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How To Use Anthony In A Sentence

  • A poor game was redeemed in the second half by a couple of superb goals from Anthony Edwards.
  • Anthony has brought a bit of structure and organisation and a bit of discipline to training.
  • Shaun Anthony Markey fled from Woolworth's store in Hereford with a battery-operated model of the chisel-jawed character, who features in the animated film Toy Story.
  • The church was dedicated to St Anthony of Egypt, patron saint of swineherds and of charcoal burners, a trade carried out on the fell for many years in the past.
  • Jeffrey's voice was rough and his words were harsh but Anthony remained calm and cool, save his eyes.
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  • In it, Bradley said the prosecution's claim that Anthony had conducted extensive searches for the word "chloroform" had been based on inaccurate data. Casey Anthony Trial Witness John Bradley Backtracks After Blasting Prosecutors (VIDEO)
  • Staff writer Colum Lynch at the United Nations, correspondent Anthony Faiola and special correspondent Samuel Sockol in Tunis, and staff writer Steve Hendrix in Benghazi contributed to this report. U.S., Europe considering naval operations to deliver humanitarian aid to Libya
  • Don't let reality, get in way of your dreams. Anthony Liccione 
  • When we pray we admit defeat. Anthony Burgess 
  • Since then Anthony has risen within the company ranks to the position of directing animator, and now calls California home.
  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country--the Halls of Congress--a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • Sir Anthony held the crown out on the tip of his lance.
  • Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse.
  • The latest rumor to emerge from the lock-tight SATC 2 shooting vault is that Anthony and Stanford will get married. 'Sex and the City 2': Will Anthony and Stanford tie the knot? |
  • I must say that acting was good training for the political life that lay ahead of us. Anthony Burgess 
  • C. ANTHONY: No, I ` m-- I ` m going to hang up and just walk away right now. CNN Transcript Jun 17, 2009
  • Anthony remained standing, gazing at a large, smouldering log that looked poised to roll forward undesirably. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Anthony's oak coffin had a large brass crucifix on the lid.
  • He smashed his fist into Anthony's face.
  • We walked up to the whites hill reserve and I got mud all over my white denim jeans, Anthony holding onto my waist and being a perfect gentleman.
  • “The censorship we now confront is vast in its reach,” Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his majority opinion, joined by his four more conservative colleagues. or Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 21, 2010
  • Snow was an accomplished author as well, having published a biography of Anthony Trollope as well as several novels, including a whodunit.
  • The first film they previewed for me was Cinescape Editor-In-Chief Anthony C. Ferrante's feature film debut BOO!
  • But Anthony Poole, the council's drainage manager, said the bypass would be designed design to allow the water to pass underneath it.
  • Five days shalt thou labour, as the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God’s. The sixth day is for football. Anthony Burgess 
  • Chef and crime writer Anthony Bourdain continues the wiseguy theme as he describes a life of cooking, crims and mixing with mobsters on page 20.
  • The first, from 30 yards, was well-struck, but the keeper palmed it away and the follow-up from Anthony Ruddy was again smothered by the Erris custodian.
  • The surprise was that the Gators' top-five ranking through early March was due in part to the upperclass play of freshmen Matt Walsh and Anthony Roberson.
  • Dr. Anthony Monroe sat down in front of him, resting a brown folder on the table.
  • Pensioner Anthony Tanner was left highly distressed after a vandal tried to set his house on fire with a burning newspaper.
  • He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
  • Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats.
  • Anthony didn't deign a reply because the teacher had now started to speak.
  • Some of her early tales, before these, were a little "raw": and most of her later work showed (as did Anthony Trollope's and that of other though not all very prolific novelists) that the field had been overcropped. The English Novel
  • That gave him the opportunity to tackle Anthony down again, knocking him out cold.
  • Don't make prayer a consistent battle, but rather constantly pray against life's battles. Anthony Liccione 
  • Anthony Parker, Toronto Raptors: The Raptors underachieved this season, but it's not Parker's fault. Hard work the mantra of our inaugural All-Rambis Team
  • Anthony, whose job it was to act as a buffer between editorial staff and management and who always looked as though he was on the verge of a heart attack, slammed the phone down, cursed and reached for a cigarette.
  • Paul Mormando and Anthony Miccio were convicted on misdemeanor assault and discrimination charges.
  • In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.
  • She went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Anthony Quayle in The Taming of the Shrew, and to see Sir Laurence Olivier in Richard III. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • Anthony sighed, leaving the car engine idling.
