How To Use Anthozoan In A Sentence
Additional evidence for a role for estrogen in anthozoan reproduction comes from measurements of estrogen release into seawater prior to or during spawning events.
Chaetodon capistratus is a browser who feeds on anthozoans preferring hexacoral such as scleractinians, anemones, and zoantharians.
Hill A, Wagner A, Hill M (2003) Hox and paraHox genes from the anthozoan Parazoanthus parasiticus.
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The presence of a Ca 2 + dependent NOS-like enzyme was also demonstrated in biochemical experiments on both Hydra and an anthozoan Aiptasia.
For example, the widely employed anthozoan red fluorescent protein drFP583 (commercially available as DsRed) can be utilized as an "optical highlighter" in live mammalian cells.

One of the basic issues regarding the evolution of anthozoan colors that can be addressed at the present state of knowledge is the basis of intraspecific color variation.
Therefore, the anthozoan / dinoflagellate association possesses a CCM, including inducible host CA in proportion to the density of zooxanthellae.
The anthozoans are diploblastic animals developing from two epithelial germ cell layers: the ectoderm, facing the seawater, and the endoderm, facing the gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron.
In addition to their relevance as model organisms for understanding metazoan evolution, anthozoans are ecologically important.
In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble.
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The anthozoans are diploblastic animals developing from two epithelial germ cell layers: the ectoderm, facing the seawater, and the endoderm, facing the gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron.
Anthozoan cnidarians.-In at least two papers, workers have postulated an affinity between stromatoporoids and corals.
The main anthozoan subclass, which includes the corals, is the Zoantharia.
Anthozoan life cycles are therefore simpler and their evolution centers on the presence or absence of clonality and the development of polymorphism of polyps in colonial forms.
(A) Oblique section of a possible fossil anthozoan planula.
The oldest anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the Vendian (late Precambrian).
(B) Schematic view of a transverse section of the late planula of the anthozoan Euphyllia rugosa.
This complicated bilayered structure is typical of anthozoan late planula larvae.
Most symbiotic anthozoans live in nutrient-poor tropical waters.
In turn, anthozoan species seem to have lost their group A HOX9-14 gene (present in hydrozoans; inconclusive data for scyphozoans; figure 1).
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The life cycles of the hydrozoans P. carnea (B) and Hydractinia echinata (C) and a representative anthozoan (D).
Bilaterality.-All anthozoan groups, including both the Rugosa and the Scleractinia, are distinguished by an essentially bilateral organization.
The chaetetids compose a small group of organisms that was most often presumed to be among the anthozoan corals, more specifically allied to the Tabulata.
GnRH immunoreactivity has also been identified in two anthozoan species: the sea pansy, Renilla koellikeri, and the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis.
If skeletogenesis in Scleractinia is proved to be "reversible," we should reconstruct anthozoan taxonomy itself as a beginning, without distinguishing corals from soft-bodied anemones.
Anthozoans are readily available on coral reefs therefore it's not surprising that anthozoan tissue is their main diet.
It is not homologous with the bilaterality of body plans characteristic of anthozoan groups.
Anthozoan cnidarians lack the medusoid lifestage found in other Cnidaria.
Neuronal GSX expression, as reported from several hydrozoan and anthozoan species, is clearly more significant.
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GnRH immunoreactivity has also been identified in two anthozoan species: the sea pansy, Renilla koellikeri, and the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis.
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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Together these studies indicate the sex steroids are likely to play a role in regulating anthozoan gametogenesis and/or spawning.
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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These anthozoans resemble stony corals but lack skeletons.
Anthozoan polyps reproduce both sexually and asexually.
There are three known cases of independent evolution of a nonfluorescent color: in Hydrozoa and within anthozoan clades A and B.
For example, colonial anthozoan cnidarians, in particular the Pennatulacea or "sea pens" are quite capable of moving, defouling themselves, and burrowing both upwards and downwards.
When Wotton in 1552 gave to anthozoan corals and gorgonians, and hydrozoans the name Zoophyte, it was because of their morphological similarity to higher plants.
In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble.
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Development 134: 2549-2560. de Jong DM, Hislop NR, Hayward DC, Reece-Hoyes JS, Pontynen PC, et al. (2006) Components of both major axial patterning systems of the Bilateria are differentially expressed along the primary axis of a 'radiate' animal, the anthozoan cnidarian Acropora millepora.
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By contrast, Anthox - 2 (the Cnox - 2 anthozoan homolog) is expressed in the oral region of the anthozoan polyps Acropora and Nematostella.
The anthozoans are diploblastic animals developing from two epithelial germ cell layers: the ectoderm, facing the seawater, and the endoderm, facing the gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron.
Anthozoan cnidarians lack the medusoid lifestage found in other Cnidaria.
The origin of such symmetry is not related to the basic anthozoan body plan.
It has been proposed that the most recent common ancestor between cnidarians and bilaterians would have been morphologically similar to a pennatulacean anthozoan.
Although we cannot completely exclude a nonbiological or nonmetazoan origin, we identified what appear to be modern cnidarian developmental stages, including both anthozoan planula larvae and hydrozoan embryos.
Symbiosis with unicellular phototrophs has existed in anthozoans at least since the Triassic (225 million years ago) and likely constitutes a source of selective pressures that have deeply modified the host's physiology.
An anthozoan individual has a saclike body divided by radial partitions known as septa; these septa can easily be seen in corals, and their arrangement is an important character for classification.