out of fashion: Global warming is causing evolutionary changes in bird migration
The anthropoid apes can easily break a cocoanut with their teeth, and Guyot-Daubès thinks that possibly a gorilla has a jaw-force of 200 pounds.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The anthropoid apes in general manifest a reversion from the social toward the solitary state, this condition reaching its ultimate in the orang, which is one of the most solitary of animals.
Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
In 1917, he conducted experiments on anthropoid apes on the Island of Tenerife.
Gorillas, chimpanzees and gibbons are all anthropoid apes, having long arms, no tails and highly developed brains.