  • One was a chandler from Co. Louth, and the other was the accomplished Dublin artist Anthony Lee.
  • Katrina R. DeNosaquo, Robert B. Smith, Anthony R. Lowry, 2009, Density and lithospheric strength models of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain volcanic system from gravity and heat flow data Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • They range from the chamber music of the Clarinets, a woodwind trio with Mr. Noriega and Anthony Burr, to the instrumental rock of My Ears Are Bent, an ensemble project led by keyboardist Ted Reichman that features guitarist Mary Halvorson. Dancing in the Swirl of Skirl
  • Then as he walked rapidly down the lane, Anthony saw to his left, in a f ield, an astonishing sight. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Anthony loved the excuse to chide, to mock, to exercise, in appearance, a little affectionate tutelage. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The judges - Sir Igor Judge, the lord chief justice; Lord Neuberger, the master of the rolls; and Sir Anthony May, president of the Queen's Bench - also stressed the importance of the media in supporting the principle of open justice in a case which, they said, raised issues of "fundamental importance", of "democratic accountability and … the rule of law itself". The Guardian World News
  • It is better to have God over your shoulder, than carry the world alone on your back. Anthony Liccione 
  • CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY ` S MOTHER: Casey, hold on, sweetheart. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2009
  • Anthony threw himself back in his chair as the delicate tinkling began to pour out and overscore the soft cooing of a pigeon on the roofs somewhere and the murmur of bees through the open window. By What Authority?
  • Using the visual, audio, kinetic and print forms, her new lingo reads like a wild blend of Chaucer, SMS-speak and Anthony Burgess's droog slang. This week's new exhibitions
  • No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology ( Anthony Trollope ).
  • Being quiet is the loudest remark. Anthony Liccione 
  • When Anthony Overfield rides his motorcycle, he carries two passengers on board: so-called gremlin bells. The Power of Lucky Charms
  • Anthony Tohill had an outstanding game against Cavan, free running, forward momentum and sparkling impact while Fergal Doherty provided excellent anchorage.
  • Reminded me very much of Pier’s Anthony’s discourse on fungi in I think Omnivore, where I saw the word saprophyte for the first time. They Are Everywhere Among Us, Their Work Not Yet Done
  • William rushed over as fast as he could, broke down the door, and wrestled Anthony off of me.
  • _average_ novel of the third quarter of the century -- in a more than average but not of an extraordinary, transcendental, or quintessential condition -- Anthony Trollope is about as good a representative as can be found. The English Novel
  • The memory of Anthony and me standing in front of that mirror, both of us horrified by my fatty, slitty eyes, is still quite painful. Unbearable Lightness
  • Photographer Anthony Gibson was lucky enough to capture an attempt by this lynx to grab an American wigeon in Alaska's Denali National Park. Lynx Stalks an American Wigeon
  • Mr Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.
  • May I live to embowel James Anthony Froude" is the pious aspiration with which he has adorned another page. The Life of Froude
  • To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world. Anthony Burgess 
  • The condition called ergotism or St. Anthony’s fire, common in medieval Europe, was caused by a mycotoxin produced by a mold that grew in rye bread. HOME COMFORTS
  • The beaker in front of the first pitcher is a prize example of Anthony Rasch's New Orleans work, about 1825 to 1835.
  • He swung off into the darkness, and a minute later Anthony heard his steps upon the metalling of the London road. Anthony Lyveden
  • The British director Anthony Minghella was the toast of the Academy in 1996, when his film The English Patient bagged no less than nine Oscars.
  • Anthony's also got a followup entry at his blog: "[W] hat I neglected to mention in the story is that most of the films have not exactly done 'boffo' business. GreenCine Daily: Oscar countdown.
  • Special collaborators: Gamelan Son of Lion, Raul Jaurena, Daniel Binelli, Anthony Coleman , Elliott Sharp .
  • It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen. Anthony Burgess 
  • When we expand political economy to encompass women's unwaged labor, including the multitude of forms of emotional labor (which Anthony McMahon gathers under the rubric of "taking care of men"), then it becomes clear, according to sociologist Anna G. Jónasdóttir, that "men ... continually appropriate significantly more of women's life force and capacity than they themselves give back to women. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Even more than Blakey, who tended to stick with the Messengers' hard-bop format, Roach was a restless experimenter who was open to many forms of postmodern experimentation, including team-ups with such free-jazz avatars as Archie Shepp, Anthony Braxton and Cecil Taylor. The Jazz Scene: Rhythm Kings and the Chairman of the Board
  • Anthony is a controversial figure and has a habit of saying things just to drum up a bit of publicity.
  • The other main characters are FBI agent Brad Wolgast, death row inmate Anthony Carter and young African nun Lacey in the near future thread, while in the main part, young "watchers" - ie militiamen/women of the colony that protect it from the "virals" aka ageless and seemingly non-sentient, instinct driven, "pseudo-vampires" that populate most of North America now - Peter Jaxon, Alicia Donadio and Peter's older brother Theo. "The Passage" by Justin Cronin (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • Anthony Hopkins goes from sullen silence to wordy sermonising as an unhinged anthropologist in this heavy-handed drama.
  • Another minor point here is the lazy use of the term Orwellian in Anthony's piece, to describe the revolutionary fraternity associated with the term 'Brother.' Cambodia: Details are Sketchy
  • Steve:Haha. That's terrific, Anthony. I never knew you were such a cutup.
  • He looks unlikely to grab the prize as Anthony Hutton is the red-hot favourite and is now odds-on to win at 4-5.
  • Getting chinned by Anthony was one of the best things that could have happened to Lee.
  • Christine Martin prepares a wrap for sophmore Anthony Centone, 16 right, during lunch at Lakeland High School. 26,500 school cafeterias lack required inspections
  • Anthony Edwards and Gary Sinise both phone it in, and Dominic West has little trouble playing the drunk.
  • Anthony Milne, an anguished soul in a Yucatan-style jacket and veldskoens, has been coming here since the poetry evenings started.
  • Anthony Curio bragged the whole way how he’d taken Suzy Micheli to the drive-in only he always called the drive-in the submarine races the night before, popping her cherry on the vinyl seat Jimmy and I were sitting on. Kings of Colorado
  • Anthony nodded to the bard dancing on a table as he sang and strummed his lute.
  • The mirror will only lie, when you look at it through a mask. Anthony Liccione 
  • He is a past pupil of Gortnor Abbey Convent and Anthony is now studying at GMIT Galway.
  • Unfortunately, on Anthony's second run of the morning he aquaplaned off the circuit, damaging the chassis.
  • One of these was the _staretz_ (ancient) Anthony, who in three or four years amassed a considerable fortune. Modern Saints and Seers
  • Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It's how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance. Anthony Liccione 
  • Their third connection came with less than five minutes to play when Anthony dribbled under the hoop and tossed it up to James, who dunked from the other direction. - LeBron, Carmelo play to crowd at Rookie Challenge
  • In his very brief opportunity as the fisherman, Ruodi, Anthony Dean Griffey unveiled an exquisite lyric tenor.
  • Frank Sheldon Anthony, a pioneering exponent of the New Zealand comic yarn, lived as a backblocks farmer in south Taranaki from the 1890s till 1924.
  • Llanthony Priory's future could now depend on the new National Lottery.
  • It is better to tell the truth and face the punishment, than to lie and face the consequences. Anthony Liccione 
  • The mirror will only lie, when you look at it through a mask. Anthony Liccione 
  • If love breaks more than a heart, maybe it's a sign and time to step out. Anthony Liccione 
  • Anthony had written that life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an elite using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true.
  • Trust is like a two-way mirror, transparent on one side, with a blind dimness unable to see through on the other side. Anthony Liccione 
  • Essential to life, is desiring the things that you need, than needing the things you desire. Anthony Liccione 
  • Chere Kristin, I am going to call my friend in New Orleans and together we will pray to St Anthony to return Braise safely home to you. Chien perdu - French Word-A-Day
  • Then all four started running through the tunnel as Anthony, Mike, and Johnny took off in three different directions, trying to outrun their pursuers.
  • The patron of the hospital was held in such esteem, that when any person's sow pigged, one was set apart, and fed as fat as they could make it, to give to the brethren of St. Anthony.
  • After we had sailed some fourteen days we were brought to Cape St. Anthony again through lack of favourable wind; but then our scarcity was grown such as need make us look a little better for water, which we found in sufficient quantity, being indeed, as I judge, none other than rain-water newly fallen and gathered up by making pits in a plot of marish ground some three hundred paces from the seaside. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • Senseless violence is a prerogative of youth, which has much energy but little talent for the constructive. Anthony Burgess 
  • In the end, Charles' robotic moonwalk was overcome by Anthony's jiggy jittering.
  • Anthony Cowgill has produced the only comprehensive guide to the Maastricht Treaty.
  • Anthony Hopkins was much more frightening as a serial killer than Currie is as the son of Satan.
  • Le lieutenant n'hésite pas à mettre sa tête en les mains du meurtrier joué par le Londonien Anthony Andrews, interprète notamment du demi-frère du personnage tenu par Albert Finney dans Under the Volcano de John Huston. Archive 2009-07-12
  • On this basis, they have said, Anthony Blunt was considered to have committed treason by spying for the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  • Cleopatra would never have set off to woo Mark Anthony armed with a single spritz of attar of roses.
  • And then there's the symphony's scherzo, which is based on a separate piece Mahler wrote using an excerpt about St. Anthony of Padua from the German folk poems "Des Knaben Wunderhorn". Chicagoist
  • Led by playing of uncommon mellowness and timbral purity from clarinetist Anthony McGill, enhanced by the elegant understatement of veteran violist Michael Tree and the character-rich keyboard work of pianist Anna Polonsky, they brought out the genial warmth in Mozart's writing. A superlative performance by the Schumann Trio
  • WACO (June 24, 2009) - Eddie Anthony Patterson, 47, of Waco was in custody Wednesday after a KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • The musical is the brainchild of Anthony and Rosalie Calabrese, who together wrote the book, music and lyrics.
  • The other reason is that it’s a slim novel – I’d have liked to try a James Joyce novel, and I have a copy of Ulysses… but it’s huge I also own Anthony Burgess’ Here Comes Everybody, his study of, although there’s little point in reading about, unless I’ve read Joyce, Joyce, Joyce*. More Catching Up With The Challenge « It Doesn't Have To Be Right…
  • Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, founder and assistant director of the institute, is also its expert in Spanish paleography and serves as lead investigator in its Dominican colonial research. The Full Feed from
  • Lecraic. com www. www. golez. net Irish Blogs
  • Anthony manoeuvred his wheelchair out from behind his desk.
  • Bressler had, it was plain, been promptly informed, and Anthony's condition exaggerated rather than understated. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • According to Anthony Kenny, you can tell whether a philosophy of religion specialist is a believer or not by their neckwear.
  • Leading this arduous feat is Michael Anthony Rawlins, who parades Boy Willy like a horse wearing blinders in his drive for land ownership.
  • So, for an instant, Anthony stood at Susanna's threshold, looking into her antechamber, breathless almost with his sense of her imminence; -- and then the tall flunkey said, in the fastidious accents of flunkeydom, "Net et _em_, sir;" and all my hero's high-strung emotion must spend itself in the depositing of a card. The Lady Paramount
  • James Corby nodded in acknowledgment and joined Lieutenant Anthony Bridges on the poop deck at the back from where they cast a calm and alert eye across the proceedings on deck.
  • A little before six o'clock, we were casting plugs about a mile above St. Anthony Falls when the Patrick Gannaway, a towboat, came chugging upriver with two barges.
  • In the dim glow of the closest streetlight Anthony could see her face turn pale. HAUNTED
  • Anthony Buckeridge assembles the real essence of the retired schoolmaster - Panama hat, silver-tipped cane, swan-necked pipe (minus tobacco since a heart attack last year).
  • ‘Don't worry about it,’ said Anthony, reaching for his own credit card, but I was unappeased.
  • Don't pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure. Anthony Liccione 
  • Anthony was one of four men hurt when the high-rise window-cleaning cradle became detached.
  • Clearly not intimidated by a design challenge, British table mathematician, designer and artist Anthony Leyland has developed these creative tables sliced, bent, shaped and reworked from a single 1-square meter sheet of steel. Too Peace Table
  • Anthony Kennedy, though conservative on most issues, is the court's swing voter.
  • Eventually Anthony took the pad away and found a few albino strands growing behind.
  • Many people are trying hard to be invincible, and most of the time they fail invisible, while few find their spotlight. But the remarkable person is one, who can be both invincible and invisible at the same time. Anthony Liccione 
  • Amazingly tall and thin, but not anorexic in the way that some of the papers would have us all believe, she oozes charm from every pore, holding court beside the director of the film Anthony Minghella.
  • Anthony Quinn also got a good jolt or two saying that ‘Once the frights began I was jumping from my seat as if poked in the back by a cattle-prod’.
  • At the far end, that's Bishop Anthony with that funny crooked rotan which is the staff used by shepherds to herd their sheep. The Obnoxious 5xmom
  • With Dalgliesh carrying Anthony they passed into the cottage.
  • Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats.
  • This is now the fifth day, five days on, and we are waiting to know what happened to him and I, his mother, I need to know what happened to Anthony.
  • Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.
  • This is going to be awesome. anthony gadberry just read about this kid in maxim i think ... interesting story. David Gordon Green to Make Biopic About Teen Outlaw Colton Harris-Moore | /Film
  • If you can't laugh at Anthony van Dyck's boozed-up cavaliers, Thomas Gainsborough's cadaverous, blue-faced debutantes or Damien Hirst's 13-foot shark in a few thousand gallons of formaldehyde, you're really missing out on some great fun. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • Whoever put the word fun in funeral? Anthony Liccione 
  • Jennifer Ford, a 32-year-old nursing student who served as juror number 3 on the Casey Anthony murder trial, told ABC News that she and other jurors were "sick to our stomachs" after acquitting Anthony of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. Casey Anthony Juror: 'Sick To Our Stomachs' Over Verdict
  • The Denver Nuggets and three other NBA teams are close to pulling the trigger on a complicated deal that would send all-star forward Carmelo Anthony ... Carmelo Anthony Trade Reports Have Nuggets Star Headed To New Jersey In Four-Team Deal
  • By not allowing Anthony Mascheck undisturbed sharing of his point of view as a former military man, the group demonstrated their disinterest in engaging in a mannerly debate and exposed their true desire to provoke and instigate. Marco Reininger: ROTC at Columbia University: Regarding the Heckling of a Veteran
  • But I lost an oak, a juniper and a catalpa tree, and there’s no replacing them, ” Ms. Anthony said.
  • To help him reminisce, he is joined by troupers from that period: Ken Dodd, Roy Hudd, Sheila Tracy and Anthony Horowitz.
  • Labels: anthony hope, deborah crombie, jerry goldsmith, prisoner of zenda Archive 2007-02-11
  • The performance itself was spectacular -- scenes from all six movies on a humungous LED screen while a tremendous live orchestra played a series of symphonic suites from the films, all held together by Anthony Daniels telling the story. Heading for Albuquerque
  • Anthony, who also works on the railway as a shunter, took up running after seeing how it improved Martin's fitness.
  • The failure of the Susan B. Anthony dollar was largely attributed to its quarter-like size and appearance; it was originally hendecagonal to get around this very problem, but coin people would only take round.
  • Anthony felt the need to lighten the atmosphere.
  • This month Anthony de Jasay reflects upon the implications of admitting Turkey to the European Union.
  • Anthony is as lean and fit as his stockmen and they work together like a well-oiled machine, mustering the cattle through today's weaning, weighing and dipping with practiced ease.
  • The night before he began his college basketball career, Anthony was shanghaied along with the rest of his Syracuse teammates and was taken to a party at the New York museum on board the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier.
  • Anthony is taking pictures of a faded blue warehouse door on which pink and coral and pale gold stars are hanging.
  • We try to have new ones all the time," said Anthony M. Markella, a title examiner for 25 years who heads the committee that organizes the display. Most Popular
  • So did a certain cafard or dissembling religionary preach at Sinay, that Saint Anthony sent the fire into men’s legs, that Saint Eutropius made men hydropic, Saint Clidas, fools, and that Saint Genou made them goutish. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves, or sink you under deep into its abyss. Anthony Liccione 
  • When I asked to speak with him about this after class, he laughingly told me he likes to "multitask"! anthony grafton commented at 8:18 AM~ Ferule & Fescue
  • As soon as I reached Washington, Miss Anthony ordered me to remain conscientiously in my own apartment and to prepare a speech for delivery before the committees of the Senate and House, and another, as President, for the opening of the council. Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • Being quiet is the loudest remark. Anthony Liccione 
  • Anthony displays all the characteristics of a truly valuable employee.
  • CINDY ANTHONY, MOTHER OF CASEY: Casey, hold on, sweetheart. CNN Transcript May 12, 2009
  • Anthony was snubbed from the Western Conference team, overlooked Thursday when the reserves were announced.
  • The play is being written by Anthony Cullen in collaboration with students and teachers at St. Edward's.
  • Certainly brother Lee's use of initials CMA rather than directly using the name fueled a great deal of speculation that he was referring to Casey Marie Anthony. Blogger News Network
  • CINDY ANTHONY: You guys see the tough George, the tough Cindy, the tough Lee in front of all you guys. CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2008
  • He's being such an immense monomaniacal divvy about Anthony that his cycle of grinning wildly or crying his eyes out keeps speeding up with every passing day.
  • A circle of friends, doesn't always keep perfect relationships.". Anthony Liccione 
  • For example, Anthony Parsons 'passion was “the improvement of various florists’ flowers” and his pioneering work his work on dahlias, pansies, verbenas, petunias, hollyhocks and achimenes resulted in dozens of new hybrids, the forefathers of many we grow today. The polymath in the garden
  • Personally, I would have liked to see Anthony Michael Hall pull the upset on Judd Nelson, matching up with Emilio Estevez in a bare-knuckle brawl to see who walks away with the prom queen. Top 10 Movies Ruined by a Female Presence » Scene-Stealers
  • Justice Anthony M.. Kennedy jumped in and attacked Davis at one point for the inconsistency of his rhetoric and logic.
  • Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It's how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance. Anthony Liccione 
  • Led by playing of uncommon mellowness and timbral purity from clarinetist Anthony McGill, enhanced by the elegant understatement of veteran violist Michael Tree and the character-rich keyboard work of pianist Anna Polonsky, they brought out the genial warmth in Mozart's writing. A superlative performance by the Schumann Trio
  • That's about twice as wet as the Sahara," said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator of the LCROSS mission.
  • The Wolfman is looking glorious, and this trailer really brings an urgency and pace to it, but with Anthony Hopkins reigning it in and giving it a darker and broodier feel through his voiceover. Filmstalker: New trailer for The Wolfman online in HD
  • The second I did so, Anthony charged forward and the fight began.
  • Anthony Perkins is the evil anti-hero of the Hitchcock thriller 'Psycho'.
  • The curator, Anthony Gross, has staggered the screenings in order to show as many films as possible in two weeks.
  • Others have fallen as a result of their online behaviour, be it through hasty tweets or blog posts of a vitriolic nature equating to a public mud-slinging match, to the technological sex scandals from the likes of Vernon Kay and Jason Manford, to politicians such as Anthony Weiner. Ambi Sitham: Keyboard Warriors and Trolls: Post in haste, Repent at Your Leisure
  • Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home. Anthony Liccione 
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • Anthony Rice has used morphology of zoea to develop phylogenies of subsets of decapods that provides a different insight into relationships.
  • I see what is right and approve, but I do what is wrong. Anthony Burgess 
  • The animal associated with Anthony is the Marabou, which is a large African stork which scavenges for food.
  • Give all your pearls, and the swine will make a pearl necklace, then run off. Don't show all your glory. Anthony Liccione 
  • CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ` S MOTHER: Casey always packed a bag for Caylee. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • Anthony Taylor, Crca/Dave Jordan Caoching/zep, in 1: 36: 47.90 28. Equal prize money to Holloway and Tamayo at Boston’s TD Bank Mayor’s Cup
  • But BBC producer Anthony Geffen, with directors Edmund Coulthard and Nick Godwin and writer Mark Hay-hurst, have given "The Promised Land" an intensely American rhythm, propelled by an extraordinary score by artists such as jazzman Louis Armstrong, blues singerBessie Smith and rap group Public Enemy and original music by Terence Blanchard, who scored Spike Lee's "Malcolm X. When Heaven Turned To Hell
  • Around her was a mass of hungry school newspaper journalists and editors and photographers and gossipers wanting the scoop on her and Anthony.
  • Many are hurting for love, while many are suffering from a love that hurts. Anthony Liccione 
  • A design queen, a minimalist restaurant, a plate of devilled kidneys and Bryan Ferry… Anthony Quinn finds the cutting edge of chic quite challenging
  • In the other locker room, Carmelo Anthony was opining that a Denver victory would so decimate the Wolves that the entire franchise would go out of business.
  • Anthony spread himself over a yielding sofa and made an elbow-rest among the pillows. The Beautiful and Damned
  • I just got a call from Anna, my little sister," Anthony said. TRUST ME
  • Under Stephen Anthony Head, the buoyantly self-obsessed and sex-obsessed boss—a delectably offensive character—work days are filled with raunchy fun, undergraduate sex prattle, and small humiliations. Bunnies and Lovelorn Males

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